Wednesday, June 29, 2022

My Dominion Day (Canada Day) message to my fellow Canadians

 I drove past parliament today. As I came up Sussex and turned right onto Wellington to the Hill police were everywhere in preparation for the Freedom Protest which will take place on Canada Day. You know, even using the phrase “Canada Day” sticks in my craw. The official name of our country is the Dominion of Canada and therefore the day to me will always be Dominion Day. This is the name which celebrates our autonomy from Great Britain as an emergent nation. After all, no child should forget their parent, nor ignore their relationship to them even when they become an autonomous adult exercising their own judgement and freely making their own choices. The scriptures warn us about the hubris of the child who dishonours their parents and the fate that dishonour will bring upon the offspring.

So, when I drove past parliament and its magnificent buildings I was struck with an overwhelming realization, that the inhabitants of those august and beautiful buildings have become like hermit crabs. The outside appearance of the Hill remains little changed but those who inhabit those buildings have completely rejected the system of governance that served to create the government of the Dominion of Canada. 

"Mene, Mene, Tekel, Parsin" might as well be written above the doors of its main entrance.

Here is what these words mean:

Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.

Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.

Peres: Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.

From Brian Lilley in the Toronto Sun: “Tamara Lich nabbed for breach of bail while repeat violent offenders use revolving door of court system”

“Without downplaying the impact of the freedom convoy on residents of Ottawa’s downtown core, those are hardly charges that would normally see this kind of action by police and prosecutors. Lich has no prior criminal record and has not been convicted of the charges she now faces.”, stated Brian Lilley. Of course not, because Ms. Lich is a political prisoner in jail purely due to her having the unmitigated gall to believe that the Dominion of Canada is a free country governed by the Rule of Law.

Our neo-totalitarian cadre of hermit crabs fear what will take place this Dominion Day here in Ottawa, hence the police presence I mentioned earlier. James Topp will arrive in Ottawa this Friday after marching on foot from Vancouver. Here is why he is marching and who he is if you have not heard of him and his incredible journey from our left coast, and I do mean left.

“James Topp is a current serving soldier who has served in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for 28 years. James is in the process of being released and as such is a unique case of a current serving member engaging in peaceful protest openly. The Canada Marches team, and Canadians have come to know James as a man with great humility, integrity, drive, leadership, and a desire to serve. Canada is getting to know him as well along the road.

James is keen to protect his mindful integrity by questioning the orders he is being given. He believes in, and talks about, rising above the classification of thought. He is keen to avoid identity politics, talking in circles about how we got here, and wants to explore solutions as well as open dialogue. He is often heard saying some version of:

"Can't we all just have respect and compassion for each other, and call it a day?".


This march exists for 3 reasons:

1. James is protesting federal government mandates that require, as a condition for employment or continued employment, vaccination, testing, quarantine, and/or isolation;

2. James has stepped forward to speak on behalf of those personnel employed by the federal government or otherwise who have been denied access to employment and services, who have lost income and have suffered from damaged relationships due to the imposition of a medical procedure;

3. James has also stepped forward to speak on behalf of those who have, through the introduction of false constructs surrounding choices and consequences, been pressured into taking part in medical procedures that they would not otherwise have accepted;


We rise to serve Canadians with honesty, respect, and compassion, for the purpose of reuniting our people. We do this, with the intention of ensuring our government upholds the laws that support Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.”

I both salute and honour Tamara and James, but what disgusts me is that a nation founded on the Rule of Law, and limited constitutional government with the separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judiciary has permitted the floor of parliament and our sacred institutions such as our courts to become inhabited by creatures who desecrate their offices. These elitists have no respect for this heritage and simply refuse to defend our sacred rights under proper and transparent parliamentary oversight. Our nation as an experiment in peace, order, and good government has failed under the mishandling by the filthy claws of a pack of hermit crabs who exist in mere pretence to what their high office has called them to be! And worse, we have placed them there! It is time to place them all in a crab bucket where they can be boiled, cracked, and consumed with garlic butter for at least then they will have served some purpose if only to satiate the nation’s appetite for shellfish. We must create legislation which will allow us to hold such treasonous oligarchs responsible to recall them for the malfeasance and corruption for which they have so often proven themselves to be guilty.

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