Friday, October 25, 2024

What conservatives fail to understand about their ideological enemies


Matthew 10:16-16:10 King James Version

16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

The conservative movement has a fatal blind spot. They are screaming bloody murder in reaction to the myriads of things their Postmodern opponents do but to little avail. Why, you say? The Postmodernists responsible for attacking reason itself believe in "their truth" as though truth itself is a subjective matter. Rational conservatives often fail to understand that Postmodernism is actually a religion which requires no proof of its validity. This is why its converts embrace it with blind faith and religious zeal.

I was watching Bridge City News anchor Hal Roberts interview Reverend Alistair Petrie of Partnership Ministries last night. I found the interview disconcerting since neither Hal or Alistair appeared to have a grasp of the nature of the ideological possession that is causing our current political, moral and spiritual crisis. They spoke in depth of the results of radical policies being fomented today by Postmodernists and Cultural Marxists, but never once did they identify the ideological sources for the disruption in society and good government. They simply kept referring of the need to trust in God in the midst of this chaos. Now, I emphatically agree with the need to trust God but what are we to trust Him for if not to understand the nature of the false doctrines which are causing this chaos? But they didn’t deal with the heresies behind the chaos. So, let us examine how the church in the First Millenia reacted to such issues? In the early Church, there were **seven ecumenical councils** that addressed false doctrines and clarified Christian orthodoxy. These councils are:

1. **First Council of Nicaea** (325)

2. **First Council of Constantinople** (381)

3. **Council of Ephesus** (431)

4. **Council of Chalcedon** (451)

5. **Second Council of Constantinople** (553)

6. **Third Council of Constantinople** (680–681)

7. **Second Council of Nicaea** (787)¹².

These councils played a crucial role in defining key aspects of Christian theology and combating heresies.

¹: [](

²: [Wikipedia](

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-10-25

(1) Three major Church councils in the early church -

(2) First seven ecumenical councils - Wikipedia.

(3) Quick Facts About The 7 Ecumenical Councils.

(4) Ecumenical Councils - Early Christians.

(5) EARLY CHRISTIAN COUNCILS - Facts and Details.

What is Postmodern Relativism?

**Postmodern relativism** is a philosophical concept that emerged from postmodernism, a movement characterized by broad skepticism, subjectivism, and relativism. It challenges the idea of absolute truths and asserts that truth is relative to the individual or culture¹².

In essence, postmodern relativism suggests that what is considered true or right for one person or group may not be true or right for another. This perspective denies the existence of universal truths and emphasizes the importance of context, perspective, and interpretation¹³.

¹: [Learn Religions](

²: [Wikipedia](

³: [Britannica](

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-10-25

(1) What Is Postmodernism in Religion?.

(2) Postmodernism - Wikipedia.

(3) Postmodernism | Definition, Doctrines, & Facts | Britannica.

(4) Postmodernism - Relativism, Deconstruction, Critique | Britannica.

The other major source of what we can broadly refer to as the WOKE thinking behind our prevailing cultural crisis is known as Cultural Marxist Critical Theory. Postmodern relativism and cultural Marxist critical theory have some overlapping ideas but also significant differences, which can lead to contradictions.

**Postmodern relativism** emphasizes that truth and moral values are relative to individual perspectives or cultural contexts. It challenges the idea of universal truths and often focuses on deconstructing established narratives and power structures².

**Cultural Marxist critical theory**, on the other hand, is rooted in Marxist thought and focuses on critiquing and changing society by addressing power dynamics, social hierarchies, and oppression. It seeks to understand how cultural institutions perpetuate inequality and aims to promote social justice³.

While both theories critique traditional power structures, they differ in their approach to truth and knowledge. Postmodern relativism's emphasis on the relativity of truth can be seen as contradictory to cultural Marxist critical theory's goal of uncovering and addressing objective social injustices¹³.

¹: [SpringerLink](^1^)

²: [New Statesman](^2^)

³: [This vs. That](^3^)

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-10-25

(1) How postmodernism became the universal scapegoat of the era.

(2) Critical Theory vs. Postmodernism - What's the Difference? - This vs. That.

(3) Critical Theory and Postmodern Theory | SpringerLink.

(4) Critical Theory and Postmodern Theory | SpringerLink.

(5) How postmodernism became the universal scapegoat of the era.

(6) Critical Theory vs. Postmodernism - What's the Difference? - This vs. That.

(7) Postmodernism: Does it Have Marxist or Historicist Origins?.

(8) undefined.

Reconciling the contradictions:

So, the two main sources of the prevailing ideological possession contradict one another since Postmodernism states there is no “Grand Narrative” while Cultural Marxism is in and of itself a “Grand Narrative”. It obviously requires faith to believe in two things which reason ought to cancel out but socialists have never worried about such contradictions. Allow me to refer back to my previous blogs and vodcasts about Hegelian dialectics. Here we see that Postmodernism is presented as a “thesis”, Cultural Marxism as “antithesis” and the “synthesis” of both is the merging of two contradictory ideas into a new reality. This obviously requires faith which leads me back to my first conclusion, Christianity has been pitted against these heresies and sadly there is no current ecumenical council willing to take on the task of exposing these false doctrines that are gnostic mysteries to their core. Only those who have been initiated into the belief system can possibly comprehend such irrational thinking and only then when its high priests tell the collective what they mist think, this is why they despise the individual. In this they have become the metaphorical manifestation of the Borg from Star Trek where resistance is futile, and you will be assimilated! (Over my dead body) This is why what we call the “left” appears crazy to the rational and Godly mind.

But it is odder than even what I have described so far since the main critics of this quasi-religious ideological idiocy are atheists. Dr. James Lindsay is the founder of the website New Discourses, which is owned by conservative commentator Michael O'Fallon. Lindsay's video series is also hosted by Sovereign Nations, O'Fallon's Christian nationalist website. According to theologian and author David W. Congdon, "framing the left as an alternative religion has made Lindsay popular among the Christian Right", yet Lindsay himself is an atheist. And then we have Canada’s own Dr. Gad Saad, also an atheist, who is renowned for defining the minds of the radical left as parasitized by bad ideas. Dr. Gad Saad, the host of the enormously popular YouTube show THE SAAD TRUTH, exposes the bad ideas—what he calls “idea pathogens”—that are killing common sense and rational debate. Incubated in our universities and spread through the tyranny of political correctness, these ideas are endangering our most basic freedoms—including freedom of thought and speech.

Needless to say, it is an indictment on the state of the Church today that atheists have had to take up the cause of reasoned discourse to expose the faux religious gnostic nature of the whacky ideas that permeate every aspect of modern life with Canada’s own Prime Minister as the posterchild for mind viruses which are responsible for our social, moral, economic and spiritual ruin. It is long overdue that the Church take up her Cross to go forward as the Christian soldiers that Christ has called us to be. I for one will never be silent until the day God takes me home! I will do everything within my power by God’s good grace to expose the Godless quasi-religious heresies that lie at the epicentre of our cultural malaise! There is no such thing as an irreligious person for if we reject God, just as Nietzsche has forewarned, we must become gods ourselves by invented sacred rituals and games that in our recent past resulted in the murder of countless millions.



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