Saturday, November 30, 2024

How to spot a phony


If there is one thing above all else that those who have surrendered their individual autonomy to the faceless social collective detest is reality. Have you noted that they spend all of their resources (and ours) trying to create a society that lives on permanent life support? By that I mean that they demand to recreate the world around them based upon “ought” rather than “what is”. All their efforts are exerted to distort reality into their dystopian image. This is why they insist that human sexuality is not biological but rather a subjective experience. They both loathe and fear reality so much that they are willing to deny its very existence. Dr. Gad Saad released an episode of the Saad Truth that describes the reason for their attempt to legislate falsity entitled, “What Do Elon Musk, Donald Trump, and Joe Rogan Have in Common? (THE SAAD TRUTH_1777)” His conclusion was glaringly simple, none of them are phoneys. Like them or loathe them they are genuine and do not project an affected image to the public. No matter who their audience is, you are still seeing the same guy while the narcissist on the other hand is completely dependent on creating an image that hides their severe narcissistic vulnerability.

The narcissist will create a fake persona to control how they're perceived to seek admiration and validation. It's all about feeding their ego while masking their insecurities. Narcissistic insecurities stem from deep-seated fears and vulnerabilities. Despite projecting confidence, they often have fragile self-esteem and depend heavily on external validation. This need for admiration is a way to shield their inner doubts. The façade helps them feel more in control and less exposed. It's quite the paradox, isn't it? People who seem so self-assured can actually be struggling underneath. Here is a list of the characteristics of a pathological narcissist and why they appear false despite their ostensible charm:

Characteristics of a Pathological Narcissist

Exaggerated Sense of Self-Importance: They often believe they are superior to others and expect to be recognized as such.

Lack of Empathy: They have difficulty understanding or valuing the feelings and needs of others.

Need for Excessive Admiration: They constantly seek validation and praise to boost their fragile self-esteem.

Sense of Entitlement: They expect special treatment and compliance with their expectations.

Manipulative and Exploitative Behavior: They use others to achieve their own goals.

Envy of Others: They may feel envious of others' successes or believe others are envious of them.

Arrogant or Haughty Behaviors or Attitudes: They display a patronizing or dismissive demeanor.


Why Narcissists Appear So False:

Insecurity and Low Self-Esteem: Despite their grandiose exterior, narcissists often have deep-seated insecurities. Their self-worth is heavily reliant on the approval and admiration of others.

Defense Mechanism: The false front serves as a defense mechanism to protect against feelings of inadequacy and vulnerability.

Image Control: They carefully construct and maintain a persona that they believe will earn them the validation and admiration they crave.

Fear of Rejection: Fear of being exposed or rejected for their true selves drives them to maintain the façade at all costs.

Why do narcissists often wear masks during protests?

Narcissists wearing masks while protesting can be seen as a metaphor for their behavior in everyday life. Masks serve multiple purposes for them:

Protection of Identity: Just as they hide their true selves behind a façade in social situations, masks help them maintain anonymity and control their image in public protests.

Avoiding Accountability: Wearing a mask can shield them from repercussions of their actions, similar to how they deflect blame and avoid responsibility in personal relationships.

Fear of Exposure: By covering their faces, they protect themselves from being exposed, criticized, or judged—a constant fear in their lives. It's an interesting reflection of their deeper psychological tendencies. Need we wonder then why masking became so important to them during COVID up to and including the present despite the ineffectiveness of the masking protocols in preventing infection and notwithstanding the damage it had on impeding early childhood development, socializing, and learning?

So, what precisely has caused these collectivist attitudes to develop to the point where they pose an existential risk to the most threatened minority of all, the individual and his or her personal agency and freedom? After all, compelled speech and censorship only exist in authoritarian societies. Here I will quote from our friend Mikkel Clair Nissen and his seminal work on the narcissistic nature of social collectivist ideologies.

“Democracy in itself cannot radicalize collectivism. Therefore, socialism within the context of a democratic system is very different from traditional socialism. In an attempt to protect, maintain, and secure the continuance of what has now ended up in absolute collectivist greed, the Marxists have put into use awful methods of suppressive psychological undermining. Now we find they use orchestrated, designed, and calculated psychological coercion—subliminal conditioning that utilizes the weapon of guilt and enticement. Coercion is accomplished by means that are identical to the methods commonly known as Machiavellian egocentricity, which is described in psychology as the illusive ability to manipulate, subdue, and control others in order to achieve personal ends and desires. This results in weakening the general society, and even worse, further weakening society’s emotionally weakest citizens—the codependent collectivists. Conversely, this emotional weakness empowers the radical collectivist part of society even further. The more deprived the collectivist is—and thereby the more manipulative and malignant—the stronger the collectivist.

Note: The political spectrum, known as right and left, is in actuality being purposely manipulated. The fact is that the essence of freedom lies in the proper limitation of government. Indisputably, throughout history no source has proven itself more deadly and destructive than the authority invested in government. While this is general knowledge to those who enthusiastically advocate freedoms, most, unfortunately, are uninformed. Accordingly, this creates the perfect environment for deception. Indeed, an accurate political spectrum from right to left would undeniably begin with “freedom” (e.g., non-intrusive government, self-sovereignty, and self-determination), defined by “little or no government control.” Thus, the political spectrum would end up on the left with “totalitarianism” (e.g., authoritarian dictatorial government, subjugation, and tyranny), defined by “unlimited government control.” In accordance, a correct paradigm would begin with ideals of “anarchy,” endorsing “no government.”

Next would come the ideals of “libertarianism,” also known as “classical-liberalism,” endorsing “limited government.” Thereafter, would come “modern liberalism,” also known as “social-liberalism,” endorsing “greater government.” Ultimately, the spectrum would end with the ideals of “fascism,” “socialism,” and “communism,” endorsing “totalitarian government.”

Conversely, perfect deception is achieved through manipulating this spectrum by placing those who are in favor of egalitarianism (the notion of social equality), also known as Marxism (e.g., communists and socialists), on the left wing. This would place those who are not in favor of social equality on the right wing, which is more than half of the political spectrum, including fascists who are in favor of complete government control. Although the fact is that communism, socialism, and fascism promote the same set of radical collectivist ideals of “totalitarianism”—dictatorial intrusive government. However, by affiliating genuine right-wingers—individuals in favor of minimum government control— with totalitarian fascist regimes (e.g., Hitler’s “Nazism”), the perfect diversion is created. Hence, relying on ignorance, the left and right paradigm is in fact a well-known method of deception, known as “divide and conquer,” with one sole purpose: to create confusion and so achieve emotional and intellectual control.’ ~ from “Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed” by Mikkel Clair Nissen

The coercive nature of narcissistic social collectivism demands conformity to support the narrative which was created to protect the system of compliance. It is as phony and false as the fake personas they cover themselves in replete with died hair, tats, and piercings that disguise how ingenuine they are. Aposematic coloring is a fascinating phenomenon in the animal kingdom where bright, conspicuous colors signal danger to potential predators. Think of the vivid hues of poison dart frogs or monarch butterflies. This coloring serves as a warning, saying, "Stay away; I'm toxic!" Drawing a parallel to narcissism, you might say that narcissists exhibit a kind of "social aposematism." They often display traits—like grandiosity and excessive confidence—to ward off criticism and attract admiration. Just as aposematic coloring is a survival strategy in nature, narcissists' behaviors are strategies to protect their self-esteem and maintain control over how they are perceived by others. In both cases, it's about creating an image that serves a protective function, and I can see right through them!

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Exposing collectivsm's manipulistic nature


Today we aren't being governed, rather we are being lorded over by a cadre of liars whose aim is to hide their extortion of the Canadian taxpayer's money. This is a species of corruption so vile that it has now become endemic to our utterly unscrupulous political class who no longer answer to their constituents but rather to an international cartel of carpet baggers!

But why, precisely why have people been so taken in by the transparent falsehoods of pathological narcissists? This will be the topic of today discussion. So let us begin with this, make no mistake, Canada has been captured by radical political Islam with all that implies. Murder, tyranny, and illiberalism is being funded by Trudeau’s excessive taxation. For this reason, it is my concerted opinion that Trudeau has committed treason. Since most people are not deep thinkers nor do they care to develop an even rudimentary understanding of the faith, philosophy, and cultural traditions that underpin the Western way of life, many have surrendered themselves to cultural genocide by the parasitical empathy being promoted in our universities' humanities departments, the political class who have been indoctrinated by those ideologues whose wicked creed is in turn being advanced by the government funded 4th Estate. Almost everyone is sensing that something has gone deeply awry with social cohesion, law and order, good government, and societal norms but have become too preoccupied with everyday concerns to even ponder why we are facing an existential crisis.

The answer to the emergence of the collectivist mindset in Canada which has traditionally been a nation built on rugged individualism must therefore be examined. To do that I will quote from Chapter Two on Mikkel Clair Nissen’s seminal treatise on the pathological nature of socialist thinking. I want to remind my audience that I would never have come to understand the “Malignant Narcissistic Coercion” of democratic socialism had I note lived in Norway for a few years. So let us examine what our friend Mikkel has to state about Scandinavian mentality.

“Collectivists will read this book, but in an attempt to deny the evidence, they will not really read it thoroughly. Instead, they subconsciously will look for ways to distract themselves from the facts. Any excuse is valid. If it is not looking for spelling mistakes, then it will be looking for research errors. Then they would want to see proof of a PhD, yet even a PhD would not be enough. Unless of course one uses the PhD to establish how happy Danes are. A collectivist will always deny, belittle, and intimidate, but never truly research. Severe pathological narcissism (more precisely a mindset referred to in psychology as “magical thinking”) is the key to collectivism’s progression, survival, and continuance.

I once sat admiring my daughter, aged six, doing crazy things interactively with a children’s program on TV. At one point she glanced at me, smiled, and said, “Am I not skilled daddy?” “Yes, you are very, very clever,” I replied. The situation made me think about the mental freedom that my daughter still possesses. A mental freedom still liberated from my country’s oppressive collectivist mentality: the right to be her unique self and confidently express herself freely. She will be deprived of this mental freedom by Marxism’s powerful emotional iron grip here in Denmark if I do not teach her how to protect herself from it. This mental prison is an oppressive collectivist mentality that has been misunderstood and misinterpreted through almost a century. It is perceived simply to be Scandinavian culture, described as the Jante Law.

The Jante Law/Subliminal Conditioning (Malignant Narcissistic Coercion)

Don’t think you are anything special!

Don’t think you are as good as us!

Don’t think you are wiser than us!

Don’t convince yourself that you are better than us!

Don’t think you know more than us!

Don’t think you are more important than us!

Don’t think you are good at anything!

Don’t laugh at us!

Don’t think anyone cares about you!

Don’t think you can teach us anything!

The Jante Law was first described in the novel “A Fugitive Crosses His Track” in 1933 by the Danish author Axel Sandemose. His observations and thoughts describe the consequence of more or less three-quarters of a century of continuous advancement of oppressive collectivist mentality in the Danish society. The fictional Danish town of Jante lives by its own ten commandments, named the Jante Law. This slow intellectual process of radicalization started roughly a few decades before The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848 by the Germans Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, when the utopian idea of socialism was originally presented in the United States in 1825 by Robert Owen, a Welshman.

The Jante Law is unquestionably not a unique Scandinavian phenomenon. The mentality is commonly known worldwide. In commonwealth countries such as Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Great Britain, it is referred to as tall poppy syndrome, a pejorative term that is more frequently used in the most socialistic-influenced of these nations. The term is also referred to as schadenfreude (referring to someone envious and scornful who takes pleasure in demeaning others), a loanword used in English from the German word schadenfroh that is commonly used in the democratic socialism countries of Scandinavia (i.e., Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland) as well as in Russia. Behind the former communist Iron Curtain, the mentality is also known as hell (e.g., in Poland as Polish hell). In all cases, these syndromes are uniquely linked to Marxism, the notion of social equality—all forms of fascism. Whether called crab mentality in the Philippines (“If I can’t have it neither can you”) or the Jante Law in Scandinavia (“Don’t think that you are more than others”), the tall poppy syndrome in Marxist-influenced commonwealth countries (“Cutting down the tall poppy”), or schadenfreude in former Nazi-occupied Germany, these syndromes all describe the same condition of pathological narcissism that thrives commonly in collectivism on undermining and is driven by severe inferiority complex. Depending on how severely deprived the person’s self-esteem is, the consequent result can be narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Narcissistic behaviors occur as defense mechanisms, described as the lack of ability to take criticism as a result of low self-worth or feeling inferior in certain situations. We are all born as narcissists and gradually mature our immature narcissistic ego into a healthy subconscious adult identity. Unhealthy narcissism appears in this stage of development if the process of the emerging individual self is by some means disrupted. Should narcissistic behaviors or feelings reoccur frequently, be strong or tough to control, this is then referred to in psychology as pathological narcissism. Frequently, this is caused by poor standards set by others, such as intervention by parents, friends, and society.

Hotchkiss’ seven deadly sins of narcissism

Hotchkiss identified what she called the seven deadly sins of narcissism:

Shamelessness: Shame is the feeling that lurks beneath all unhealthy narcissism and the inability to process shame in healthy ways.

Magical thinking: Narcissists see themselves as perfect, using distortion and illusion known as magical thinking. They also use projection to dump shame onto others.

Arrogance: A narcissist who is feeling deflated may re-inflate by diminishing, debasing, or degrading somebody else.

Envy: A narcissist may secure a sense of superiority in the face of another person’s ability by using contempt to minimize the other person.

Entitlement: Narcissists hold unreasonable expectations of particularly favorable treatment and automatic compliance because they consider themselves special. Failure to comply is considered an attack on their superiority, and the perpetrator is considered an “awkward” or “difficult” person. Defiance of their will is a narcissistic injury that can trigger narcissistic rage.

Exploitation: Can take many forms but always involves the exploitation of others without regard for their feelings or interests. Often the other is in a subservient position where resistance would be difficult or even impossible. Sometimes the subservience is not so much real as assumed.

Bad boundaries: Narcissists do not recognize that they have boundaries and that others are separate and are not extensions of themselves. Others either exist to meet their needs or may as well not exist at all. Those who provide narcissistic supply to the narcissist are treated as if they are part of the narcissist and are expected to live up to those expectations. In the mind of a narcissist, there is no boundary between self and other. The narcissist feels emotionally threatened when other individuals appear confident or challenging, creating an urge to belittle, intimidate, or humiliate. This is referred to in psychology as malignant narcissism. These emotions are caused by arrogance and envy, and are triggered by criticism, undesired reality, facts, and insights, or anything that appears superior to the narcissist’s “sense of worth,” characterized in psychology by “the sense of entitlement.” What better place to be for the narcissist: to be worshipped, to be in a superior mind-controlling position (such as psychiatry, tutoring, media, or politics), or to be part of a complete collective society adapted to these coercive, narcissistic societal manners, and the resultant universal pathological narcissism, where everyone expresses themselves as equals.

Though nearly an exact description of oppressive collectivist mentality, Sandemose’s novel still has a few inconsistencies. One example is that one is allowed to think greatly of oneself but is intimidated into never expressing it in obvious ways. I have, therefore, carefully clarified the mentality for which basis I elaborate in the following description of the mentality’s behavior, that is, though minutely different, the mentality known around the world as tall poppy syndrome.

The tall poppy syndrome, with its origin in Australia, dates back to the 1860s, just after The Communist Manifesto was published. It refers to a powerful yet common mentality that people of all countries are subject to in some degree. Symptoms include bullying as a completely normal part of any child’s process of building identity and self-esteem. Among adults, contemptuous behavior and malignant narcissism is routinely performed by envious immature people who are driven by severe pathological narcissism and lack initiative, and as a result exploit the easy way by trying to bring down surrounding individuals to their low level of accomplishment. Consequently, depending on a country’s level of radical collectivist influence, the mentality—when adopted by collectivists and continued into adulthood—is unequivocally transformed into manipulism.” – excerpt taken from Chapter Two of “Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed” by Mikkel Clair Nissen @

As I have stated many times in my blogs and on my vodcasts, without my experiences while living in an intensely social collectivist society like Norway I would not have been prepared to expose the dangers of this vicious manipulating mindset which now embodies the WOKE policies of our insidious political class and bureaucracy that is endemic to the government of Justin Trudeau. If anything shocks me it is how quickly we have been forced down an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole. I would never have believed that it was possible for Canadians to exchange their traditional rugged individualism for a parasitical mindset which is destroying social cohesion, economic prosperity, and the rule of law. Yet here we are. As Trump shouted after rising to his feet when he was nearly shot dead, “FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT”! I will never surrender my country to this vicious mind virus without expending my all to end it!



Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Betrayed by intellectuals: Restoring reason to a Posmodern world


An introductory video to the Food for the faithfull Channel. Please subscribe. Nothing I write or record will ever be hidden behind a paywall nor will I ever ask you for money for sharing the truth.

Friday, November 8, 2024

Unplug from the Matrix


Our ideological dilemma:

I have a warning. I'm reading overly simplistic posts from conservatives who simply don't understand the ideology behind the destruction of our institutions, yet they expect Trump who is certainly no "philosopher-king" to solve a crisis of ideological possession. The only possible way to fight back against this WOKE brain worm is to understand how it works and why it has captured so many minds. Remember that we are now left with roughly half the population who believe in ideological insanity. We cannot simply dismiss them!

Perhaps we might begin by asking our ideological opponents why the markets are roaring into life even before Trump takes office?  We might also remind them that Fascism ONLY permits private ownership under a state regulated economy which is PRECISELY what we have had under leaders like Biden and Trudeau. We know that Trump intends to DEREGULATE the economy, and that DEREGULATION is therefore diametrically opposed to fascism. As proof Trump has appointed Elon Musk to rid the bloated bureaucracy of its regulatory inefficiencies and excessive control over the economy. The most astounding characteristic of radical social collectivists is that they INVARIABLY accuse their opponents of the very things for which they are guilty! Also, they adhere to their collectivist beliefs with religious zeal despite the inherent contradictions in their belief system.

"Marxism is a form of revolutionary socialism, and Marxism itself is one set of theologies within that religion that has taken many different faces; Critical Race Theory is Race Marxism and Queer Theory is kind of Sexual Marxism." – Dr. James Lindsay

In the aftermath of the resounding Trump victory which saw two high profile Democrats and Elon Musk joining him there will be little ability for the radical WOKE ideologues to explain what just happened since all their pathetic excuses will fall flat in the face of this reality. Let the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth commence for the Devil prowls about like a roaring lion knowing that his time is short. They called Trump a racist and an Orange Hitler mere hours before he won a landslide of support from the very marginalized demographics he was accused of hating! Perhaps they're actually mentally ill, living proof that Postmodern Cultural Relativism is a parasitic mind worm. Detached from reason all they are left with are "feelings" and what they are feeling at present is emotional instability due to their narcissistic tendencies. Their beliefs have rendered them incapable of self-reflection, so they project their emotional instability onto others.

Given Trump's astounding comeback there will be more than a few of the world's tyrants, dictators, and war mongers who are crapping in their Depends. I can smell the poopoo from here since such an overwhelming victory sends a crystal-clear message to wannabe dictators like Trudeau and Starmer that their time remaining in office will likely be short. So, though we might wish to say let the leftist tears flow because the age of arbitrary state control, endless proxy wars, manipulation by the deep state, and censorship of free speech will soon come to an end, yet it still leaves half the population incapable of facing reality. This is true despite the fact that the results of this election are due to Divine Providence since God Himself has thrown a spanner wrench into the machinery of Godless tyranny!

In the movie The Matrix, when Morpheus tells Neo that "you have to understand that most people aren't prepared to be unplugged from the system," he's talking about a profound truth of human nature. The "system" in the Matrix is a metaphor for the illusion of what is real, an artificial construction designed to control and subdue humanity by giving them a false sense of reality.

Most people today live trapped in this illusion, unable or unwilling to see beyond the veil of lies, manipulation, and control. Morpheus understands that, for many, the comfort of the system is preferable to the unsettling and often painful process of awakening to the truth. People have been conditioned from the cradle, through years of indoctrination, sometimes generations, to accept the world as it is presented to them.

Unplugging from this system is facing a harsh, sometimes unbearable, reality that everything they thought was real is, in fact, a lie. This requires courage, willingness to embrace discomfort, and most importantly, a willingness to let go of what one thought was the truth. Morpheus also knew that those who are still connected to the system are often his most ardent advocates. Why? Because the system has become their identity. Their sense of self, their beliefs, their values, are all tied to the illusions and constructions of that system.

Threatening them is threatening everything they cherish. For many, it's easier to defend the system than to face the possibility that they've been deceived.

The need for satire in defence of truth:

Diogenes, who was an ancient Greek philosopher, gained fame for his penchant for satirizing people. One memorable incident involved him positioning himself beside an archer who repeatedly missed the target, suggesting it was the safest spot to sit.

On another occasion, Diogenes encountered a young boy, the child of a sex worker, throwing rocks at a crowd. He quietly cautioned the boy, "Be cautious, young one, don't harm your own father."

In a different encounter, when Diogenes requested spare change from a passing man who challenged him to persuade him, Diogenes retorted, "If I possessed the power to persuade you, I'd have convinced you to take a different course."

Diogenes held a strong aversion to Socrates and Plato, even going to the extent of disrupting their lectures by audibly eating food. When Alexander the Great inquired why he was rummaging through garbage, Diogenes replied, "I'm searching for your father's remains, but they are indistinguishable from his slaves' bones."

Diogenes loathed the shallowness and hypocrisy of humans and favored the companionship of dogs. Though often referred to unkindly as "Diogenes the dog," he accepted it as a compliment, remarking, "I am Diogenes the dog. I seek out the kind-hearted, challenge the avaricious, and confront the dishonest."

On November 5th we were confronted with where "too authoritarian not to exercise complete control" meets "too ideologically possessed to notice" versus those of us who believe that the entire process is too compromised and corrupt for us to hope for anything other than more tampering, manipulation, gas lighting, where rabid ideologues will scream like stuck pigs if by some miracle of God's good grace, reason, and sound judgement will prevail. It did but it still leaves half of us on the wrong side of the road wondering what the heck happened to their dream of creating a socialist utopia on earth. Not noticing that the very same people from the State Department, the FBI and the CIA who covered up the Biden family's corruption are the same folks who were propping up Kamala Harris running for the top job. If both candidates were plumbers Trump is the rude guy with plumber's butt who is actually capable of fixing the toilet versus Harris whose sole solution was to drop a lit cherry bomb into it, then amidst the shards of broken porcelain announce triumphantly that under her administration people would no longer need to use the crapper. Harris couldn’t fix problems because she didn’t intend to which serves the deep state well since they operate best in chaos and subterfuge.

Ideology simply cannot be defeated at the polls. What people believe goes far deeper than what mere votes for political candidates can reflect. We are being confronted with a very clear choice, individual liberty and personal autonomy versus the dialectical materialism of Marx and Engels. Many of those who will choose the latter are completely unaware they're actually supporting a bizarre blend of Neo-Marxist and Fascist ideology that I call Marxofascism.

Deuteronomy 30:19:

I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live


Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...