Thursday, April 12, 2018

The final straw: ideology driven politics are taking over Canada

From the Trans-Mountain scandal to legislated use of speech to social justice warriors who hope to end freedom of discourse to carbon pricing (taxes) that have raised the cost of fuel that we can easily produce ourselves to a senior Liberal Party official here in Ontario doing jail time because he destroyed records about the gas plant scandal to a collapsing health care system that spends more on bureaucracy than on providing healthcare to a PM who appears to spend more abroad on failed social experiments than he does in Canada, we have governments both provincially and federally incapable of addressing the most critical issues this nation currently faces. Canada is undergoing a constitutional crisis which began with the current PM’s old man back in 1982, but before I discuss constitutional reform, let me remark on the straw that broke this old camel’s back. It was that horrid creature claiming to be a journalist who in the name of social justice spoke ill of the Humboldt hockey player tragedy by implying those poor kids and their families do not deserve our sympathy because they were “white and male”. Last time I checked the law is blind to race, creed, colour and sex but apparently she knows better. However I grew up at the end of the Freedom Railroad and I know better too.

Canada has reached the tipping point. There is more division in this fair Dominion than I can recall in my long and misbegotten 65 years. However, it is the cause for this division that I understand well. The Liberal Party of Canada along with the Ontario Liberal Party are attempting to make Canada over in their own perverse image and this is not sitting well with their fellow Canadians, least of all me. We may in the future elect politicians who are less malfeasant or less radical than this current cadre of political elite but here is my concern. Our system of governmental checks and balances was designed to protect us from what is currently happening both federally and provincially. The separation of powers between the executive, the legislative and the judicial branches of government have failed. The Fourth Estate not only has not held the corrupt political elite accountable, it has conspired with them to attack the very foundations of English Common Law and limited government. The extent of malfeasance we are witnessing far exceeds that waged by the "Family Compact" in 1837-1838 when Mackenzie and Papineau led good citizens to take up arms against their corrupt government. Simply putting the "right party in power" will not prevent the current level of corruption from reoccurring.

Hence the desperate need for constitutional reform. Please watch the following documentary by Professor John Robson on such; and support his efforts financially if you can. Also, please listen to Professor Jordan B Peterson’s assessments  of the current illiberal authoritarian class of politicians and journalists and why they are so very dangerous; . They will, if not stopped, resurrect fascist and socialist ideologies that will undermine the very foundations of the rule of law in Canada. Law, order and good governance were once our cherished values. The primacy of the individual before the law is the cornerstone of our greatest inheritance, the Westminster Parliamentary System and the Rule of English Common Law! These elitists want nothing less than to rob us and our children of our heritage and inheritance to replace our freedom with collectivist tyranny!

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  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...