Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What is populism?

Today we most often hear about populism in the pejorative sense. But is it an insult? Why do the powers that be view it as such? Firstly, populism does not necessarily assert political affiliation. That's the first thing we need to be aware of regarding the populist movement.

The second characteristic of the populist movement I have drawn from Wikipedia: “Populism is a political doctrine that proposes that the common people are exploited by a privileged elite, and which seeks to resolve this. The underlying ideology of populists can be left, right, or center. Its goal is uniting the uncorrupt and the unsophisticated "little man" against the corrupt dominant elites (usually the established politicians) and their camp of followers (usually the rich and the intellectuals). It is guided by the belief that political and social goals are best achieved by the direct actions of the masses. Although it comes into being where mainstream political institutions fail to deliver, there is no identifiable economic or social set of conditions that give rise to it, and it is not confined to any particular social class.”

The third characteristic of populism is that it is fundamentally a negative reaction to an external, unknown and indefinable post-national identity being foisted upon us by supranational globalists in an attempt to replace our natural birth identities with their ideological identity. Here in Canada this post-national identity is most commonly referred to as 'multiculturalism'. Multiculturalism results in the migrants’ cultures taking precedence over the currently existing one(s). This includes more than a healthy dose of ‘white man’s guilt’. The migrant's culture is viewed by the political elite as having value while the value of our own is negated. In other words, they are attempting to impose a post-national and post-ethnic identity on us, unless of course you are a newly arrived migrant. If that is the case then the migrant is more than welcome to keep their cultural identity and religion intact, even if it poses an existential threat to our western way of life. As a result we are witnessing throughout the western world our cultures (most commonly Anglophone and European but to a lesser extent Francophone) being supplanted in favour of that of more recent migrants. The excuse used by the supranational social progressives to justify this is that somehow we should feel guilty for our ‘white privilege’ and surrender our identities to some new and undefined post-national identity proposed by them even though they are unable to define what such an identity might be.

I will make my fourth point. The complete rejection among Canadian populists, in fact among populists all throughout the western world, of the notion that our governments have the right to define what it is to be a Canadian, a Norwegian, a Dutchman, or a German, etc. and surrender our identity and sovereignty to globalism. Why? Because globalism's desire to impose its supranational identity on us lacks the validity of our own natural birth identity. Also because globalists have no right to interfere with our sovereignty. Populism is first and foremost a repudiation and rejection of such collectivist ideologies. For the populist, gloablist ideology not only doesn't make sense, it is insidious and an assault on our free and democratic right to govern ourselves. Remember Prime Minister Trudeau stating that we have no core cultural identity as Canadians? After which he further asserted Canada is the first post-national state? Well, he can go pound salt! The man is dangerous and his government poses an existential threat to Canada and our identity as Canadians!

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