Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The truth is stranger than fiction in a "progressive age"

“Give me lust, baby.
Give me malice.
Give me detached existentialist ennui.
Give me rampant intellectualism as a coping mechanism.
― Chuck PalahniukInvisible Monsters

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” 
― Edward R. Murrow

“Whoever controls the media, controls the mind” 
― Jim Morrison

“I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness...

The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance” 
― Carl SaganThe Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark

and finally a word from someone who understood propaganda;
“It would not be impossible to prove with sufficient repetition and a psychological understanding of the people concerned that a square is in fact a circle. They are mere words, and words can be molded until they clothe ideas and disguise.” 
― Joseph Goebbels

We can see that controlling the dialogue is vital. It is often said that the left deliberately falsifies information in order to start a conversation that they wish to control. Take for example this excerpt from an article written by Jonah Goldberg from June 16th's New York Post, entitled, "The left only wants conversation it controls"

"Conversations! Glorious conversations! What more can you ask for? 

The other day, former CBS News darling Katie Couric was asked about the scandal swirling around her anti-gun-documentary — specifically, the fact that she deceptively edited a gun-rights group’s response to a question to make the members seem like dangerous idiots.

Couric and her producer are guilty of outright deception. But her response at the New York event was amusingly revealing.
“I can understand the objection of people who did have an issue about it,” Couric said. (The “it” here is the deliberate falsifying of the truth). “Having said that, I think we have to focus on the big issue of gun violence. It was my hope that, when I approached this topic, that this would be a conversation starter.”
Well, OK then. After all, who denies that starting conversations — or, as they often call them in academia, “dialogues” — is the highest aspiration there is?
For instance, a Central Michigan University professor claimed last year that she was punched in the face at a Toby Keith concert for being a lesbian. She later admitted she actually punched herself, but said it was worth it because she wanted to start a dialogue."
Interesting, isn't it? There are clear parallels in that article with the methods "social progressives" have used with every totalitarian regime one could possibly mention. They sacrifice truth in order to make a point that supports their false dialectic. But what if I were to tell you that I am interested in having a conversation that is only factual? I will, for the moment, forgo writing on matters of faith and deal rather with substantive facts that are provable and tangible.
Firstly, social progressives are not the only ones who are guilty of this sin. I have read many memes from conservatives, or those who purportedly believe themselves to be, that use pseudo information in an attempt to make a point. If one needs to resort to lying to defend a moral philosophy then that philosophy is woefully wanting. What I suggest may also be wanting are the wits to develop a reasoned argument.
Secondly, the traditional understanding of the left/right political divide is practically useless. It is used by banksters, multinationals, big governments and mass media (that they control) to keep us bickering amongst ourselves so that we never get wise to their real plan, namely control. There are really only those who believe that big governments, multinationals and big banks must shape our lives versus those who believe in freedom. That freedom can only be achieved under limited government. The only proven successful limits on government are ones based upon a separation of powers and laws as defined by a constitution which was designed to defend our inherent rights. In order for those constitutions to be effective they must recognize that our rights are indeed inherent to our very being and NOT awarded to us by the state. A limited system of governance must have the necessary checks and balances in place to prevent too much power from being given to any one entity since absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Thirdly, allow me to cite an example of what will happen if such limits are bypassed and/or ignored. Max Hermansen, is a friend of mine. A very decent chap who is a retired Norwegian Naval Commander. He used to teach foreign students in Oslo. In his class there were many students from Muslim countries. His students discovered that Max has a homosexual son. They began to say many hateful things about Max's son, even mentioning an "honour killing". Needles to say Max told them he would not tolerate such remarks in his classroom. The students then filed a complaint. What do you think the school did? That's right, as a result Max was let go. Punishing the students for making such remarks is viewed as racist because of the students' heritage. If the law, the very rules, that govern civil society are not blind to race, creed and colour, then there can be no justice. Groups of people have no special rights, but each and every individual has every right. If the law is based upon equality and it is illegal to call for the harm of another person based upon their sexual orientation and the authorities choose to ignore the threats because of the affiliations of the people who made them, then that law is not worth the paper upon which it is written! Fortunately Max won a huge settlement. One over which the leftist media in Norway raged. The issue did not need to go before a judge either, it was settled out of court. I can only surmise that the school wished to avoid the issue going to trial for fear of negative publicity. 
I should also mention that Max had a used book store as well. It was a wonderful dusty old shop which expressed Max's bohemian nature. But what do you think happened to his shop? Can you guess? Someone, or some persons, trashed his book store and covered it with Swastikas. What the "perps" don't realize is in accusing Max of being a NAZI they were doing exactly what NAZI's did, namely preventing people from accessing books. Max was forced to close it as a result. Now this leaves a very obvious question. Who are the real fascists in this disgusting tale of politically correctness on lysergic diethylamide? This level of insanity is straight out of Alice in Wonderland. If I had not known Max personally and followed his quest for justice I would not have believed this possible. 

For those who care, Max is doing very well indeed today. He is reno'ing condos in Oslo and recouping his losses. He is now also head of Pegida in Norway, and for good reason given what he has gone through. I wish my dear friend the very best. I have posted his blog link here and invite you all to follow him. He stands for liberty in a country where government often exceeds its mandate to govern.
Lastly, there is no need to exaggerate the facts when you have the facts straight. You just can't make up stuff like Max's story. I have shared it with his permission. Thank you Max for permitting me to do so. It is an example of what happens when a nation becomes too complacent, too trusting of their elected leaders who are in fact betraying the trust the public has placed in them. The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. Stay posted for more folks. I value my readers and need your input. It is time to put on our marching boots and get active in renewing liberty under law! 

Max's shop after the attack:

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Outside the camp - why I stand apart

I live "outside the camp" by choice, or perhaps, more properly put, by force of nature. I have a wonderful variety of friends from many differing backgrounds, some of whom have been dear to me since childhood. Agreeing with them, or being like them, has never been grounds for my friendships with them. Perhaps I can attribute this to my upbringing. My parents were very different from one another, yet for the most part enjoyed one another's company. Therefore I find a certain discomfiture when in the presence of those who have a cloying need for "sameness". 

My time in Norway cemented this distaste within me. In Norway cultural conformity goes far beyond mere social niceties. It is the foundation for their more than a little quirky "Jenteloven;"  Janteloven also forms the basis for Scandinavian socialism. Cultural conformity is mandatory. Here is where things get weirder. One would assume, at least I did, that such need for conformity would be based upon what in my youth I viewed as "being uptight and white". You know what I mean; stodgy, excessively conservative, uncool, etc., however in Norway this is not the case. You can have sex with sheep while lacking the most fundamental morals as long as you adhere to the ideals upon which their version of socialism is based. In Scandinavia disagreeing with the state run collective will lose you friends. It can, in fact, result in being shunned and even fired from your job. Needless to say I found this cloying. Since I need to be myself and state my meaning, I chose to return to Canada.

I will not write about  my wife in this blog. That story is for her to tell. She is, in many ways, very atypical of Norwegians. This will undoubtedly come as no surprise to readers who know me. Other than to state that I adore her and am happy she was able to be with me upon my return to Canada, I will leave her to share her own story, if indeed she wishes to do so. I will also state that I have many dear friends as well as family in Norway. Stunningly beautiful Norway will always be my second home, I simply wish that Norway were freer. Hanne Nabintu Herland, is doing some wonderful work by addressing attacks on freedom of speech in Norway. Through her efforts she is exposing the dark underbelly of political correctness in Scandinavia in particular. All I can state is, 'God bless Hanne'!

I returned to Canada in late May of 2015 hoping to feel free to state my meaning. Unfortunately I was wrong. Canada had undergone a transformation, or was it me? It was as though political correctness had been injected with anabolic steroids. Canada was headed in the same direction as Scandinavia, toward an utter rejection of all traditional western values in favour of radical socialism. This includes support of known terrorist groups, some of which even receive funding from my government. I was also shunned by colleagues in the music business who had become so leftist that they were openly cultural Marxists, if not in name, then certainly in belief and action. Their devotion to big government and an economic system that has failed massively and resoundingly on a global scale blew my mind. I felt compelled to delve into this more deeply. As I did my growing understanding of the problem pointed to a looming crisis. The attack on freedom of speech that is a hallmark of this 'progressive society' was too important for me to ignore.

I thank God for this time, as difficult as it has been. I loved booking and hosting music. Norway had changed my perspective. I see the same issues I had encountered in Norway happening here. Instead of musicians being outspoken against the establishment, they have become the voice, the very sound of, the socialist elite. They have swallowed hook, line and sinker the entire litany of socialist didactics that are easily dismissed with the use of facts and reasoned discourse. Of course neither facts nor reasoned discourse are of any value in arguing with them. Those who dare to use such are bullied into silence. We are labelled, marginalized, then dismissed out of hand,  just as any who dare question the system are in Norway. Cultural elitists are completely intolerant of anything that contradicts their socialist paradigm. They are in practice totalitarian in demanding all adhere to their ideology.

Since returning home I have come into contact with other like minded Canadians who are also looking for solutions in this age of growing statism. The so called Keynesian stimulus spending of Justin Trudeau will likely put the final nail into the coffin of the economy that he and his ilk are avidly deconstructing. All the while his government spends borrowed money on failed social initiatives. Future generations will be enslaved to the banks and the state as a result. We are seeing the private sector decrease in size while bureaucracy grows along with regulatory restrictions. Fortunately I have found wonderful and impassioned fellow Canadians who share my concerns. The issue now is what to do about these concerns. Cue Dr. John Robson; Dr. Robson hopes to reopen our constitution to fix what he believes are fatal flaws in the version we inherited from Pierre E. Trudeau's government in 1982. Support his efforts, they are vital for the future of limited government in Canada.

The separation of powers and limits on government that were hallmarks of our democracy are now rapidly being undermined. I call for all of you who wish to explore this with me to comment on this blog. Share it with others and inquire of me what topics you wish me to write about in future blog posts. There is a great need for more open discussion. Those of us who stand for the inherent rights of the individual over the collective will need to present a concerted front or risk losing our liberties to growing and ever more intrusive big government.

We need to understand the nature of freedom and self-determination. Oligarchs and power mongers do not wish you to take responsibility for yourself. If you do then there would be no need for them. They hope to manipulate you into a constant state of dependency so they can use this to control both you and your property. I encourage you to support all efforts to call our government to task and renew the limits upon which our liberty under law is based.

Thank you gentle readers. Contact me with your thoughts as I be will certain to address each and every one of you. God bless.
Bill Rymer

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...