Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The long march of a saxophonist

A friend of mine from the Peace, Order and Good Government group, otherwise known as POGG, remarked today on one of my frequent and many posts about the prevailing skullduggery in government and the telling silence or complacency on the part of the press to report on it, “If only the media could become ethical because a significant part of the population needs to wise up.” This is certainly true so we must ask ourselves what changed from the days when investigative journalism was expected to hold the government accountable? Since the legacy media no longer plays this key role in holding politicians’ and public servants’ feet to the fire what has changed between when that was its role and now? The answer to that is both simple and complex. It is the story of the cunning and uncanny successes of some of the most pernicious idea pathogens ever to parasitise public discourse. And it involves the long march through the institutions. Which provides me with today’s segue into my story, my first confrontation with a Cultural Marxist child studies professor from Brock University over a decade ago.

I was at Brant Parker’s open mic jam one evening at one of our favourite watering holes in Thorold, Ontario. Donnelly’s Pub is known for hosting blues with Brant as its preeminent band leader, guitar virtuoso, and their booking agent. One of the frequent guests of Brant’s jam was an acquaintance of mine by the name of Hans Skott-Myhre. Hans is a saxophonist by night and a child studies professor by day. Hans also had played on a couple of my own gigs since he is a very capable sax player. It turned out however on that night in question that I found Hans had a far more impactful talent, namely that of disseminating Postmodern literary criticism and Cultural Marxist Critical Theory to his students. That evening we became involved in a discussion about his Marxist ideas when I asked him if he felt it would be necessary for the Marxist Revolution to become violent. His answer was telling, he stated, “We do not think so, we believe that we can march through all the institutions to capture them from within.” Boy was he right, both then and now! And here is his bio:

“Hans Skott-Myhre is a Professor in the Child and Youth Studies Department at Brock University. He is cross appointed to the graduate program in Popular Culture as well as being core faculty for the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Humanities and adjunct faculty in the Child and youth Care program at the University of Victoria. His undergraduate work was in comparative literature, and he holds a M.Ed. in Educational Psychology, both from the University of Washington. His doctoral work includes two Ph.D.’s from the University of Minnesota. The first is in Adult Education and a second from the Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature Department in Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society. Research interests include radical and political approaches to youth/adult relations, subcultures, critical disability studies and anti-psychiatry, post-capitalist subjectivity, post-Marxist politics, undoing whiteness, and political readings of popular culture. He is the author of Youth Subcultures as Creative Force: Creating New Spaces for Radical Youth Work, co-author with Chris Richardson of Habitus of the Hood and co-editor with K. Gharabaghi and M. Krueger of With Children and Youth. He has published multiple articles, reviews and book chapters.”

Yes, “post-capitalist subjectivity, post-Marxist politics, undoing whiteness, and political readings of popular culture.” Well, you simply cannot make that shit up, and man has it been successful in capturing the minds of perhaps the majority of those who were subjected to it in the Academy. Life to the Cultural Marxist is all about power. Ethics is an outdated idea invented by privileged white men to force compliance to arbitrary standards that serve the patriarchy and other such nonsensical drivel. So, to my friend who posed the original question regarding why the media isn’t ethical, ethics does not serve the revolution, so why should they be ethical? From the universities these ideas have spread into every aspect of common parlance and social order. Its dictates are now being enforced by radical legislation that flies in the face of both English Common Law and the Charter. These facts too must be ignored so as to further the cultural revolution, and nothing must be permitted to hinder the process. Mischaracterization, tautology, gas lighting, mockery, derision, which were once considered to be deeply unintellectual, and indicative of a weak mind are now the rule of the day. Worse, this gross perversion of the very function of higher education is guised in terms that make it sound just, fair, and equitable so that the revolutionary faithful can silence others while enforcing blind compliance to dictates which are so incoherent and arbitrary that it leaves me wondering what could or indeed what would cause anyone to fall prey to them.

In 2014 while I was still living in Norway, I had not yet fully comprehended the nature of this ideology but I knew something was was causing the Norwegian government to apparently sabotage its own stated agendas only then to emerge as the only one who could address the very problems that they had created. This is of course the direct result of toxic thinking which had captured many of the folks tasked with achieving goals which were seldom being met. I am convinced now that the failures were deliberate since the key to understanding Marxism is that it is hellbent on destruction and tearing things down. Some working in the system may not have been fully aware that this is Marxism’s agenda however that is its actual goal. We need not wonder therefore why since 2015 under Trudeau’s radical Neo-Marxist agenda we have been witnessing such a concerted attack on our economy, our personal freedom, accompanied by a legislated increase in state censorship replete with mandated speech laws. Trudeau’s attack on our energy sector, the economy, and our personal autonomy has but one goal, to collapse the current system and institute total Marxist state control, a form of totalitarianism under the kid gloved guise of kindness. Life in Trudeau’s Canada is like being smothered to death with a fluffy pillow covered in a rainbow flag pillowcase. 

However my wife was not deceived about their agenda, either in 2014 or certainly today. Back in 2014 I was losing what little was left of my sanity, so I asked her to put a name to this doctrine of destruction, this parasitical philosophy, this ideological idiocy. She then asked me in her charming Norwegian accent, “Have you read about the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism and its doctrine of Critical Theory Billy Boy?”, “Uhm, no”, I replied despite my previous encounter two or three years prior in Thorold with Professor Hans. She answered, “Well you better read up on it now because that’s what you are seeing!” 

So, here we are, at the tail end of a Cultural Marxist Revolution that most of you might not even be cognisant of even though many will be aware of the idiotic WOKE agenda that it has spawned. The daily hit to our economic well-being, the doubling of interest rates which we saw take place under Canada’s first incarnation of Marxism with P.E. Trudeau is happening yet again under his ideologically addled son Justin. We are witnesses to the deliberate ruination of our energy sector which could easily ease the burden of debt created by Trudeau’s litany of failed and costly policies. Even if we were to elect another leader with better policies, we need to recognize that our ideological enemies were right, we must take back the institutions that have been parasitized from within. And the first and foremost intellectual parasite which is infecting society today is the necessity of ridding ourselves of the delusional Neo-Marxist ideas brought about by Cultural Marxist revolutionaries who have gamed the system against the common man. Right Dr. Hans? After all, this is how you and your ilk have managed to be so completely successful in your attempt to tear it all down! You have infected our sacred institutions turning them into hermit crabs, since the outer shell may look the same, but it is no longer indicative of the insipid and bloodless creature that dwells within it! A hideous creature of your creation!

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