Friday, February 28, 2025

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump


Our present cultural dilemma:

Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hyperlink especially when the link leads to content of dubious value or interest

I am constantly astounded at how easily many are being influenced by low resolution, overly simplistic analyses of our present culturally defining moment. Most will accept the clickbait which offers the most simplistic answers to the problems with which we are being confronted in so much as the clickbait preferred resonates with their particular ideological preferences. This reactionary attitude applies to all political stripes regardless of ideological bent.

What astounds me is that so few care to assess our defining cultural moment for themselves. I read few root cause analyses capable of defining our cultural situation. I see few suggestions as to how these issues might be addressed. There has been little attempt to even measure whether or not the preferred path forward is practical and useful.

Clickbait has replaced thousands of years of philosophical and theological studies of the human condition. It offers idiots reactionary solutions that appeal to the lowest common denominator. It's like crack cocaine to the weakest and least intelligent of minds. The true opiate of the people isn't Christianity, rather it is the belief that the state can solve our problems. No wonder society has become so desperate and nihilistic.

What is WOKE at its foundations ideologically speaking?

As a counter-reaction to this nihilism and loss of meaning the leading voices in restoring confidence and faith in our culture have identified two major components of WOKE ideology that have provoked the present backlash against radical leftism. Most of these voices of reason have become well known via alternative media and the 5th Estate while the 4th Estate generally holds them in utter contempt since the 4th Estate operates as apologists for the political elite today. The first major ideological component to WOKE is Postmodern Cultural Relativism which states that all cultures except ours have equal value. Postmodernists also assert that language isn't really used to communicate, rather it's a tool wielded only to assert power and control. Postmodernists also deny that there is a grand narrative that can help explain life. Therefore, it's the Postmodernists like Derrida and Foucault, just to name two, who are responsible for the prevailing war on the meaning of language itself. Foucault was also a renowned paedophile.

The other ideological element of the radical left identified as prevalent today is Cultural Marxist Critical Race and Gender Theory. Cultural Marxism attempts to replace the Grand Narrative that built the West, namely Christianity. Postmodernists choose to ignore this fact since their first assertion is to reject the very idea of a Grand Narrative, nonetheless, they have adopted Critical Theory as their Grand Narrative. Moreover, there isn't a university in the West which doesn't teach these Neo-Marxist ideas as viable philosophical bases for political theory. This takeover of the Academy is known by those who have engaged in it as "the long march through the institutions" and how frighteningly successful it has been. Antonio Gramsci wrote in the 1930s of a “war of position” for socialists and communists to subvert Western culture from the inside. Gramsci was an Italian communist who is credited with the blueprint that has served as the foundation for the Cultural Marxist movement in modern America. Later dubbed by 1960s German student activist Rudi Dutschke as “the long march through the institutions”. Gramsci wrote in the 1930s of a “war of position” for socialists and communists to subvert Western culture from the inside in an attempt to compel it to redefine itself. So, Gramsci used war metaphors to distinguish between a political “war of position”—which he compared to trench warfare—and the “war of movement (or maneuver),” which would be a sudden full-frontal assault resulting in complete social upheaval.

A Shift in Strategy

In the 1998 book The Antonio Gramsci Reader, edited by David Forgacs, Gramsci’s development of a new form of strategy for ushering in the socialist revolution is made clear. Gramsci argued that the Bolshevik Russian revolution of 1917 worked because the conditions were ripe for such a sudden upheaval. He described the Russian revolution as an example of a “war of movement” due to its sudden and complete overthrow of the existing governing structure of society. Gramsci reasoned that in Russia in 1917, “the state was everything, civil society was primordial and gelatinous.” As such, a direct attack on the current rulers could be effective because there existed no other significant structure or institutions of political influence that needed to be overcome.

In Western societies, by contrast, Gramsci observed that the state is “only an outer ditch” behind which lies a robust and sturdy civil society. Gramsci believed that the conditions in Russia in 1917 that made revolution possible would not materialize in more advanced capitalist countries in the West. The strategy must be different and must include a mass democratic movement, an ideological struggle. His advocacy of a war of position instead of a war of movement was not a rebuke of revolution itself, just a differing tactic—a tactic that required the infiltration of influential organizations that make up civil society. Gramsci likened these organizations to the “trenches” in which the war of position would need to be fought.

The massive structures of the modern democracies, both as state organizations, and as complexes of associations in civil society, constitute for the art of politics as it were the “trenches” and the permanent fortifications of the front in the war of position: they render merely “partial” the element of maneuver which before used the “the whole” of war, etc. Gramsci argued that a “frontal attack” on established institutions like governments in Western societies may face significant resistance and thus need greater preparation—with the main groundwork being the development of a collective will among the people and a takeover of leadership among civil society and key political positions. It is important to bear in mind that Gramsci’s ultimate goal is still socialism and overthrow of the capitalist order. His contribution was to outline a different strategy for this to occur.

Gramsci’s Analysis of “Civil Society” and Hegemony

Gramsci defined civil society as the “ensemble of organisms commonly called ‘private.’” More directly, he described civil society as that sphere of social activities and institutions not directly part of the government. Primary examples included political parties, trade unions, church organizations, and other popular voluntary associations. Gramsci noted that dominant social groups in civil society organized consent and hegemony—they assumed a leadership position by the consent of members. Their leadership role includes fostering an ideological consensus among their members. Gramsci envisioned that these groups would organize their opposition to the existing social order.

Gramsci, however, viewed civil society in Western societies to be a strong defensive system for the current State, which in turn existed to protect the interest of the capitalist class. “In the West, there was a proper relation between state and civil society, and when the state trembled a sturdy structure of civil society was at once revealed. The state was only an outer ditch, behind which there stood a powerful system of fortresses and earthworks,” he wrote. In short, in times when the state itself may have shown weakness to overthrow from opposing ideological forces, the institutions of civil society provided political reinforcement for the existing order. In his view, a new collective will is required to advance this war of position for the revolution. To him, it is vital to evaluate what can stand in the way of this will, i.e. certain influential social groups with the prevailing capitalist ideologies that could impede this progress.

Gramsci spoke of organizations including churches, charities, the media, schools, universities and “economic corporate” power as organizations that needed to be invaded by socialist thinkers. The new dictatorship of the proletariat in the West, according to Gramsci, could only arise out of an active consensus of the working masses—led by those critical civil society organizations generating an ideological hegemony.

The only possible antidote:

Which is why using our taxes we have actively helped to fund an attack on the foundations of not merely the Academy itself, but the entire civil society of the once Christian West. This blend of Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism have caused the West to forget who we are to sew sympathy for the Devil. We are committing cultural suicide due to parasitical empathy for the very thing which intends to destroy us. What I have shared here is not a hidden Gnostic mystery. Rather it is common knowledge to any who are aware of what is actually being taught in our universities which in turn has been applied politically by the ideologically addled political class who have received university degrees in advanced Marxism. So, if you want a clickbait meme guaranteed to contain the absolute Truth, repent of your ideological possession and turn to Christ for without Christianity the West as a project in human dignity and freedom cannot survive!


Sunday, February 23, 2025

So you think DOGE is dodgy do you?


Regarding the left's ongoing attack on competence and capability:

The left cannot exist without the use of deceit. Of necessity it must blend contradictory ideas into an impossible unity. On the one hand it states that life is a zero-sum enterprise while on the other it wastes funding for its social programs without any regard for the actual outcomes and how cost effectively said outcomes were achieved. This is the reason that to the rational mind leftist policies seem contradictory for the simple reason that they are. Most importantly leftists hate competence which is why they wage DEI wars where hiring is not based upon competence but rather upon immutable traits that have nothing to do with a person’s actual abilities. I am constantly reading criticisms of DOGE’s successful efforts to reduce waste, cost and variation in the American bureaucracy. I find it remarkable that the criticisms leveled against DOGE completely ignore the fact that Musk has built functional systems that government funded NASA has never managed to create. SpaceX was incorporated on 14 March 2002 while NASA was created in 1958. In all those years NASA’s government funded efforts haven’t managed to develop reusable recovery systems for the booster stages of rockets.

Private industry has no choice but to operate at a profit while the government via its bureaucracies have a licence to waste taxpayer’s money. Musk is a renowned expert in driving efficiency. I will go into the background of one of the outstanding young men Musk hired to work at DOGE. Luke Farritor is an American software engineer who is currently serving at the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Luke is the son of Shane Farritor, a University of Nebraska–Lincoln professor from Ravenna, Nebraska. Luke interned at SpaceX in 2023. That year, he won a $40,000 prize from the Vesuvius Challenge for using artificial intelligence to uncover ten letters from one of the Herculaneum Papyri scrolls. Farritor's AI program segmented images of the carbonized scroll into 100 pixels by 100 pixels to determine the characters written in ink. In February 2024, Farritor and two other competitors he had teamed up with won the $700,000 grand prize for revealing more than 2,000 additional characters. Farritor studied computer science at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, before dropping out to become a Thiel Fellow in 2024. Farritor was appointed to the Department of Government Efficiency in 2025, and is among a group of 19–24-year-olds at the agency. Farritor currently holds a General Services Administration (GSA) email and A-suite level clearance, with access to all GSA physical spaces and IT systems, according to Wired. He is also an executive engineer in the office of the secretary of Health and Human Services. CNN reported on February 6, 2025, that Energy Secretary Chris Wright had that day granted Farritor access to the department's computer systems.

Luke is among six young engineers Musk has assembled as part of the DOGE team, some still in college, to spearhead a government overhaul aimed at slashing waste and inefficiencies, reported Daily Mail. Six young men between the ages of 19 and 24 — Akash Bobba, Edward Coristine, Luke Farritor, Gautier Cole Killian, Gavin Kliger and Ethan Shaotran — have taken up various roles furthering the DOGE agenda, according to a report from Wired. As a further example Bobba was part of the highly regarded Management, Entrepreneurship, and Technology program at UC Berkeley and has held internships at the Bridgewater Associates hedge fund, Meta and Palantir.

These young men are not billionaires, rather they are highly competent young engineers who know how to manage data to create functional and efficient computer systems. I am constantly astounded at how lefties long to waste the taxpayer’s money while at the same time believe that life is a zero-sum game. These two contradictory concepts cancel one another out. I detest big government with a flaming passion. Of all the evils in this world bureaucratic control and waste ranks among the worst. It is the mechanism by which the godless Tower of Babel is built. A totalizing system intended to "reach unto heaven" which is now collapsing under the weight of its own corruption. The left knows they are lying. They just hate the fact that their radical game of gaming the system to their corrupt advantage is coming to an abrupt and desultory halt!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

What the leaders of every major political party in Canada cannot tell you


Today’s topic: Neo-Marxists who hide behind liberalism and our present Canadian dilemma:

Communists love to spread hate as well as to call themselves "liberal" to hide who they actually are! The result? We are living in an alternative reality. An upside-down world where Postmodern Cultural Marxists have created "newspeak" to disguise the actual meaning of words. They have done so because they believe words are not really used to communicate meaning but are tools wielded to control others. Life to them is nothing but the will to power! The chief reason they are forced to conceal their real identity is that their utopian planning is presently being revealed as an incredible dystopian lie! Fear mongering and coercion are its key features. The result is tyranny, yet the eventual outcome is exposing the corruption needed for our political class to resort to using such tactics.

Therefore, Neo-Marxism has had a profound effect on Canadian society. Up until recently Canadians historically took everything their political leaders had to say with a large grain of salt. We were unlike Americans in this regard since the notion of “my country right or wrong” was not part of our zeitgeist. We have never trusted our leaders in the way that Americans often do. They are known for viewing their politicians with either an almost God-like admiration or a passionate hatred. This reality has repeatedly been evidenced by how many times there have been assassination attempts in the US. Throughout American history, there have been 17 direct assaults against presidents and presidential candidates. Five of those incidents resulted in death.

Here in Canada, we have never felt that strongly about our Prime Ministers reflected by either a general disregard or outright mistrust of them. This attitude first began to change under Pierre Elliot Trudeau where he was viewed with either fanatical zeal or deep mistrust and loathing. This attitude faded in February of 1984 when he resigned and did not reemerge until his son became Prime Minister in 2015 when he was lauded by the bureaucracy as their saviour. And they were right, under his premiership the bureaucracy has metastasized like cancer to extend its illiberal regulatory control into virtually every cloying aspect of our lives. I have read reports that up to 60% of the cost of constructing a new home are in fees, levies, and hidden taxes.

But how have so many Canadians become so enamoured with leaders who are doing such permanent damage to our economy? Our elected representatives have engaged in social engineering which is changing the fundamental nature of Canadian culture! Our house was completed in 2017, and we moved in in December of that year. At present my entire neighbourhood has been ghettoized by people from India, Asia, the Middle East and Africa who are forcing their cultures on us rather than assimilating into ours. We are literally committing suicide by parasitical empathy as a result. But why have Canadians become so infatuated with policies that are wreaking such lasting socioeconomic damage?

Canadians’ emotional investment in radical Postmodern ideas:

Emotional investment refers to the commitment of our feelings and emotions to a particular belief, person, or cause. This concept is significant in understanding human behavior and decision-making. Here's how it works:

 1. **Identity and Self-Concept**

Our beliefs and values are deeply intertwined with our identity and self-concept. When we emotionally invest in a belief or cause, it becomes a part of who we are. Challenging that belief can feel like a challenge to our very identity, leading to strong emotional reactions.

 2. **Cognitive Dissonance**

When confronted with information that contradicts our emotionally invested beliefs, we experience cognitive dissonance—a psychological discomfort caused by holding conflicting thoughts. To alleviate this discomfort, we might reject, rationalize, or ignore the conflicting information to protect our emotional investment.

3. **Confirmation Bias**

Emotionally invested individuals tend to seek out information that supports their beliefs and avoid information that contradicts them. This is known as confirmation bias. It helps reinforce their existing beliefs and reduces the anxiety that comes from cognitive dissonance.

4. **Social and Cultural Influences**

Our social and cultural environment plays a significant role in shaping our emotional investments. Friends, family, and community can reinforce our beliefs, making it difficult to change them without risking social alienation.

5. **Emotional Resilience and Coping**

Emotionally invested individuals may develop coping mechanisms to deal with challenges to their beliefs. This can include rationalizing contradictory information, finding supportive communities, or engaging in activities that reinforce their beliefs.

6. **Persistence and Commitment**

Emotional investment often leads to a higher level of persistence and commitment to a cause or belief. People are more likely to stick with their beliefs despite evidence to the contrary, driven by the emotional attachment they have formed.

7. **Defense Mechanisms**

To protect their emotional investments, people may employ defense mechanisms such as denial, projection, or rationalization. These mechanisms help them maintain their beliefs and avoid the psychological discomfort of cognitive dissonance. Understanding emotional investment can help us appreciate why people hold onto their beliefs so strongly and how emotions play a critical role in shaping our perspectives and behaviors.

What the leaders of every major political party in Canada cannot tell you since they would instantly lose all support!

The Canadian government suggests that the Rule of Law does not apply to Chinese and Indian influence over our government. Why? Our overlords claim that nations with populations of 1.411 billion and 1.429 billion people respectively are "minorities" and therefore are untouchable! The only true minority in Canada today are those who can remember a time when the state did not yet control the narrative. There were myriads of things that our elected representatives could have done to make us freer, more independent, and prosperous. Instead, they squandered our wealth, investing it in the very countries whose citizens are fleeing to Canada to get away from the type of corruption those countries have now brought to our shores.

No wonder Trump has resurrected the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny since despite Trudeau’s claims that he has resigned and prorogued parliament, Trudeau continues to reign over us without parliamentary oversight. This is of course illegal, yet our weak courts do nothing. They have been bought with judges appointed to them who share the government’s radical agenda. And so, we are left undefended against Trump’s declaration that he will make us the 51st State. A claim that is ridiculous since no state in the Union is as large as Canada which is the second largest nation on planet earth. We would need to be split into fractured and disjointed pockets of people who no longer have a common story to unite them. I cannot imagine anything more likely to create nihilism and despair.  

So, this is a time of cultural reckoning. My parents' generation had enemies who were external to Canada. In their time the nation united around fighting its common enemies. Today our greatest threats are internal. They come from those we have elected to govern us. Never before has Canada faced such an existential crisis. Our leaders have sold us out to a criminal fifth column operating within our borders whose goals are an existential threat to peace, order, and good government. They spell the utter ruin of the Godly values that have made Canada an experiment in constitutional democracy possible.

As Dr. Jordan B. Peterson has stated, taking God's name in vain is not merely using the Lord’s name as a curse as most might assume. Taking His name in vain actually refers to serving one’s own godless agenda while claiming that said agenda serves the highest possible good. This is where the Sacred has collapsed into the profane to the point where society has come to worship godlessness! We are being governed by ideologically possessed blasphemers who claim that they are serving the highest possible good yet in reality engage in the basest criminality which serves their own venal and disastrous outcomes!

The only possible answer:

God has a way of hemming us in. Of leaving us with an either-or decision. Literally a choice between death and life.

Deuteronomy 30:15-20

15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil;

16 In that I command thee this day to love the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the Lord thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

17 But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them;

18 I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish, and that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it.

19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:

20 That thou mayest love the Lord thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cleave unto him: for he is thy life, and the length of thy days: that thou mayest dwell in the land which the Lord sware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them.

We are at one such moment in time. In the Hebrew language, the word חֶטְא (“sin”) literally means “to miss”. From which the Hebrew speaker understands that “to sin” means to “miss” the will of God, or worse that to pretend that by serving your own godless ends that this serves the highest possible purpose. This is the very definition of what it means to take the Lord’s name in vain.

2 Chronicles 7:14

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

But to return and have our land healed begins with this realization:

“Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me” ~ Psalms 51:5.

To the Postmodernist belief in inherent sinfulness is utter foolishness since they believe that their project in top-down illiberal control will result of creating Utopia (literally “no place”). In this they reveal that their belief system is a Gnostic mystery religion to its very core. How can this be you might ask? Because Neo-Marxism begins with a criticism of religion, and it ends with a religion based on criticism.

I am calling you all to a day of national repentance that our land may be healed of the likes of Justin Trudeau, Mark Carney and Jagmeet Singh whose misguided policies have brought us to the brink of ruin. We continue to be governed by a cabal of treasonous ideologues without parliamentary oversight which by its very definition is illegal. This is God’s punishment where enemies of the Dominion of Canada within and without are seeking to overthrow us while robbing us of our inheritance of peace, order and good government.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Authoritarianism and the Grievance Narrative


Today I want to examine three well documented versions of authoritarianism to compare what they share in terms of the tools they employ to create group think, or as I like to call it, “mass psychoses”. Today we will examine what Orwell had to say in his novel 1984 about socialist authoritarianism since it was events in Communist Russia that impacted the plot and theme of 1984. Then I will examine the methods National Socialism employed to gain sufficient popularity to the create group think required to unify the German people. Finally, we will look at WOKE and its present hold on society despite recent signs that it has come under resistance from those who dare to think for themselves. Ultimately, we will examine how all three use a grievance narrative to foment cultural revolution.

But allow me to begin by starting at the end of this totalizing process. By this I mean I will begin where the Sacred has collapsed into the profane. To examine this, I hope to uncover the effects on society of the single characteristic which defines every authoritarian government, the grievance narrative that I just mentioned. Then I will end with a word of caution, as to why there cannot be a political solution to a moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis.

At the heart of every authoritarian regime lies the delusional belief that the State ought to be given total socioeconomic control. Once this happens the executive branch of government will cease to be limited by the legislative branch. Which means that the executive branch may exercise undemocratic powers that are no longer representative of the public will. This story has been repeated all throughout human history perhaps being first best represented by the Tower of Babel narrative. The Mesopotamians attempted to build a system that would reach unto heaven so men could become like gods. The Babel narrative describes a society where the Sacred had collapsed into the profane. The outcome was confusion. An inability to communicate clearly. The old narrative that had once informed the Mesopotamians had to be surrendered to the ideas that could build the new order created by the Übermensch or the Over Man. He was the superior god-like man who could create a system that would reach unto heaven. This is why we instinctively find globalism so dangerous. Today people shout past one another without understanding the other. What was meant under the old narrative is forcibly displaced by “new speak”.

Orwell developed the idea of Newspeak in his dystopian novel, "1984". It was Orwell’s attempt to examine Soviet Communism. In 1984 the “Party” limited thought and prevented rebellion by reducing the complexity of language. Through Newspeak, Orwell explored the power of language to shape thought and control society, thus illustrating how totalitarian control is maintained. In 1984 Orwell showcased Newspeak's role in erasing historical truths while manipulating public perception, emphasizing the language's importance in maintaining the Party's dominance.

Yet today we welcome Babel 2.0! Those who are leading our Postmodern globalizing projects are driven by grievance narratives, resentment, pathological narcissism and the delusional belief that they are the high priests of a system that is capable of controlling things far beyond human comprehension. The complexity of the problems they seek to address are too multivariate to be controlled. In my youth the old socialist left never trusted the MAN yet now that they have become the MAN, they manifest the very thing that they once despised, namely authoritarian autocratic overreach! This is why Justin Trudeau has lost control of his government. Moreover, it has become obvious that he is likely not the author of the plan to create an authoritarian Canada! But as for Trump, on his part he is certainly not a conservative since everything he has done since he has assumed office has been by executive order. The exchange between these two narcissists will likely do irreversible damage to both of our once great countries if a real statesman like Pierre Poilievre fails to shortly become our Prime Minister to negotiate with a man who only knows how to win at all costs.

But how did we get here? Let me be blunt, so now I will address you who are left leaning, PBS, NRK, CBC watching, pro-abortion, gay rights activists who support Islamic violence, who believe that Tommy Robinson belongs in prison for exposing the rape gangs in England, who hate Christianity, who believe in Postmodern Cultural Relativism, who think that COVID-19 wasn't developed as a bio-weapon, who promote Cultural Marxist Critical Gender and Race Theory, read my warnings, every single corrupt politician and every last ideologically possessed bureaucrat who have destroyed representative democracy, it is you ideologically addled demoniacs who are directly responsible for the failure of our political systems and governments all throughout the West! You obviously hate human life. You have offered sacrifices of our unborn to Beelzebub. You detest individual accountability and economic liberty. May your nutty Gnostic dialectical reasoning and Malthusian view of humanity fast come to an end. Without a grievance narrative there is not an authoritarian ideology that would exist. Your sacrilegious rituals and festivals will no longer be celebrated by an increasing majority of us who are disgusted by open displays of sexual deviancy to publicly force perversion on our children!

So now that we have examined what Orwell had to say about Soviet style communism in1984 let us examine how the other grievance narratives operate:

Nazi policies:

The Nazi party’s policies were deliberately vague so that they might appeal to as many people as possible. People of both right and moderate-left wing politics joined because they agreed with at least one of their policies which are listed as follows:

·       an aim to abolish the "unfair punishment" of the Treaty of Versailles was popular with many Germans

·       promises of better pensions and increased employment appealed to the common man and many traditional socialists

·       opposition to communism led many landowners and businessmen to support the Nazis – they were seen as the only credible right-wing alternative to the left-wing parties.

·       belief in the supremacy of the German race appealed to nationalists.

·       paramilitary groups reminded people of the comradeship they shared as soldiers during WWI

·       the promise to re-militarise Germany would bring in huge industrial contracts – bringing support from many industrialists

·       Hitler's hatred of Jews struck a chord with many people - they were a convenient scapegoat for all of Germany's problems and were main aspect of the German “grievance narrative”

Use of propaganda:

Propaganda posters were aimed at women which read, “German women, think of your children – Vote Hitler”. Propaganda is disinformation spread to promote a political cause and to persuade people to adopt the new narrative. Information about what the Nazis believed in and who they blamed for Germany’s dire situation was effectively spread by the Party’s propaganda machine run by Josef Goebbels.

·       These methods of campaigning were used by the Nazis in the 1920’s which included radio (the mass media of its day)

·       mass rallies newspapers (MSM) like “Der Stürmer” which literally means, “The Stormer”

·       Hitler's impassioned speeches inflamed German public sentiment by telling Germans exactly what they wanted to hear

·       the use of simple slogans to introduce their ideas to make them appeal to the ordinary German.

·       At the same time Goebbels prevented those who opposed Nazi policies from expressing their views. This helped ensure only Nazi messages got across to the public.

Nazi organisation:

The Nazi Party was extremely organised. This meant they were able to convey policies to a wide range of people, while appearing to be competent and able to run the country:

·       The Nazis were present in many German cities and towns with many local offices

·       Nazi party members worked efficiently to spread policies through propaganda

·       the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing the Sturmabteilung appeared to be a strong organisation which could protect Germany from its enemies – internal as well as external.

·       When social unrest increased, after benefits were cut in 1930, Hitler used fear of Communism to get support from industrialists. Alfred Hugenberg, an industrialist who owned a chain of newspapers, and Fritz Thyssen, a steel manufacturer, along with other industrialists formed the Harzburg Front.

·       The Harzburg Front helped finance the Nazi election campaigns in 1932-1933. This ensured the Communists were defeated.

And now that we have examined how the Soviet, and the Nazi grievance narratives operated, let us examine the prevailing WOKE narrative.

Perceived grievance and individualising moralities: exploring the psychological structure of left-wing authoritarianism: Identity politics and social justice:

Social justice movements have had an increasing influence on society, particularly in the form of Identity Politics. These movements seek to empower individuals by promoting a narrative of certain group identities as marginalized entities, which are polarized against other privileged group identities. Social justice calls attention to forms of structural oppression that produce inequalities, including patriarchy, systemic racism, white privilege, and heteronormativity. Moreover, it has been suggested that a key attribute of leftist Identity Politics and social justice ideology are perceptions of victimhood, with awareness of privilege and oppression referring to the capacity to recognize social injustices arising from systemic privilege and oppression. Dr. Angelo Fasce and Dr. Diego Avendaño recently found that Identity Politics was composed of three dimensions: perceived grievance, identity-based ideology and prejudice toward groups perceived as privileged, which was then related to extreme justice-seeking behavior.

Leftist authoritarian attempts to enforce ideological adherence have gradually emerged through censorship, disciplinary action, and other implicit forms of illiberalism. Social penalties are most pervasive on social media, where individuals can face a torrent of shout-downs, demands for retractions, and deplatforming. It has been suggested that algorithmic ordering and engagement metrics on social media platforms incentivize hostility and moral outrage. As ideas expressed in speech become increasingly regulated, studies show that political correctness has been steadily reemerging. For example, the rise of safe spaces and trigger warnings on university campuses rationalize speech regulations on the grounds that certain language is emotionally dangerous and can be perceived as a form of violence. Lukianoff and Haidt argue that cognitive distortions are driving political correctness norms and policies, with exaggerated patterns of thought mobilized in calls for speech protections. Cognitive distortions magnify threat perceptions and generate maladaptive behavioral consequences such as emotional reasoning, all-or-nothing thinking, and catastrophizing. Thus, Lukianoff and Haidt argue that shielding individuals from ideas that might cause discomfort encourages unhealthy mental habits and psychological fragility.

An intolerance of diverse ideas is also seen with ‘cancel culture’, a form of reputation destruction where an individual may be maliciously bullied and socially ostracized for expressing allegedly problematic beliefs. Kaufmann recently found high levels of authoritarianism and political discrimination in western universities, where one in ten academics endorsed extreme forms of cancellation. Narrowing social norms of acceptable discourse has seemingly coincided with an increase in dogmatic political views and affective polarization. While examining powerful discourses is a valid enterprise, these ideologies do not submit themselves to the marketplace of ideas, thereby inhibiting legitimate disagreement and productive dialogue.

In Conclusion:

The equality of all before the law and laws that are enforced blindly without regard for our individual identity is the only possible way for Lady Justice to remain blind. All authoritarian regimes assign blame and innocence based on immutable traits that we have no control over divorced from our own moral rectitude. The West was built on the idea that everyone is created in the image of God and therefore deserves to be treated as such, as individuals who are each possessed with their own unique divine worth. Therefore, Christianity is where identity politics goes to die.

Galatians 3 (KJV)

26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.

27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

This is the only Divine path to justice and true equality. Christ Himself has borne our grievances and has atoned for our sins. In light of His finished work all we can have is gratitude for His Divine atonement and His undeserved mercy toward us sinners! Grievance narratives have been responsible for creating hell on earth and continue to do so. As Christians let us help to usher in His Kingdom on earth by ending these toxic resentful ideas to restore the West as a Christian enterprise.

Galatians 5:1 (KJV)

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”





Saturday, January 4, 2025

Can there be a political solution to a spiritual crisis?


The state of the nation as we face the collapse of the Trudeau led LPC government:

#JustinTrudeau along with his minions and supporters have made a mockery of Canada's parliamentary democracy proving that there is not a single functional or fit for purpose aspect of it in its present form. But most of all, Trudeau's cabal of illiberalism has made a mockery of the Canadians he was elected to serve! “The government has squandered our fiscal advantage, hollowed out our military, shattered our immigration system and shown little interest in our anemic productivity while economic, geopolitical and security threats to Canada rise to DEFCON levels,” Kevin Lynch wrote in a column published in The Globe and Mail on Jan. 2. We have an unelected appointed Senate poised to oppose Poilievre and the Conservatives if and when the godless tyranny and fiscal imprudence of Trudeau ends in an election which Poilievre and his party will almost certainly win. But this only takes me back to my most frequent assertion regarding our socioeconomic crisis, namely that we are not merely facing a socioeconomic crisis. Rather we are in a spiritual battle between good and evil. There cannot be a political solution to a moral, philosophical and spiritual crisis! Nevertheless, never let the perfect become the enemy of the good. So let us dig deeper to flesh out what can be done as we face an existential battle for Canadian democracy.

Our present situation throughout the Anglosphere:

When I was young, I never imagined that Great Britain and Commonwealth countries like Canada would be holding political prisoners whose only crime was to peacefully and publicly express legitimate concerns about their government, its policies, particularly regarding unvetted immigration and the resulting crime. Both Great Britain and Canada have provided concrete proof as to just how authoritarian radical leftists will become even as they hide behind a false front of tolerance and inclusivity. I have been warning about the dangers of Postmodern Cultural Relativism and Cultural Marxist Critical Race and Gender Theory since no later than 2013 while I was still living in uber WOKE Norway. I have been labelled with the most horrible epithets by the ideologically possessed who are causing our socioeconomic crisis, yet there is one thing that they've never been able to explain. Precisely why has everything I have been warning about come to pass? My detractors appear to be pathologically divorced from reality due to ideological possession. Until we figure out how to deal with what is arguably a critical mass of insanity, we will never be free of the damage idea pathogens are wreaking on functional social order. Because of those possessed by them Neo-Marxists like Trudeau have brought us to the brink of irreversible ruin. For his entire tenure I've been tormented with the certain knowledge where his policies would lead us. Despite this, many still cling to their ideological delusions. I have lost, if I ever had any, all faith in humanity. Apparently, our present selves delight in murdering our future selves in the vain hope that God can be cheated.

Why have Canadians become so prone to accepting delusional ideation?

Canadians suffer from an appalling ignorance of the actual nature of the problems we face as a society. There is an old saying in the Icelandic Eddas, "A witless man believes everything he thinks between the mountains where he dwells"! Many are living their lives devoid of real perspective. This is partly due to many being far too willing to accept the deconstruction and misrepresentation of truth fed to them by the government as well as the government’s puppets in the state funded 4th Estate. Not only are many Canadians subjective experiences woefully inadequate, but many are also devoid of curiosity. For it is curiosity that is required to actively look for alternative opinions that will challenge the commonly accepted narrative. This is particularly true for those who are comfortable living in their own preconceived echo chambers. For there their ears reject anything which challenges their misconceptions. Interestingly those who are most prone to holding these biases also believe themselves to be enlightened. Simultaneously they dismiss those who challenge the official narrative’s blatant falsehoods as troglodytes. This would be hilarious if it were not so damning.

We must remember that a fish rots from the head down. Canadians have been completely betrayed by their leadership and the entitled sanctimonious political class. Our system of education has been hijacked by leftist radicals who deliberately feed their students lies to indoctrinate and proselytize our youth in a radical “progressive agenda” which is accomplishes anything but bringing us progress. This has been a year when the size of the state has metastasized like cancer while the democratic will of the citizen has been dismissed as unworthy of consideration. It is time to prepare for war, not merely on an ideological front but also on a spiritual one!

My prayer for 2025:

In 2024 two idea pathogens have merged to create the perfect ideological storm. Postmodern Cultural Relativism and Cultural Marxist Critical Race and Gender Theory caused us to reach a point where Canada is committing socioeconomic suicide out of parasitical empathy. May 2025 witness the death of these mind viruses which threaten the bedrock of Western civilization. But I warn you, ideological possession comes out only with much prayer and fasting. These Neo-Marxist beliefs form the basis of the Gnostic mystery religion of which Trudeau appointed himself the high priest. His nihilistic ideas form the basis of the pathological Zeitgeist which will destroy us. Our only hope is to repent so that we may receive the Divine deliverance which God wishes to bring to Canada, but only if we return to Him!

The very great problem we have in combating totalitarian regimes is that we have never come to terms with how truly hideous are the ideologies which possess our enemies. There can be no underestimating the hold that parasitical ideas have on people's minds nor can what people believe be defeated politically. Like dogs returning to vomit totalitarian ideologies have been kept alive in Canada by the very institutions we have entrusted to protect us from them. All the worst ideas that originated in the 19th Century which led to the murder of millions in the 20th Century are still possessing the lecture halls of the Academy in the 21st Century. They have captured the hearts and minds of far too many Canadians today. We are facing an ideological disaster where our families and friends have become our ideological enemies! Remarkably these ideologies require that we surrender our individuality and autonomy to the state run collective despite what label the elite political class may apply to them!

I swear by the Almighty as long as God gives me breath and the right words to use to defeat the type of ideological possession which has captured the minds and hearts of so many Canadians that I will never be silent. My ancestors came to Canada long before we became a Dominion to help create a unified Christian nation under God built on peace, order, and good government!


Saturday, December 28, 2024

A New Years love letter to my nation (not my government)


A love letter to my nation (not my government) from an avowed Anglophile and an old stock Canadian


As 2024 draws to its close I would like to share my thoughts on our present socioeconomic crisis under a Trudeau led coalition government which destined to fall and take the nation down with it. We face significant challenges in the next several weeks and months. The current government in Canada is in utter, complete, and perfect chaos.  Trump has declared that he wants Canada to become the 51st State. He even had his son post a meme of the Donald purchasing us on Amazon. Canada, one of the most resource richest nations on the planet, on Amazon like we are whore to be prostituted as though America was her “John”. You may think that this is merely clever or funny, or even a good idea given the fact that America’s economy is infinitely stronger than ours and will become even greater under an administration dedicated to reducing waste, cost, and variation. DOGE led by Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk will implement a modern version of what General Douglas MacArthur did in Japan when he unleashed Drs. Deming and Juran on them to help fix their postwar economy. Both are now lauded as heroes of industry by the Japanese for their unmitigated successes in transforming their industries.

But back to Canada and the US. Why not join the Union? After all taxation is much lower in the US than it is in Canada. Canadians under the Trudeau government have become poorer than even the citizens of Mississippi which is the poorest state in America. But you are likely forgetting two things, that the US is still being informed by the Monroe Doctrine and the American belief in Manifest Destiny. Moreover, if you do not know what either are and how they relate to how Canada came into being as an autonomous nation and an independent member of the British Commonwealth you know literally nothing of the history of your own nation. Today I heard, “That was then, this is now”, to which I answer the oldest adage regarding history ever written, namely that those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it. Of course, each repetition will have its own peculiar variation.

But first let us examine the Monroe Doctrine and its coefficient of Manifest Destiny. The Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny are two significant concepts in American history that are closely related in their impact on U.S. foreign policy and territorial expansion. So, the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny therefore had significant impacts on Canada, shaping its history and development in various ways right up until today.

The Monroe Doctrine:

The Monroe Doctrine, declared in 1823, primarily aimed to prevent European interference in the Americas. While it was focused on Latin America, it indirectly affected Canada by reinforcing the idea that the Western Hemisphere was under the influence of the United States. This doctrine contributed to a sense of American dominance in the region, which influenced Canadian policies and attitudes towards its southern neighbor.

Manifest Destiny:

Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States was destined to expand across North America, and it had a more direct impact on Canada. This ideology fueled American expansionist ambitions, leading to tensions and conflicts with British North America (now Canada). Some key effects include:

1. Territorial Expansion: The idea of Manifest Destiny led to American interest in annexing Canadian territories. This was particularly evident during the mid-19th century when there were calls for the U.S. to expand into British-held territories in Canada.

2. Canadian Confederation: The threat of American expansionism was a significant factor in the push for Canadian Confederation. The provinces of British North America united in 1867 to form the Dominion of Canada, partly to strengthen their defense against potential American aggression.

3. Border Disputes: Manifest Destiny contributed to several border disputes between the U.S. and Canada, including the Oregon boundary dispute, which was resolved in 1846 with the Oregon Treaty.

4. Cultural and Political Influence: The expansionist ideology also influenced Canadian culture and politics, as Canadians sought to distinguish themselves from their American neighbours and assert their own national identity.

Overall, the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny played crucial roles in shaping the geopolitical landscape of North America, influencing Canada's development and its relationship with the United States.

But first we must go back to the political beginnings of Canada as a nation distinct and separate in identity from that of the USA:

Our start as a parliamentary system under English Common Law and British constitutionalism after initial settlement by Loyalists setters from America in Upper Canada (now Ontario) and their insistence on having English Common Law as opposed to French Civil law of Lower Canada (Quebec).

John Graves Simcoe, the first Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada (now Ontario), had several reasons for establishing a new province under English Common Law:

Political Stability: Simcoe aimed to create a stable and orderly society in Upper Canada, distinct from the revolutionary fervor of the United States. By implementing English Common Law, he sought to ensure a legal system that was familiar to British settlers and loyalists who had fled the American Revolution.

Economic Development: Simcoe believed that a well-ordered society based on English Common Law would attract settlers and promote economic growth. He introduced freehold land tenure, which allowed settlers to own land outright, encouraging investment and development.

Social Order: Simcoe wanted to establish a society based on aristocratic and conservative principles, with a strong Church of England presence. He believed that English Common Law would support these values and help create a loyal and cohesive community.

Abolition of Slavery: Simcoe was instrumental in passing legislation to gradually abolish slavery in Upper Canada, making it the first British colony to take such steps. This move was part of his broader vision of creating a just and equitable society.

Simcoe's efforts laid the foundation for the development of Upper Canada as a distinct entity with its own legal and social structures, separate from both the United States and other British colonies.

The War of 1812: This was indeed a significant challenge to Canadian autonomy and played a crucial role in shaping Canada's national identity.

Key Impacts on Canadian Autonomy

1. Defense Against Invasion: The War of 1812 saw multiple American invasions into Canadian territory. The successful defense against these invasions by British forces, Canadian militia, and Indigenous allies helped solidify a sense of Canadian identity and unity.

2. National Identity: The war fostered a sense of national pride and identity among Canadians. The collective effort to defend their land against American forces brought together people from diverse backgrounds, including English and French Canadians, Indigenous peoples, and Loyalists.

3. Military and Civilian Cooperation: The war highlighted the importance of civilian soldiers in defending the territory. This cooperation between military and civilian forces became a defining characteristic of Canadian defense efforts.

4. Indigenous Alliances: Indigenous peoples played a crucial role in the war, forming alliances with both British and Canadian forces. Their contributions were vital in several key battles, although their sacrifices were often overlooked in the aftermath.

5. Political and Social Impact: The war's outcome reinforced the need for a strong defense and contributed to the eventual push for Canadian Confederation in 1867. It also influenced Canadian policies and attitudes towards its southern neighbour.

Overall, the War of 1812 was a pivotal moment in Canadian history, marking the first significant challenge to Canadian autonomy and laying the groundwork for the development of a distinct Canadian identity.

William Hamilton Merritt was a significant figure in Canadian history, particularly known for his role in the development of the Welland Canal. His contributions had a profound impact on both defense and trade in Canada. Merritt was a businessman, politician, and soldier born on July 3, 1793, in Bedford, New York. He moved to Upper Canada (now Ontario) with his family and became involved in various business ventures in my hometown of St. Catharines, Ontario. Merritt had fought in the War of 1812 and was captured by American forces, which influenced his later endeavors.

Merritt’s great legacy, The Welland Canal

The Welland Canal was Merritt's most notable achievement. He first proposed the idea in 1818 to create a canal that would connect Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, bypassing the Niagara Falls. The canal was crucial for several reasons:

1. Trade: The Welland Canal facilitated the movement of goods between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, significantly boosting trade in the region. It allowed ships to bypass the Niagara Falls, making transportation more efficient and less costly.

2. Defense: The canal also had strategic military importance. During times of conflict, such as the War of 1812, controlling the waterways was crucial for defense. The Welland Canal provided a secure route for moving troops and supplies, enhancing the region's defensive capabilities.

3. Economic Development: The construction and operation of the canal spurred economic growth in the surrounding areas. It created jobs, attracted settlers, and led to the development of towns and industries along its route. Merritt's vision and determination were instrumental in the canal's construction. He organized local meetings, raised funds, and enlisted government support to bring the project to fruition. The Welland Canal remains a vital part of Canada's transportation infrastructure and is a enduring testament to Merritt's legacy.

Funding the Welland Canal:

Merritt faced numerous challenges in securing funding for the Welland Canal. Initially, he hoped for government support, but when that proved insufficient, he turned to private investors, including those from the United States. American investors were interested in the canal because it promised to enhance trade routes and economic opportunities between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean.

How this impacted Canada’s Factories and Mills:

Investment and Control: By accepting American investment, Merritt inadvertently allowed American businessmen to gain a controlling interest in some Canadian mills. These investors were keen on ensuring their investments were profitable, which often meant taking an active role in the management and operations of the mills.

Economic Influence: The influx of American capital brought with it a degree of economic influence. American investors sought to maximize their returns, which sometimes led to decisions that prioritized their interests over those of local Canadian stakeholders.

Technological Advancements: On the positive side, American investment also brought technological advancements and expertise to Canadian mills. This helped improve efficiency and productivity, contributing to the growth of the Canadian economy.

Trade and Commerce: The Welland Canal itself facilitated increased trade and commerce between Canada and the United States. This interconnectedness meant that American businessmen had a vested interest in the success of Canadian industries, including the mills.

Overall, while American investment in the Welland Canal and Canadian mills brought economic benefits, it also led to a degree of foreign control and influence over Canadian industries, so much so that most of our factories and mills became wholly owned subsidiaries of American parent corporations. This dynamic played a significant role in shaping the economic landscape of the region during that period.

Why the building of the Rideau Canal coincided with that of the Welland Canal:

The Rideau Canal and the Welland Canal were both constructed in the early 19th century, and their development coincided due to several strategic, economic, and political reasons.

Their Strategic Importance

Defense: After the War of 1812, there was a heightened sense of vulnerability in British North America (now Canada). The Rideau Canal was built between 1826 and 1832 to provide a secure supply route between Montreal and the naval base in Kingston, bypassing the potentially vulnerable St. Lawrence River. This was crucial in case of another conflict with the United States.

Military Transport: Both canals were designed to facilitate the movement of troops and supplies. The Welland Canal, completed in 1829, allowed ships to bypass Niagara Falls, providing a safer and more efficient route for military and commercial vessels.

Economic Development

Trade Routes: While the Welland Canal facilitated the movement of goods between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, the Rideau Canal, which was initially built for military purposes, also became an important commercial route. It connected Ottawa to Kingston, enhancing trade and transportation in the region.

Political Factors:

The influence of Great Britain: Both canals were part of British efforts to strengthen their influence in North America. By improving infrastructure and transportation, the British aimed to secure their colonial territories and promote economic growth.

Settlement and Development: The construction of these canals encouraged settlement and development in the surrounding areas. Towns and industries grew along the canal routes, contributing to the economic prosperity of the region. In summary, the Rideau and Welland Canals were built around the same time due to their strategic importance for defense, their role in facilitating trade and transportation, and the political objectives of strengthening our British ties in North America.

The 1837-38 Mackenzie-Papineau Rebellion as a reaction to American expansionism and British Colonialism:

The Mackenzie-Papineau Rebellion, also known as the Rebellions of 1837-1838, was a significant event in Canadian history. It was driven by frustrations with British colonial rule and the influence of American expansionism.


The rebellions took place in both Upper Canada (now Ontario) and Lower Canada (now Quebec). Key figures included William Lyon Mackenzie in Upper Canada and Louis-Joseph Papineau in Lower Canada. Both leaders sought political reform and greater autonomy from British control.

Reaction to British Colonialism:

Political Reform: The rebels were frustrated with the lack of political reform and the dominance of the British-appointed elite. They demanded responsible government, where the executive council would be accountable to the elected legislative assembly.

Economic Grievances: Economic hardships and land issues also fueled discontent. Many settlers felt that the colonial government favoured the interests of the elite over those of ordinary citizens.

Influence of American Expansionism

Republican Ideals: The American Revolution and the subsequent expansion of the United States influenced the rebels. They were inspired by republican ideals and sought to establish a more democratic system of government.

Support from the U.S.: Some rebels received support from American sympathizers. For example, Mackenzie established a short-lived "Republic of Canada" on Navy Island in the Niagara River with the help of American volunteers.


The rebellions were ultimately unsuccessful, and the British military crushed the uprisings. However, they led to significant changes:

Lord Durham's Report: The British government sent Lord Durham to investigate the causes of the rebellions. His report recommended the unification of Upper and Lower Canada and the establishment of responsible government.

Act of Union 1840: The Act of Union merged Upper and Lower Canada into a single province, laying the groundwork for the eventual creation of the Canadian Confederation in 1867.

The Mackenzie-Papineau Rebellion was a pivotal moment in the struggle for Canadian self-governance and highlighted the tensions between colonial rule and the desire for democratic reform.

How the liberal party was birthed in part by Mackenzie and Papineau

The Liberal Party of Canada has its roots in the reformist movements led by figures like William Lyon Mackenzie and Louis-Joseph Papineau. These leaders were instrumental in advocating for political reform and responsible government in the early 19th century.

William Lyon Mackenzie was a prominent figure in Upper Canada (now Ontario). He led the Reform movement, which sought to challenge the power of the Family Compact, a small group of elites who controlled the government. Mackenzie’s efforts culminated in the Upper Canada Rebellion of 1837, which, although unsuccessful, highlighted the need for political reform and greater democratic representation.

Louis-Joseph Papineau was from Lower Canada (now Quebec). Papineau led the Parti Patriote, which similarly sought to challenge the dominance of the British-appointed elite and advocate for the rights of French Canadians. The Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837-1838, led by Papineau, also ended in defeat but underscored the demand for responsible government and political change.

Influence on the Liberal Party

The efforts of Mackenzie and Papineau laid the groundwork for the development of the Liberal Party. Their push for responsible government and democratic reforms resonated with many Canadians and set the stage for the emergence of a political party that would champion these ideals. The Liberal Party, officially founded in 1867, drew on the legacy of these reformist movements and leaders, advocating for a more inclusive and democratic political system.

The American Civil War and the Fenian Raids influences on Canadian independence from Great Britain

The American Civil War (1861-1865) and the Fenian Raids (1866-1871) both played significant roles in shaping Canadian independence from Great Britain.

American Civil War:

Military and Political Tensions: The Civil War heightened tensions between Britain and the United States. Britain's neutrality and its support for the Confederacy due to the cotton trade angered the Union, leading to incidents like the Trent Affair, where a British ship was seized by the Union Navy.

Canadian Sympathy for the Union: Many Canadians sympathized with the Union cause, partly due to their opposition to slavery and their close economic ties with the northern states.

Increased Military Presence: The threat of American invasion led Britain to station troops in Canada, which underscored the need for a more unified and self-reliant defense.

Fenian Raids:

Irish-American Veterans: The Fenian Brotherhood, composed of Irish-American Civil War veterans, launched several raids into Canada to pressure Britain to withdraw from Ireland. My own great-grandfather was a veteran of the conflict and received a grant of land in some god forsaken part of Ontario on the Canadian Shield in case he had the sudden urge to go farm rock. My cousin Roy Rymer still pays the taxes on that property. Great granddad once told my father that the only thing he shot during the Fenians Raids was a farmer’s cow to feed the boys from the Lincoln and Welland Regiment in which he had served. It was a two-day march from St. Catharines to Ridgeway where the engagement took place.

Canadian Unity: The raids exposed weaknesses in Canada's defense and highlighted the need for a unified military and political structure.

Path to Confederation: The threat of Fenian attacks and the desire for a stronger defense were key factors that led to the Confederation of Canada in 1867.

Both events underscored the vulnerabilities of British North America and accelerated the movement towards a more independent and unified Canadian nation.

The Charlottetown Conference and the need of Confederation to establish Canada as a nation capable of self-government

The Charlottetown Conference, held from September 1st to 9th, 1864, in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, was a pivotal moment in the journey towards Canadian Confederation. Originally planned as a meeting of representatives from the Maritime colonies (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island) to discuss a possible union, the conference took a significant turn when delegates from the Province of Canada (present-day Ontario and Quebec) were invited to join.

Key Outcomes of the Charlottetown Conference:

Discussion of Union: The conference shifted focus from a Maritime Union to a broader union of all British North American colonies. The delegates discussed the benefits of uniting the colonies to create a stronger, more self-sufficient entity.

Agreement on Principles: While no formal decisions were made, there was a general agreement on the principles of union, including the need for a federal system that would allow for both regional autonomy and a strong central government. This is distinctly different from the American system which emphasises State’s right and their autonomy.

Social Interactions: The conference included social events, such as dinners and banquets, which helped build relationships and trust among the delegates.

Path to Confederation:

The Charlottetown Conference was followed by the Quebec Conference in October 1864, where a more detailed plan for Confederation was drafted. This plan, known as the 72 Resolutions, laid the groundwork for the British North America Act, which was passed by the British Parliament and came into effect on July 1st, 1867, creating the Dominion of Canada.


The Charlottetown Conference marked the beginning of a series of negotiations that ultimately led to the formation of Canada as a self-governing nation. It was a crucial step in the process of Confederation, demonstrating the willingness of the colonies to work together towards a common goal.

"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" as the counterpoint to "Peace, Order, and Good Government"

"Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness" and "Peace, Order, and Good Government" are two foundational principles that reflect differing philosophies and priorities in the founding documents of the United States and Canada, respectively.

"Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness"

This phrase is from the United States Declaration of Independence, drafted by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. It encapsulates the core values of American political philosophy:

Individual Rights: Emphasizes the importance of individual freedoms and personal rights.

Self-Governance: Reflects the belief in the right of people to govern themselves and seek their own paths to fulfillment.

Rejection of Tyranny: Stresses the need to break away from oppressive governments that do not respect these fundamental rights.

"Peace, Order, and Good Government"

This phrase is from the British North America Act (now the Constitution Act, 1867) and highlights the priorities of the Canadian Confederation:

Collective Well-Being: Focuses on the overall stability and welfare of society.

Rule of Law: Emphasizes the importance of legal order and governance structures that maintain peace and prevent chaos.

Public Interest: Prioritizes decisions that benefit the collective, often through a strong and proactive government role.

Contrasting these Philosophies

Individualism vs. Collectivism: The American principal underscores individual rights and personal freedoms, while the Canadian principal emphasizes collective well-being and social order.

Liberty vs. Stability: The U.S. approach values personal liberty as the highest good, whereas the Canadian approach values peace and stability, often requiring a balance between individual freedoms and societal needs. It is the stability of our system of government that has allowed Canada to avoid some of the more violent extremes of civil discord so common in America. The belief in stable, calm, responsible government is an unreconcilable difference between how our two nations are governed, that is until the erosion of Canadian values which have occurred largely but not entirely under the Liberal Party of Canada since the mid 1960’s due to parliament pursuing a “progressive agenda”

Government Role: The American ideal tends to advocate for limited government intervention in personal lives, while the Canadian ideal supports a more active government role in ensuring public welfare. Again, I must point out that this intervention in individual freedom largely began with Pearson’s vision of more state intervention in our lives. It was also Pearson who was instrumental in bringing Pierre Trudeau to the fore. A moment in our political history which began our downhill slide toward the tyranny of his son.

Nevertheless, these differing principles reflect the unique historical contexts and cultural values of each nation. The American focus on individual liberty arose from a desire to escape British colonial rule, while the Canadian emphasis on peace and order emerged from a need to unify diverse provinces and maintain stability under the British crown.

My conclusions:

We face the possibility of prorogation in the coming weeks to delay the fall of the current corrupt government. This will only serve to further abuse Canadians who are already suffering. All of this is due to our rejection of Christianity as the underpinning principle upon which any functional government’s value, principles, legislation and laws must rely. For without Christ Canada cannot exist as a nation that exists to fulfill our most fundamental constitutional principle of “peace, order, and good government”.

So here we are, once again being bullied from the south in a two-century old fulfillment of America’s quest for Manifest Destiny. Trump is being lauded as our saviour by many Canadians on my social media feed who claim some affiliation with conservativism. I often wonder whether real conservatives and true liberals exist at all. I am being given constant proof of the failure of our education system due to our progressive school boards. This failure has virtually erased the knowledge required to understand what either of these political philosophies mean.

For Trump to suggest that Wayne Gretzky could simply “become” the next Prime Minister with out first becoming the leader of a political party capable of winning an election showed his massive ignorance as to how the Canadian system of governance functions.  Trump referred to Gretzky as a good candidate to become the “Governor of Canada”, an offer which the “Great One” promptly turned down due to its insulting impossibility. I was forced to study American history as a lad, something which at the time I found boring. Today I am grateful that I was offered perspective as to why the USA still operates on principles that threaten our autonomy. It is not a Godly move to interfere in the sovereign government of another nation. It is not for America to tell us how to fix our own problems brought on by Neo-Marxist “progressives” (a term which I despise due to its meaninglessness) who have weakened us once again to the point where we are made vulnerable to American expansionism and threats to our sovereignty.

For those of you who may think based upon what I have stated here that I am not pleased Trump won would also be missing the point since I am pleased. Frankly the reason you are missing the point is due to the fact you lack a proper historical perspective of how and why our situation is so dire. Due to ungodly hubris, we often think that we know more than we do. Donald Trump is not Canada’s saviour, Jesus Christ is! If you claim to be a Christian, then you need to stop worshipping at the false god of political messiahs. We must pray that Trump’s new administration will serve God’s will in America and that the parliamentary system we have inherited from our ancestors will right itself since its traditions have served us so well until the “progressives” corrupted it with their godless agenda.

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...