Thursday, August 31, 2023

My interlocution with ChatGPT

 “Communism has been the greatest social engineering experiment we have ever seen. It failed utterly and in doing so it killed over 100,000,000 men, women, and children, not to mention the near 30,000,000 of its subjects that died in its often-aggressive wars and the rebellions it provoked. But there is a larger lesson to be learned from this horrendous sacrifice to one ideology. That is that no one can be trusted with power. The more power the center has to impose the beliefs of an ideological or religious elite or impose the whims of a dictator, the more likely human lives are to be sacrificed. This is but one reason, but perhaps the most important one, for fostering liberal democracy.” – Dr. Rudolph Rummel who was an American political scientist and professor at the Indiana University, Yale University, and University of Hawaiʻi.

I am convinced as Aldous Huxley presciently warned that man is being subjected to his own inventions only to become their victims. As the Scriptures state, the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath! And, as to where we are headed, the two major totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century are converging just as they once diverged since both began with the same essential socialist premise that life is a zero-sum game of Monopoly, only now this game is being played on a global scale. To be honest this is why the tyrannies of the Twentieth Century had resulted in two world wars and the cold war since they had a globalist agenda even back then. Globalism posits a fascist business model indicating that the dialectical materialism of communism has merged with the central control of fascism where private enterprises will only exist as a cooperative extension of the state as "stakeholders" in contrast to answering to its “shareholders”. This is why we constantly hear the phrase stakeholder capitalism replacing free markets and individual interests. What could possibly go wrong when the two major totalitarian ideologies of the twentieth century fornicate to create Satan's baby? 


But as an experiment I have been engaged in interlocution with ChatGPT. You ought to be aware that it acts upon a massive data-base fed to it in 2021 by programmers who are heavily biased toward favouring socialism while mysteriously ignoring the fact that both socialism and fascism have similar origins which have resulted in disastrous outcomes. So today I asked ChatGPT to, "Write me a paper, in Jordan B. Peterson style, about the zero-sum game of communism." It replied in about 10 seconds with:

Title: The Zero-Sum Game of Communism: A Jordan Peterson Perspective


In the realm of socio-political ideologies, few concepts have garnered as much intrigue and controversy as communism. From its inception, communism has been touted as a system that promises the redistribution of wealth and the eradication of inequality. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that the zero-sum nature of communism is not without its complexities and implications. In this paper, we will delve into the zero-sum game of communism, exploring its theoretical underpinnings and the real-world consequences it has yielded. Drawing inspiration from the teachings of Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, we will navigate through the intricate interplay of power, economics, and human nature within the context of communist ideals.

The Zero-Sum Paradigm:

At its core, communism posits a zero-sum game where resources are shared collectively among members of society, ostensibly to eliminate disparities between the privileged and the marginalized. This zero-sum framework suggests that any gain by one individual must necessarily entail a loss for another. Such a perspective inherently challenges the Darwinian nature of human interactions, where the struggle for resources has historically driven the evolution of societies.

Human Nature and Inequality:

Dr. Peterson, a prominent voice in the discourse on human nature, argues that inequality is not merely a result of arbitrary power dynamics, but a consequence of inherent individual differences. Communism's attempt to level the playing field often overlooks the fact that humans possess diverse talents, motivations, and aspirations. By mandating equal outcomes, communism inadvertently dampens the potential for individual excellence and innovation.

The Power Dilemma:

Communism's ambition to establish a classless society clashes with the reality of power dynamics. Dr. Peterson's teachings emphasize the hierarchical nature of human societies, where hierarchies emerge naturally based on competence and authority. In communist regimes, the centralized authority of the state often leads to a concentration of power within a select few. This results in a paradox where the supposed goal of eradicating inequality ends up reinforcing it through an unequal distribution of authority.

Incentives and Stagnation:

One of the central criticisms that Dr. Peterson raises against communism pertains to the lack of individual incentives. Communism's zero-sum game fails to account for the importance of motivation and reward. In a system where personal effort and innovation do not yield proportional rewards, the incentive to excel diminishes. This can lead to a stagnation of progress and a society that fails to adapt to changing circumstances.


In the grand theater of ideological narratives, the zero-sum game of communism takes center stage with its promise of equality and shared resources. However, a Jordan Peterson-inspired perspective offers a nuanced exploration of the inherent challenges within this paradigm. Dr. Peterson's insights on human nature, power dynamics, and incentives highlight the limitations and potential pitfalls of communism's zero-sum vision. As we navigate the intricate interplay of ideology and reality, it becomes clear that understanding the complexities of communism requires a multidimensional examination that transcends the simplicity of a zero-sum equation.”

Ah yes, the outcome has never resulted in anything other than what Dr Rummel warned us about, namely murderous tyranny. In this we see that we are once again becoming victims of both ideologies and technologies of our own creation. And with AI being as massively powerful as it is replete with inherent biases favouring socialism and centralized control, we can see a technology emerging as just the thing that will assume control over our means of production and the distribution of resources. This will inevitably kill the free market based upon personal choice and our freedom right along with it if we cannot keep Beelzebub’s baby locked in its crib! And this is but one reason, but perhaps the most important one, for fostering liberal democracy, just as Dr. Rudolph Rummel warned!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Chrystia Freeland thinks that 212,981,000 dead and counting isn't enough


Mass murder resulting from totalitarian tyranny is broken down into three basic categories, that of:

Democide: The murder of any person or people by a government.

Mortacracy: A type of political system that habitually and systematically murders large numbers of its own citizens.

Megamurderer: A government that has murdered 1,000,000 people or more.

During the 20th century, governments murdered over 200 million people. This figure excludes battle deaths from wars. The tables below are from my just-published article Guns Kill People, and Tyrants With Gun Monopolies Kill the Most, 25 Gonzaga Journal of International Law 29 (2021). The data cover 1900 to 1987 and are mainly based on the scholarship of the late University of Hawaii political science professor Rudolph J. Rummel. The few instances in which different figures are used are explained in my article.

The tables below do not used the word "genocide," because that term, as defined in the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, is too narrow. At the insistence of Josef Stalin, the Genocide Convention applies to some mass murders by government (e.g., targeting racial, ethnic, or religious groups) but not to others (e.g., targeting victims for class warfare or ideological reasons). Hence, prof. Rummel coined the term "democide" to describe noncombat mass murders for any reason.

As the tables indicate, mass murders are perpetrated by dictatorial regimes of various stripes. Communist regimes are far away the most murderous. The tables list 17 communist regimes that murdered at least 100,000 people. Overall, the communists murdered approximately 168,759,000 from 1900 to 1987.

On the whole, the most-murderous fascist regimes proved to be less durable than their communist counterparts, so their killing sprees did not last as long. The 1900-87 murder count by fascist regimes was 27,848,000.

Fascist regimes are those that were explicitly aligned with the political theories of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had been a socialist, but he broke with the party because of its internationalist class perspective and its opposition to World War I. Mussolini recast the totalitarian side of (some) socialist ideology into a nationalist mold.

All these figures are rough midpoint estimates. They come from a scholar who dedicated his outstanding career to quantifying mass murder by government and examining it causes.


Mega-Murders—Over 1 Million Victims, Regime Years,  Democide (000,000s)      


A. Dekamurders (over 10 million victims)

People's Republic of China. 1949-87. 87.6 million people murdered. Mao et al. communist regime. Does not include 3.5 million murders by Chinese communists during the 1927-49 civil war.

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1917-87. 61.9 million people murdered. Communist regime. Includes 54.8 million within the Soviet Union, plus 6.9 million in areas conquered by the USSR. Josef Stalin's rule (1929-53) accounts for 43 million. On an annualized basis, the pre-Stalin regime founded by Lenin was more murderous than the post-Stalin one.

Germany. 1933-45. 20.9 million people murdered. National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi). Includes Hitler regime's murders throughout occupied Europe. Does not include WWII battle deaths.

China, 1928-49. 10.1 million people murdered. Kuomintang party. Although the party was originally Leninist in orientation, I did not count them in the communist total.

B. Megamurders  (over 1 million victims)

Japan. 1936-45. 6.0 million people murdered. Military dictatorship. Principally, war crimes perpetrated by the Japanese army against civilians in occupied nations, such as China or the Philippines. Although the ideology was not derived from Mussolini, the regime allied with the European fascists in WW II, and Japan is counted as a fascist regime.

China. 1923-49. 3.5 million people murdered. Communist revolutionary army before victory in 1949. As with all the data, there are no battle deaths. The killings were of civilians in areas controlled by the communist army.

Cambodia. 1975-79. 1.5 million people murdered. Khmer Rouge communist regime. Per capita, the largest democide against a domestic population. Includes murders of ethnic minorities, intellectuals, and dissidents, plus deaths from slave labor.

Turkey. 1909-18. 1.9 million people murdered. Young Turks regime. Military dictatorship killings of Armenians and other Christians.

Vietnam. 1945-87. 1.7 million people murdered. Communist. Includes 1.1 million in Vietnam and 0.6 million in Laos and Cambodia. Does not include battle deaths.

Poland. 1945-48. 1.6 million people murdered. Communist regime, post-WWII. Ethnic cleansing of German population, including in former German areas given to Poland after the war. Deaths mainly from subhuman conditions of deportation.

Pakistan. 1970-71. 1.5 million people murdered. Islamist military dictatorship. A 267-day military attack by West Pakistan on East Pakistan (which is now the independent nation of Bangladesh). The attacks were ended by Indian military intervention. The figure does not include battle deaths.

Yugoslavia. 1944-63. 1.1 million people murdered. Josip Broz Tito communist dictatorship. Mass killings of ethnic groups and non-communists in 1944-46, plus deaths in slave labor camps through 1963.

Suspected megamurders (Data are less certain, so estimates are rougher.)

North Korea. 1948-87. 1.7 million people murdered. Sung family's communist absolute monarchy. Includes killings of prisoners of war and civilian South Koreans during the Korean War (1950-53).

Mexico. 1900-20. 1.4 million people murdered. Porfiro Díaz authoritarian regime till 1911; revolutionary regimes and warlords thereafter. Deaths of Indians and peons on slave labor haciendas, plus massacres of civilians and conscription into slave labor by various forces in the civil wars of 1911-20.

Russia. 1900-17. 1.1 million people murdered. Czarist regime. Includes about 0.5 million from Russian Empire Armenian irregulars slaughtering Kurds in Turkey in WWI, in reprisal for genocide of Armenians in Turkey. Most of the rest from deaths of prisoners of war in WWI. Some from Jewish pogroms.

Total death toll of megamurders: 203.5 million.


Next-Largest European Domestic Mass Murders, Regime Years, Democide, Summary

Albania. 1944-87. 100,000 people murdered. Communist. Ultra-totalitarian regime of Enver Hoxha.

Balkan Christians. 1912-13. 10,000 people murdered. Targeted by various governments.

Bulgaria. 1944-87. 222,000 people murdered. Communist.

Czechoslovakia. 1945-48. 197,000 people murdered. Coalition government including democrats and communists. Primarily reprisals and ethnic cleansing of German-speaking population. The figure is not included in the communist total above.

East Germany. 1945-87. 70,000 people murdered. Communist.

Hungary. 1919-44. 138,000 people murdered. Authoritarian. Includes 79,000 in Yugoslavia in areas temporarily annexed by Hungary in WWII. Included in the fascist total, because Hungary was an ally of Nazi Germany.

Rumania. 1941-87. 919,000 people murdered. Fascist then communist after 1944. For simplicity, half the deaths are assigned to communists and half to fascists.

Spain. 1936-75. 452,000 people murdered. Fascist Francisco Franco dictatorship. Mutual democide of 202,000 by Fascists and Republicans during Civil War. 250,000 by Franco thereafter. For simplicity, half the Civil War deaths are assigned to fascists. Although many communists fought in the Civil War against Franco, the deaths from the anti-Franco side are not assigned to communists.

Total of other European mass murders: 2,108,000


Selected Centi-Kilomurders (over 100,000) Regime, Years, Democide, Summary

Afghanistan. 1978-87. 483,000 people murdered. Does not include battle deaths. Includes democides by pre-1979 regime, by the regime installed in 1979 by Soviet coup, by the imperial Soviet army, and by other forces.

Angola. 1975-87. 125,000 people murdered. By communist regime following independence from Portugal.

Burundi. 1964-87. 175,000 people murdered. Tutsis vs. Hutus.

China. 1917-49. 910,000 people murdered by warlords. Independent warlord regimes not under the control of the Republic of China or of the communist revolutionaries.

Ethiopia. 1941-74. 148,000 people murdered. Haile Selassie monarchy.

Ethiopia. 1974-87. 725,000 people murdered. Communist.

Guatemala. 1956-87. 122,000 people murdered. Military.

Indonesia. 1965-66. 509,000 people murdered. Killings of communists by the military, the select militia, and others following a failed communist coup attempt.

Indonesia. 1965-87. 729,000 people murdered. Against East Timor secessionists.

Iraq. 1968-87. 187,000 people murdered. Ba'ath party. Although the party had explicitly Stalinist and Hitlerist roots, the deaths are not assigned to either ideology.

Mongolia. 1916-87. 100,000 people murdered. Communist.

Mozambique. 1975-87. 323,000 people murdered. 198,000 by communist regime after 1975 independence from Portugal. Remainder by opposition RENAMO forces (Resistência Nacional Moçambicana).

Nigeria. 1967-70. 777,000 people murdered. By government and Biafran forces during Biafra's failed war of independence.

Sudan. 1956-87. 627,000 people murdered. Islamist military dictatorship. Against various ethnic or racial minorities.

Turkey. 1919-23. 878,000 people murdered. Atatürk regime. Post-WWI attacks on Armenians and other minorities.

Uganda. 1971-79. 300,000 people murdered. Idi Amin military regime. Mainly against minority tribes and Ugandans of Asian descent.

Uganda. 1979-87. 255,000 people murdered. Post-Amin regimes.

Total: 7,373,000

Grand total: 212,981,000.

The figures are for 1900-87, and therefore do not include mass murders by governments in the last 35 years, such as the ongoing Chinese Communist imperialist genocides in Central Asia against Tibetans, Uighurs, and other groups.

As detailed in my article and the citations therein, the overwhelming majority of the above murders were perpetrated against victims who had been assiduously disarmed by dictatorships before the killing began. The behavior and statements of mass-murdering regimes indicate that armed victims are a serious impediment to mass murder by government. As also detailed in the article, the historical record indicates that resistance by intended victims who do have arms can save many lives, even when the targeted groups lack the power to overthrow the regime.


In a commencement address to graduating students at Boston’s Northeastern University in May, Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said the fundamental question of our time is: “Does capitalist democracy still work?”. Yes, the very system of government that ostensibly allows her to serve as a minister she claims is no longer viable. Well, frankly, if she is the result of democracy and capitalism, she may be right!

Friday, August 18, 2023

God uses fools to confound the wise or why Rich men north of Richmond is such an impactful tune


In this postmodern dystopia in which we live our lives have been subjected to futility. It does not matter what the common person does to get ahead since the state is ever present to assist in sabotaging your dreams. But what does it mean to be subjected to futility? 

Let us examine Romans 8:20-23 (NASB)

20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope 

21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 

22 For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now. 

23 And not only that, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons and daughters, the redemption of our body.

Do you ever feel that life is futile, that your efforts often end in vain, that the structure of existence itself is corrupt? That is because it is. This is a mystery that those who have no revelation of Christ simply cannot comprehend. 

This generation will go down in history as the one who surrendered its autonomy and reason to so-called experts whose greatest expertise is in disseminating lies and toxic ideologies under the false banner of social progress, just like every other group of totalitarian utopians which preceded them. We are headed straight back to those times when civilization was being culturally deconstructed by radicals. From the French Revolutionaries on to the Bolsheviks, to the Fascists and Nazis, to Mao's Cultural Revolutionaries, et al, each attempt at a sweeping radical restructuring of established order resulted in tyranny, murder, economic ruin, chaos, and despair while ripping away at the very foundations of social cohesion. So, screw the revolution!

BUT HOW IS IT THAT ANY OF YOU ARE OK WITH THIS? Canada has become a totally unnecessary tragedy brought about by a cadre of fools who attempt to control everything around themselves while being totally out of control themselves! We are being governed by "mendaciousnessism". This nation doesn't suffer from systemic racism, rather this nation is being tyrannized by systemic lies. And its citizens are growing ever more fed up and disgusted with politicians and bureaucrats who use lies under the false banner of social justice and progress as an unrelenting tool of manipulation! Under the Trudeau clan the father brought the Charter into existence while the son has managed to shove it down an Orwellian memory hole even as he desecrates it. Under the Trudeaus Canada has come full circle led deliberately from tyranny to ever greater tyranny, all in the name of cultural progress! This is due to the fact that the elites have never nor ever can be trusted to protect the weak, infirmed, and marginalized since they believe themselves to be so enlightened and superior to the common rabble that they have no time for us lesser mortals.

In a nation as vast, broad, deep, wide, and savage as Canada the very last thing anyone sane would wish to do is to make transporting goods unnecessarily costly and access to the energy to move them more difficult, and bureaucratic than it already is.  Which is why I am convinced that we are being governed by the criminally insane. In fact, our current cadre of politicians are guilty of committing capital crimes since their policies have resulted in loss of life and will continue to do so until said policies are changed. This is why the provinces are now engaged in a constitutional war with Ottawa over these very issues.

Yet if the wicked fools in power believe that the words of Oliver Anthony’s new song “Rich men north of Richmond” about how political corruption has disenfranchised the silent majority of “deplorables” aren't going to unite folks who are fed up with wealthy and corrupt oligarchs who lord it over us like serfs then they're even crazier than their perverted lifestyles prove them to be! Let’s examine a sample of Oliver Anthony’s lyrics from that song:

"It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to

For people like me and people like you

Wish I could just wake up and it not be true

But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world

With an old soul

These rich men north of Richmond

Lord knows they all just wanna have total control

Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do

And they don't think you know, but I know that you do

'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end

'Cause of rich men north of Richmond"

Then let us read from Psalm 37:12-20 NASB Anthony that read from just before he performed at the concert at Morris’s Farm Market in North Carolina that sent America reeling, radical social engineers into fits of rage, and his crowd into paroxysm of amens and shouts of relief that finally someone they could identify with had given them a voice.

12 The wicked plots against the righteous, And gnashes at him with his teeth.

13 The Lord laughs at him, For He sees that his day is coming.

14 The wicked have drawn the sword and bent their bow

To take down the afflicted and the needy,

To kill off those who are upright in conduct.

15 Their sword will enter their own heart, And their bows will be broken.

16 Better is the little of the righteous Than the abundance of many wicked.

17 For the arms of the wicked will be broken, But the Lord sustains the righteous.

18 The Lord knows the days of the blameless, And their inheritance will be forever.

19 They will not be ashamed in the time of evil, And in the days of famine they will have plenty.

20 But the wicked will perish; And the enemies of the Lord will be like the glory of the pastures, They vanish—like smoke they vanish away.

Then let us examine how The Wisdom of God operates to confound the wise and powerful from 1st Corinthians 1:

18 For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.


20 Where is the wise man? Where is the scribe? Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? 

21 For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not come to know God, God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 

22 For indeed Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom; 

23 but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block and to Gentiles foolishness, 

24 but to those who are the called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 

25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

26 For consider your calling, brethren, that there were not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble; 

27 but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong, 

28 and the base things of the world and the despised God has chosen, the things that are not, so that He may nullify the things that are, 

29 so that no man may boast before God. 

30 But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, 

31 so that, just as it is written, “LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD.”

Amen and amen, let the lament of my soul be approved in your sight and use foolish things like me to break the bows of the wicked!

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What is their plan? To redefine society!

We live in a society besotted by state sponsored double think dedicated to holding two or more mutually exclusive beliefs simultaneously. This has created sufficient cognitive dissonance to drive people mad. An example of such is the result of allowing tens of thousands of people into the country who find homosexuality culturally and religiously abhorrent only to lay the blame for homophobia on people who are politically conservative yet have no homophobic agenda. This double speak is a prerequisite used to further the cultural revolution which radical politicians who are dedicated to social engineering use to train the population to ignore the fact that their policies are contradictory while never achieving their promised outcomes.

Since Trudeau openly admires China’s basic dictatorship while the level of CCP interference in our democracy is on full display what makes anyone think Trudeau's disastrous economic and immigration policies aren't a deliberate attempt to destroy free market Capitalism and the society it benefits? After all, it's a radical's job to run the economy into the ground so that he can declare the need for totalitarian control of both the economy and of our social order! The fact that Trudeau cares nothing for the actual outcome of his failed policies, never investigates the root cause of said failures and doubles down on the very costly policies which have repeatedly resulted in missing the mark is on full display for all to see. Is he foolish enough to think that no one will notice? Does he actually assume the public will remain willing to allow their taxes to be spent on disastrous initiatives? Is he not aware that the only way for him and his kind to have become as wealthy as they are is the result of them misappropriating our tax dollars?

So today I am making this vodcast about why these Neo-Totalitarians have censored me. This latest censoring has to do with me sharing the message that we are no longer allowed to post news articles to Facebook. So de facto they've declared their own message as false! You literally cannot make this shit up! Let me be clear, I believe no one who claims they have some special wisdom that God gave to them alone so that only they may enlighten others is telling the truth. Anything I write or state can readily be understood by anyone who studies prayerfully so that they may show themselves approved unto God. It is the rejection of the need for God which has resulted in narcissistic ideation. Nietzsche stated this clearly, namely that since man had killed God that man would need to become his own god in order to be worthy of this greatest of all crimes, theocide. Yet the Superman, or “Übermensch” as Nietzsche referred to him, found that the task of creating a manmade value structure was impossible as well as tyrannically murderous.

So let us take the opportunity to have a discussion free of ad hominem attacks, tautology, name calling and mischaracterization since, “You are a stinky poo poo head!” is not an argument nor is calling people “right wing” when they are not if your definition of such is likely to be based upon a logical fallacy. So let us examine that fallacy first. The left vs right political spectrum originated during the time of the French Revolution, as did many bad ideas which are French. As Dr. David Starkey put it, "All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence." In the national assembly to the left of the King sat those who believed that they had the right to veto the absolutist rule of their monarch while to the King's right sat those who were invested in the absolute power of the executive branch of government led by the King. This definition when logically applied to today defines leftists as those who are highly suspicious of arbitrary state power and therefore believe that government should be limited in accordance. This makes every Classical Liberal, Libertarian, and Conservative a leftist. Those who believe in the right of the executive branch to ignore the wishes of the people and their representatives are therefore right wing which is why we have a right wing Neo-totalitarian government under Trudeau propped up by the radical NDP led by Jagmeet Singh that renown champagne socialist who lives an entitled lifestyle few could dream of despite his much-vaunted claims of caring for the disenfranchised. Yes, Trudeau is in fact a radical right-wing authoritarian. Never in the history of the Dominion of Canada has one government so completely and successfully managed to further marginalize the already marginalized while indebting the nation for decades to come by creating economic policies based upon pure fiction and delusional ideation. Fascism, Nazism, Marxism, Cultural Marxism, and Postmodernism are variants on a theme which favour total state control under the banner of the needs of the many outweighing the rights of the few. It also goes without saying that these various forms of social collectivism compete with one another, murderously in fact.

There's always been an attempt to build Babylon, the creation of an all-encompassing system that reaches unto heaven. Babylon invariably collapses into confusion as the men who attempt to build it become their own gods. This metaphorical story has been repeated down through the ages. In this age of digital artificial intelligence, the system will become even greater before it collapses due to the sheer power of the technology behind it. It is fascinating to note that all social collectivist ideologies devolve in a similar fashion while waging war with one another. All Fascists began as radical socialists if not outright Marxists. Modern China more closely resembles a fascist state far more than it resembles anything Marx and Engels wrote about. All forms of social collectivism are merely attempts to recreate the Tower of Babel with man becoming his own god in control of an all-encompassing system which reaches unto heaven. All such systems are destined to the same fate as Babel namely, to collapse in confusion where people can no longer comprehend what one another is saying. In fact, I'd say we are almost there!

Now let us examine the claims regarding Cultural Marxist Critical Theory being a right-wing conspiracy. Critical Theory derived social engineering is being taught in every major Western University today as viable political theory. I invite you to type the name of any university of your choosing along with Critical Theory into any search engine. You won’t find one that is not teaching this philosophy which originated from the Frankfurt School. Many social engineering radicals try to deny this which I find telling especially given the fact I do not believe that they are being genuine. I know most of these radicals are fully aware of these facts since they were trained by radicals like Saul Alinsky and simply seek to muddy the waters by obfuscation and name calling. Examine Saul’s Rule for Radicals:

The Rules:

"Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have."

"Never go outside the expertise of your people."

"Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. ...

"A good tactic is one your people enjoy."

I think it is fascinating to note that all social collectivist ideologies devolve in a similar manner while waging war with one another. All Fascists began as radical socialists if not outright Marxists. Modern China resembles a fascist state far more than anything Marx and Engels wrote about. Yes, all forms of social collectivism are merely attempts to recreate the Tower of Babel with man becoming his own god in control of an all-encompassing system which reaches unto heaven. All are destined to the same fate as Babel namely, to collapse in confusion where people can no longer comprehend what one another is saying. In fact, I'd say we are almost there! But you can help defeat them by sharing my posts to help defeat their damnable algorithm they use to silence all dissent.

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The poisoned well of public discourse

Society has become so besotted with Luciferian presumption that we can no longer understand one another’s actual meaning. The constantly metastasizing nature of Postmodern literary lunacy and linguistic deconstruction is being propagated by thought police who demand our total compliance to an irrational orthodoxy which even they cannot clearly define. The resulting artificially created alphabet soup features gender identities which include male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none, or a combination of these leaving us with the ridiculous anagram of LGBTQIA2S+.  This species of gender WOKENESS has poisoned the well of public discourse with the LPC government of Justine Trudeau in concert with the NDP led by Jagmeet Singh acting as its evangelizing disciples.

On top of the sexual confusion being promoted by the state, our leaders are governing us through fear. We have been scared into compliance due to our politicians’ use of hyperbolic catastrophizing on climate change and disease pathogens. As a result, we are living in an age of emotional blackmail directed at us by political narcissists. This new political class is devoid of the real statesmen needed to lead us out of this crisis. And this crisis of conscience is the deliberate creation of the Critical Theorists who have completely taken over the Academy to infect all our sacred institutions downstream of the universities with their diabolical ideology. Even though there remains some of us who reject Cultural Marxist Critical Theory, the New Neo-Marxist orthodoxy has even managed to infect the board rooms of Big Business. If businesses refuse to comply with this new orthodoxy, the social credit system being created by the thought police in power will simply cancel them. 

Few realize the full extent of the success of this Cultural Marxist Revolution. However, as a Classical Liberal in the English sense I do since my political views are based upon proven social progress. This is why it infuriates me that these illiberal authoritarians have the unmitigated gall to call themselves liberals. At times this makes me regret I remain alive to witness this. Moreover, as a Christian who eschews the prevailing corruption in church life, I seriously wonder why Christians have become so ineffectual in combating this irrational lunacy since Christ is the solution to this transhumanist assault on human nature itself.

Examining the root cause of this dysfunction:

All dysfunction is the result of the need to control things which lie beyond our ability to control. This is the reason that the 12 Step serenity prayer begins with "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." The inability to recognize these limitations leads to addiction and all manner of toxic behaviours. Like believing it is possible to randomly choose our gender identity apart from our God given biology for instance. This psychological phenomenon forms the basis for governments throughout the Western World forgetting the liberal principle of live and let live in exchange for the total social control of state mandated critical theories. This has resulted in the creation of a political class which is narcissistically addicted to power, control, and magical thinking. The only healthy way for us to deal with these addicts is by refusing to enable their addiction. I will not participate in state sanctioned tyranny replete as it is with state mandated social engineering policies that advocate gender insanity and hyperbolic catastrophizing about biological pathogens and climate change. It has resulted in codependency and toxic behaviour not merely for the addict but also for those who are being impacted by their addiction to total social control. Society writ large has therefore developed a sick codependent relationship with governments which keep us in a constant state of abusive codependency. These disciples of social engineering have even created artificial language constructed to force us to subscribe to their impossible magical thinking! Delusions which are so mad that by subscribing to them they will tear down social order out of an attempt to create something which literally cannot exist!

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...