Friday, June 30, 2023

Go buy a copy of the 1867 Project


Tired of your country being remade over into the image of one pollical party? I know I am! Since only a fool believes there are simple solutions to complex issues humour me as I attempt to examine why. As always, psychology, history, and philosophy will help us to do just that since human beings although complex exhibit patterns of behaviour that are repeated when groups of individuals are exposed to specific stimuli. Let me begin by offering the following observations. Conservatives seeks to conserve; however, today's conservatives simply don't realize there's nothing left to conserve. The Neo-Marxist long match through the institutions has been completely successful. A complete renewal of all the institutions which have been hijacked by illiberalism and Critical Theory is required in order to restore limited, constitutional government.

I just received my copy of the 1867 Project: Why Canada Should Be Cherished Not Cancelled. From an article published today in True North @

“From assaults on historical figures such as John A. Macdonald to cancel culture and charges that Canada is a genocidal nation-state, the country that every generation and every immigrant built is now facing routine and corrosive attacks. How did this happen? The 1867 Project is a book featuring twenty critical thinkers who argue that we are awash in relentless grievance narratives and utopians who expect Canada’s history to be perfect. They also argue that the rise of critical race theory, identity politics, and ideological politics in the education system also plays a part.”

From his essay in the 1867 Projects Dr. Bruce Pardy wrote, "Critical theory and its related fields do not constitute a singular school of thought but a scholarly umbrella that consists of multiple related approaches and variations that defy easy encapsulation. Its history is messy and convoluted. Its scholarship can be verbose, incoherent, and sometimes impenetrable, while much of its original intellectual project has been overtaken by its modern activist incarnation. Critical theory is attractive to cultural revolutionaries in part because it is difficult to pin down, like trying to staple jelly to a wall.

Yet these doctrines have become the intellectual foundation for the ascendant ideology of our time, woke progressivism, which is severe, uncompromising, and vengeful. Their commandments have become Canada’s secular religion, whose apostles sneer at the foundations of their own society. Cultural contrition has become ubiquitous: Canada is systemically racist. White people are privileged. The nuclear family is misogynist. Capitalism is oppressive. Private property rights cause environmental destruction. Prosperity produces climate change."

Now every single aspect of progressivism attacks the very idea of property rights. Our most fundamental right is that of personal autonomy while the most immediate expression of that autonomy is my God given right to speak freely. In order to think we must be able to share our thoughts to hold them up to public scrutiny. Any attack on property rights is immoral since the entire moral code of the Ten Commandments may be summed up as property rights beginning with the fact that since God owns us, so we owe Him our worship and service.

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” - Exodus 20:3

The next law of “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.” From Exodus 20:4 deals with the foolishness of creating idols since they deny God His right and deprive us of having a relationship with our Heavenly Father

“Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.”- Exodus 20:7 This is interesting since it does not merely refer to using God’s name as a curse but using His name to garner wealth and status which certainly the evangelical church has been guilty of in spades. It is my humble opinion that there are few sins as ungodly as using the Gospel of Jesus for personal profit and gain by fleecing the flock as it were.

“Honour thy father and thy mother.” - Exodus 20:12 Since they gave us life and cared for us, we were their property in our youth and therefore our obligation to them does not cease when we become self-sufficient. We owe them our gratitude for this is their due.

“Thou shalt not kill.” - Exodus 20:13 Murder is the ultimate form of theft since it deprives another of their most fundamental property, themselves!

“Thou shalt not commit adultery.” - Exodus 20:14 Adultery is a form of double theft since it deprives your spouse of their conjugal due and your faithfulness while doing the same to the participating party and their spouse.

“Thou shalt not steal.” - Exodus 20:15 Taking what does not belong to you no matter what the excuse is evil since it deprives them of their property. This commandment alone is proof socialism is wicked.

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.” - Exodus 20:16 We have innocent people before the courts at present who have been incarcerated without being given due process of law. When the state engages in bearing false witness against good people than the state itself has become an apparatus of tyranny. Telling lies about people is robbing them of the greatest reward a moral person receives in this life for behaving morally, namely their good reputation.

“Thou shalt not covet.” - Exodus 20:17 Lusting after property that does not belong to you can only lead to you eventually attempting to confiscate it. This sums up Justine Trudeau in a nutshell with the emphasis on nut.

Therefore, the entire system of government has made itself guilty of breaking all ten commandments. Need we wonder why this Canada Day we see the administrative state reaching into every cloying aspect of our lives to deprive God and man of our just due?


Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Why "Right Wing" has become a term of execration


Our current ideological dilemma and why many if not most are completely ignorant of the problem it poses to peace, order, and good government:

An astounding aspect of ideological possession is the conviction on the part of the ideologically possessed that they aren't being motivated by the beliefs which possess them. In fact, they appear utterly unaware that it is their beliefs which cause them to march in lockstep with others who hold to similar beliefs. Moreover, when confronted by this fact they will often vehemently deny the beliefs which are obviously motivating their behaviour.

In contrast those who are motivated by philosophy understand how it shapes their perception of reality to motivate their behaviour. Therefore, they are able to defend their philosophical position using ethics, epistemology, and ontology to explain their position. This defence often enrages their opponents since their opponents have given little thought as to why they think as they do, deny that they are motivated by things beyond their capacity to explain, and therefore view differing opinions as a personal challenge. Out of this mindset stems the intolerance which has become so common today, particularly when said intolerance is hidden under the guise of the political correctness of diversity, inclusiveness, and equity.

The former category unwittingly creates a collective consciousness where people are unaware that their beliefs have caused a loss of individualism while those in the latter category are able to withstand attacks on their individual character while defending their position with reason to avoid the logical fallacies and ad hominem attacks so often employed by their opponents.

The former category will often condemn the latter for their obstinate refusal to surrender their thoughts to the collective unconsciousness while individuals in the latter category understands the former merely reflects the collective zeitgeist and refuses to join them by choosing to think for themselves. The former makes faceless state control inevitable while the latter insists that a state which ignores the rights of the individual will inevitably create a collective tyranny proving that democracy when unrestrained by means of a charter or a constitution is the fastest road to creating hell on earth.

Which is why "Right Wing" has become a term of execration because the left has become so radicalized and authoritarian that anyone who longs for freedom is now viewed as an extremist. The general population under the influence of the collective unconsciousness simply does not realize nor accept that radical leftism is fast turning Western democracies into tyrannies. As importantly many have forgotten how a republic differs from that of a democracy. For by definition a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution (this form of government includes constitutional monarchies such as Great Britain, Canada, and Norway) while a democracy is a form of government that is ruled according to the will of the majority, or in other words by mob rule.

And this is why it is important to read philosophy and study history for it was the inventors of democracy the Greeks who first warned us of how easily democracy can descend into tyranny if left unrestrained by constitutional or charter law.


“Democracy — Rule by the Ignorant

Plato believed that expertise is the critical attribute of a leader; He criticizes democracy of seldom producing such characters. Rather, it elects popular spinsters who are effective in manipulating popular opinion.

To depict this, Plato uses an analogy of ship navigation in Book VI of ‘The Republic’. He contests that in order to select the appropriate captain, a popular vote is ineffective because people can be swayed by characteristics as irrelevant as their appearance. Instead, we should seek out only the most knowledgeable candidate as it is he who holds the required expertise.

Plato illustrates the ignorance that democracy yields in producing a captain:

… the true navigator must study the seasons of the year, the sky, the stars, the winds, and all the other subjects appropriate to his profession if he is to be really fit to control the ship…[the electorate] think that it’s quite impossible to acquire the professional skill needed for such control and that there’s no such thing as the art of navigation.”

“It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.” ― Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France

And so, this is where we have arrived in this Postmodern dystopian nightmare, led by politicians of intemperate minds voted into office by an ignorant electorate who are utterly unaware of the ideological possession which motivates their shallow view of life. Until we become willing to study to show ourselves approved, we are screwed and remain victims of our own hubris and ignorance, unaware of our own ideological possession, unrenewed in the spirit of our mind.

Ephesians 4:23-32 KJV

“and be renewed in the spirit of your mind; and that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are members one of another.”

2 Timothy 2:15 KJV

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...