With five thousand neo-NAZIs partying like it's 1939 in Switzerland, which has until now has been relatively immune to the trouble of the E.U. since it is not a member, there is proof that the oligarchs in power within the Schengen area have created the most volatile situation seen since NAZI's (Fascists) and Communists were vying to destroy Western Civilization. And it is worthy of note that it is still the same type of wealthy ideologues behind it. The same enemies of freedom who would rather argue over which flavour of totalitarian, big government, freedom-robbing, oligarchy they prefer. The majority of Europeans appear not to want limited government. The necessary separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government needed to create a system of checks and balances simply doesn't exist. And, as in North America, an independent and diligent 4th Estate ready, willing, and able to criticize government is lacking. Europe has favoured oligarchs and tyrants in its past and continues to do so. Moreover, what Europe desperately needs today is a return to a recognition of the sovereignty of each nation state within it, a renewal of respect for each nation's distinct cultures, and the freedom to allow each nation to manage its own economy and relationships with their neighbours. National sovereignty within Europe has been torn apart by cultural Marxists who insist wrongly that all people are the same and all economies alike. Cultural relativism and historical revisionism are key elements of the Frankfurt School's socialist ideology It is the basis for their plan to create a socialist cultural revolution. And, as Europe descends into chaos, there's proof it ain't workin'!
As badly, here at home folks have forgotten that we are founded on a tradition of government limited by law with the necessary system of checks and balances to prevent oligarchs from assuming too much power. The traditional understanding of left-right politics is utter nonsense. There are only those who want their government to answer to them versus those who are willing to surrender their personal and economic freedoms to the state. Just think of the illegal search and seizure powers we have given to agencies of the state since 911. The very foundations of government limited by Magna Carta and Common Law are under assault.
Here is an excerpt from Andre van Heerden's wonderful article, 'Are You Part Of The Leadership Crisis?' which explains why such ideologies have taken hold in the west. "Ideological thinking, as exemplified in the prejudice and bigotry that repress rational thought today, grows out of the rejection of the reality of objective truth, and the consequent belief that we are all free to make our own truth. An ideology is a fictitious reality that excludes all knowledge that doesn’t support its claims. It is an attempt to justify might over right. So the cultural silos we know as ideologies, the pseudo-rational manifestos of power and self-justification, like laissez faire liberalism, socialism, neo-fascism, neo-Marxism, libertarianism, technocracy, consumerism, racism, scientism, and the currently dominant model of globalisation, all arise from a widely held worldview, a metaphysical stance with no scientific grounding, that says that there is no such thing as truth, other than the reality we create for ourselves."
This past weekend I even had a so called friend tell me that I was a Fascist since I believe in liberty. Obviously the poor fellow does not know that Fascism is a variant of Socialism with big business and big government deep in bed with one another. Fascist means 'to bundle' Fascism personifies everything those of us who believe in law, order and good governance loath! It blew my mind that anyone who knows me could equate me with someone who would wish enormous state control over our lives! The government that governs least, governs best. Such is the ignorance and arrogance of our age where the common man no longer understands liberty. Sadly there is now a majority who haven't even noticed that our freedoms have been surrendered to the state.
In an age of delusion, I aim to provide Christians with the tools needed to counter the enemy's lies. Postmodernism, Critical Race Theory, Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equity, WOKE, Net-Zero Carbon are all variations on a Neo-Marxist theme. Namely the belief that life is a zero-sum game, a Malthusian nightmare where resources are so finite that the state must redistribute them. This channel is dedicated to providing you with the meat of the Word of God sorely lacking in Christian circles today.
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Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump
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