We are witnessing the reemergence of an authoritarian
political class whose beliefs systems are reminiscent but not identical to the totalitarianism
of the 20th Century:
Let us examine the reemergence of a political class which
displays some very nasty psychopathic tendencies and how they use their dark
tendencies to manipulate public support. We will also examine why behaving like
a Besserwisser is indicative of being an ideologically possessed sociopath. Progressivism
as a false front for a narcissistic manipulation:
"To do evil a human being must first of all believe
that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its
long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness
and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem
good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear
reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors." ~ Aleksandr
The origins of the concept of Dark Tetrad political
The idea of the Dark Tetrad traits was originated by Erin
Buckles, Daniel Jones, and Delroy L. Paulhus in 2013. They expanded the concept
of the Dark Triad, which was first proposed by Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams in
2002, by adding sadism as a fourth trait. They argued that sadism was distinct
from the other three traits and that it had a significant correlation with
them. You can read more about their research in this article ¹..
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023
(1) Dark Tetrad | Psychology Today.
(2) Dark triad - Wikipedia.
(3) The truth about the Dark Tetrad | Psychopathy |
Narcissism | Sadism.
(4) en.wikipedia.org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_triad.
What is the Dark Tetrad?
The Dark Tetrad traits are four personality characteristics
that are associated with negative and harmful behaviors. They are:
- **Narcissism**: A belief that one is special, superior,
and entitled to admiration and respect from others. Narcissists are often
self-centered, arrogant, and manipulative. They lack empathy and have a fragile
sense of self-esteem that depends on external validation. ¹²
- **Machiavellianism**: A tendency to see people as a means
to achieve one's own goals. Machiavellians are often cynical, deceptive, and
ruthless. They have a low moral compass and are willing to exploit others for
their own benefit. They are also strategic and adaptable to different
situations. ¹²
- **Psychopathy**: A condition characterized by a lack of
affective empathy and the willingness to harm others. Psychopaths are often
impulsive, selfish, and callous. They have a disregard for social norms and
laws, and feel little or no remorse for their actions. They are also charming
and persuasive, and can manipulate others with ease. ¹²
- **Sadism**: A tendency to derive pleasure from the pain
or humiliation of others. Sadists are often cruel, aggressive, and violent.
They enjoy inflicting physical or psychological harm on others, and may also be
aroused by it. They have a high need for dominance and control, and may seek
out situations where they can exert their power over others. ²³
The Dark Tetrad traits are not mental disorders, but rather
normal or "everyday" personality features that fall in the dark or
malevolent spectrum. They are moderately interrelated, meaning that people who
score high on one trait are likely to score high on the others as well.
However, they are also theoretically distinct, meaning that they have different
origins, manifestations, and outcomes. People with high Dark Tetrad traits tend
to cause problems for themselves and others, such as criminality, social distress,
and organizational dysfunction. They also tend to have low levels of
compassion, agreeableness, and life satisfaction. ¹²³
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023
(1) Dark triad - Wikipedia.
(2) Dark Tetrad | Psychology Today.
(3) The Dark Tetrad of Personality | SpringerLink. https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-28099-8_1059-1.
Dark Tetrad traits and their influence on
According to some research, people with dark tetrad traits
(Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism) may be more likely to
run for political office than people with lower levels of these traits. One
study found that the dark tetrad traits were significantly related to political
ambition and participation, and that these traits were more influential than
the light triad traits (humanism, Kantianism, and faith in humanity) ¹. Another
study found that people who reported knowingly sharing false political
information online were more likely to have a desire to run for political
office, as well as higher levels of a psychological need for chaos, dark tetrad
traits, and paranoia ². These findings suggest that some people with dark
tetrad traits may be motivated by power, status, and dominance, and may use
politics as a means to achieve these goals. However, these studies are
correlational and do not imply causation. There may be other factors that
influence the relationship between dark tetrad traits and political office,
such as personality, ideology, culture, and context. Therefore, it is not
possible to say that all people with dark tetrad traits are more likely to run
for political office, or that all people who run for political office have dark
tetrad traits.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023
(1) Frontiers | The Dark is Rising: Contrasting the Dark
Triad and Light ....
(2) Who knowingly shares false political information
(3) Dark Triad traits and entitlement linked to both
authoritarian ....
(4) Dark triad - Wikipedia.
(5) undefined. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2021.657750.
Why folks are so easily taken in by politicians
who exhibit pathological narcissism and the psychopathic tendencies inherent to
the Dark Tetrad:
Obviously, this is the key question. Since there is no
definitive answer to how politicians with dark tetrad traits gain political
support, let us examine some possible explanations:
- They may use their charisma, charm, and manipulation
skills to persuade and influence voters, especially those who are more
susceptible to emotional appeals, fear-mongering, or conspiracy theories ¹².
- They may appeal to the values, beliefs, and identities of
certain groups of people, such as those who share their ideology, ethnicity,
religion, or culture, and create a sense of loyalty, solidarity, and ingroup
favoritism ¹³.
- They may exploit the dissatisfaction, frustration, and
resentment of some segments of society, such as those who feel marginalized,
oppressed, or victimized, and offer them a scapegoat, a solution, or a vision
of a better future ¹³.
- They may project an image of confidence, competence, and
authority, and convince voters that they are the best or the only ones who can
solve the problems, challenges, or threats facing the nation or the world ¹².
- They may hide, deny, or rationalize their dark tetrad
traits, and present themselves as benevolent, altruistic, or patriotic leaders,
who care about the common good, the public interest, or the greater cause ¹².
These are some of the possible ways that politicians with
dark tetrad traits may gain political support, but they are not exhaustive or
conclusive. There may be other factors that affect the relationship between
personality and politics, such as the political system, the media, the culture,
and the context. Therefore, it is important to be critical, informed, and
vigilant when evaluating the claims, actions, and motives of political
candidates and leaders.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023
(1) Frontiers | The Dark is Rising: Contrasting the Dark
Triad and Light ....
(2) The impact of dark tetrad traits on political ... -
(3) Dark Triad traits and entitlement linked to both
authoritarian ....
(4) undefined. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpos.2021.657750.
(5) undefined.
Let me read from an article published on Nov 27th
2023 in the National Post entitled: 'So-called Canada' – the mainstream
academic belief that Canada is illegitimate by Tristin Hopper
“Major non-profits go out of their way to avoid
using the word 'Canada,' even when petitioning the Government of Canada
As Canadian academics and activists have
churned out a slew of petitions and statements calling Israel an illegitimate
state deserving of violent “resistance,” not a few observers have noted that
these declarations almost always express the same sentiment for Canada itself.
A controversial petition from earlier this
month that denied the presence of rapes in the Oct. 7 massacres was drafted by
signatories “residing in so-called Canada.” A York Federation of Students
statement endorsing the attacks referred to both Israel and Canada as
“so-called” states. The Palestinian Youth Movement – a primary organizer of
Canadian anti-Israel rallies and an explicit proponent of Hamas terrorism–
almost never uses the word “Canada” without the “so-called” prefix.
“There’s … dripping contempt for Canada, the
country where many of the people who signed are on the public payroll,” wrote
Calgary Herald columnist Don Braid in a reaction to the usage of “so-called
Canada” in the rape denial letter. A recent post to a McGill University student
forum expressed outrage that one of their student society’s anti-Israel
statements didn’t appear to recognize Canada as a sovereign country. “They
referred to our country as ‘so-called Canada’ … I find this appalling and
But while the term “so-called Canada” may be
shocking to the un-initiated, it’s long been mainstream in the country’s
academic and activist sphere. From major universities to top non-profits such
as Greepeace, it has now become routine to casually dismiss the legitimacy of
the country where they operate and often draw their funding.
Dalhousie University used the term in their
official statement marking Truth and Reconciliation Day. The University of
Victoria published a report last year on “child welfare policy in so called
Canada.” A UBC thesis on the “racial inequity” of rock climbing puts “so-called
Canada” right in its title, a prefix not applied to mentions of Bangladesh or
India in the text.
It’s in a University of Guelph paper on the
alleged racism of disaster evacuations – one that includes a federal policy
analyst as a co-author. Even the journal Canadian Food Studies routinely refers
to “so-called Canada” or the “imperial enterprise called ‘Canada.’”
It’s also common for non-profits to avoid using
the word “Canada,” even when those groups are directly attempting to pressure
the Government of Canada.
Greenpeace appears to have made it official
policy to avoid referring to Canada by name. In just the last year, it has
issued press releases referring to “forests in so-called Canada,” “so-called
Canada’s plastic waste” and “devastating wildfires across so-called Canada.”
In 2021, the Toronto-based Jane Goodall
Institute published a demand for “climate justice” from the federal government
– while simultaneously calling said government’s validity into question.
“Environmental racism in so-called Canada often manifests as harm inflicted on
Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities,” it read.
The phrase is usually employed as an expression
of Indigenous solidarity, and is usually paired with terms such as “stolen
land” or Turtle Island – a term used by some Indigenous peoples for North
America that was popularized in the 1970s by U.S. poet Gary Snyder.”
My final thoughts and an earnest prayer:
There you have it. Pathological narcissists with dark tetrad
traits are indoctrinating the next generation of our children with one goal
admitted goal in mind, namely a Marxist denial of our history and the real truth
about it. Their entire intent is to tear down the very foundations of limited, constitutional
democracy without offering a single vision for the future other than furthering
their Cultural Revolution. The psychopathy of Dark Tetrad personality disorder has
received the full approbation of the Academic class who have helped to create a
generation who have replaced faith with nihilism, character with narcissistic projection,
and culture with revolution. God have mercy on us. I pray this, for the sake of
my righteous ancestors who helped to found Canada as a Christian nation under
God, and for the sake of the faithful remnant who descended from them, may God
deliver us from the pathological narcissists whose every doctrine and policy is
aimed at creating national amnesia where not a single Canadian will be left who
can remember their own heritage and the love of God which made our national
legacy possible!
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