Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Seventh Sin

Envy was once considered to be the seventh deadly sin. In the “Summa Theologiae”, medieval theologian Thomas Aquinas said of Envy: "Envy according to the aspect of its object is contrary to charity, whence the soul derives its spiritual life... Charity rejoices in our neighbor's good, while envy grieves over it." (2, 36, ad 3) It was envy that caused the archetypal murder of Abel by his brother Cain. And today what was once considered the seventh deadly sin has been institutionalized by the state. “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” said Winston Churchill in Perth, Scotland on the 28th of May ,1948. He was a man who saw trouble coming. To him that trouble always lie in the state exceeding its proper mandate to govern. It was always the result of the state interfering with things that are best left, despite all our pathologies, to the individual to sort out for them self. Churchill was perhaps the most qualified of all Western leaders to understand where collectivist tyranny would lead, namely the death and oppression of millions of innocents. To identity politics, to tribal chaos, to parsing up humanity into an us versus them mindset. English Common Law had evolved for just that reason, that one’s race, creed, colour, beliefs would not matter to a justice system based upon the law remaining blind. Common Law makes all equal before her because it is blind to our identity!

Yet what do we have today? Just the opposite. We are being fed a constant barrage of identity politics where those who are viewed by the state as having less than others must be given what they have not earned nor entitled to by birth. And the wealthiest of all who practice such politics are those who administer this envious and unjust system, namely the politicians we have elected to represent us. Yes, to represent us. Not global interests, certainly not the UN, nor any body beyond that of parliament has any right to have a say on how Canadian taxes are to be spent. Note this is practiced to the point where people who are not even Canadian are receiving enormous benefits taken by fiat from tax paying Canadians to benefit those who have not earned it. Why? Because our government covets what is not theirs to give. We are being betrayed by those who hold the highest offices in the land. While they live high on the hog from their covetous confiscation of our wealth they are dividing the nation, killing our energy industry and economy while pandering with our hard earned money to global interests that not only do not serve Canadians well but in fact will be our demise as a distinct and self governing nation. And as they confiscate our personal wealth, the wealth of this nation, as well as stealing future prosperity from our children and grandchildren, they live in a manner that would make the wealthiest of potentates of old jealous. Western Canada will not long tolerate the ridiculous and unworkable policies of a government so out of touch with reality that it believes it can redefine reality to suit it! The political class is a covetous and envious cadre of crooks. It is time to return Canada to responsible, limited government by removing them from office!

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...