Someone must help me with the following conundrum. Where
did the idea originate that if we have a problem that the government ought to
solve it? This belief invariably results in creating a far greater problem than
the one the government allegedly intended to solve. Why is it that I so seldom
hear, “I want the government to get the hell out of my life”? I prefer to solve
my own problems, thank you very much! Despite the overwhelming evidence of the
failure of state mandated solutions people still refuse to act as autonomous agents
of self determination.
I'm a Classical Liberal in the English sense and as such I
am of the opinion, that I have no right or expertise to tell others how to
live. Which is why I believe in the free market of production, sales, resource
distribution, and most of all, of ideas. It is historically provable that free
markets and open competition without state interference outperform all other
economic and philosophical systems.
But now I will attempt to answer my own rhetorical question
regarding why folk still believe the state is capable of solving problems that
it most likely helped to create. The reason the left demands managed and
controlled markets, which include controlling ideas, is due to their attachment
to a mechanistic view of the world. They have rejected the gestalt which can only
occur in the right hemisphere of our brains where the perception of the world
around us is living, vibrant, and changing while imbuing life with
meaning. It is the right-brain which is responsible for creativity, and as importantly,
our intuition. Which is why the Postmodern left claims that their opponents are
conspiracy theorists even when the weight of evidence proves a mechanistic view of the world is unrealistic. It's also why the left thinks
that they can control everything around them including people, the economy, resource
distribution, and the environment. These delusions are the direct result of a
right-brain deficit disorder shared by collectivist societies which have rejected
And I ain't about to go Borg. Resistance is NEVER futile.
Resisting evil and pursuing higher good is, or at least ought to be, the most
vital of all human endeavors. But let us examine why such a mechanistic world
view is unscientific. Newtonian Physics provided mankind with a very certain
and mechanistic model for how the world operates. 19th Century man
became convinced that science would soon explain all the mysteries of how the
universe operates. But then came a discovery that soon upset the applecart,
namely Quantum Mechanics.
“Quantum Mechanics formulations started in the early 1900s
and the caught the eye of physicists around the world, with more and more
acceptability being given to it. The Copenhagen Interpretation by Niels Bohr
and Heisenberg in 1925-27 is the widely accepted form of quantum mechanics. It
has changed the very nature of physics and it has radically changed our understanding
of the universe and our place in it.
Quantum Mechanics ushered in the era of the
"participatory universe" where the observer, the observed and the act
of observation all are interlinked. This shattered the ideas of classical
physics, where an independent observer can observe the universe independently
and understand it. According to Quantum Mechanics, the observer is affecting
the universe by the mere act of observation and affects not only the present
but the past as well, thereby changing our notion of the linearity of time.
So, we can no longer think of the universe from the point
of view of independent observation; it is not independent (each part of the
universe is connected to each other) and we are not independent observers.
Rather we shape the universe by our observation and action.”
Furthermore, Quantum Mechanics demands imagination, something
that the left-brain which behaves as a high functioning bureaucrat simply
cannot grasp. Engels and Marx theory was the result of a completely mechanistic
left-brain view of the world indicative of the 19th Century in which
they lived. It also relies on the idea that human beings are born into this world
as Tabula Rasa “blank slates” who therefore may have anything written on them. The
radical left believes that all human behaviour, beliefs, morays, morals, and
culture are mere social constructs which may be altered at will via social
engineering. These ideas have proven to be false on several fronts, partly as a
result of work done in evolutionary psychology, Jungian psychology, and certainly
in physics where Quantum Mechanics have scientifically demonstrated the
shortcomings of Newtonian Physics.
The greatest scientific discoveries resulted from imagining
first then testing the hypotheses for validity while a left-brain view of the
world demands certainty. Phrases like, “the science is settled”, “climate
change deniers”, and “conspiracy theories” are used to promote the officially sanctioned
narrative. Language itself must be made subordinate to this Postmodern
left-brain mechanistic view of the world. A mechanistic view outdated 107 years
ago when Einstein developed his Theory of Relativity. Out of necessity the Postmodern
left ideology demands certainty. They exist in a world which cannot abide contradiction.
A world dedicated to the scientism I spoke about in my previous podcast which has
replaced actual science. They exist in a world intolerant of the apparent inconsistencies
we know to be inherent to the study of Quantum Physics.
But before I wade into these waters deeper than a man of my
limited expertise in fields of human psychology, quantum physics, and philosophy
ought to, allow me to point you toward Dr. Iain McGilchrist. His explanation of
why our current cultural zeitgeist has become so soul crushing and toxic has
been nothing short of revelatory for me. McGilchrist has written what I
consider to be the most significant work of its kind, “The Matter with Things:
Our Brains, Our Delusions and the Unmaking of the World”
published on 9th November 2021. Dr. McGilchrist stated, "I believe that
our vision has been hijacked by a brain system that evolved merely in order to
help us manipulate the world, not to understand it...', which is why I am
convinced that the phenomenon he describes in “The Matter with Things” has
become the defining feature of the Postmodern Academy and of our current political
landscape. I invite you to watch this three-part series featuring Dr.
McGilchrist with world renown comic writer and actor John Cleese of Monty
Python fame at the following links. Enjoy them as I did and let us all reawaken
ourselves to a fuller a richer world where there is real diversity of thought and
open inquiry so that we may rid ourselves of this dreadful mechanistic view of
Part One:
Part Two:
Part Three: