Thursday, July 20, 2023

What Peterson gets wrong


Humans are the only creature which has been gifted with the ability to speak. Moreover, we are the only creature in creation able to use that gift to deceive ourselves and others like no other creature can. Chimps may be able to recognize other chimps' beliefs which is a form of second order thinking. They even may use verbal deception to mislead other chimps to hide a food source they don’t wish to be found. But no other creature has our level of ability to use their voice to deceive better than humans. And the most effective deception is to make something appear to be good, desirable, innocuous, or beneficial. It is fascinating to note that the most hyper linked text ever created is the Bible. It is an invaluable source of metaphorical narratives, and it begins with such a story of deception.

From Genesis chapter 3 KJV:

3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

This story contains several deceptions couched in lies but for the purpose of this discussion let me examine, “ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Isn’t it telling that Nietzsche stated virtually the identical thing? “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?” ~  Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125. With Nietzsche we see the emergence of the transhumanist idea of creating a new man, a man capable of transcending the limitations of our humanity to become like God. From this lie proceeds all the other delusional transhumanist beliefs but that will be a discussion for another blog and vodcast. For the purpose of today’s discussion, I wish to focus on how the capacity for speech is used to deceive others under the guise of false flags. Such lies are invariably hidden within the metaphor of, “Hath God said?” in order to deceive the unsuspecting into buying into the lie.

The lie of the left versus right political divide: 

What is Dr. Peterson getting wrong in defining conservatism, classical liberalism, and socialism or any other political epithet one might wish to apply to explaining the political divide? The term left versus right was coined during the French Revolution. Those who sat to the left of the King in the French National Assembly did not believe that the executive branch of government led by the King ought to have absolute power to govern while those who sat to the right of the King believed in the divine right of Kings to rule without parliamentary consent. Given that the Left versus Right political spectrum is a French idea one must ask therefore why we chose to confuse the definition originally provided by the French which defines the nature of limited government? No conservative, classical liberal or libertarian believes that the executive branch of government ought to govern without parliamentary oversight. Moreover, based upon the evidence of our own eyes we can see how under the socialism of the so-called “welfare state”, which has anything but the welfare of the citizen in mind, the absolute power of the executive branch to govern without parliamentary oversight has increased exponentially. Why Peterson remains ignorant or confused about this fact is remarkable, but then again, he is a remarkable man and as any man is subject to all the frailties and contradictions inherent to being a man. All his talk of trait conscientiousness and trait openness determining our level of creativity aside, how do we know if the left has gone too far Dr. Peterson? You ought to have asked how do we know if the right has gone too far because those you are labelling as both left and right are in fact both examples of the extreme right wing according to the original definition provided to us from the French Revolution.

Language as a tool of manipulation and other such postmodern realities: 

Human beings will often use language couched in phrases intended consciously or unconsciously to disguise our real intent. We often hide our intent in phrasing which may seem beneficial at first but when put into practice will have negative outcome. So let us talk honestly about the nature and origins of social collectivism.

The origin of the “Hive Mind”: 

It is fascinating to note that it is only after “the death of God”, as Nietzsche had put it, that the hive mind emerged on its own merit as a force for social deconstructionism. This of course refers to the fact that society writ large was no longer ensconced within a Christian ethos due to science and technology replacing man’s need for God, or so many thought. 

The emergence of the Übermensch: 

Socialism and the super man, how toxic ideas of transcending our evolutionary biology created socialism and all of its many offshoots which subsequently went to war with one another.


“There's No Denying the Socialist Roots of Fascism

Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists’ ideologies.

In the past few decades, there has been a deep discussion about the ideological roots of fascism, and above all, a great misunderstanding about the collectivist principles that this authoritarian movement promulgated. To understand this ideology better, it is necessary to know in depth the life, beliefs, and principles of both its political leaders (such as Benito Mussolini) and its philosophical leaders (such as Giovanni Gentile).

Mussolini was an Italian military man, journalist, and politician who was a member of the Italian Socialist Party for 14 years. In 1910, he was appointed editor of the weekly La Lotta di Classe (The Class Struggle), and the following year he published an essay entitled “The Trentino as seen by a Socialist.” His journalism and political activism led him to prison, but soon after he was released, the Italian Socialist Party—increasingly strong and having achieved an important victory at the Congress of Reggio Emilia—put him in charge of the Milanese newspaper Avanti!”

More from this article as to why the “hive mind” manifest the Zeitgeist of the Übermensch 

“Who Is the Ideological Father of Fascism?

Practically everyone knows that Karl Marx is the ideological father of communism and socialism and that Adam Smith is the father of capitalism and economic liberalism. Do you know, in contrast, who the mind behind fascism is? It’s very likely that you don’t, and I can tell you in advance that the philosopher behind fascism was also an avowed socialist.

Giovanni Gentile, a neo-Hegelian philosopher, was the intellectual author of the “doctrine of fascism,” which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini. Gentile’s sources of inspiration were thinkers such as Hegel, Nietzsche, and also Karl Marx.

Gentile went so far as to declare “Fascism is a form of socialism, in fact, it is its most viable form.” One of the most common reflections on this is that fascism is itself socialism based on national identity.

Gentile believed that all private action should be oriented to serve society. He was against individualism, for him there was no distinction between private and public interest. In his economic postulates, he defended compulsory state corporatism, wanting to impose an autarkic state (basically the same recipe that Hitler would use years later).

A basic aspect of Gentile’s logic is that liberal democracy was harmful because it was focused on the individual which led to selfishness. He defended “true democracy” in which the individual should be subordinated to the State. In that sense, he promoted planned economies in which it was the government that determined what, how much, and how to produce.

Gentile and another group of philosophers created the myth of socialist nationalism, in which a country well directed by a superior group could subsist without international trade, as long as all individuals submitted to the designs of the government. The aim was to create a corporate state. It must be remembered that Mussolini came from the traditional Italian Socialist Party, but due to the rupture with this traditional Marxist movement, and due to the strong nationalist sentiment that prevailed at the time, the bases for creating the new “nationalist socialism,” which they called fascism, were overturned.

Fascism nationalized the arms industry, however, unlike traditional socialism, it did not consider that the state should own all the means of production, but more that it should dominate them. The owners of industries could “keep” their businesses, as long as they served the directives of the state. These business owners were supervised by public officials and paid high taxes. Essentially, “private property” was no longer a thing. It also established the tax on capital, the confiscation of goods of religious congregations and the abolition of episcopal rents. Statism was the key to everything, thanks to the nationalist and collectivist discourse, all the efforts of the citizens had to be in favor of the State.”

Therefore, Fascism is the antithesis of Liberalism & Capitalism just as are all other forms of socialist lies inherent to the “hive mind”!

And my story of Vemork . As I often state I love telling stories which personalize and give perspective to my blogging and vodcasting. When I lived in Norway, I was fascinated by the determination of the Norwegian resistance fighters to rid themselves of Nazi tyranny. It is estimated that Norway had the highest level of occupation per citizen of any country at roughly one Nazi square head to eight Norwegians. And the bastards had turned Norway into a baby making factory to produce perfect blond, blue eyed little Aryans. I detest tyranny and the jack-booted mentality indicative of the Fascist/Nazi version of socialism. Vemork is where the square heads were producing heavy water so that Hitler’s scientists could develop a nuclear weapon. Located in the mountains of Telemark on the edge of Hardangervidda Plateau the hydro station was ideal for producing D2O. It sits above the village of Rjukan which lies in a valley on the far side of Gaustatoppen from where my wife’s cottage (hytta) was located in Bondal. Fascinated by the idea of the resistance I asked Anne-Siri to drive me over Gausta to the hydro museum. Gaustatoppen is my favourite mountain, you can see a full quarter of Norway from his peak. Plus, the fact you can actually drive over him if you are careful to watch out for the sheep sunning themselves in the road makes the journey magical. The only way I can describe it is that it is an otherworldly drive straight out of the Lord of the Rings.

After we drove through the little village of Rjukan hidden as it is from the sun for much of the year since the valley in which it sits is so steep we continued on up to Vemork where I was thrilled to see firsthand the inside of the old Hydro museum. What had happened at Vemork had helped to determine the entire future course of human history. If Hitler had managed to develop nuclear weapons, we may well have been confronted with a Reich that would have lasted a thousand years. You can appreciate then why I wanted to understand the minds of those who fought so bravely to keep this technology out of the hands of a maniacal madman’s scientists since without deuterium the Nazis could not produce a nuclear weapon. In the depths of Vemork was a workers’ exhibit which declared that many of the resistance fighters were in fact communists. There was an exhibit featuring a shrine to the Bolshevik Revolution. I was shocked since I had laboured under the misapprehension that these men had fought to end totalitarian state control rather than over which version of it they preferred. Boy was I naïve! And with great misgivings I rest my case for today. All forms of social collectivism are mental pathogens and humans hide their real intent couched in language that disguises their actual agenda. The hive mind is Satan’s counterfeit for the individual realization of liberty that can only be experience with a revelation of Christ. It is only in Christ that we can become fully human and fully actualized as individual members of his body, each possessed with unique gifts to serve Him rather than the socialist collective. Don’t let the hive mind leave you behind falsely believing the Serpent’s lies of “hath God said”?

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