Sunday, June 30, 2024

The age of performative caring


Our present government, the arts in general and the greatest proportion of religious practices are purely performative. They constitute the mere show of virtue and affiliation with righteous causes while hiding the rot within. They're a show aimed to entertain the witless and deceive the gullible. Don't fall for it. They’re the Disneyland version of the real thing, they are but a false image of what ought to be worshipped. If you reject God, you will have made Babylon your false god!

Before we discuss performative care in the political sphere let us begin with examining why outward conformity to religion is not what God desires since there are several scriptures that address the issue of focusing solely on outward appearances of religiosity rather than the inward transformation of the heart. Here are a few passages that warn against such practices:

- **Matthew 23:1-36**¹: This chapter records Jesus' criticism of the religious leaders of His time, the Pharisees and teachers of the law. He denounces their hypocrisy and legalism, emphasizing that they should not be followed as they do not practice what they preach. Jesus points out that they are more concerned with their image and status than with justice, mercy, and faithfulness.

- **Matthew 7:16-20**²: Jesus teaches that true followers can be identified by their fruits, meaning their actions and the outcomes of their lives, rather than just their outward appearance or declarations of faith.

- **James 2:17-18**²: James writes that faith without works is dead, suggesting that genuine faith will result in actions that reflect that faith, rather than just outward expressions.

- **1 Samuel 16:7**²: God reminds Samuel that He does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

These scriptures encourage believers to focus on the sincerity of their faith and the transformation of their hearts, rather than just the external practice of religious rituals or traditions. They serve as a reminder that true religion is not about outward show but about inward change and living out one's faith through actions that align with God's will.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Matthew 23 NLT - Jesus Criticizes the Religious Leaders - Bible Gateway. 

(2) 52 Bible Verses about Outward Appearance - Online Bible. 

(3) Lesson 30: What Keeps People from Christ (John 5:39-47). 

Having given the Lord first place let us now examine performative care in Canada. From Sky News Australia from an article and video entitled “Lefties Losing It”:  

Lefties losing it: Justin Trudeau the king of ‘performative caring’

February 09, 2024 - 8:30PM

Sky News host Rita Panahi brands Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the “king of performative caring”.

Mr Trudeau declared Canadians don’t want a politician to “make Canada great again” during a speech in the House of Commons.

The comment was aimed at Canadian Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre while he addressed his government’s policies aimed at tackling the cost of living.

“Yes, why would Canadians want Canada to be great again? What a shocking concept that would be,” Ms Panahi said.

The next Canadian federal election will take place on or before October 22, 2025.

In another articole from Author Douglas Murray has called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau an “utter bimbo” and accused him of “performative caring” after his party recently lost a by-election.© Provided by Sky News Australia

“It’s very hard to find a true thing he’s ever said, or a sincere thing he’s ever said,” he told Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi.

“He’s an utter bimbo, a phrase that maybe one wouldn’t use on a female politician these days but I’m happy to use of Justin Trudeau.”

Hypocrisy is Vicious, Value-Expressing Inconsistency

The psychological phenomenon that often causes individuals to double down on their lies even after being exposed is known as **cognitive dissonance**. Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, which leads to a feeling of mental discomfort. To alleviate this discomfort, individuals may engage in mental gymnastics to justify or rationalize their behavior, rather than admitting fault or changing their stance¹².

When someone lies and is confronted with the truth, admitting the lie would mean accepting that they have done something wrong, which conflicts with their self-perception as a good and honest person. To resolve this conflict without altering their self-image, they might double down on the lie, deny the facts, or attack the source of the truth. This defense mechanism allows them to maintain their belief in their own integrity and avoid the discomfort of acknowledging their dishonesty¹².

Cognitive dissonance is a powerful force that can lead people to stick to their guns even more fiercely when presented with evidence that contradicts their beliefs or actions. It's a common human experience and not limited to any particular group or type of person¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Doubling Down: Why People Deny the Facts | Psychology Today. 

(2) Why Do People Double Down? | Psychology Today. 

(3) Doubling Down: Why People Deny the Facts - Psychology Today. 

The New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jagmeet Singh has suggested that voters are "done with Trudeau" based on the results of a recent Toronto byelection. Singh interpreted the byelection outcome as a sign of voter frustration with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party. He mentioned that this sentiment was something he heard often at doorsteps, indicating a broader public dissatisfaction¹. This statement reflects the NDP's perspective on the current political climate and the challenges faced by the Liberal Party under Trudeau's leadership.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Jagmeet Singh says Toronto byelection shows voters are 'done with Trudeau,' doesn't address NDP drop. 

(2) Trudeau says he won't quit after stunning byelection loss; says voters are 'frustrated'. 

(3) Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?. 

(4) Canada's NDP agrees to support Trudeau's Liberals until 2025 - BBC. 

(5) How the Liberal-NDP agreement will work and what it might mean for .... 

(6) Singh says Toronto byelection shows voters are 'done with Trudeau .... 

Yet Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP), has experienced a drop in his poll numbers. According to a study by the Angus Reid Institute, as of April 2024, Singh has a net rating of **-14**, which is his worst ever in seven years as party leader¹. This decline is part of a broader trend where all major federal party leaders in Canada have seen their popularity reach a five-decade low¹.

The Conservatives, led by Pierre Poilievre, have opened up their largest lead yet, with the NDP trailing behind. In a recent Abacus Data poll, if an election were held, 44% of committed voters would vote for the Conservatives, while the Liberals would get 24%, and the NDP 17%². This indicates a significant shift in the political landscape and voter sentiment in Canada.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Trudeau, Singh have led their parties to 50-year-low poll numbers: study. 

(2) Abacus Data Poll: Conservatives open up their largest lead yet.. 

(3) Leaders debate poll: Jagmeet Singh won, and not just among NDP fans. 

(4) Singh seen as most likeable leader in election as Trudeau’s popularity .... 

(5) Singh's NDP could gain a little — and lose a lot - 

(6) Getty Images. 

In conclusion:

We live in an age of performative caring, whether it be political or religious. The sheer insincerity of those we have entrusted with our spiritual care and fiduciary accountability is proof we live in an age not very unlike the time of Christ’s earthly ministry. Israel’s religious leaders were utterly corrupt. Its King was a puppet of a foreign government. The Jews were living under occupation hoping Christ would deliver them from Roman rule, yet their spiritual leaders were described by Christ as whited sepulchres. These very leaders were in turn the ones who demanded that the Romans crucify Christ thereby fulfilling the prophecy in Psalm 118:22 (King James Bible) “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” Frankly I am one of the very few Christians who is openly exposing the most pernicious false doctrine of our time, namely Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and its parasitic ideas loosely defined in the prevailing WOKE narrative. Worse, the chief expert on these idea pathogens is an atheist, Dr. James Lindsay. When an atheist is doing more than the churches to expose the toxic ideas that are at the core of our cultural and political demise is an indictment of the Church and Christian leaders. Surely these are dangerous times when the substantive has been replaced with a fake and few seem to notice. Therefore, this why I state with absolute assurance that we live in an age of performative caring, of performative politics where our politicians behave like soap opera actors, and many of our preachers are more concerned with building giant houses of worship than in building the Body of Christ!

I will never hide the Truth of the Gospel behind a paywall or require subscriptions for you to listen or read my thoughts regarding our present dilemma. There can be no political solution to a moral, philosophical and spiritual crisis. These words are a call to repentance, mine first as well as yours. I have wasted far too much of my life in trivialities pursuing hedonistic pleasures. The life I live now I desire to live for Christ in defence of His Truth! Join me at to become part of Christ’s solution to the prevailing zeitgeist of our time!


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Doublespeak, projection, and Trudeau


The reason I state that there cannot be a political solution to a moral, ideological, and indeed a spiritual crisis is that politics is about consensus and compromise. Yet you simply cannot concede ground to those whose express intent is to destroy our very way of life. How would it be possible to create a consensus with those who define our parliamentary system, our cultural heritage, and our faith as remnants of a post-colonial, patriarchal tyranny?

The radical left disguising themselves as "liberals" have become increasingly desperate to control the narrative due to the waxing wave of a populist rejection of their extreme viewpoints and Neo-Marxist policies. I predict that they've become so desperate and unsettled that they fully intend to provoke ordinary folk to react forcibly to their provocations so that they can then play the victim because playing the victim forms the entire basis of their ideological narrative! The reason is psychologically simple. The radical left invariably projects their own moral failings onto others. Their entire ideology is based upon turning themselves into ethical Teflon by portraying themselves as victims of “structural oppression”. Nothing sticks to them as they cast their own moral inadequacies onto others who are infinitely more ethical. What it truly amazing is that here in Canada they have been in control of the “structure” for nine years yet the very things they complain about have grown infinitely worse. This has had two effects, first they continue with tearing down what had worked to replace functional order with chaos and second, they endlessly apologize for the structural oppression that their Neo-Marxist policies are making worse. The very fact that this makes them both victim and victimizer escapes them since they lack the mental acuity to see that this is an essential contradiction.

Today’s conversation with Bing AI:

What psychological phenomenon causes people to hold two mutually exclusive ideas simultaneously and not notice that they contradict one another?

“The psychological phenomenon you're referring to is known as **Cognitive Dissonance**¹. This term was coined by psychologist Leon Festinger in 1957¹. Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds two related but contradictory cognitions, or thoughts¹. The discomfort that results from holding these contradictory beliefs is what Festinger termed "cognitive dissonance"¹.

For example, a person who believes in the importance of healthy eating but regularly consumes fast food may experience cognitive dissonance¹. The dissonance between two contradictory ideas, or between an idea and a behavior, creates discomfort¹. Festinger argued that cognitive dissonance is more intense when a person holds many dissonant views and those views are important to them¹.

People often try to reduce this discomfort by avoiding or ignoring the dissonance, undermining evidence of the dissonance, or limiting the discomfort of cognitive dissonance by belittling its importance¹. Alternatively, people may take steps to try to resolve the inconsistency by either changing one’s behavior or changing one’s beliefs so they are consistent with each other¹.

Another related concept is **Doublethink**, which was introduced by George Orwell in his novel "1984". Doublethink is the act of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them³.”

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-15

(1) Cognitive dissonance: Definition, effects, and examples.

(2) memory - Psychology & Neuroscience Stack Exchange.

(3) Holding Two Thoughts at the Same Time Is Hard and Important.

 Could such denial of contradictory realities cause people to project onto others who point out the contradiction or to even become violent?

“Yes, it's possible. When people experience cognitive dissonance, or the discomfort of holding contradictory beliefs, they may react in various ways to reduce this discomfort¹. One of these reactions could be **projection**, a defense mechanism where individuals attribute their own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or motives to another person².

People experiencing cognitive dissonance can feel anxious and threatened, increasingly mistrustful, and vulnerable to authoritarian influences¹. If their sense of reality is placed in doubt or dismissed as invalid by authority figures, they may become uncertain of their legitimacy and security¹.

In some cases, this can escalate to hostility or even violence, especially if the person pointing out the contradiction is perceived as a threat. This is particularly true if the belief in question is deeply held or tied to the individual's identity or worldview¹.

However, it's important to note that not everyone will react this way. The response can depend on a variety of factors, including the individual's personality, the nature of the belief, the context, and the way the contradiction is presented¹.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-15

(1) Cognitive Dissonance: True Lies and False Truths.

(2) Defense Mechanisms Flashcards | Quizlet.

(3) Negation, Contradiction, and Hegel’s Emancipation of Truth ... - Springer.

 In his novel “1984” Orwell referred to this phenomenon as “doublespeak” which was a key feature for his version of totalitarianism. Is it possible that such a problem can happen in the political realm today?

“Yes, the phenomenon of **doublespeak**, which George Orwell highlighted in his novel "1984", can and does occur in politics¹²³⁴. Doublespeak is a language power technique that seeks to "mislead, distort, deceive, inflate, circumvent, obfuscate"¹. It's a unique rhetorical strategy involving the use of language that pretends to communicate but really doesn't¹.

In politics, doublespeak is often used to mask intentions, support ideologies, or narratives that may be untruthful or unpopular¹²³⁴. Politicians might use phrases like "alternative facts" to justify falsehoods, thereby creating an emptiness in the truth³. They can manipulate how people understand the concepts and lead them to forget unpleasant or controversial connotations¹.

For instance, politicians often employ doublespeak to avoid taking a clear stance or to deflect criticism³. They might use sophisticated terminologies to present a false picture to the voters⁴. This way, they can misrepresent the truth to their voters⁴.

So, yes, the use of doublespeak can happen with politicians and it's a phenomenon that's been observed in various political contexts¹²³⁴.”

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-15

(1) Doublespeak – Doublespeak: A Language Power Technique.

(2) From doublespeak to alternative facts: How Trump made a mess of ... - Grist.

(3) The Art of Doublespeak: Unraveling the Emptiness of Modern ....

(4) What is Doublespeak? (Definition, Examples, Orwellian).

(5) Tell It Like It Isn't: A Campaign Guide to Political Doubletalk.

(6) undefined.

 Has double speak always been a key feature of totalitarian regimes?

“Yes, doublespeak has often been a key feature of totalitarian regimes¹²³⁴⁵. George Orwell introduced the concept of doublespeak in his novel "1984" as a tool of the totalitarian regime⁴⁵. In the novel, the ruling party, known as "The Party," used doublespeak as a means to control thought and manipulate the truth⁴⁵.

Doublespeak can be defined as the deliberate use of language to obscure or distort reality³. It's often used by oppressive regimes to maintain their power and manipulate the thoughts and behaviors of the people³. For instance, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been noted for his use of doublespeak¹².

In politics, doublespeak is often used to mask intentions, support ideologies, or narratives that may be untruthful or unpopular¹². Politicians might use phrases like "alternative facts" to justify falsehoods, thereby creating an emptiness in the truth¹².

So, yes, doublespeak has always been a key feature of totalitarian regimes and continues to be used in various political contexts¹²³⁴⁵.”

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-15

(1) Putin’s brazen manipulation of language is a perfect example of ....

(2) Putin’s rhetoric is perfect Orwellian doublespeak - Big Think.

(3) Exploring the Power of 1984 Doublespeak Quotes.

(4) The Art of Doublespeak: Unraveling the Emptiness of Modern ....

(5) Doublespeak | Navigating the Art of Nuances in Communication.

 Are you able to cite examples of Justin Trudeau using doublespeak?

“Yes, there have been instances where Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, has been accused of using doublespeak¹²³. Here are a few examples:

1. **SNC-Lavalin affair**: In the early days of the SNC-Lavalin affair, Trudeau stated that "The allegations in the Globe story this morning are false"¹. This statement was seen as an example of doublespeak as it was later revealed that there was indeed political interference in the judicial process¹.

2. **Bill C-51**: Trudeau voiced deep concern for the controversial legislation, only to then have his party vote for it². This was seen as a contradiction and an example of doublespeak².

3. **Indigenous Issues**: Trudeau has been accused of using doublespeak on several items related to Indigenous issues².”

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-15

(1) Rex Murphy: I accept and I disagree: Justin Trudeau's amazing doublespeak.

(2) Trudeau Botched Playing Both Ends Of The Political Spectrum.

(3) Justin Trudeau's Amazing Doublespeak — Torches and Pitchforks.

Then, no sooner then as I asked Bing AI, “Has Trudeau been found guilty of double speak by denying that there was foreign interference in the electoral process in Canada?”, it ended our conversation and told me it was time to move on to another topic. I do not think so. I will never tolerate treason in the highest office of my country, and that my dears ain’t no double speak! As I state previously, Trudeau’s treason has had two effects, first he and his cohorts continue with tearing down what had worked by replacing functional order with increased poverty, chaos, and addiction, second, he endlessly apologizes for the structural oppression that his Neo-Marxist policies are making worse. The very fact that this makes Trudeau both victim and victimizer escapes him since he lacks the mental acuity to see his policies are essentially contradictory.

My conclusions:

Treason is a capital offense infinitely more heinous than what could be defined as normal criminality. Even a MOB boss would dispatch one of his closest Dons if they had betrayed the Family which makes our present government less moral than the Mafia. 

Our government is rife with foreign interference. Which is why I invite all of you who hope to restore limited, constitutional government under the Rule of Law in Canada to join me in smashing Cultural Marxism and its concerted attack on our faith, our families, and our property.

So please subscribe to my podcast and join me in helping to restore sanity and fiduciary accountability to a deeply damaged system of government. We need to rebuild our schools where children can be taught rather than indoctrinated. We must help rid our universities of the Critical Theory which infects their administration and the curriculum. I pray that you will also join me in helping to restore Christianity and its values to our national discourse. Which is why I am sounding a warning to those churches who have rejected the Gospel for WOKE idolatry.

My content will never be hidden behind a paywall. Feel free to leave your comments and criticism since I am a free speech absolutist.







Thursday, June 6, 2024

Metanarratives, false doctrines, and the true Church


Mankind is embedded in the story we tell ourselves as to our origins, the nature of the world, and our proper place in it.

Humanity is embedded in a story, more than anything else these stories have been the primary and most essential tool we have used to define ourselves as a species. The greatest civilizations which have ever existed were the ones who had created the grandest narratives to define themselves. Long before man invented written language there were those whose sacred duty it was to memorize and tell these stories to their people. When examining what we hold to be true, one must always consider the narrative’s success in creating stable civilizations. Therefore, it is important that we examine in detail the grand narrative which has created Western Civilization. The reason for this ought to be obvious. Today we are faced with another narrative which has no power of creation, rather its sole function is to tear down the grand narrative which once defined Western civilization for over a millennium and a half. No sooner do I think that I have reached peak cynicism than the Marxo-fascist clowns fomenting cultural genocide outdo themselves by inventing some new form of reality rejecting insanity guised as moral virtue.

Therefore, Christianity along with Greek philosophy has formed the basis of the Grand Narrative that has defined the West for over 1500 years. Yet even it had elements within it which were deconstructive rather than Biblical. The matter of apostolic succession is one such example. There were many believers who had remained outside the fold of the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches who held the same beliefs that their ancestors had received from the Apostles. They in turn inspired the Pre-Reformers such as the Lollards and Waldensians who then inspired the Protestant Reformers. These faithful believers remain as examples of those whose practices and doctrines most closely align with the Holy Scriptures. Today you can still draw a line through Europe between the countries where the Reformation took hold and between those who have remained Orthodox or Roman Catholic. The economic differences remain today even though the original religious zeal is gone. And in the absence of that zeal moral corruption based upon resentment and a cult of victimhood has infected the West under the guise of Cultural Marxist Critical Theory.


How the faithful regarded the office of the Pope

The Reformers had inherited the belief from the pre-reformers that the anti-Christ would be someone who would claim to have the power to absolve sin while holding the keys to heaven, earth, and hell. The three-tiered headdress of the Pope, also known as the Papal Tiara or Triregnum, symbolizes the triple power of the Pope¹²³⁴. These powers are traditionally expressed during a Pope's coronation as follows¹²³⁴:

1. **Father of kings**: This signifies the Pope's authority over secular rulers.

2. **Governor of the world**: This represents the Pope's temporal power over the world.

3. **Vicar of Christ**: This denotes the Pope's spiritual authority as the representative of Christ on earth.

The keys to heaven and earth are symbolized by two crossed keys that often appear with the Papal Tiara in the insignia of the Vatican City and the Holy See¹⁴. These keys signify the authority traditionally believed to have been given by Christ to Peter as the first bishop of Rome¹⁴.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-03

(1) Triregnum | History, Pope, Crown, Meaning, Tiara, & Facts.

(2) Papal tiara - Wikipedia.

(3) Tiara - Vatican.

(4) Papal regalia and insignia - Wikipedia.


“Apostolic Succession” among the gentile believers was through Paul and Barnabas and their converts rather than through Peter

There is no historical record of Peter ever going to Rome. It was Paul who was martyred in Rome since he went there to be tried as a Roman citizen. Paul himself asserted that he was sent as an apostle to the Gentiles¹³. After his conversion, Paul believed that Jesus Christ had commissioned him to spread the teachings of Christianity beyond the Jewish community¹. This is evidenced by the Epistles he wrote as well as in the Acts of the Apostles¹².

As for Peter, he is often referred to as the apostle to the Jews⁵. Paul himself stated that Peter had the special charge of being an apostle to the Jews, just as he (Paul) was an apostle to the Gentiles⁵. However, it's important to note that Peter also played a significant role in the early Christian church and was instrumental in spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ to both Jews and Gentiles⁷⁸.

Barnabas, like Paul, also played a crucial role in spreading the teachings of Christianity to the Gentiles². He was a close companion of Paul and accompanied him on many of his missionary journeys².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-03

(1) The Letters of Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles - World History ....

(2) Paul: Apostle To The Gentiles.

(3) Acts 13:44-14:7 NLT - Paul Turns to the Gentiles - Bible Gateway.

(4) Saint Peter and Judaism - Wikipedia.

(5) St. Peter the Apostle - Apostle, Fisherman, Leader | Britannica.

(6) The Significance of Peter | Reformed Bible Studies & Devotionals at ....

(7) Saint Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles.

(8) Galatians 2:8 For the One who was at work in Peter's apostleship to the ....


So, what did Luther believe regarding the Anti-Christ?

In fact, Martin Luther did come to believe that Pope Leo X was the Antichrist. This belief emerged around 1520, after Luther's views on the papacy shifted dramatically. He was particularly critical of the Pope's authority and the sale of indulgences, which he saw as a corruption within the Church. Luther's treatise titled "Against the Execrable Bull of Antichrist" explicitly called Leo the Antichrist and argued that the papal bull aimed to compel people to deny God¹²³⁴⁵. This was a significant part of his broader critique of the Catholic Church, which led to the Protestant Reformation. Luther's stance was that anyone who blocked people from Christ or worked against the teachings of the scriptures could be considered an Antichrist, a term he applied to Pope Leo X⁴.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) Leo and Luther—The Real Story of the Pope and the Heretic.

(2) The Papal Antichrist: Martin Luther and the Underappreciated Influence ....

(3) Martin Luther and the 95 Theses - Summary, Origins & Video - HISTORY.

(4) Did Martin Luther really call the Pope the Anti-Christ?.

(5) 3 Protestant Reformers Put to the Test - Catholic Answers.

(6) undefined.


How the Jesuit Order carried out the counter-reformation while murdering faithful believers with impunity

Who was the Catholic priest and counter reformer who wrote the theory that the Antichrist would be a future political ruler? His name is Cardinal Robert Bellarmine who was a significant figure during the Counter-Reformation and contributed to the intellectual defense of the Catholic Church against Protestant accusations. Bellarmine's writings on the Antichrist posited that this figure would be a political leader who would oppose the Church, seek to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem, and demand to be worshiped as a god¹. This interpretation aligns with traditional Catholic teachings and the views of the Church Fathers on the Antichrist¹. Cardinal Robert Bellarmine was a Jesuit who had entered the Society of Jesus, commonly known as the Jesuits, in 1560 and was a significant figure within the order. He is well-remembered for his contributions to Catholic theology and his role in the Counter-Reformation¹. Bellarmine was also canonized as a saint and named a Doctor of the Church, which is an honor given to saints who have made significant contributions to theology or doctrine through their research, study, or writing¹.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) The Antichrist | Catholic Answers Magazine.

(2) Counter-Reformation - Wikipedia.


Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) Robert Bellarmine - Wikipedia.

(2) St. Robert Bellarmine | Jesuit, Cardinal, Doctor of the Church.

(3) Robert Bellarmine, the saint who defended the Church with charity.

(4) St. Robert Bellarmine |



How the false doctrine of pretribulation rapture theory entered the modern evangelical church

John Nelson Darby is credited with developing the pre-tribulation rapture theory, which he extensively taught and popularized. This theory suggests that Christ will remove the Church from the world before the period of tribulation. Darby, an influential figure among the original Plymouth Brethren, is considered the father of modern dispensationalism and futurism¹². His teachings had a significant impact on the Bible Church and evangelical Christianity, particularly through the spread of dispensationalism and his Bible translations¹. Darby's ideas were further popularized in the United States in the early 20th century, notably by the Scofield Reference Bible².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) John Nelson Darby | Ligonier Ministries.

(2) John Nelson Darby - Wikipedia.

(3) Who was John Nelson Darby? |

(4) Is the pre-tribulational rapture theory biblical?.



What parts of Darby’s doctrine had originated from Cardinal Bellarmine’s counter-reformation propaganda?

John Nelson Darby's development of dispensationalism was influenced by a variety of sources, including earlier works by Jesuit theologians such as Francisco Ribera and Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. While Darby is recognized as the father of dispensationalism, his ideas were not entirely original but rather built upon earlier theological concepts. The writings of Ribera and Bellarmine contained ideas that laid the groundwork for the future development of dispensationalism. These works were initially intended to counter the Protestant Reformation's interpretation of the Book of Revelation, which identified the Pope as the Antichrist and the Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon¹.

It's important to note that while Darby may have been influenced by the works of these Jesuit theologians, his own doctrine was distinct and developed within the context of his time and religious environment. Darby's dispensationalism emphasized what he falsely thought was a literal interpretation of the Bible and the separation of God's plans for Israel and the Church, which became a cornerstone of his theological framework¹.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) Dispensationalism and Its Influence on Eschatology.

(2) The Purpose and Origins of Futurism - Christian Observer.

(3) The History Of Dispensationalism - Christian Observer.

(4) John Nelson Darby - Wikipedia.

(5) Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD - The Interactive Bible.

(6) undefined.


In conclusion:

So, I have a question to those of you who consider themselves to be Bible believing Christians. How are we to fight Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and its concerted attack on our faith if we have swallowed the lies of the Enemy to believe in false doctrines which were not received in Apostolic succession from the founders of the Western gentile Church? Persecution is coming for the Church so you must prepare yourselves. The word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible because it is not scriptural. Christ will return and may we prepare ourselves while equipping His body for His return! This is the only way we can stave off the ruin of godless Critical Theory which has now even infected the weak churches who themselves have become WOKE!

The phrase "Be instant in season and out of season" is a Biblical reference from **2 Timothy 4:2**¹²³. In the King James Version of the Bible, the verse reads: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."¹²³.

This verse is part of a charge that the Apostle Paul gives to Timothy, his disciple. The phrase "be instant in season, out of season" is often interpreted to mean that one should be ready to proclaim the word of God at all times, whether it is convenient or not¹²³⁴⁵.

Different translations of the Bible may use different wording, but the general message remains the same: to be prepared to preach the word of God at all times, and to correct, rebuke, and encourage with patience and sound teaching¹²³⁴⁵.


Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-06

(1) 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season ....

(2) 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV - Preach the word; be instant in season, - Bible Gateway.

(3) 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV - Preach the word; be instant in season, out of ....

(4) Instant In Season And Out Of Season - Ernest Angley Ministries.

(5) What does it mean to pray in season and out of season?.

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...