Thursday, June 3, 2021

Day 48: Call me a confident pessimist

Yes, I am confident humanity writ large is too flawed to permit a small body of persons to be given too much authority.

I often write about the need to develop a far more sophisticated idea of evil. Psychologists have discovered one of the leading causes of PTSD is naivety. PTSD often occurs when someone who is lacking a sufficiently evolved understanding of evil encounters the horrific which results in mental and emotional damage. This is particularly true when the shock has been brought on because of being appalled at our own actions. People who become aware of their true nature will treat themselves far more cautiously knowing what they are capable of doing.

It is interesting that the Biblical tale from the Garden of Eden focuses on that great metaphor, that mankind would know good and evil and become like gods as a result of their sinfulness. This knowledge lies at the very core of who and what we are. Even as we are capable of doing great good, so we are capable of wreaking havoc on our neighbour. And there is no greater harm that we can do than to demand of others what we believe to be good for them. The knowledge we were vulnerable which emerged at our loss of innocence also gave us the knowledge of how to harm others for what can hurt me I can use to hurt you. This knowledge led to the first murder where Cain slew Abel. And what motivated him to do this? His envy!

“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” ~ Perth, Scotland, 28 May 1948, in Churchill, Europe Unite: Speeches 1947 & 1948 (London: Cassell, 1950), 347.

As the entire narrative surrounding #COVID-1984 devolves into a farcical parody of itself and the stupid low-resolution salute to social collectivism of, “We are all in this together” is proven to be an utter lie, we see even Dr. Fauci being exposed for the liar he is. He must have taken the hypocritical oath instead of the Hippocratic Oath when he became a physician! Even though he forced the use of masks on America it has been discovered that he stated that they have little to no ability to mitigate transmission of the virus. Obviously, masks have been part and parcel of an enormous social experiment to investigate how easily the authorities can create blind conformity in a population. The there is the issue of Fauci himself cooperating and funding the research at the Level 4 Biopathogen Laboratory in Wuhan as Dr. Rand Paul has just presented evidence that Fauci lied to the American Congress about his involvement in creating what is effectively a bioweapon. Even Fauci himself is now admitting that the laboratory origin theory is no longer a conspiracy. Beware of any and all who play God by thinking they have a sufficient understanding of good and evil. The most reprehensible acts throughout history have invariably been perpetrated in the name of “the good of the many”.

I watch daily as the narrative changes and all the excuses for crushing our economy and damaging our health care system while preventing those with severe illnesses to receive treatment melt away in lies. Those who have created the falsehoods needed to sustain the level of fear required to excite public sympathy are doubling down on their BS even as it is becoming impossible for us to believe them. And as the naïve public are awakened to the shock of this betrayal PTSD and mental health issues are becoming rife. All because many lack a sufficiently sophisticated idea of evil.

Therefore, my belief in individual liberty has nothing to do with my confidence that individuals will behave responsibly. It has to do with understanding one wicked person acting alone can only do so much damage who then must be made to suffer punishment for their actions. But when many wicked men and women falsely professing to be good band together under the name of government, the damage they can do corporately will have exponentially more dire consequences on society. At the same time this seldom leads to them being held properly accountable so that they can be punished for their collective crimes.

In my assertion lies the difference between social collectivists who assign guilt or innocence purely by group identity and those few of us who are utterly convinced that freedom of voluntary association and individual accountability invariably leads to a more just society.

And these two ideas are diametrically opposed. Only one can emerge the victor. If social collectivism under arbitrary State control wins out there will be no freedom left in the West. Remember this, they stole our liberty with the very lies which are now daily being revealed as utter falsehoods as they cooperated with the CCP to destroy us. It is my concerted opinion that those who hold the highest offices and positions in the West are now guilty of treason.

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