Friday, April 5, 2024

Christophobia, Cultural Relativism & fabricated history


Although that "Postmodern Poster Boy" Justin Trudeau can only be held accountable for the things he himself has done, his sins are so manifold that they cannot be enumerated. He has successfully managed to create a Cultural Marxist Revolution that has managed to tear down the very foundations of who and what we are as a nation. A devastation so complete that it simply has no political remedy. The idea pathogens which have made this cultural revolution possible have completely captured our most important institutions. So much so that I have come to detest living in Trudeau's Postmodern dystopia. Here in Canada if you were to post “he’s an idiot” 99% will know immediately to whom you’re referring yet the vast majority of those in government, in its bureaucracy, those running our universities and schools have swallowed his toxic thinking hook, line, and sinker. I had someone tell me that my faith in Christ is delusional state that he will be good with whatever outcome results from the policies of the current government. Yet his assertion is patently false since he will only be satisfied if the cultural revolution continues unabated while deconstructing functional social order.

All real progress is evolutionary never revolutionary. Progress builds on a preexisting foundation that cannot be torn down if it is to be built upon. In the People’s Republic of China that Trudeau openly admires Mao's Cultural Revolution nearly erased Chinese culture. The death toll from Mao's Cultural Revolution is a subject of ongoing research and debate, with estimates varying widely. Some sources estimate the number of deaths to be between **1–2 million**¹, while others suggest a range from **500,000 to two million**⁴. There are also higher estimates that reach up to **3 million**⁵ and even **7.73 million** according to some analyses². These figures reflect the tragic loss of life and the widespread suffering that occurred during this tumultuous period in Chinese history.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-04-05

(1) Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia.

(2) The Cultural Revolution: all you need to know about China's political ....

(3) A tragedy pushed to the shadows: the truth about China’s Cultural ....

(4) Chronology of Mass Killings during the Chinese Cultural Revolution ....

(5) Cultural Revolution - Wikipedia.

Is this what we want for Canada? If allowed to continue the current government will completely erase who and what we are as a nation and God only knows what forms of persecution Trudeau’s recently passed legislation will result in. It is already illegal to state Christian doctrine in public without the state censoring us which include possible criminal charges, fines, and jail time if we persist in remaining true to our faith. Yet me hear nothing about Christophobia from our governing elite who live in a Postmodern echo chamber far removed from the actual people whom they govern.

Cultural Relativism invariably plays a key role in the rewriting of history to ensure that it will fit the Cultural Marxist narrative. We were in Niagara last weekend where Jordan is a favourite destination for boutique shopping and to take lunch at an old haunt of mine known as the Jordan Hotel. In the 1790’s Mennonites from Buck County Pennsylvania immigrated to what was then Upper Canada to establish a Mennonite Settlement in Jordan. Its remnants are still visible which feature a pioneer cemetery, an old settler’s home, a German schoolhouse and some farm and carriage implements on display under an outdoor pavilion. The Mennonites were renowned for their passivism and their work ethic and have traditionally prospered wherever they settled which is why Niagara still has a significant Mennonite community to this day. North America is the first place where these protestant dissenters were able to live without fear of persecution for their faith and their commitment to pacifism.

I walked down to the site of their historical settlement to find erected in front of all that remains of the original settlers’ community an enormous museum dedicated to the Haudenosaunee, the Neutrals, and the Anishinaabe stating that it was dedicated to peace despite of the fact that all these tribes had murdered one another with impunity. Moreover, the new museum was planted there despite the fact that it is built on the ground that was settled by people whose literal religious beliefs are based upon pacifism.

I used to keep my trailer at Cape Croker Park where I had the great privilege of being adopted into the Anishinaabe people by one of the elders from the Cape, Vera Jones. They have a saying at the Cape that if you shake hands with a Mohawk, you had better count your fingers when you are finished shaking hands. These various tribes fought amongst one another and killed one another with impunity.

Historical accounts suggest that the Neutral Confederacy, also known as the Attawandaron, were indeed dispersed by the Iroquois, particularly the Seneca, in the mid-17th century. The Neutrals inhabited the area that includes present-day Thorold, Ontario. After a series of conflicts and the political destruction of the Hurons by the Iroquois, the Neutrals were attacked and conquered in 1650-51, with some remnants of the Neutral tribes being incorporated into the Seneca villages in New York¹².

This period was marked by significant intertribal warfare, and the Neutral Confederacy's decline was also influenced by European-introduced diseases and other factors¹. The history of these events is complex and is primarily known from Jesuit records and archaeological findings¹. It's important to note that these historical events have a profound impact on the Indigenous communities involved and should be approached with respect and sensitivity.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-04-05

(1) Neutral Confederacy - Wikipedia.

(2) Neutral Indians - Canadian History - Marianopolis College.

(3) Tortures of the Algonquin Prisoners – History Moments.

Cultural Relativism and the necessary rewriting of human history exists for one purpose namely, to further the Cultural Marxist Revolution being fomented by Trudeau’s government. They have managed to replace what they label as “Post Colonial Oppression” and Western beliefs based upon Christian values with yet another Western belief, namely Cultural Marxism. It wasn’t the natives who built that centre in Jordan, it was our white government who still treat them condescendingly as children whose welfare must be looked after by the state since they are incapable of caring for their own affairs. I hear all of the time how my house is constructed on Anishinaabe land that is unceded so here is a question, why am I paying taxes to Ottawa and the federal government if as they insist the Algonquins still own and control the land? There is nothing as incoherent and contradictory as Marxism. We need to defeat this pernicious ideology once and for all and dismiss it as the delusion held by people who actually believe that the state ought to be given control of their lives since they are so incapable and incompetent that they need to be cared for like so many unthinking children. And that my dears is exactly what that museum in Jordan represents, Neo-Marxist condescension. It highlights the awful emotional mind game of weaponized guilt where we are to assume responsibility for perceived sins that someone else committed, if indeed they had been committed at all.


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