Sunday, June 12, 2022

The ever morphing Marxist agenda


I do my best work when irritated. Dr. Gad Saad who is an evolutionary psychologist and the author of “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are Killing Common Sense”, a USA TODAY NATIONAL BESTSELLER, advises us to awaken our inner honey badger in order to motivate us to attack the ever-morphing inane ideological possession of the current prevalent social orthodoxy. Well today my inner honey badger woke up due to a remark someone left on my wife’s Facebook page. She was lamenting the lack of customer focus in modern business and indeed in the manner in which government services are provided to those who depend on them being delivered in a manner that accurately and efficiently addresses the needs of the client. Perhaps she might have worded her concerns better so I added the following comments to her post which would also address the smart-ass who told my wife communism is dead and therefore is no longer a societal concern.

His tone was patronizing and was intended to cow my wife into adopting his need for social consensus. What angers me about this is that here I have yet another example of someone manifesting a stereotype I absolutely loathe, namely that of someone who is undoubtedly a part of the prevalent social orthodoxy mocking someone who recognizes why this orthodoxy is both dysfunctional and dangerous. Communism may be dead in the form originally devised by Marx and Engels but that certainly does not mean it didn’t spawn a thousand offspring before it kicked the bucket. Therefore, I posted the following to address this undeniable reality.

I believe you may have meant to say why is there a lack of focus on the customer today? Of course, it has to do with social collectivism. After Alexander Solzhenitsyn published the Gulag Archipelago it became next to impossible for any but the most blatantly murderous to believe that Marxism wasn't ideologically unworkable. However, that only caused the faithful to invent new ideologies which trace their ideological DNA back to Marx and Engels. The Frankfurt School with its Critical Theory created a new victim versus victimizer doctrine that is alive and well in today's WOKE ideology which is practically universally accepted. It's been combined with the literary relativism and criticism of Foucault and Derrida who were leading literary critics in developing French Postmodernism. These two schools of ideological thought have virtually taken over the Academy today. Since these ideologies have created D.I.E. (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) politics there can be no room for the individual since their ideology denies that we are an individual, but rather are mere extensions of the "intersectional identity group" to which we belong. Under these mind worms, for that is what they are, the end user, the customer, indeed the very idea of "I", must die under the knives of those whose aims are to create social consensus. This in a nutshell is the essence of thinking underpinning the modern welfare state with its Central Planning, whacky green ideology which isn’t actually renewable, the species of social engineering foisted by those who deny the binary nature of our sexuality, their cloying demand for censorship and uniformity, in other words, NORWAY AND CANADA. Yeah, Communism died but it's mutant children not only live on but have completely captured the Academy and our governments!

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