Tuesday, September 3, 2024



The puppet masters create "disorder" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation. It's the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO meaning ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.


It's also referred to as the Hegelian Dialectic after the philosopher Georg Hegel who described it as: THESIS -- ANTITHESIS -- SYNTHESIS. Others have described this as: PROBLEM -- REACTION – SOLUTION in that firstly you create the problem; then secondly you fan the flames to get a reaction; then thirdly (like Johnny-on-the-spot) you provide a solution. The solution is what you were wanting to achieve in the first place, but wouldn't have been able to achieve under normal circumstances. Otherwise, this is known as the “new Normal”, Orwell described this as REALITY CONTROL. ~ Jackie Jura

Radical social collectivists only understand consolidating authoritarian centralized power. The only concept which determines what is moral to them is whatever weaponized means of control they can use to further centralize their power while undermining the rights of the individual. They live by the motto that their real action lies in their opponents’ reaction to their policies, yet invariably we have taken the bait. This is literally how they define their revolutionary struggle for dominance. It is Hegelian to its core. They go from the thesis of creating a policy that causes a reaction, to antithesis where we react negatively to the new policy, to synthesis where their action and our reaction create the "new normal" and so on. Each reiteration of this process serves to further their Cultural Marxist Revolution! Our ONLY hope lies in helping others to understand how this process works. Once people know how it operates, they'll stop playing whack--a-mole with the Devil.

Which is why people must be educated to understand how ideological possession occurs. Truly parasitic ideas have escaped the humanity departments of universities to infect society. These idea pathogens are causing the West to commit suicide by parasitical empathy. When we come to care more for "others" than we do for our own this is proof of said parasitization. Note that it is women who most easily fall prey since the parasite uses emotions to destroy the host. Women's emotional systems are being hijacked since they are more vulnerable to being controlled by empathy. They are therefore the chief target of this idea pathogen. This is why they replaced Biden with Harris who is all about feelings.

This has resulted in England, which is the very home of the mother of all parliaments, to commit cultural suicide due to toxic sympathy for violent foreign elements who do not share Christian British values. London is to the Anglosphere what Rome was to its empire, for without the centre the outliers cannot survive. Britain, America, Canada and Western Europe, among other Western regions and nations, are committing suicide by parasitical empathy. Their governing class and the intellectual elite care more for Islam and radical Cultural Marxist Critical Theory, replete as it is with a complete ignorance of a sound economic policies capable of raising the most marginalized out of poverty than they do about upholding the Christian values of the West. As a result, the West has placed itself under a curse that only repentance can cure. But God Himself has closed the eyes and ears of those governing us lest they repent, turn to Christ, and be healed!

There is an old Norse saying which loosely translated goes, "A witless man believes everything he knows between the two mountains where he lives." But there's a greater evil, that of the well travelled person who believes they understand more than what they do for despite their experiences they view the world through the lens of their own flawed ideological perspective. And then even a greater evil still where the naive and witless valley dweller comes to look up to the so-called educated enlightened traveller for, they in turn will come to share similar delusions. This describes our present dilemma. And it alludes to the reason of our prevailing cultural crisis. It is a manifestation of the Dunning–Kruger effect where ideologically possessed people with limited cognitive competence who are devoid of enlightenment will overestimate their abilities and understanding of the real issues confronting humanity. This phenomenon was first described by Justin Kruger and David Dunning in 1999. Mass media propaganda based on these cognitive biases have further served to create our present mass societal delusion.

For over a decade I've been warning about the fact that our schools and universities have been weaponized against the interests of society using huge amounts of our tax dollars that could be better spent on programs that are actually vital rather than promoting parasitical ideas which are further infecting society. This is obscene, unnatural, perverted and diabolical to its Cultural Marxist ideological core, specifically because it targets our children! No one voted for this idea-babble nor did our politicians advertise that this was part of their political agenda!

If you are wondering why it is that you and those whom you know are suffering from increased generalized anxiety, now you know. Terrible ideas that were hatched by university professors in the humanities departments of our universities have escaped to deconstruct civil order. Performative caring is on full display. Our elected representatives have misgoverned us into a crisis due to pursuing policies which are the diametric opposite of actual progress. They don't mean a word of what they claim as they throw billions of our tax dollars on an idiotic radical agenda that is culturally and spiritually ruinous! It is for this reason that I state that the Cultural Marxist Revolution is practically complete. We live in a society which is committing suicide by parasitical empathy where feelings have replaced reason even as we dare to sit in moral judgment of our ancestors whose accomplishments were so grand compared to that of our own that our greatest accolade must be our ability to whine about how morally superior we are even as we live in the ashes of the civilization that our forebears created which we have now become hellbent on destroying.

Galatians 5:1 King James Bible

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.







1 comment:

  1. 'This is why they replaced Biden with Harris who is all about feelings', you write. That, I think, is drawing conclusions too far. If Biden had not been demented useless, so he could be used 4 more years, he would still be the candidate for the next 4 years. Your thesis is basically correct, but that that detail, I think.


Most people would rather die than think, in fact they do so!

  Permit me to quote Bertrand Russell, famed British mathematician, logician, philosopher, and public intellectual who influenced mathematic...