Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Most people would rather die than think, in fact they do so!


Permit me to quote Bertrand Russell, famed British mathematician, logician, philosopher, and public intellectual who influenced mathematics, logic, set theory, and analytic philosophy; “Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.” Until we can completely deconstruct the prevailing Postmodern globalist narrative and its agenda which has parasitized the minds of so many here in the West, an agenda which has come to resemble a rapidly growing Gnostic mystery cult, the emergence of mass formation psychosis cannot be avoided. From the rear cover of Dr. Gad Saad’s brilliant work on idea pathogens, “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense” it reads, “There's a war against truth... and if we don't win it, intellectual freedom will be a casualty.” In this book Dr. Saad lays out the neuro-parasitological framework of the mind virus known as WOKE and how it parasitizes the host to destroy itself out of suicidal empathy. The cover goes on to state, “The West’s commitment to freedom, reason, and true liberalism has never been more seriously threatened than it is today by the stifling forces of political correctness”. Dr Saad asserted the following after having an interaction with a graduate student in post-modernism, cultural anthropology, and women's studies, which Dr. Saad refers to as the Holy Trinity of bullshit. He believes that the one idea pathogen that is the granddaddy of all of them is Postmodernism since it removes the ability of having human universals which provide a universally agreed upon understanding of what words mean. If there is no universal meaning, then everything becomes shackled by our personal biases and by subjectivity. He went on to observe that though they assert that there are no universal truths other than the one universal truth that there are no universal truths, they miss this irony. Dr. Saad stated that he wakes up every day as an academic knowing that there are regularities in the world to study otherwise there'd be no point in being a scientist. If he didn’t have a common place where he could agree with the graduate student in question that only women can bear children, that there is such a thing as east and west, and there is a star called the sun, if they could not agree on these as universal truths, then this a form of intellectual terrorism. So where can studying postmodernism take you? Well, it can take you to believing that boys too can menstruate, that boys too can bear children precisely because there is no universal meaning anymore that we can all agree upon. So, this is why he argues that Postmodernism is a form of intellectual terrorism and it's the granddaddy of all idea pathogens.

Canada’s current Prime Minister is the posterchild for every possible Postmodern deconstruction of reality which is why he had menstrual products installed in the men’s washrooms in all of Ottawa’s federal government facilities. Trudeau obviously believes the only universal truth is whatever the latest lie he says that he feeds to the public through his publicly funded media apparatus despite him repeatedly having found to be lying. His often-stated belief in the culturally anthropological delusion of cultural relativism that bring unvetted immigrants here from war torn countries enriches the nation because all cultures have equal value except for our own Western culture which is hideous and oppressive. This even though almost all of those who are on secret service terrorist watch lists are radical political Islamists, you know the religion that Trudeau himself describes as a religion of peace while labelling Christian conservatives as horrid, bigoted extremists. This is why he stated, "The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old Stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them". And by claiming that trans-people are real women too obviously does nothing to support the cause of feminism, not to mention how he has treated senior female members of his government whom he dismissed from caucus.

But that is here in Canada, but who precisely, is the source for the global proselytizing of such stupid ideas that originated in the social science departments of our universities since these ideas are leading to the downfall of Western reason and values? Let us look at the WEF’s own website to discover one of the primary sources but by no means the only source of evangelizing WOKE Postmodern nonsense. The Global elite have weaponized these ideas as a means of enabling greater wealth transfer from the common John and Jane into their filthy lucre filled coffers:

“COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable.

To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”

All forms of social collectivism are organized systems of mass formation psychosis! This explains why to normal folk their beliefs, practices, and behaviours seem so odd, reactionary, weird, and perverse. Whenever confronted with reality the parasitized will invariably project their own mental illness onto those who dare to point out that what they believe is psychotic delusion. And since I'm now out of the closet, as it were, I want my readers to know that I state these things as a proud confirmed male lesbian who pees out of my “mangina”! And if you think my assertion is nuts (since it is) look at the attached photo from the United Nations. A picture isn't merely worth a thousand words, it redefines the very meaning of words and reality itself. Unless these delusions are ended, the West is lost.

Postmodern historical revisionism is busily toxifying our past which is causing our children to feel shame about their own culture. It must be noted that Mao caused the death of some 50,000,000 Chinese while pursuing a similar agenda to toxify China's cultural past. We need to recognize that our institutions of education are under a Neo-Marxist assault that is being orchestrated by international bodies, quangos and NGO’s who admit to promoting a Neo-Marxist Postmodern agenda, namely the “Great Reset of Capitalism” which is bafflegab for Marx’s and Engles’ “Dialectical Materialism” from the Communist Manifesto. We ought to learn from our history, warts, blemishes, and beauty regardless since we cannot rewrite the past nor impose our morals onto our ancestors

Noted defender of Christian values and individual liberty Father Calvin Robinson has been driven out of Britain to assume a pastorate in West Michigan by a perverted political class that has succumbed to the Postmodern madness of Cultural Marxist Critical Theory whose primary goal is to attack our faith and our families while leaving our borders open to invasion from war torn third world countries. Britian’s government not only refuses to enforce the rule of law, but also imports violent crime and murder while making political prisoners and refugees of Christian preachers. We are witnessing crowds of those who hide their faces behind masks repeatedly breaking the law pronouncing judgement upon the social injustices of others but are only doing so to hide their own moral failures.

In Great Britain Starmer's reign of authoritarian tyranny is providing proof that so-called Democratic Socialism is a lie. Socialism by its very nature must rely on coercion and force. England, the very land of Magna Carta and the idea of personal autonomy, has resubmitted to a reworked version of feudalism under Starmer's stupid and vindictive premiership which now has taken political prisoners, persecutes Christian pastors, even as it releases violent criminals who ought never to have set foot on her shores to walk upon England's mountains green where the Holy Lamb of God, on England’s pleasant pastures were once seen through Christ's Church which has now utterly lost its way!

Until people realize that the Postmodern narrative is false, we will never win the present ideological battle. What is being labelled as far right and radical left are merely variants of similar collectivist ideologies that demand that the individual must be subsumed into a faceless social collective as represented by the state. Statism is therefore the enemy of individual autonomy and the equality of all under the law. For there to be real equality Lady Justice must be kept blind to race, creed, colour, personal beliefs and sex.

The need for revival as an antidote to WOKE ideological possession:

“England may have been a commercial power with a cohesive elite made up of nobles, the landed gentry, and wealthy merchants, but the social cleavages and the resentment of the lower classes against the upper classes were nearly as great as they were on the continent even if the details vary. The contempt went both ways. For the most part, the upper classes cared little for the lower classes, seeing them instead as creatures to exploit much like their abused animals. Debauchery and drunkenness were common.

The Church of England did nothing to mitigate the kingdom’s social problems. Since the Stuart Restoration (1660), Britain had largely enforced conformity to the Church of England, suppressing Dissenters including Puritans in England and Presbyterians in Scotland. Despite this, religion was not a major theme in the period.

After the English Civil War and Commonwealth, British elites looked on any serious commitment to religion or religious practices with suspicion. You were expected to attend church on Sunday, have a church wedding, baptize your children, and be buried in the churchyard, but that was about it. Anything more than that was labeled “enthusiasm,” roughly the equivalent of being called a “holy roller.”

The Evangelical Revival

That said, while polite society rejected anything beyond going through the motions when it comes to faith, others especially in the lower classes found something far more meaningful and profound in the Evangelical Revival that swept Britain and many of its American colonies.

Interestingly, many of the leaders of these revivals were precisely the kind of highly educated individuals who were drawn to the Enlightenment. Jonathan Edwards, the most famous preacher of the Great Awakening in New England, is considered by many today to be the greatest thinker that America has produced. George Whitefield and John and Charles Wesley were Oxford graduates.

Despite the number of intellectual elites who joined or led the Evangelical Revival, however, it was far from an elitist movement. Some of its leaders, while educated, were hardly part of the intellectual elite. Howell Harris, one of the key leaders of the Welsh Revival, was a simple schoolmaster. Further, unlike the Enlightenment, which appealed primarily to elites, the revivals reached primarily common people, even people below the level of literacy such as coal miners. The result was a spiritual revolution that transformed British society.

As we face significant social upheaval and challenges in our society, the question is, which model will we follow: a secular model built on elitist theories of social reform, or a spiritual model based on a recognition of sin and the need for repentance and inner transformation?

The Spiritual Revolution

According to many historians, the Evangelical Revival helped prevent England from having its own bloody revolution on the model of France. The message preached in these revivals emphasized not an easy conversion experience, but repentance resulting in turning away from sin and a transformed life. They thus looked for spiritual renewal rather than secular, Enlightenment-driven social reform, and they did so in sufficient numbers to keep Britain from collapsing in an orgy of violence.

This did not mean that they ignored social problems, however. The need to root out sin in one’s life extended further to rooting it out of society. Thus, British Evangelicals were involved in lobbying and agitating for social reform in every area it was needed.

Most famously, this was personified in William Wilberforce, the parliamentarian who led the fight against the slave trade but who also was involved in nearly 70 other organizations dedicated to righting the many wrongs in British society. In the end, he was largely successful—not only was slavery abolished, but it was said of Wilberforce that he made goodness fashionable in England.

As we face significant social upheaval and challenges in our society, the question is, which model will we follow: a secular model built on elitist theories of social reform, or a spiritual model based on a recognition of sin and the need for repentance and inner transformation? Will we use secular means to achieve our goals or the weapons of the Spirit—prayer, love, and repentance? The results of each are before us. We need to choose wisely. Future generations are depending on us.”

Tuesday, September 3, 2024



The puppet masters create "disorder" so the people will demand "order". The price of "order" always entails a handing over of control and loss of freedom on the part of the citizenry. Out of "chaos" comes "order" - THEIR order - their new WORLD order. The trick of creating chaos and then seizing power under the pretense of putting things back in order is a tried and true method of deception and manipulation. It's the meaning behind the Latin motto: ORDO AB CHAO meaning ORDER OUT OF CHAOS.


It's also referred to as the Hegelian Dialectic after the philosopher Georg Hegel who described it as: THESIS -- ANTITHESIS -- SYNTHESIS. Others have described this as: PROBLEM -- REACTION – SOLUTION in that firstly you create the problem; then secondly you fan the flames to get a reaction; then thirdly (like Johnny-on-the-spot) you provide a solution. The solution is what you were wanting to achieve in the first place, but wouldn't have been able to achieve under normal circumstances. Otherwise, this is known as the “new Normal”, Orwell described this as REALITY CONTROL. ~ Jackie Jura

Radical social collectivists only understand consolidating authoritarian centralized power. The only concept which determines what is moral to them is whatever weaponized means of control they can use to further centralize their power while undermining the rights of the individual. They live by the motto that their real action lies in their opponents’ reaction to their policies, yet invariably we have taken the bait. This is literally how they define their revolutionary struggle for dominance. It is Hegelian to its core. They go from the thesis of creating a policy that causes a reaction, to antithesis where we react negatively to the new policy, to synthesis where their action and our reaction create the "new normal" and so on. Each reiteration of this process serves to further their Cultural Marxist Revolution! Our ONLY hope lies in helping others to understand how this process works. Once people know how it operates, they'll stop playing whack--a-mole with the Devil.

Which is why people must be educated to understand how ideological possession occurs. Truly parasitic ideas have escaped the humanity departments of universities to infect society. These idea pathogens are causing the West to commit suicide by parasitical empathy. When we come to care more for "others" than we do for our own this is proof of said parasitization. Note that it is women who most easily fall prey since the parasite uses emotions to destroy the host. Women's emotional systems are being hijacked since they are more vulnerable to being controlled by empathy. They are therefore the chief target of this idea pathogen. This is why they replaced Biden with Harris who is all about feelings.

This has resulted in England, which is the very home of the mother of all parliaments, to commit cultural suicide due to toxic sympathy for violent foreign elements who do not share Christian British values. London is to the Anglosphere what Rome was to its empire, for without the centre the outliers cannot survive. Britain, America, Canada and Western Europe, among other Western regions and nations, are committing suicide by parasitical empathy. Their governing class and the intellectual elite care more for Islam and radical Cultural Marxist Critical Theory, replete as it is with a complete ignorance of a sound economic policies capable of raising the most marginalized out of poverty than they do about upholding the Christian values of the West. As a result, the West has placed itself under a curse that only repentance can cure. But God Himself has closed the eyes and ears of those governing us lest they repent, turn to Christ, and be healed!

There is an old Norse saying which loosely translated goes, "A witless man believes everything he knows between the two mountains where he lives." But there's a greater evil, that of the well travelled person who believes they understand more than what they do for despite their experiences they view the world through the lens of their own flawed ideological perspective. And then even a greater evil still where the naive and witless valley dweller comes to look up to the so-called educated enlightened traveller for, they in turn will come to share similar delusions. This describes our present dilemma. And it alludes to the reason of our prevailing cultural crisis. It is a manifestation of the Dunning–Kruger effect where ideologically possessed people with limited cognitive competence who are devoid of enlightenment will overestimate their abilities and understanding of the real issues confronting humanity. This phenomenon was first described by Justin Kruger and David Dunning in 1999. Mass media propaganda based on these cognitive biases have further served to create our present mass societal delusion.

For over a decade I've been warning about the fact that our schools and universities have been weaponized against the interests of society using huge amounts of our tax dollars that could be better spent on programs that are actually vital rather than promoting parasitical ideas which are further infecting society. This is obscene, unnatural, perverted and diabolical to its Cultural Marxist ideological core, specifically because it targets our children! No one voted for this idea-babble nor did our politicians advertise that this was part of their political agenda!

If you are wondering why it is that you and those whom you know are suffering from increased generalized anxiety, now you know. Terrible ideas that were hatched by university professors in the humanities departments of our universities have escaped to deconstruct civil order. Performative caring is on full display. Our elected representatives have misgoverned us into a crisis due to pursuing policies which are the diametric opposite of actual progress. They don't mean a word of what they claim as they throw billions of our tax dollars on an idiotic radical agenda that is culturally and spiritually ruinous! It is for this reason that I state that the Cultural Marxist Revolution is practically complete. We live in a society which is committing suicide by parasitical empathy where feelings have replaced reason even as we dare to sit in moral judgment of our ancestors whose accomplishments were so grand compared to that of our own that our greatest accolade must be our ability to whine about how morally superior we are even as we live in the ashes of the civilization that our forebears created which we have now become hellbent on destroying.

Galatians 5:1 King James Bible

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.







Monday, August 19, 2024

Gnosticism: why the elite make no sense to us


History repeats itself: the Gnostic cult of postmodern thinking

Today the west is being confronted with a Postmodern heresy closely related to the one the early Church fathers countered in their time. So, permit be to begin by discussing how Gnosticism posed an inherent threat to the early Church whose task it became was to counter false doctrines. This is essential for Christianity today since we are facing a similar crisis with Gnostic Postmodern WOKE ideologies. The reasons define how Gnosticism posed a significant threat to the early Christian Church:

Theological Differences: Gnosticism introduced beliefs that were fundamentally different from orthodox Christian teachings. Gnostics believed in a dualistic universe where the material world was created by a lesser, malevolent deity, and salvation was achieved through secret knowledge (gnosis). This contrasted sharply with the Christian belief in a single, benevolent God and salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

Scriptural Interpretations: Gnostics often had their own interpretations of Christian scriptures or even their own texts, such as the Gospel of Thomas. These interpretations and texts sometimes contradicted the canonical gospels and teachings of the early church, leading to confusion and division among believers.

Authority and Unity: The early church was working to establish a unified doctrine and authority structure. Gnosticism, with its diverse and often secretive teachings, undermined this effort by promoting alternative leaders and doctrines. This threatened the unity and cohesion of the early Christian community.

Ethical Implications: Some Gnostic teachings led to ethical practices that were at odds with those of the early church. For example, some Gnostics believed that since the material world was evil, moral behavior in the physical realm was irrelevant. This could lead to either extreme asceticism or moral laxity, both of which were problematic for the early church’s emphasis on righteous living.

Overall, Gnosticism challenged the early church’s efforts to define and defend its core beliefs, maintain unity, and establish a consistent ethical framework. The church responded by condemning Gnostic teachings as heretical and working to clarify and codify orthodox Christian doctrine.

So, in today’s blog and vodcast I will attempt to demonstrate why the current attack on our cultural values is due to the Gnosticism inherent to authoritarianism in all its various socially collectivist forms. These manifestations of illiberalism are in fact expressions of gnostic mystery religions where only its priests can truly understand its hidden mysteries. This obviously seems to fly in the face of the fact that they deny the existence of God but only because we fail to recognize that its priests have made themselves into gods. This is why when we have heard them speak or read what they have written one is forced to wonder why their rhetoric often sounds like gobbledygook.

A musician friend of mine sent me an article written in one of the 4th Estate's most notable Neo-Marxist rags that promoted an end to the use of coal as an energy source and asked Trudeau to interfere with shipping it abroad. I told my friend that I literally never read the TO Star. I have no use for the 4th Estate which has become the disinformation arm of a government (taxpayer) funded cultural revolution. I said to him, "I do not think you are fully aware of how completely I have rejected the accepted Postmodern narrative." In the first grade when they made us sing, I am a little teapot short and stout I balked at it. I knew I was short but certainly not stout. Moreover, I knew I was not a teapot and was horrified at how the entire class, most emphatically the girls, went along with its idiotic gestures of the hip hold, extended arm, and tipping whilst singing its moronic ever so uncool white ungroovy lyrics. I do not do things in unison with others. I cannot march in lockstep with the current mandated thing. We now live in a society which blindly follows leaders who are marching us straight into a cultural abattoir. And for the fools who do not want coal to be used, the solution to using it cleanly is to install scrubbers in the chimneys of the plants who burn it. It is impossible to turn matter into energy without creating byproducts. I guess you idiots who danced the teapot passed that course with flying colours but flunked high school physics.

Why there is broad acceptance of the Postmodern narrative despite it sounding like nonsense:

For at least 60 years dialectics have crept their way into the prevailing Postmodern narrative. In rejecting God its creators have founded a new Hegelian mystery religion where only its priests can see behind the curtain of Gnostic knowledge. Which is why to the uninitiated it appears to be based upon madness. Believe it or not this explains the reason for the deliberate outcome of what the Postmodern priests label as progress being madness since we lack the secret knowledge to understand what progress means.

Every single totalitarian ideology has been built on Hegelian Dialectical thinking. Its influence on the Postmodern narrative is among the best documented phenomena of our time! It borrows from the Platonic idea of the Demiurge. The concept of the Demiurge, as originally presented by Plato and later adapted by various philosophical and religious traditions has not been explicitly adopted by totalitarian regimes but its concepts have been borrowed and altered to suit their purposes. The Demiurge is primarily a metaphysical and cosmological figure, and its interpretations have largely remained within the realms of philosophy, theology, and esoteric traditions¹².

However, totalitarian ideologies have drawn on various philosophical and religious concepts to justify their worldviews and actions. For example, certain Gnostic interpretations of the Demiurge depict it as a malevolent or ignorant creator, responsible for the flawed material world². This is the essence of both Nazism’s and Communism’s world view that it is up to them to change the nature of reality itself because they cannot accept the world as it is. This idea of a corrupt or oppressive creator could be metaphorically linked to the way totalitarian regimes view themselves as the ultimate authority, shaping and controlling society according to their own ideals.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-08-12

(1) THE DEMIURGE IN ANCIENT THOUGHT - Cambridge University Press & Assessment.

(2) Chapter 2 The Demiurge and His Place in Plato’s Metaphysics and ....

(3) The Descent of the Demiurge from Platonism to Gnosticism -  

(4) undefined.

Totalitarian ideologies often draw on various philosophical and religious concepts to justify their control over society. While the concept of the Demiurge itself hasn't been directly adopted by totalitarian regimes, its underlying themes can be seen in how these ideologies operate.

1. **Control and Order**: The Demiurge in Gnostic traditions is often seen as a controlling force, shaping the material world. Similarly, totalitarian regimes seek to control all aspects of life, imposing strict order and suppressing dissent¹².

2. **Creation of a New Reality**: Just as the Demiurge is seen as creating the physical world, totalitarian regimes often aim to create a new social and political reality. They use propaganda, censorship, and education to shape the beliefs and behaviors of their citizens¹².

3. **Utopian Ideals**: Totalitarian ideologies often promise a utopian future, much like the Demiurge's creation of an ordered cosmos from chaos. This promise is used to justify extreme measures and the suppression of individual freedoms¹².

4. **Centralized Authority**: The Demiurge is a central, authoritative figure in the creation myth. Totalitarian regimes similarly centralize power in a single leader or party, demanding absolute loyalty and obedience¹².

These parallels show how totalitarian ideologies can adopt and adapt philosophical concepts to support their goals.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-08-12

(1) Totalitarianism | Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

(2) Totalitarianism | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, & Facts.

(3) Totalitarianism - Wikipedia.

(4) Total and Totalitarian Ideologies - Oxford Academic.


While totalitarian ideologies don't explicitly reference the demiurge, they often adopt a role that mirrors its attributes, especially within the Gnostic framework. Here's how:

Perception of a Flawed World: Totalitarian regimes typically view the existing social, political, and economic order as fundamentally flawed, corrupt, or oppressive. This perspective aligns with the Gnostic view of the material world being inherently defective due to the demiurge's influence.

Promise of Radical Transformation: To address these perceived flaws, totalitarian movements propose a comprehensive reorganization of society. They aim to craft a new world order based on their ideological principles, essentially acting as creators or architects of a redesigned reality. This ambition parallels the demiurge's role as the shaper of the material world.

Claim to Exclusive Knowledge: Scholars like Eric Voegelin have described modern totalitarian movements as exhibiting "gnostic" characteristics. These ideologies often claim to possess exclusive insights or knowledge (gnosis) about the path to a perfected society. This self-ascribed authority justifies their sweeping reforms and the suppression of dissenting views.

Immanentizing the Eschaton: Totalitarian regimes attempt to realize an ultimate, often utopian, state of society within the temporal world—a concept Voegelin termed "immanentizing the eschaton." This endeavor reflects the demiurge's act of bringing form and order to existence, albeit through a flawed lens.

In essence, while totalitarian ideologies don't directly adopt the idea of the demiurge, they embody its thematic elements by positioning themselves as the sole architects capable of redeeming a flawed world. This alignment serves both to legitimize their authority and to mobilize support for their transformative agendas.

The high priests of the Global Cabal:

For the first time in human history global illiberal and authoritarian interests have coalesced into an all powerful and controlling system where NGOs and quangos are dictating to sovereign nations how their citizens must be governed. These entities are responsible for the mishandling of COVID-19 and the lies we were told about the toxic failed inoculant that was created in concert with the virus which resulted in untold injuries to those who have received it. These same NGOs and quangos all use variations of Cultural Marxist Critical Theory to further a cultural revolution which starts with redefining the nature of the nuclear family. Their agenda has successfully broken down the very structures of and foundations for civil society which is why we are currently experiencing such unprecedented levels of civil unrest due to them pursuing a Neo-Marxist utopia which cannot exist.

Multiculturalism is therefore an impossibility since it denies the very nature of the social glue that makes culture itself possible, namely shared ethical values, cultural traditions, and common religious beliefs. The West cannot exist as a project that defends human dignity and freedom without its Christian foundations. Which is why Christianity exists in direct opposition to the goals of these organizations which are creations of the UN.

The UN instead of being a vehicle for international peace and cooperation has become the means for furthering Neo-Marxism.


"Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) serve as critical players in the modern societal framework, often filling gaps that government bodies and private sectors are unable to address effectively. The role of an NGO in society encompasses a wide range of activities that contribute to social change, community development, and the promotion of civic engagement. In this article, we will explore the multifaceted functions that NGOs perform and how to find NGOs in your area.

What is an NGO?

Non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, were first called such in Article 71 in the Charter of the newly formed United Nations in 1945. While NGOs have no fixed or formal definition, they are generally defined as nonprofit entities independent of governmental influence (although they may receive government funding).

As one can tell from the basic definition above, the difference between nonprofit organizations (NPOs) and NGOs is slim. However, the term "NGO" is not typically applied to U.S.-based nonprofit organizations. Generally, the NGO label is given to organizations operating on an international level although some countries classify their own civil society groups as NGOs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

One of the primary roles of an NGO is to act as an advocate for social change. NGOs often work towards influencing policies and legislation that affect the communities they serve. By engaging in advocacy work, NGOs raise awareness on critical issues such as human rights, environmental protection, and social justice, striving to bring about systemic change that can improve the lives of people on a larger scale.

Grassroots mobilization

NGOs play a crucial role in mobilizing communities at the grassroots level. They empower individuals by providing them with the knowledge and tools necessary to advocate for their rights and interests. This bottom-up approach ensures that the voices of the marginalized and underrepresented are heard, fostering a society that values inclusivity and diversity.

Humanitarian assistance

In times of crisis, such as natural disasters or conflicts, NGOs are often among the first to respond with humanitarian assistance. They provide essential services including food, shelter, medical care, and psychological support to those affected. NGOs' flexibility and ability to act quickly often make them more efficient than larger, more bureaucratic institutions in delivering aid to those in need.

Community development and empowerment

NGOs are instrumental in community development projects that aim to improve the quality of life for individuals and groups. These projects may include building schools, improving healthcare facilities, and providing vocational training to enhance employment opportunities. By focusing on empowerment, NGOs help communities to become self-reliant and sustainable in the long term.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

NGOs contribute significantly to the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals aim to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and peace. NGOs often tailor their projects and initiatives to align with one or more of these goals, thereby contributing to a global effort towards sustainable development.

Education and capacity building

Education is a cornerstone of NGO activities. Many organizations focus on providing educational opportunities to children and adults alike, helping to reduce illiteracy rates and equipping individuals with the skills needed to participate fully in society. Through capacity-building workshops, NGOs also strengthen the abilities of other civil society organizations, enhancing their impact and efficiency.

How can I find an NGO in my area?

Navigating the vast landscape of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can be a daunting task. Enter Candid, the world's largest source of comprehensive information on NGOs. Whether you're a philanthropist, a researcher, or simply interested in the nonprofit sector, Candid is your first stop to accessing NGO's in your area.”

My summation:

The hive mind shared by these organizations represents a set of orthodoxies that demand compliance to their doctrines under pain of being labelled a heretic. These bodies have placed every legislative assembly throughout the developed west under their direct influence and woe betide any sovereign nation who dare to govern itself under its own laws, particularly if those laws are founded on Christian ethics and Biblical morality. The very reason that the average person cannot comprehend their agenda is that its Gnostic secrets are known only to its high priests. Those who long to share is such mysteries are only permitted to enter behind the veil by means of blind obedience. To the sane mind this enigma is hidden in cognitive dissonance if one were to attempt to accept the mutually exclusive nonsense of Hegelian anti-reason of thesis then antithesis onto synthesis. Here is how it works. Thesis, two plus two equals four. Antithesis, two plus two equals five. Synthesis, two plus two equals four and/or five depending on the whims of the high priests. This is how willing the priests of the gnostic cult have become to accept something which the average person simply cannot grasp. And this universalism has replaced Christianity. You may think that is a good thing, but you would be a fool if you do since every single authoritarian regime was based upon gnostic mysticism and Hegelian thinking.

The early church took several measures to counter the threat of Gnosticism and other false ideologies:

1. **Establishing Canonical Scriptures**: The church worked to establish a canon of authoritative scriptures. By recognizing certain texts as inspired and authoritative, the church provided a clear standard for doctrine and practice. This helped to counter the diverse and often contradictory texts promoted by Gnostic groups.

2. **Creeds and Confessions**: The early church formulated creeds and confessions of faith, such as the Apostles' Creed and the Nicene Creed. These concise statements of core Christian beliefs helped to unify the church around a common set of doctrines and provided a clear standard against which to measure other teachings.

3. **Church Councils**: The church convened councils, such as the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, to address theological disputes and heresies. These councils brought together bishops and other church leaders to discuss and resolve issues, leading to the formal condemnation of Gnostic teachings and the affirmation of orthodox Christian doctrine.

4. **Apologetics and Theological Writings**: Early Christian apologists and theologians, such as Irenaeus, Tertullian, and Origen, wrote extensively to refute Gnostic teachings and defend + Christianity. Their writings provided intellectual and theological arguments against Gnosticism and helped to educate and strengthen the faith of believers.

5. **Pastoral Care and Discipleship**: Church leaders emphasized pastoral care and discipleship to ensure that believers were well-grounded in their faith. By teaching sound doctrine and providing spiritual guidance, pastors and bishops helped to protect their congregations from the influence of false teachings.

Through these efforts, the early church was able to counter the threat of Gnosticism and other false ideologies, maintaining the integrity and unity of the Christian faith. If we are to have any hope at all of restoring Godly order and the freedom which is to be found in Christ alone, we must do the same! This is a call to action to all who share my hope in a living and resurrected Saviour for without Christ as King of every earthly government we are doomed to live in oppressive murderous tyranny despite all the idiotic utopian promises of the Gnostic fools who are busily deconstructing what has taken two millennia to build.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Secularism cannot replace Christianity


Let me begin with the following admonitions which ought to set up todays vodcast nicely. It will also serve to sort the wheat fro the chaff as it were since many of you will listen no further!

Psalm 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

Deuteronomy 32:18 - “You neglected the Rock who begot you, And forgot the God who gave you birth.”

Jeremiah 6:10 - “To whom shall I speak and give warning That they may hear? Behold, their ears are closed And they cannot listen. Behold, the word of the Lord has become a reproach to them; They have no delight in it.”

Jeremiah 8:9 - “The wise men are put to shame, They are dismayed and caught; Behold, they have rejected the word of the Lord, And what kind of wisdom do they have?”

My thoughts on the abattoir in Southport and the radical Marxist agenda that made it possible:

Regarding the brutal Satanic butchering of three innocent children by Axel Muganwa Rudakubana where three children were hacked to death, two of them, aged six and seven years, died on Monday, the third, a girl aged nine years, died Tuesday morning as a result of injuries sustained during the knife attack, Merseyside Police said in a statement. Eight other children were injured, five of them critically. Two adults were also injured while trying to protect the children and are also in critical condition, according to the police. This tragic incident in Southport which involved girls who were attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class at The Hart Space community centre. The heinous slaughter of Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar provides further proof that unchecked immigration from war torn countries is the actual issue we are facing in the West. And behind these immigration policies lies a Neo-Marxist agenda known as Critical Race Theory. Any thinking person is forced to conclude what I have been stating for well over a decade is factual, that murderous medieval cultures are completely at odds with Western Christian values.

So obviously the question remains as to what motivated what became an abattoir in a dance class? My answer is that it matters little, punishment and law enforcement however do matter. And the outrage of the British people matters! We are witnessing an opprobrium which is boiling over into the streets even as Starmer’s Stasi proclaim that the “far right” is the real problem.

Axel Muganwa Rudakubana was named as the murderer on Monday. He was raised by Rwandans who came to Britain in the nineties. The specific circumstances of why they came are still unknown to the public, but it is connected to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which somewhere between 600,000 and 800,000 Tutsis were slaughtered in 100 days of unimaginable savagery, much of it committed with machetes and other cutting weapons. Many people, understandably, asked if the killer was a convert to radical Islam; after all, the nature of the murders had all the hallmarks of an Islamic terror attack. That seems less likely now, especially as Rwanda is majority Christian, and Rudakubana is not a Muslim name. But here’s another theory, was he radicalised, or inspired if you prefer, by stories of what happened in Rwanda?

Now as to Critical Race Theory and its affect on civil society

Critical Race Theory has led Great Britian and many other Western countries into a two-tiered system of law enforcement where if you’re are considered by the authorities as a member of the under-class you will be given preferential treatment under the law. Cultural Marxist Critical Race Theory is leading to the death and murder of innocents and the nation raging in opposition to an ideology which has divided society into an us versus them mentality. Despite the authorities mischaracterizing the protestors, the majority of folks at the London protest of July 31st were not in any way violent rather its leaders’ shouted Christ is King while calling for solidarity and calm. You should not be feeling unsafe in our motherland was the theme promoted by the protest’s leaders. I assure you when people declare in unison that Christ is King in opposition to their corrupt Neo-Marxist leaders who have perverted Britain into an aberration of its Christian heritage while promoting CRT then God Himself will move heaven and earth to stop their Cultural Marxist march through our sacred institutions! Watch for yourselves live footage from the protest to see the police acting as enforcers of the state’s radical agenda:

As to the origin of Critical Race Theory (CRT). CRT is an interdisciplinary academic field that originated in the mid-1970s. It was developed by several American legal scholars, including Derrick Bell, Alan Freeman, and Kimberlé Crenshaw, among others¹². CRT examines the ways in which race and racism intersect with other forms of social stratification, such as class, gender, and disability¹.

The theory emerged as a response to what its founders saw as the limitations of the civil rights movement and traditional legal approaches to addressing racial inequalities¹². It draws from critical theory and critical legal studies, and it challenges the idea that the law is neutral and objective¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-08-03

(1) Critical race theory - Wikipedia.

(2) Critical race theory (CRT) | Definition, Principles, & Facts.

(3) Critical race theory: the concept dividing the US - BBC.

The entire point of these social engineers is that the Cultural Marxist social revolution is never ending. Its entire purpose is to be an ongoing process of self deprecation which actually never intends to achieve its ends since social revolution is their goal.

Critical Race Theory (CRT) and critical multiculturalism are often promoted together because they share common goals and principles. Both frameworks aim to address and dismantle systemic inequities and biases in society, particularly those related to race, class, and gender.

**Critical Race Theory** focuses on understanding and challenging the ways in which race and racism intersect with other forms of social stratification to create and maintain inequality¹. It emphasizes that racism is not just an individual bias but is embedded in legal systems, policies, and institutions.

**Critical Multiculturalism**, on the other hand, seeks to highlight and address structural inequities across various dimensions, including race, class, and gender, to promote a more equitable distribution of power and resources³. It goes beyond celebrating cultural diversity to critically examine and challenge the power dynamics that marginalize certain groups.

The promotion of both CRT and critical multiculturalism by the same advocates is often due to their shared commitment to social justice and equity. By integrating these frameworks, educators, policymakers, and activists aim to create more inclusive and equitable environments in schools, workplaces, and communities²³.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 8/3/2024

(1) The State of Critical Race Theory in Education.

(2) Critical multiculturalism — Beautiful Trouble.

(3) Critical Multiculturalism | Theory and Praxis | Stephen May, Christine.

(4) Reconciling Multiculturalism from a Critical Race Perspective.

(5) Introduction: Critical Race Theory in Education: Theory, Praxis, and ....

(6) undefined.

How Europe lost faith in multiculturalism

A nuanced history of an often simplistic debate argues against ‘muscular liberalism’

By Malise Ruthven published on August 24 2017

“In October 2010 Angela Merkel, leader of Europe’s most powerful country, made a ringing declaration: “The multicultural concept is a failure, an absolute failure.” Four months later, Britain’s then prime minister, David Cameron, endorsed her approach, calling for “a lot less of the passive tolerance of recent years and much more active, muscular liberalism”. Within days France’s then president, Nicolas Sarkozy, had joined the chorus, suggesting on television that “we’ve been too concerned about the identity of new arrivals and not enough about the identity of the country receiving them”. This last intervention, as historian Rita Chin points out in her lucid and erudite overview of the debate, was somewhat surprising, given that “over many decades France had explicitly refused to consider multiculturalism as a guiding principle”.

While referring to Islamist terrorist atrocities in Paris, Brussels and Berlin, Chin’s The Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe went to press too soon to note that during the election campaign that won him the presidency this year, France’s Emmanuel Macron enraged his rightwing critics by apologising for the “crime” of colonialism in Algeria, indicating that his government would seek to “help with Muslim integration”.

“Integration”, of course, may run contrary to the multicultural idea. The Nationality Commission set up by Jacques Chirac as French prime minister in 1987 sought the “national integration” of Algerian and other non-European incomers according to a historical pattern by which regional minorities such as Bretons, Corsicans or Occitans were transformed into modern citizens sharing common characteristics — as historian Eugen Weber famously put it, turning “peasants into Frenchmen”.

Central to this is the idea of laïcité, a word usually translated as “secularism” but with stronger ideological connotations. As Chin notes, the French term conveys an ideal of church-state separation designed not so much to ensure the protection of an individual’s religious beliefs (as in the US) but to secure their “full allegiance to the state by counter-acting religious prejudice”. Full allegiance demands a ban on “ostentatious” symbols of religious affiliation such as large crosses, kippahs and, above all, the “Muslim” headscarf.

In her survey of the complex and sometimes bizarre arguments surrounding the question of the foulard, as banned for girls in state schools, Chin shows how French commentators on both right and left tend to view the headscarf as a symbol of patriarchal oppression, while ignoring the possibility that for some wearers, at least, it may be a demonstration of self-empowerment.

In contrast to France, both Britain and Germany adopted positive approaches to multiculturalism — a trend that now appears to be in retreat. Given their legal status as Commonwealth subjects, most of the ex-colonials who arrived in the UK after the second world war were formally entitled to the same rights as others, a factor that Chin suggests made “immigrants in Britain somewhat bolder in their critiques and more efficacious in their demands” than their French and German counterparts, enabling them to take a more “active role in shaping the way diversity was managed”.

A turning point came with the Rushdie affair in the 1990s. The protests against The Satanic Verses — the novel in which Salman Rushdie was accused of lampooning the Prophet Mohammed — “dramatically transformed” immigration politics in Britain, shifting the focus of calls for greater integration from Afro-Caribbeans to Asian Muslims, who were “suspected of introducing religious fundamentalism and violence into a tolerant liberal polity”. Chin suggests that by re-casting the debate on immigration in terms of “liberal values”, British commentators subtly placed Rushdie’s immigrant critics outside the bounds of the British cultural consensus.

Initially West Germany’s approach was different, with the guest-worker programme regarded as a win-win means of building the postwar economy while shedding the Nazi legacy. However, the new conception of “culture” by which ministers could laud “the rapprochement between persons of highly diverse backgrounds and cultures” betrayed “an underlying sense of essential, unchanging difference”. Viewed in this light, the multicultural mantra was a clever way of hiding the ethnically determined basis of German identity.

But is multiculturalism really dead, or are rumours of its demise premature? Chin’s account of non-occidental immigration to leading western European countries since the second world war (focusing primarily on Britain, France and Germany, with sideways glances at Switzerland and the Netherlands) does a good job by setting out the terms in which the debate has been conducted. Her conclusion is sensible, if nuanced: “What a historical perspective makes clear is that we need to uphold both liberal conceptions of individual freedom and pluralistic communitarianism”, with each acting as a check on the other.”

Here we can clearly see that the authorities understood CRT and its Multiculturalist agenda were not working yet since these policies weren’t working and conflicted with their Cultural Marxist agenda the going cultural Marxist Revolution had to trump the obvious and blatant failures of CRT and Multiculturalism. Keir Starmer has simply further radicalized this process in Britain. He is committed to pursuing a murderous Neo-Marxist agenda which can only result in further violence from immigrant communities which has created a potential powder keg of explosive counter-revolution from the British people whom he labels as “far-right” for wanting to live under a Rule of Law which applies equally to all.

So, what does Keir Starmer actually want? The UK’s new Labour prime minister is usually described as moderate, pragmatic and non-ideological. Here, historian and broadcaster David Starkey argues that this is an illusion. Starmer, Starkey explains, is a fierce anti-democrat. He wants to transfer power from the UK’s elected parliament to unelected bodies, from the courts to the civil service to the quangos. His party will establish the supremacy of the ‘Blob’, all while cracking down hard on free speech. Our democracy and liberty are in peril. Watch, share and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Listen to Dr. Starkey’s assessment at this link:

My final thoughts:

Secularism cannot replace Christianity. Every single principle of individual dignity and liberty flows from our faith in Christ. We will witness the fulfillment of Jeremiah 8:9 where wise men will be put to shame, dismayed and caught, since they have rejected the word of the Lord! For what kind of wisdom do they have when their wisdom has resulted in the slaughter of innocents? Christ is indeed King. Let us loudly declare it for then and only then will we see limited constitutional government under the Rule of Law restored.




Tuesday, July 30, 2024

My thoughts on the use of religious iconography at the Paris Olympic Games.


My thoughts on the use of pseudo religious iconography at the Paris Olympic Games.

There are several scriptures in the Bible that refer to not creating images for worship. Here are a few key ones:

Leviticus 26:1: This verse states, "You must not make idols for yourselves or set up a carved image or sacred pillar; you must not place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it. For I am the LORD your God."

Exodus 20:2-6: This passage includes the commandment, "You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below."

Deuteronomy 5:8: This verse says, "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in the heavens above, on the earth below, or in the waters beneath."

Deuteronomy 4:15-19: This passage warns the Israelites that since they did not see any form on the day God spoke to them at Horeb out of the midst of the fire, they should be careful not to act corruptly by making an image for themselves in the form of any figure.

Isaiah 42:8: This verse states, “I am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”

Acts 17:29: In this verse, Apostle Paul says, “Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising.”

1 John 5:21: The apostle John concludes his first epistle with this admonition, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”

These scriptures, among others, emphasize the prohibition against creating images for worship. Exodus 20:4-6 states, "You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods."

Therefore, regarding the recreation of de Vinci’s Last Supper at the Paris Olympics where a grossly unhealthy overweight woman of perverse sexual orientation portrayed the de Vinci’s Christ figure. The painting the Last Supper was created by **Leonardo da Vinci** which was commissioned by **Ludovico Sforza**, who was the Duke of Milan, for the refectory (dining hall) of the Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan, Italy. The painting was completed between 1495 and 1498. It's one of the most recognized and admired works of art in the world.

Therefore, out of an attempt to be blasphemous while insulting Christianity the Olympic display of bad taste actually raises quite another critical aspect of Christian theology, namely why had the reformers from whom I am descended reject the use of icons and images in worship? The Reformed Christians, or Protestants, became iconoclasts (those who reject religious images) during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century³. This was largely due to their interpretation of the Bible, particularly the Second Commandment which states, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them" (Exodus 20:4-5)².

The Reformation was, in many ways, a revolt against what was perceived as the excesses and corruptions of the Catholic Church, including the use of images in worship³. The Reformers argued that the use of images in Christian worship was contrary to the word of the Bible². They believed that images limited God and wrapped God up in human ritual and convention⁴.

Moreover, by the late Middle Ages, the cult of saints had assumed forms which came very close to idolatry. Sculptures of saints were worshipped like gods and people prayed to them for help with specific difficulties in their lives². The Reformers saw this practice as conflicting with the Second Commandment and the principle of monotheism².

It's important to note that not all Reformed Christians were iconoclasts. Martin Luther, for example, rejected the cult of saints but did not see pictures and statues as dangerous in themselves². The degree of iconoclasm varied among different Protestant denominations and continues to do so today.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-07-30

(1) A Short Guide to Iconoclasm in Early History - JSTOR Daily.

(2) Iconoclasm and Reformation – DHM-Blog - Deutsches Historisches Museum.

(3) The Case of Iconoclasm - Systematic and Historical Theology.

(4) Why Have Christians Argued about Using Iconography?.

(5) Iconoclasm |


Luther never truly rejected all his Roman Catholic sensibilities. His version of reformation was merely a stop gap measure which dealt only in part with the issue of iconography and the commercialising of the Gospel of Christ as big business where no one could buy or sell without the mark of the beast, namely the stamp of Papal approval. So, I thought I ought to weigh in regarding the freak show at the Paris Olympics and their attempt at a blasphemous portrayal of Christ as a fat bloated tattooed muff diver. When precisely have the French not adored perversion while persecuting the true Christian faith?

The French Wars of Religion were a series of civil wars between French Catholics and Protestants (called Huguenots) from 1562 to 1598. Between two and four million Huguenots died from violence, famine or disease directly caused by the conflict, and it severely damaged the power of the French monarchy.[1] One of its most notorious episodes was the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre in 1572. The fighting ended with a compromise in 1598, when Henry of Navarre, who had converted to Catholicism in 1593, was proclaimed King Henry IV of France and issued the Edict of Nantes, which granted substantial rights and freedoms to the Huguenots. However, Catholics continued to disapprove of Protestants and of Henry, and his assassination in 1610 triggered a fresh round of Huguenot rebellions in the 1620s.

The Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre alone saw the streets of Paris run with blood as with water when as many as 30,000 of the faithful were murdered in cold blood by rabid French Catholics who obviously hated true religion and by doing so persecuted Christ.

It is moments like the freak show in Paris that makes me regret Canada and her allies shed blood to free the French from tyranny when they return to it like a pig goes back to its slop trough!

From my previous blog entitled “Metanarratives, false doctrines, and the true Church” published on June 6th 2024

In the wake of the Paris Olympics, I have heard evangelicals speculating on the coming of the antichrist and the beast foretold in the Book of Revelation forgetting how every single one of the protestant reformers knew that the office of the Pope had fulfilled this prophecy. So let us examine how the false doctrine of pretribulation rapture theory entered the modern evangelical church. It was John Nelson Darby who is credited with developing the pre-tribulation rapture theory, which he extensively taught and popularized. This theory suggests that Christ will remove the Church from the world before the period of tribulation. Darby, an influential figure among the original Plymouth Brethren, is considered the father of modern dispensationalism and futurism¹². His teachings had a significant impact on the Bible Church and evangelical Christianity, particularly through the spread of dispensationalism and his Bible translations¹. Darby's ideas were further popularized in the United States in the early 20th century, notably by the Scofield Reference Bible².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) John Nelson Darby | Ligonier Ministries.

(2) John Nelson Darby - Wikipedia.

(3) Who was John Nelson Darby? |

(4) Is the pre-tribulational rapture theory biblical?.


What parts of Darby’s doctrine had originated from Cardinal Bellarmine’s counter-reformation propaganda?

John Nelson Darby's development of dispensationalism was influenced by a variety of sources, including earlier works by Jesuit theologians such as Francisco Ribera and Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. While Darby is recognized as the father of dispensationalism, his ideas were not entirely original but rather built upon earlier theological concepts. The writings of Ribera and Bellarmine contained ideas that laid the groundwork for the future development of dispensationalism. These works were initially intended to counter the Protestant Reformation's interpretation of the Book of Revelation, which identified the Pope as the Antichrist and the Catholic Church as the whore of Babylon¹.

It's important to note that while Darby may have been influenced by the works of these Jesuit theologians, his own doctrine was distinct and developed within the context of his time and religious environment. Darby's dispensationalism emphasized what he falsely thought was a literal interpretation of the Bible and the separation of God's plans for Israel and the Church, which became a cornerstone of his theological framework¹.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 6/3/2024

(1) Dispensationalism and Its Influence on Eschatology.

(2) The Purpose and Origins of Futurism - Christian Observer.

(3) The History Of Dispensationalism - Christian Observer.

(4) John Nelson Darby - Wikipedia.

(5) Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD - The Interactive Bible.

(6) undefined.

In conclusion:

So, I have a question to those of you who consider themselves to be Bible believing Christians. How are we to fight Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and its concerted attack on our faith if we have swallowed the lies of the Enemy to believe in false doctrines which were not received in Apostolic succession from the founders of the Western gentile Church? Persecution is coming for the Church so we must prepare ourselves. The word “rapture” does not appear in the Bible since it is not Scriptural. Christ will return and may we be found to be prepared when He does as we busy ourselves equipping His body for that return! Fulfilling this Divine commission is the only way we can stave off the ruin of godless Critical Theory in all of its manifestations whether that be gender or race theory since these false doctrines have now managed to infect the weaker churches who themselves have become WOKE!

The phrase "Be instant in season and out of season" is a Biblical reference from **2 Timothy 4:2**¹²³. In the King James Version of the Bible, the verse reads: "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine."¹²³.

This verse is part of a charge that the Apostle Paul gives to Timothy, his disciple. The phrase "be instant in season, out of season" is often interpreted to mean that one should be ready to proclaim the word of God at all times, whether it is convenient or not¹²³⁴⁵.

Different translations of the Bible may use different wording, but the general message remains the same: to be prepared to always preach the word of God, and to correct, rebuke, and encourage with patience and sound teaching¹²³⁴⁵. So fat bloated lesbians aside whose attempt at being blasphemous has merely revealed yet another blasphemy, namely the worship of graven images!

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-06

(1) 2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season ....

(2) 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV - Preach the word; be instant in season, - Bible Gateway.

(3) 2 Timothy 4:2 KJV - Preach the word; be instant in season, out of ....

(4) Instant In Season And Out Of Season - Ernest Angley Ministries.

(5) What does it mean to pray in season and out of season?.



Sunday, July 14, 2024

My thoughts on yesterday's attempt on Trump's life

I call myself the Reluctant Prophet for a very deliberate reason. I take no pleasure in being correct in my predictions as to the inevitable outcomes of pursuing idea pathogens which result in unmitigated devolution of our most sacred institutions. I posted two things yesterday prior to the attempt on former US President Trump’s life that were prescient in their timeliness. The first was the following taken from “How Cultural Marxism Threatens the United States (and the entire Anglosphere including Canada)—and How Americans and the rest of the Anglosphere Can Fight It” @

SUMMARY: The United States has successfully confronted Marxist attempts to derail it from its historic path of liberty and order. The multifaceted effort to defeat the enemy, generally referred to as the Cold War, concentrated many of the best minds in the country. In 1991, when the Soviet Union dissolved, many Americans and others around the globe justifiably believed that communism had been defeated. However, American Marxists, making use of the complacency that victory often produces, have gained more influence than ever before. Cloaking their goals under the pretense of social justice, they now seek to dismantle the foundations of the American republic by rewriting history; reintroducing racism; creating privileged classes; and determining what can be said in public discourse, the military, and houses of worship. Unless Marxist thought is defeated again, today’s cultural Marxists will achieve what the Soviet Union never could: the subjugation of the United States to a totalitarian, soul-destroying ideology.

And in my second warning I stated that “Trudeau's promotion of the "grievance narrative" has helped to create a society where portraying oneself as a victim will be rewarded by the State. This prevailing "Cult of Victimhood" is responsible for destroying the equality of all before the law by replacing real equality with special treatment for those whom the State labels as victims of the State's "structural oppression". What Statists invariably ignore is that logically this idiotic notion makes the State both the author of and the solution for all oppression when obviously it cannot be both the disease and its cure!” Evidently this warning applies to the entire Anglosphere where due to this narrative being adopted by most if not all of the mainstream political parties and the 4th Estate gullible citizens swallow these false doctrines hook, line, and sinker. And by what means has Cultural Marxism captured public discourse and narrative so completely? Since everything in Western society lies downstream of its education system, following the 1930’s, which is when the professors from the Frankfurt School fled Nazi Germany, Critical Theorists have captured our universities to use them as their vehicle to make disciples who would foment societal revolution.

Former president Trump was just minutes into his rally in Butler when around 10 popping sounds interrupted his speech, sending the crowd into chaos. The former president collapsed behind his podium, as red-capped supporters behind him screamed and tried to duck.

Secret Service agents immediately jumped onto the stage, eventually hoisting up Trump, whose face was dripping with blood. He pumped his fist before agents helped him off stage and into a security vehicle.

Trump has since said he is “fine,” revealing in a graphic statement that he was “shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.” “I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin,” he said.

The shooting left one spectator dead and another two critically injured. Law enforcement officials said that a Secret Service sniper killed the shooter, who was outside the security perimeter.

Man outside of Trump rally claims he saw the shooter on roof before Trump was struck by bullet. A witness who was just outside the Pennsylvania rally where a gunman apparently attempted to assassinate Donald Trump Saturday night said he tried to alert Secret Service agents to a rifle-wielding man he spotted “bear crawling” onto the roof of a nearby building before gunshots rang through the crowd.

“We’re pointing at the guy crawling up the roof,” the witness, identified only as Greg, told the BBC of the surreal moment. “We could clearly see him with a rifle.”

“I’m standing there pointing at him for two to three minutes,” he continued. “Secret Service is looking at us from the top of the barn, I’m pointing at the roof...and next thing you know, five shots rang out.”

The witness, who was wearing a red Trump 2024 visor, told the BBC that it was “absolutely” clear the shooter — who he said was clad in “muted colors,” like “tan, tight clothing” — was killed.

“Secret Service blew his head off,” Greg said. “They crawled up on the roof, they had their guns pointed at him to make sure he was dead, he was dead. And that’s it. It was over.”

Law enforcement is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination of the former president. The Independent has called the Butler County District Attorney’s Office for more information.

Others have come forward to share their harrowing accounts of the chaos. Another witness, an emergency room doctor, recalled how he sprung into action to try to save a shooting victim in the crowd.

“I heard the shots. I thought it was crackers to begin with,” the doctor, who had blood stains on his T-shirt, told a CBS News reporter.

Someone had been screaming “he was shot, he was shot” so the doctor rushed over. The spectator had been shot in the head, and the doctor said he could see “brain matter.”

“The guy had spun around was jammed between the benches and a head shot here,” the doctor explained.

He then performed CPR and chest compressions on the man.

Emergency room physician says he sprung into action to help victim at Trump rally

“I was the only one that did it,” he told CBS News. “There’s a helicopter coming in to get him.”

Boston Globe reporter James Pindell said he noticed early on that Secret Service agents were pointing rifles at a spot away from the crowd. But it wasn’t until Trump was six minutes into his speech that there was a “loud popping noise.”

“When I looked up, the same agents were shooting in the same direction their guns had been pointed all along. I knew they were shooting because I could see smoke from their guns,” he wrote. “I had a clear view of the stage, but at that moment, I was typing up what Trump was saying. When I looked at the podium again, the agents appeared to have Trump on the ground, protecting him. Then other agents were on the stage.”

He said the crowd was in total “shock,” with most crouching down as they tried to take cover.  

“After Trump had been escorted to his car and people sensed the rally was over and they were safe, the crowd turned on the media,” Pindell said. “The crowd was angry. Middle fingers were everywhere. They asked the press if they were happy and blamed the media. ‘You did this,’ they said to reporters.”

“How could such a massive breach in security happen?”, is the first question I need to ask. Secondly, the incident offers more proof that America has become a tinder box ready to ignite the flames of societal discord due to Cultural Marxist identity politics.

Society has become infected with ideas whose entire purpose is to sew discord and unrest, just as I have been warning since 2014 when my wife first informed me how she had learned about the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism while attending the University of Oslo. For her part she found these ideas so abhorrent that she could not believe that anyone could or would accept them. Yet just as Christ warned us in Matthew 12 (KJV):

43 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.

44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.

45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

For this wicked generation has rejected Christ to accept godless Neo-Marxist ideas resulting in creating hell on earth!

Sunday, June 30, 2024

The age of performative caring


Our present government, the arts in general and the greatest proportion of religious practices are purely performative. They constitute the mere show of virtue and affiliation with righteous causes while hiding the rot within. They're a show aimed to entertain the witless and deceive the gullible. Don't fall for it. They’re the Disneyland version of the real thing, they are but a false image of what ought to be worshipped. If you reject God, you will have made Babylon your false god!

Before we discuss performative care in the political sphere let us begin with examining why outward conformity to religion is not what God desires since there are several scriptures that address the issue of focusing solely on outward appearances of religiosity rather than the inward transformation of the heart. Here are a few passages that warn against such practices:

- **Matthew 23:1-36**¹: This chapter records Jesus' criticism of the religious leaders of His time, the Pharisees and teachers of the law. He denounces their hypocrisy and legalism, emphasizing that they should not be followed as they do not practice what they preach. Jesus points out that they are more concerned with their image and status than with justice, mercy, and faithfulness.

- **Matthew 7:16-20**²: Jesus teaches that true followers can be identified by their fruits, meaning their actions and the outcomes of their lives, rather than just their outward appearance or declarations of faith.

- **James 2:17-18**²: James writes that faith without works is dead, suggesting that genuine faith will result in actions that reflect that faith, rather than just outward expressions.

- **1 Samuel 16:7**²: God reminds Samuel that He does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.

These scriptures encourage believers to focus on the sincerity of their faith and the transformation of their hearts, rather than just the external practice of religious rituals or traditions. They serve as a reminder that true religion is not about outward show but about inward change and living out one's faith through actions that align with God's will.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Matthew 23 NLT - Jesus Criticizes the Religious Leaders - Bible Gateway. 

(2) 52 Bible Verses about Outward Appearance - Online Bible. 

(3) Lesson 30: What Keeps People from Christ (John 5:39-47). 

Having given the Lord first place let us now examine performative care in Canada. From Sky News Australia from an article and video entitled “Lefties Losing It”:  

Lefties losing it: Justin Trudeau the king of ‘performative caring’

February 09, 2024 - 8:30PM

Sky News host Rita Panahi brands Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the “king of performative caring”.

Mr Trudeau declared Canadians don’t want a politician to “make Canada great again” during a speech in the House of Commons.

The comment was aimed at Canadian Opposition leader Pierre Poilievre while he addressed his government’s policies aimed at tackling the cost of living.

“Yes, why would Canadians want Canada to be great again? What a shocking concept that would be,” Ms Panahi said.

The next Canadian federal election will take place on or before October 22, 2025.

In another articole from Author Douglas Murray has called Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau an “utter bimbo” and accused him of “performative caring” after his party recently lost a by-election.© Provided by Sky News Australia

“It’s very hard to find a true thing he’s ever said, or a sincere thing he’s ever said,” he told Sky News Australia host Rita Panahi.

“He’s an utter bimbo, a phrase that maybe one wouldn’t use on a female politician these days but I’m happy to use of Justin Trudeau.”

Hypocrisy is Vicious, Value-Expressing Inconsistency

The psychological phenomenon that often causes individuals to double down on their lies even after being exposed is known as **cognitive dissonance**. Cognitive dissonance occurs when a person holds contradictory beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors, which leads to a feeling of mental discomfort. To alleviate this discomfort, individuals may engage in mental gymnastics to justify or rationalize their behavior, rather than admitting fault or changing their stance¹².

When someone lies and is confronted with the truth, admitting the lie would mean accepting that they have done something wrong, which conflicts with their self-perception as a good and honest person. To resolve this conflict without altering their self-image, they might double down on the lie, deny the facts, or attack the source of the truth. This defense mechanism allows them to maintain their belief in their own integrity and avoid the discomfort of acknowledging their dishonesty¹².

Cognitive dissonance is a powerful force that can lead people to stick to their guns even more fiercely when presented with evidence that contradicts their beliefs or actions. It's a common human experience and not limited to any particular group or type of person¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Doubling Down: Why People Deny the Facts | Psychology Today. 

(2) Why Do People Double Down? | Psychology Today. 

(3) Doubling Down: Why People Deny the Facts - Psychology Today. 

The New Democratic Party (NDP) leader Jagmeet Singh has suggested that voters are "done with Trudeau" based on the results of a recent Toronto byelection. Singh interpreted the byelection outcome as a sign of voter frustration with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party. He mentioned that this sentiment was something he heard often at doorsteps, indicating a broader public dissatisfaction¹. This statement reflects the NDP's perspective on the current political climate and the challenges faced by the Liberal Party under Trudeau's leadership.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Jagmeet Singh says Toronto byelection shows voters are 'done with Trudeau,' doesn't address NDP drop. 

(2) Trudeau says he won't quit after stunning byelection loss; says voters are 'frustrated'. 

(3) Trudeau says he isn't quitting — do the Liberals have any good options to turn things around?. 

(4) Canada's NDP agrees to support Trudeau's Liberals until 2025 - BBC. 

(5) How the Liberal-NDP agreement will work and what it might mean for .... 

(6) Singh says Toronto byelection shows voters are 'done with Trudeau .... 

Yet Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the New Democratic Party (NDP), has experienced a drop in his poll numbers. According to a study by the Angus Reid Institute, as of April 2024, Singh has a net rating of **-14**, which is his worst ever in seven years as party leader¹. This decline is part of a broader trend where all major federal party leaders in Canada have seen their popularity reach a five-decade low¹.

The Conservatives, led by Pierre Poilievre, have opened up their largest lead yet, with the NDP trailing behind. In a recent Abacus Data poll, if an election were held, 44% of committed voters would vote for the Conservatives, while the Liberals would get 24%, and the NDP 17%². This indicates a significant shift in the political landscape and voter sentiment in Canada.

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-06-30

(1) Trudeau, Singh have led their parties to 50-year-low poll numbers: study. 

(2) Abacus Data Poll: Conservatives open up their largest lead yet.. 

(3) Leaders debate poll: Jagmeet Singh won, and not just among NDP fans. 

(4) Singh seen as most likeable leader in election as Trudeau’s popularity .... 

(5) Singh's NDP could gain a little — and lose a lot - 

(6) Getty Images. 

In conclusion:

We live in an age of performative caring, whether it be political or religious. The sheer insincerity of those we have entrusted with our spiritual care and fiduciary accountability is proof we live in an age not very unlike the time of Christ’s earthly ministry. Israel’s religious leaders were utterly corrupt. Its King was a puppet of a foreign government. The Jews were living under occupation hoping Christ would deliver them from Roman rule, yet their spiritual leaders were described by Christ as whited sepulchres. These very leaders were in turn the ones who demanded that the Romans crucify Christ thereby fulfilling the prophecy in Psalm 118:22 (King James Bible) “The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.” Frankly I am one of the very few Christians who is openly exposing the most pernicious false doctrine of our time, namely Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and its parasitic ideas loosely defined in the prevailing WOKE narrative. Worse, the chief expert on these idea pathogens is an atheist, Dr. James Lindsay. When an atheist is doing more than the churches to expose the toxic ideas that are at the core of our cultural and political demise is an indictment of the Church and Christian leaders. Surely these are dangerous times when the substantive has been replaced with a fake and few seem to notice. Therefore, this why I state with absolute assurance that we live in an age of performative caring, of performative politics where our politicians behave like soap opera actors, and many of our preachers are more concerned with building giant houses of worship than in building the Body of Christ!

I will never hide the Truth of the Gospel behind a paywall or require subscriptions for you to listen or read my thoughts regarding our present dilemma. There can be no political solution to a moral, philosophical and spiritual crisis. These words are a call to repentance, mine first as well as yours. I have wasted far too much of my life in trivialities pursuing hedonistic pleasures. The life I live now I desire to live for Christ in defence of His Truth! Join me at to become part of Christ’s solution to the prevailing zeitgeist of our time!


Most people would rather die than think, in fact they do so!

  Permit me to quote Bertrand Russell, famed British mathematician, logician, philosopher, and public intellectual who influenced mathematic...