Wednesday, November 22, 2017

On the emergence of the bizarre collectivist mind

I have always been disturbed by ritualistic collective behaviour. Peculiar gestures repeated by groups of individuals who no longer understand what it means to be an individual. I suppose this is one reason I find clowns so creepy. Their odd exaggerated movements, peculiar makeup and dress which instantly identifies them as clowns. Not the least of that which I find disturbing about them are their antics which to me are not a bit funny. It wasn’t until the last five years or so that I thought much about my disgust for them either. Moving abroad changed that. Janteloven (tall poppy syndrome) is rampant in Scandinavia. There social conformity is based upon a mono-cultural socialist collective where conformist thinking is deemed mandatory.

As a baby boomer I often watched war movies. We were inundated with films about totalitarian societies which had lost affinity for the individual. Individuality in these societies had been replaced by some form of freakish inhuman collectivism. It doesn’t matter the type of collectivism, be it Fascism/Nazism, Radical Socialism/Communism, Crony Corporatism/Statism, or Islamism. All of these ideologies include peculiar affected behaviours which are repeated ad infinitum within the group that reinforce the fact that the collective group appears to share the same brain. One reason I find this so odd and off-putting is that such behaviours were so utterly foreign in my home as well as in the society in which I grew up where individuality was admired. It was expected that each person would have their own peculiar idiosyncrasies which were not the result of some weird collective will. It also led me to wonder, even as a child, how folks who had immigrated from such collective tyranny could, or even would, adapt to the openness of Canada where no single ethnicity defines our cultural mojo. It turns out that was a better question than I could have possibly imagined. The conclusion I have come to after much consideration and observation is they very often cannot adapt and most often do not.

As I became friends with children whose families had fled such collective tyranny I noticed a disturbing trend among these families to propagate the very ideology from which they had fled. The love of big government, state control and intervention into every cloying aspect of private human affairs caused them to favour political ideologies that would have left my ancestors horrified at the assault on individual liberty. The respect for parliamentary limits and separation of powers was simply too much of a foreign concept for these newcomers. They, for the life of them, could not understand why small government is more liberating even though the tyranny they fled was brought about by an over-vaunting centralized state which tyrannized people.

Jump forward through the many stages of decay which the Liberal Party has undergone as it betrayed its Classical Liberal roots. This corrupted party now boldly proclaims it represents the real identity of Canada in spite of their gross malfeasance. Today we have universities which demand social conformity ostracizing any who contradict their postmodern and Cultural Marxist agenda. "Social Justice Warriors" march in alt-left rallies wearing ‘pussy hats’ while howling at the moon since they can no longer respect the democratic outcome of elections. We live at a time when globalist oligarchs are waging war against the sovereignty of nation states as they attempt to create supranational collectivism by attacking the spiritual foundations of individual liberty under constitutional law. If you ask many today the purpose of constitutional law their answer will often be that such laws exist to provide some specific identity group with collective rights which of course, by extension, are therefore denied to individuals who are viewed by them as entitled. As a result bear witness to the rise of identity politics. Because of this the law is no longer administered blindly. People have sunk into some form of bizarre collective madness just as they did in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and Maoist China replete with weird collective affected beliefs and behaviours. Read the latest news as advocates of this kind of tyranny gather to express their resentment toward the injustices of the patriarchy while protesting against the very foundational principles of the freest, most tolerant and open societies the world has ever seen. Even now our tax funded universities are targeting TA’s who attempt to broaden their students’ minds while the likes of Professor Jordan Peterson are labelled as alt-right by a corrupt Fourth Estate while the man is clearly not. We had better get our shit together and learn to think for ourselves in the face of this attack on empiricism, the rule of law and the individual. The individual has become the most at risk oppressed minority. The collective will always lie to gain power. The greatest tyrannies were created out of attempts to bring about utopia. Politically correct postmodernists, quit acting like a bunch of clowns, your antics are creeping me out!

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...