Sunday, December 11, 2022


I suppose many of you will not find my epistle loving in the sense that you may have hoped it would be. I want to speak with you all about returning to a primitive and Biblical form of worship free of organized religion. But before I do we need some context. From Mark 2:22 NAS: “And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the skins, and the wine is lost and the skins as well; but one puts new wine into fresh wineskins.” We have a clear pattern for how the New Testament church met, was ministered to, functioned, gathered, and worshipped during the first century laid down in the Scriptures. It astounds me how many believers who appear to be very zealous in the practice of their beliefs choose to ignore what the Scriptures clearly state.

Let us look at how no one operates without the mark of beast of Big Government attached to Big Organized religion today. Pay close attention to the fact that no one buys or sells in the name of their religious organization without the mark of, you guessed it, the beast.

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, proof of copyright:



Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches, proof of copyright:

The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches, proof of copyright:


Associated Gospel Churches, proof of copyright:

Why this bugs me, from Revelation 13 NAS Bible:

16 And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,

17 and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six *.

What the reformer themselves thought on the matter:

From the Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 18/1 (Spring 2007): 81–100. Article copyright © 2007 by Dennis Pettibone.

Martin Luther’s Views on the Antichrist

Dennis Pettibone

Southern Adventist University

“In the warm ecumenical afterglow of Vatican II, Martin Luther’s identification of the papacy as the Antichrist of Bible prophecy is often seen as narrow-minded, bigoted, and even unchristian. His view, which until recently was shared by a broad spectrum of conservative Evangelical Protestants, is now seen as an embarrassment by some members of churches that retain this interpretation. It is no longer socially acceptable to describe the papacy as the fulfillment of a collection of prophecies regarding a powerful spiritual tyranny.

Even the United States Congress has put itself on record regarding this issue. In 2000 Congress passed a joint resolution condemning Bob Jones University for promoting this belief. The politicians who passed that resolution were probably unaware that they were undermining the historical foundations of Protestantism, but this is the logical inference one can make from this significant observation by Professor Phillip Cary of Eastern University: “The Reformation wouldn’t have happened without the conviction that the pope was Antichrist.”

Since this conviction is one that most contemporary Protestants have discarded, Cary—who describes himself as an “ecumenical minded Protestant” — challenges his fellow Protestants: “If the pope isn’t the Antichrist, what right do you have to be split?” If Protestantism owes its very existence to Luther’s conviction that the papacy was the Antichrist, it might be instructive to inquire why Luther held this view and under what circumstances he came to this conclusion. We will see that he came to this view slowly and reluctantly, driven by historical circumstances and theological reflection. We will also briefly note the comparable views of other Protestant Reformers and their predecessors. Looking at the idea that the papacy is the Antichrist of prophecy in its historical context might give us a rational basis for evaluating it. We will focus primarily on Luther because it was his views on the subject that triggered the Protestant Reformation. However, we should note that Luther was far from the first person to hold this view. Luther himself credited John Huss with being the first to call the pope an Antichrist. Huss did indeed consider the Pope to be the Antichrist, but he was not the first to do so, nor was his mentor, John Wycliffe, although Wycliffe and at least some of his Lolland followers, including Sir John Oldcastle, held this belief. This idea also circulated among the Waldensians, the Albigensians, and the Fraticelli, a group of Franciscans with more regard for the rule of St. Francis than for papal authority. But even earlier than that, back in 991, Bishop Arnulf of Orleans, describing papal murder, lust, and intrigue, asked, “Are there any bold enough to maintain that the priests of the Lord over all the world are to take their law from monsters of guilt like these . . .?” When a person so deficient in virtue sits on the papal throne, Arnulf suggested that he must “be the ‘Antichrist, sitting in the temple of God, and showing himself as God.’” Martin Luther was probably unaware of the previous attacks on the papacy when, in 1517, he drafted his 95 Theses. If he had been, he would have been unsympathetic. At the time he regarded John Huss as a heretic. His target was not the papacy; it was a greedy Dominican monk named Johann Tetzel who was distorting Catholic doctrine by exaggerating the benefits of indulgences. Luther had no intention of splitting the church: he was only trying to protect his parishioners.” - end of quote

Well, there’s the trouble you see. The reformers knew that the Roman Church was based upon the rule of a false Bishop in Rome who claimed to be able to absolve sin, have the power over heaven, earth, and hell to bind and loose (hence the Pope’s three-tiered helmet) and uses of keys representing this as one of his symbols. From Wikipedia:,%22governor%20of%20the%20world%22%20and%20%22Vicar%20of%20Christ%22

“The crossed keys symbolise the keys of Simon Peter. The keys are gold and silver to represent the power of loosing and binding. The triple crown (the tiara) symbolizes the triple power of the Pope as "father of kings", "governor of the world" and "Vicar of Christ". Pictured above is the seal of the Vatican City The gold cross on a monde (globe) surmounting the tiara symbolizes the sovereignty of Jesus.” 

The Anti-Christ of the Bible did not mean the “against Christ” as many modern Christians have come to assume but rather “the in the place of Christ” where the Pope took the place of Christ to an apostate church.

Furthermore, even though the reformers knew that the Pope represented the office of the Anti-Christ they attempted to rework the fallen church by putting new wine into an old wineskin. Brethren our righteous ancestors did not go near far enough in returning to the pattern laid down in the New Testament which defines the nature of Christ’s body here on earth. If we are to glorify Christ, we are commissioned to recover it. For it is that glorification that will usher in His return.

The Body of Christ is an organism, not an organization. Reworked Roman Catholicism with the remnants of its Papal excesses, worship of images and relics, superstition, and mummery only blind believers to the unvarnished Truth of Christ which can only be manifested in a gathering unencumbered by the remnants of the old religion. The very religion which bastardized primitive Christian gatherings to create an organized corporatized big government sanctioned religion where no man bought or sold without the image of the beast of state control and licensing. That beloved is the diametric opposite of Godly!

Sunday, December 4, 2022

I want to speak with you about the actual origins of COVID19


The Cassandra Metaphor is a term given to situations where legitimate warnings are either dismissed for being too fantastic or disbelieved because they challenge the commonly held narrative. The metaphor originated in Greek mythology and referred to Cassandra who was the daughter of Priam the King of Troy. The Greek God Apollo was overcome by her beauty and so gave Cassandra the gift of prophecy, however when Cassandra rejected Apollo’s romantic overtures, he cursed her prophecies so that no one would believe her warnings. This left Cassandra fatalistically knowing that disaster and ruin were impending, yet unable to do anything to stop them.,a%20daughter%20of%20Priam%2C%20the%20King%20of%20Troy.

“The metaphor has been applied in a variety of contexts such as psychology, environmentalism, politics, science, cinema, the corporate world, and in philosophy, and has been in circulation since at least 1949 when French philosopher Gaston Bachelard coined the term 'Cassandra Complex' to refer to a belief that things could be known in advance.[1]


The Cassandra metaphor is applied by some psychologists to individuals who experience physical and emotional suffering as a result of distressing personal perceptions, and who are disbelieved when they attempt to share the cause of their suffering with others.

Disability and Neurodivergence

Many people on the Autism spectrum, and people with disabilities, have suffered abuse and died at the hands of caregivers and institutions as a result of not being believed when they attempt to communicate their experiences of abuse. Professionals contribute to this when they dismiss signs of trauma and distress as symptoms of the person's diagnosed condition. This reflects the larger problem of professionals neglecting to get to know neurodivergent and Disabled persons as individuals with important perspectives and insights, instead viewing them through experience-distant diagnostic criteria.

Paradoxically, the Cassandra Syndrome has been conceived to apply to neurotypical partners who try to communicate to professionals that the problem resides in their Autistic partners when conflict arises between them. In this narrative, mental health professionals exacerbate the parties' troubles by blaming the distressed neuro-typical partner for being an alarmist, for having inappropriate anxiety which feeds into problems and for having unrealistic parenting expectations of the other parent. This is no more helpful than attributing problems solely to Autistic partners.

Melanie Klein

In 1963, psychologist Melanie Klein provided an interpretation of Cassandra as representing the human moral conscience whose main task is to issue warnings. Cassandra as moral conscience, "predicts ill to come and warns that punishment will follow and grief arise." Cassandra's need to point out moral infringements and subsequent social consequences is driven by what Klein calls "the destructive influences of the cruel super-ego," which is represented in the Greek myth by the god Apollo, Cassandra's overlord and persecutor. Klein's use of the metaphor centers on the moral nature of certain predictions, which tends to evoke in others "a refusal to believe what at the same time they know to be true, and expresses the universal tendency toward denial, [with] denial being a potent defence against persecutory anxiety and guilt.” – end of quote

I know how Cassandra must have felt. Moreover, it is quite likely I exist somewhere on the autistic spectrum with the probable candidate being Asperger’s Syndrome, on top of which I suffer from OCD. But as they often say, just because you’re crazy doesn’t mean you haven’t seen something that others often may have ignored. So, I have the sad comfort of knowing that in the unlikely event someone would care to check my warnings, they are all recorded on this channel. You will find that they have proven to be frighteningly accurate.

In a recent interview between Dr. Jordan B. Peterson and Dr. Matt Ridley they went into an in-depth look at the origins of COVID19 and as I have been stating since early 2020 there are far too many smoking guns to believe that what the authorities were telling us was truthful. You may watch this interview here at:

Anyone who followed closely the story of Pfizer BioNTech, its association with the Wuhan Institute of Virology located at Ground Zero of the outbreak, the fact that the creation of mRNA technology and the emergence of Covid19 coincide, that Canada as well as the US and Great Britain sent deadly live pathogens to that location, that Chinese scientists loyal to the CCP were detained by the RCMP for doing so who had worked at our level 4 bio-pathogen lab in Winnipeg and that high level diplomats whom I knew of were aware that something was coming no later than September of 2019 all indicate that this wasn't a pandemic, rather it was a PLANDEMIC!

The following story was published by CBC on July 14, 2019, entitled “Chinese researcher escorted from infectious disease lab amid RCMP investigation”

“A researcher with ties to China was recently escorted out of the National Microbiology Lab (NML) in Winnipeg amid an RCMP investigation into what's being described as a possible "policy breach."

Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband Keding Cheng and an unknown number of her students from China were removed from Canada's only level-4 lab on July 5, CBC News has learned.

A Level 4 virology facility is a lab equipped to work with the most serious and deadly human and animal diseases. That makes the Arlington Street lab one of only a handful in North America capable of handling pathogens requiring the highest level of containment, such as Ebola.

Security access for the couple and the Chinese students was revoked, according to sources who work at the lab and do not want to be identified because they fear consequences for speaking out.

Sources say this comes several months after IT specialists for the NML entered Qiu's office after-hours and replaced her computer. Her regular trips to China also started being denied.

At meetings on July 8, NML staff were told the researchers are on leave for an unknown period of time. They were told not to communicate with them.

Qiu is a prominent virologist who helped develop ZMapp, a treatment for the deadly Ebola virus which killed more than 11,000 people in West Africa between 2014-2016.

She worked with Gary Kobinger, who is now a professor in the Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases and director of the Research Centre on Infectious Diseases at Laval University in Quebec.

Affiliated with Chinese university

Qiu is a medical doctor from Tianjin, China, who came to Canada for graduate studies in 1996. She is still affiliated with the university there and has brought in many students over the years to help with her work.

Currently head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapies section in the Special Pathogens Program at the lab, Qiu's primary field is immunology. Her research focuses on vaccine development, post-exposure therapeutics and rapid diagnostics of viruses like Ebola.

She is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Medical Microbiology at the University of Manitoba.

Cheng also works at the lab as a biologist. He has published research papers on HIV infections, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), E. coli infections and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome.” – end quote

And let us look at the following;

“Weaponizing Medicine: China’s Latest Theft a Potential Biological Weapon” by Christopher Burgess / Aug 15, 2019

“On the heels of finding that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) had its level 3 and 4 biological research labs sanctioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we learn that many of those same viruses that USAMRIID was researching are on their way to China, courtesy of a Canadian laboratory.

In early July 2019, Xiangguo Qui, a Chinese scientist at the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, was dismissed and her ties with the University of Manitoba cut. What makes this somewhat unusual is that Qui is recognized globally as one of the leading researchers on infectious diseases. Furthermore, Qui is credited with being instrumental in creating a new drug for treating the Ebola virus. Despite her accomplishments, the CBC reports that Qui, her husband Keding Cheng, and her students were “forcibly dispatched from the facility on July 5.

In response to pathogen samples being sent to China, the National Microbiology Laboratory spokesperson commented:

“To advance scientific work worldwide, the National Microbiology Laboratory routinely shares samples of pathogens and toxins with partner laboratories in Canada and in other countries. These transfers follow strict protocols.”


The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating the sharing of Ebola, as well as a second pathogen, a henipavirus, which in real life kills 100% of those infected. While the lab claims this is normal and is part of the global research into deadly pathogens, the potential transfer of knowledge to China may be advancing their biological weapons program.

In a research paper published by the National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, the authors note, “Continued outbreaks of Henipaviruses in South Asia and Australia cause severe and lethal disease in both humans and animals. Together, with evidence of human to human transmission for Nipah virus and the lack of preventative or therapeutic measures, its threat to cause a widespread outbreak and its potential for weaponization has increased. ”

Providing the henipavirus to China would seem to feed the weaponization narrative. One could also argue that given the proximity of the henipavirus outbreaks in South Asia, research into treatment is a high priority for China.


The Ebola treatment drug, ZMapp, in which Qui had a collaborative hand, has already been cloned (pun intended) by a Chinese company, even though the the experimental drug was under patent. The Chinese firm, Mabworks, admitted they had duplicated the drug without authorization, and then continued working with researchers in Canada.

Digging into Qui’s dismissal, coupled with the obtuse and contradictory statements coming out of named and unnamed sources to the Canadian press, the worst case scenario is that Qui, her husband and research students made possible an unauthorized transfer of technology and deadly pathogens to China. They facilitated the theft of research and pathogen strains by China. The other end of the spectrum has Qui being investigated for administrative lapses which exposed intellectual property to a foreign entity in an unauthorized manner, though without malice or interest in advancing China’s biological weapons program, nor putting coin into her own pocket.

Bottom line?

China now has samples of the heniparvirus and research from the Canadian National Lab, which may be useful in advancing China’s biological weapons program, occurring at a time the USAMRIID’s defensive biological research lab is shut down.” – end quote

They did much worse than weaponize medicine, yes, they took it even further than developing a bioweapon, they politicised medicine to use it as a tool to further the dialectical materialism of a full-blown Communist Revolution. COVID 19 became the primary motivator for the largest transference of wealth in human history from the common person to the elite who seek to control everything!

I've never trusted the State, ever. Only a fool would, or perhaps someone who uses the State’s apparatus to their own manipulative ends. But I'll do one better, people who do so are responsible for creating totalitarian regimes. It's that simple. Each and every time totalitarianism has emerged the leaders of the revolution simply told a sufficient number of their citizens what the citizens wished to hear to foment that revolution. So, what people who have placed their faith in Big Government have done here in Canada is unconscionable!

Christians often fall prey to the simplistic belief that Bible prophecies refer to one specific historic event in history that will never be repeated. They who do so forget that the Bible, like Greek Mythology, is full of metaphorical truths about human nature, mass psychology, and the psychic events which ensue from that mass formation. Everything that will happen has also happened in a similar fashion in the past, albeit on a much smaller scale. The story of the Tower of Babel refers to what invariably happens when a sufficiently large number of people place their faith in the State apparatus which is then destined to collapse under its own weight in confusion. We have replaced Father God with Mother Government. And she is an unholy idolatrous mother who has one goal, to feed off her offspring like a succubus. And mankind’s worship of her always has been, is, and always will be, idolatry!

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Solzhenitsyn: Why we are accountable for everything


There's no more dangerous group of folks than those who think they already know what they have failed to understand. – Philosophy for Philistines

From an article written by Lt.-Gen. (retd) Michel Maisonneuve,  Special to National Post, Publishing date: Dec 01, 2022, entitled; 

“Lt.-Gen. (retd) Maisonneuve: Clearing the air about my anti-woke speech before I'm completely 'cancelled'

I have faith that we can fix what ails Canada with leadership, service, unity and courage”

Sadly, General Maisonneuve, leadership cannot repair ideological possession. This nation is in the grip of a psychic attack on the very values, culture, and traditions which built it. Postmodern Cultural Marxists fully intend to continue to march through all of our institutions until they've completely corrupted and undermined them under the premise of the greatest oxymoronic assertion of all time, "Progressivism"!

Yesterday I wrote the following regarding the complete failure of the West’s energy policies accompanied as it invariably is by catastrophizing. This catastrophizing is nothing other than Globalist sanctioned “WOKE-speak” for, “If you don’t do as we tell you, you bigoted, racist Neanderthals, the climate will kill us even though we artificially create the very problems we tell you that only more government can solve and then use those very problems to rob you of your liberty and economic well-being and when that fails to solve the problems we created we will double down on robbing you of yet more liberty and economic well-being while leaving you to freeze in the dark because of the climate that we promised would kill you, so I guess that makes us right after all!

RE: Net Zero Carbon Emissions 

The ONLY thing which will be reduced to zero is our freedom. Make no mistake the climate catastrophizers are dialectical materialists fomenting a Marxist Revolution so they alone will control all the resources and wealth.

If you follow the Philosophy for Philistines’ vodcasts and blogs, you will have noted that I've not only stated that as clearly and precisely as I am able, but I've also provided those of you who care to listen with the tools to counter this cultural revolution. The Hegelian dialectic which was reworked into dialectical materialism by Marx and Engels is now being employed in such a blatantly obvious manner that even the legacy media in Canada are openly condemning Trudeau's obvious collusions with Xi Jinping and the CCP, the WEF, the WHO, etc., etc. The Freedom Convoy last year and the fallout from the failed hearing to determine if Trudeau had exceeded his legal mandate to govern when he invoked martial law have only widened and deepened the dialectical divide to form a psychic chasm which is the Grand Canyon of all ideological divides. This has left the nation riven with Canadians shouting at one another across a gulf so broad, deep, and wide that communication across it has become virtually impossible.

Things are about to get very ugly, and certainly not just here in Canada. I'm living proof of someone who has taken no pleasure in predicting the demise of limited government under proper parliamentary oversight and the Rule of Law. All one need do to determine if I spoke the truth is available for you to peruse at no cost at the Philosophy for Philistines channel. Its always free, always informative, and always exposes the dirty underbelly of the vile globalist agenda.

And as for our leadership, “…It was Solzhenitsyn who most crucially made the case that the terrible excesses of Communism could not be conveniently blamed on the corruption of the Soviet leadership, the ‘cult of personality’ surrounding Stalin, or the failure to put the otherwise stellar and admirable utopian principles of Marxism into proper practice. It was Solzhenitsyn who demonstrated that the death of millions and the devastation of many more were, instead, a direct causal consequence of the philosophy (worse, perhaps: the theology) driving the Communist system. The hypothetically egalitarian, universalist doctrines of Karl Marx contained hidden within them sufficient hatred, resentment, envy and denial of individual culpability and responsibility to produce nothing but poison and death when manifested in the world…” - An excerpt from Jordan Peterson’s foreword to the 50th Anniversary edition of Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago

Yes, Canada has become hypothetically egalitarian, where the universalist doctrines of Karl Marx contain the dialectical materialism of Communism with sufficient hatred, resentment, envy and denial of individual culpability and responsibility to produce nothing but poison and death being manifested here in Canada today! But there is an idea hidden within the Christian message which few appear to understand, certainly not as profoundly as Solzhenitsyn did. And as I asserted at the beginning of this paper, there is no more dangerous group of folks than those who think they already know what they have failed to understand. We are all accountable for one another’s behaviour and moral failings as well as for that of our own. This is why I assume the burden of writing the hard truths contained in these blogs which I can assure you is far from pleasant and enjoyable. Dealing with the sinful nature of man, indeed my own sin and finding salvation begins with me. This requires introspection and a rejection of narcissism in order to confront my own moral failings, for it is only then that I will be able to deal with the perverse rejection of God around me.

Here is something to think and pray about. Christ knew no sin, yet He became sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. What does that mean? Christ metaphorically holds the position of being the only perfect man to have ever lived. The Scriptures make the fascinating assertion that He did so as the Son of Man, NOT, as the Son of God. Christ knew that He was personally accountable for everyone else’s behaviour and for what they believed. Therefore, he invited them to voluntarily place their faith in Him. So here we have the example of the Living Truth Himself, the very Logos by which God created the universe, assuming blame for sins which He did not commit. And what did he commission us to do? Namely the same by taking up our cross to follow Him. Everything that happens is in some way my fault. I must assume responsibility if I am to assist the Kingdom of God to come to earth so that His will may be done to counter the insane machinations of narcissistic lunatics in power who seek to enslave humanity with their toxic and Godless ideology. And moreover, that it is their error that I must also seek to address, for their error is my error too!

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...