Monday, September 18, 2023

WOKE Dialectics: how opposites have been made into one


I will begin with a further discussion about Janteloven since it forms the Petri Dish in which social consensus grows. Without it the prevailing WOKE movement which has originated in the Academy could not have taken hold of prevailing thought. How does Janteloven (Tall Poppy Syndrome) work? How has it captured the minds of so many where the need for a collective mindset has been used to create social cohesion with blind obedience as the catalyst? Under the Laws of Jante anyone who disagrees with the artificially created consensus will get pounded down like a nail that must be driven flush. I have experienced what it is like to be pounded but no matter how hard they try to drive me down the head of my nail still dares to stick out from the faceless surface of the social consensus.

I asked ChatGPT, "Why is Janteloven so prominent in Norway?"

ChatGPT responded, "Janteloven, often referred to as the "Law of Jante," is a set of social norms and attitudes that emphasize modesty, equality, and conformity in Scandinavian societies, including Norway. It was popularized by Danish-Norwegian author Aksel Sandemose in his novel "A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks" (En flyktning krysser sitt spor) published in 1933. These norms are not actual laws but rather cultural guidelines that have influenced social behavior in the region. Here are a few reasons why Janteloven is prominent in Norway:

1. **Historical and Cultural Roots:** The concept of Janteloven can be traced back to traditional rural communities in Scandinavia, where communal harmony and conformity were highly valued. These values were reinforced through generations and became ingrained in the culture.

2. **Social Equality:** Norway, like other Scandinavian countries, places a strong emphasis on social equality. Janteloven reflects the idea that no one is better than anyone else and that showing off or boasting is discouraged. This promotes a sense of solidarity among the population.

3. **Avoidance of Hierarchy:** Janteloven discourages the establishment of rigid social hierarchies. It promotes a more egalitarian society where people are encouraged to be humble and not overly competitive with one another.

4. **Collectivism:** Norwegian society values collectivism and cooperation. Janteloven encourages people to prioritize the well-being of the community over individual achievement.

5. **Cultural Influence:** Janteloven has been popularized through literature and cultural references, making it a recognizable aspect of Norwegian identity. Many Norwegians are familiar with the concept and its underlying principles.

It's important to note that while Janteloven is influential in Norwegian society, it is not universally embraced by all Norwegians, and its impact may vary among individuals and in different contexts. Some people may see it as a positive force that fosters a sense of equality and community, while others may view it as restrictive or stifling individual ambition."

You know the real problem with the Nazis? Their insane and evil use of eugenics made it impossible to inquire how group behaviours are related to genetics. Among ethnic Norwegians the affect of Janteloven is universal perhaps particularly among those Norwegians who hate it the most since they cannot escape its cloying demands at maintaining cultural consensus and homogeneity. A sad but unrelenting fact of life in Scandinavia or even among expat communities of ethnic Scandinavians who now live abroad.

Since Critical Theory is the dialectical philosophy behind the prevailing WOKE ideological movement, I asked ChatGPT the following:

"How long has critical theory been influencing K-12 in Ontario, Canada?"

ChatGPT replied:

"Critical theory has been influencing K-12 education in Ontario, Canada, for several decades. It became more prominent in the late 20th century and has continued to evolve since then. The extent of its influence may vary over time and across different schools and educational institutions, but its impact on curriculum, pedagogy, and discussions about social justice and equity has been significant in the province's educational landscape. It's important to note that the specific ways in which critical theory is incorporated into education can change over time and may be subject to policy shifts and educational trends!"

This makes decades of provincial governments and the schoolteachers the government employs complicit in indoctrinating our children with Cultural Marxist lies. But to what end. How does the dialectical arguments employed by Critical Theorists work? The dialectical argument borrowed from Hegel requires combining two elements which are mutually exclusive and contradictory. “Hegel’s dialectics” is the dialectical method of argument employed by the 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel which, like other “dialectical” methods, relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides. Hegel's dialectical method is a method of argument that involves contradictory process between opposing sides. Hegel uses it to develop his philosophy of logic, epistemology, and ethics. Hegel's dialectics is based on the concept of aufheben, which means to cancel and preserve at the same time. Hegel criticizes Plato's dialectics for being unable to get beyond skepticism and nothingness. Hegel combines two mutually exclusive elements to create a synthesis between them. Or as Hegel put it, “the result of the dialectical process is a new concept but one higher and richer than the preceding—richer because it negates or opposes the preceding and therefore contains it, and it contains even more than that, for it is the unity of itself and its opposite.” Marx and Engels used Hegel’s Dialectic to form the basis of the argument for communism which is known as Dialectical Materialism. When the social scientists from the Frankfurt School realized that Marx and Engels had got it wrong, they didn’t discard the use of Hegel’s dialectical argument rather they transformed it into Critical Theory. Here in the very simplest terms is how it works:

Agenda (Rid society of the socially constructed differences between the sexes to create equity)

Man (Thesis)

Woman (Antithesis)

Men and women are identical (Synthesis)

But the fact remains, despite all the radical attempts to create false equity using logical fallacies the obvious differences remain. Men receive a Y chromosome from their father who in turn received his from his father. These chromosomes genetically determine outcomes that are not merely socially constructed. The concept of humans being born as a "tabula rasa," or blank slate, has been debated in philosophy for centuries. While the WOKE argue that individuals are born with a clean slate and are largely shaped by their experiences and environment, the science contends that genetic factors and innate characteristics play a significant role in shaping a person's identity and abilities. It's a complex and ongoing philosophical and scientific discussion yet arguments against the concept of humans being born as a tabula rasa include:


1. Genetic Predisposition: Critics argue that individuals may have genetic predispositions or innate traits that influence their behavior and characteristics from birth, such as intelligence, temperament, and personality.


2. Evolutionary Psychology: Some contend that certain behaviors and cognitive abilities have evolved over time to address survival and reproductive needs. These traits may not be entirely learned and could be partially hardwired.


3. Empirical Evidence: Research in fields like psychology and neuroscience has shown that early childhood experiences can interact with genetic predispositions, suggesting that both nature and nurture play important roles in development.


4. Language Acquisition: The ability to learn language at a young age, known as the "critical period," suggests that there might be innate cognitive structures that facilitate language acquisition.


5. Cross-Cultural Variations: Observations of cross-cultural differences in behavior and cognition suggest that there may be innate variations that influence how individuals from different cultures perceive and interact with the world.


These arguments challenge the idea that humans are entirely blank slates at birth and emphasize the role of biology and genetics in shaping human development. Where socially constructed behavioural changes have come into play have originated in our school system where Critical Theory has been taught to students for decades. There is a clear line of causality to the present outcome of a WOKE generation of students who are the products of a school system which has been captured by Cultural Marxists. They have created a generation not merely intolerant of different opinions but solidly committed to embracing the contradictions inherent in the dialectical reasoning they have been ordered to embrace by their Cultural Marxist tutors. Yes, I think I still understand the differences between boys and girls without the assistance of the high priests of identity politics to inform me. Our schools have been the Petri Dish in which a cultural consensus has been induced into our kids which is not unlike Janteloven. It is a demand for total social conformity or else under the banner of who are you to counter our argument with reason? Which is why the Jantelovenists in charge of the College of Psychologists of Ontario believe they have the moral prerogative and intellectual wherewithal to re-educate their most illustrious and renown and successful member while they remain anonymous foolish tools of Neo-Marxist ideological possession.

Socialists attacks the core idea of parliamentary sovereignty because they are fundamentally distrustful of the political process and therefore seek to limit it in every possible manner! They are attempting to replace Parliamentary oversight with the abstract doctrines of so-called progressive experts who invariably get everything wrong! It’s time to reject Hegels dialectical nonsense to restore reasoned discourse, ethics, epistemology and ontology to our school system. Neo-Marxists who employ a reworked version of Marx and Engles Dialectical Materialism do not belong in our classrooms. They ought never to have been given our trust or to be allowed to instruct our children in their silly dialectical contradictions. Our governments ought to have known better than to have permitted our tax dollars to be spent on WOKE ideologues whose very stated goal is to undermine our culture and replace it with Neo-Marxist revolution.

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