Monday, November 27, 2023

The Dark Tetrad of Trudeau


We are witnessing the reemergence of an authoritarian political class whose beliefs systems are reminiscent but not identical to the totalitarianism of the 20th Century:

Let us examine the reemergence of a political class which displays some very nasty psychopathic tendencies and how they use their dark tendencies to manipulate public support. We will also examine why behaving like a Besserwisser is indicative of being an ideologically possessed sociopath. Progressivism as a false front for a narcissistic manipulation:

"To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors." ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The origins of the concept of Dark Tetrad political traits:

The idea of the Dark Tetrad traits was originated by Erin Buckles, Daniel Jones, and Delroy L. Paulhus in 2013. They expanded the concept of the Dark Triad, which was first proposed by Paulhus and Kevin M. Williams in 2002, by adding sadism as a fourth trait. They argued that sadism was distinct from the other three traits and that it had a significant correlation with them. You can read more about their research in this article ¹..

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) Dark Tetrad | Psychology Today.

(2) Dark triad - Wikipedia.

(3) The truth about the Dark Tetrad | Psychopathy | Narcissism | Sadism.



What is the Dark Tetrad?

The Dark Tetrad traits are four personality characteristics that are associated with negative and harmful behaviors. They are:

- **Narcissism**: A belief that one is special, superior, and entitled to admiration and respect from others. Narcissists are often self-centered, arrogant, and manipulative. They lack empathy and have a fragile sense of self-esteem that depends on external validation. ¹²

- **Machiavellianism**: A tendency to see people as a means to achieve one's own goals. Machiavellians are often cynical, deceptive, and ruthless. They have a low moral compass and are willing to exploit others for their own benefit. They are also strategic and adaptable to different situations. ¹²

- **Psychopathy**: A condition characterized by a lack of affective empathy and the willingness to harm others. Psychopaths are often impulsive, selfish, and callous. They have a disregard for social norms and laws, and feel little or no remorse for their actions. They are also charming and persuasive, and can manipulate others with ease. ¹²

- **Sadism**: A tendency to derive pleasure from the pain or humiliation of others. Sadists are often cruel, aggressive, and violent. They enjoy inflicting physical or psychological harm on others, and may also be aroused by it. They have a high need for dominance and control, and may seek out situations where they can exert their power over others. ²³

The Dark Tetrad traits are not mental disorders, but rather normal or "everyday" personality features that fall in the dark or malevolent spectrum. They are moderately interrelated, meaning that people who score high on one trait are likely to score high on the others as well. However, they are also theoretically distinct, meaning that they have different origins, manifestations, and outcomes. People with high Dark Tetrad traits tend to cause problems for themselves and others, such as criminality, social distress, and organizational dysfunction. They also tend to have low levels of compassion, agreeableness, and life satisfaction. ¹²³


Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) Dark triad - Wikipedia.

(2) Dark Tetrad | Psychology Today.

(3) The Dark Tetrad of Personality | SpringerLink.


Dark Tetrad traits and their influence on Politics:


According to some research, people with dark tetrad traits (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, and sadism) may be more likely to run for political office than people with lower levels of these traits. One study found that the dark tetrad traits were significantly related to political ambition and participation, and that these traits were more influential than the light triad traits (humanism, Kantianism, and faith in humanity) ¹. Another study found that people who reported knowingly sharing false political information online were more likely to have a desire to run for political office, as well as higher levels of a psychological need for chaos, dark tetrad traits, and paranoia ². These findings suggest that some people with dark tetrad traits may be motivated by power, status, and dominance, and may use politics as a means to achieve these goals. However, these studies are correlational and do not imply causation. There may be other factors that influence the relationship between dark tetrad traits and political office, such as personality, ideology, culture, and context. Therefore, it is not possible to say that all people with dark tetrad traits are more likely to run for political office, or that all people who run for political office have dark tetrad traits.


Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) Frontiers | The Dark is Rising: Contrasting the Dark Triad and Light ....

(2) Who knowingly shares false political information online?.

(3) Dark Triad traits and entitlement linked to both authoritarian ....

(4) Dark triad - Wikipedia.

(5) undefined.


Why folks are so easily taken in by politicians who exhibit pathological narcissism and the psychopathic tendencies inherent to the Dark Tetrad:


Obviously, this is the key question. Since there is no definitive answer to how politicians with dark tetrad traits gain political support, let us examine some possible explanations:

- They may use their charisma, charm, and manipulation skills to persuade and influence voters, especially those who are more susceptible to emotional appeals, fear-mongering, or conspiracy theories ¹².

- They may appeal to the values, beliefs, and identities of certain groups of people, such as those who share their ideology, ethnicity, religion, or culture, and create a sense of loyalty, solidarity, and ingroup favoritism ¹³.

- They may exploit the dissatisfaction, frustration, and resentment of some segments of society, such as those who feel marginalized, oppressed, or victimized, and offer them a scapegoat, a solution, or a vision of a better future ¹³.

- They may project an image of confidence, competence, and authority, and convince voters that they are the best or the only ones who can solve the problems, challenges, or threats facing the nation or the world ¹².

- They may hide, deny, or rationalize their dark tetrad traits, and present themselves as benevolent, altruistic, or patriotic leaders, who care about the common good, the public interest, or the greater cause ¹².


These are some of the possible ways that politicians with dark tetrad traits may gain political support, but they are not exhaustive or conclusive. There may be other factors that affect the relationship between personality and politics, such as the political system, the media, the culture, and the context. Therefore, it is important to be critical, informed, and vigilant when evaluating the claims, actions, and motives of political candidates and leaders.


Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) Frontiers | The Dark is Rising: Contrasting the Dark Triad and Light ....

(2) The impact of dark tetrad traits on political ... - ResearchGate.

(3) Dark Triad traits and entitlement linked to both authoritarian ....

(4) undefined.

(5) undefined.


Let me read from an article published on Nov 27th 2023 in the National Post entitled: 'So-called Canada' – the mainstream academic belief that Canada is illegitimate by Tristin Hopper

“Major non-profits go out of their way to avoid using the word 'Canada,' even when petitioning the Government of Canada

As Canadian academics and activists have churned out a slew of petitions and statements calling Israel an illegitimate state deserving of violent “resistance,” not a few observers have noted that these declarations almost always express the same sentiment for Canada itself.

A controversial petition from earlier this month that denied the presence of rapes in the Oct. 7 massacres was drafted by signatories “residing in so-called Canada.” A York Federation of Students statement endorsing the attacks referred to both Israel and Canada as “so-called” states. The Palestinian Youth Movement – a primary organizer of Canadian anti-Israel rallies and an explicit proponent of Hamas terrorism– almost never uses the word “Canada” without the “so-called” prefix.

“There’s … dripping contempt for Canada, the country where many of the people who signed are on the public payroll,” wrote Calgary Herald columnist Don Braid in a reaction to the usage of “so-called Canada” in the rape denial letter. A recent post to a McGill University student forum expressed outrage that one of their student society’s anti-Israel statements didn’t appear to recognize Canada as a sovereign country. “They referred to our country as ‘so-called Canada’ … I find this appalling and insulting.”

But while the term “so-called Canada” may be shocking to the un-initiated, it’s long been mainstream in the country’s academic and activist sphere. From major universities to top non-profits such as Greepeace, it has now become routine to casually dismiss the legitimacy of the country where they operate and often draw their funding.

Dalhousie University used the term in their official statement marking Truth and Reconciliation Day. The University of Victoria published a report last year on “child welfare policy in so called Canada.” A UBC thesis on the “racial inequity” of rock climbing puts “so-called Canada” right in its title, a prefix not applied to mentions of Bangladesh or India in the text.

It’s in a University of Guelph paper on the alleged racism of disaster evacuations – one that includes a federal policy analyst as a co-author. Even the journal Canadian Food Studies routinely refers to “so-called Canada” or the “imperial enterprise called ‘Canada.’”

It’s also common for non-profits to avoid using the word “Canada,” even when those groups are directly attempting to pressure the Government of Canada.

Greenpeace appears to have made it official policy to avoid referring to Canada by name. In just the last year, it has issued press releases referring to “forests in so-called Canada,” “so-called Canada’s plastic waste” and “devastating wildfires across so-called Canada.”

In 2021, the Toronto-based Jane Goodall Institute published a demand for “climate justice” from the federal government – while simultaneously calling said government’s validity into question. “Environmental racism in so-called Canada often manifests as harm inflicted on Indigenous, Black, and racialized communities,” it read.

The phrase is usually employed as an expression of Indigenous solidarity, and is usually paired with terms such as “stolen land” or Turtle Island – a term used by some Indigenous peoples for North America that was popularized in the 1970s by U.S. poet Gary Snyder.”


My final thoughts and an earnest prayer:

There you have it. Pathological narcissists with dark tetrad traits are indoctrinating the next generation of our children with one goal admitted goal in mind, namely a Marxist denial of our history and the real truth about it. Their entire intent is to tear down the very foundations of limited, constitutional democracy without offering a single vision for the future other than furthering their Cultural Revolution. The psychopathy of Dark Tetrad personality disorder has received the full approbation of the Academic class who have helped to create a generation who have replaced faith with nihilism, character with narcissistic projection, and culture with revolution. God have mercy on us. I pray this, for the sake of my righteous ancestors who helped to found Canada as a Christian nation under God, and for the sake of the faithful remnant who descended from them, may God deliver us from the pathological narcissists whose every doctrine and policy is aimed at creating national amnesia where not a single Canadian will be left who can remember their own heritage and the love of God which made our national legacy possible!


Saturday, November 25, 2023

When evil forces converge there doesn't need to be a master plan


Nothing like this has ever been seen:

Nothing that has happened over the last five or six years can be explained politically. Nor can we merely follow the money to find the bad guys. What we are watching is bad behaviour for bad behaviour's sake. To put it simply, pure evil has defeated the political process.

This coming year is going to be like nothing we have ever seen. If you feel something is deeply wrong in your gut, your viscera is not lying to you. Something intense and history changing is about to happen. If you sense that you're being lied to, it's because you are!

The people in charge don't know how the nation and its economic markets work, they don't understand human nature, and they're so desperate that they'll do anything to hold onto power since to them there is nothing but power and the evil will to hold onto power! So today we are going to examine the convergence of evil players involved in permanently altering our political process leading to an authoritarian rejection of liberal values and parliamentary oversight of nation states. In other words, this emerging axis of evil which for some reason has become the nine headed Hydra in the room few dare to discuss despite its enormity and the threat its many heads pose to peace, order, and good government.


How today’s axis of evil is a many headed Hydra of wickedness:

The Lernean Hydra in Greek legend was the offspring of Typhon and Echidna (according to the early Greek poet Hesiod’s Theogony). She was a gigantic water-snake-like monster with nine heads, one of which was immortal. Anyone who attempted to behead the Hydra found that as soon as one head was cut off, two more heads would emerge from the fresh wound. The destruction of the Lernean Hydra became one of the 12 Labours of Heracles. To destroy the monster Heracles enlisted the aid of his nephew Iolaus to cauterizing each fresh wound after Hercules cut off each head so that no new heads would emerge. When only the immortal head remained, Heracles cut it off too and buried it under a heavy rock. Further, he dipped his arrows in the beast’s poisonous blood (or venom) to be able to inflict fatal wounds. According to Sophocles (Trachinian Women), that measure eventually caused his own accidental death at the hands of his wife, Deianeira.

Metaphors are so useful since we are faced by the Herculean task of head chopping knowing with certainty that if each severed head of the axis of evil is not cauterized more forces who represent this unlikely axis of evil will emerge to replace it. And as long as we remain besotted with the idea that we can deal with the devil using diplomacy we can be assured that the beast will continue to generate more head until by the Grace of God Himself the final immortal head can be severed from the beast which confronts us. This calls to mind Revelation 13: 1 Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, and there was a crown on each horn. A name against God was written on each head. 2 This beast looked like a leopard, with feet like a bear’s feet and a mouth like a lion’s mouth. And the dragon gave the beast all of his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of the heads of the beast looked as if it had been killed by a wound, but this death wound was healed. Then the whole world was amazed and followed the beast. 4 People worshiped the dragon because he had given his power to the beast. And they also worshiped the beast, asking, “Who is like the beast? Who can make war against it?”


Let’s examine the unlikely partners in crime who represent this axis of evil:

The fact that Hamas’ violence receives favorable treatment from some on the left is a complex issue and can be attributed to a variety of factors. Here are a few perspectives based on various sources:

1. **Historical Context and Power Dynamics**: Some individuals and groups on the left may view the Israel-Palestine conflict through the lens of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism⁴. They may see Palestinians, including groups like Hamas, as an oppressed people resisting occupation⁴. This perspective can sometimes lead to a lack of condemnation for violent acts committed by such groups⁴.

2. **Humanitarian Concerns**: There is a significant humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where Hamas is based. Some on the left may focus more on these humanitarian issues and the rights of Palestinians, which can lead to a less critical view of Hamas².

3. **Changing Attitudes**: There has been a shift in public opinion, especially among younger generations and progressives, towards a more critical view of Israel⁴. This shift could influence perceptions of Hamas⁴.

4. **Media Influence**: The way conflicts are portrayed in the media can significantly impact public opinion. Some believe that media outlets may sometimes present a skewed perspective of the conflict, which can influence perceptions⁵.

However, it's important to note that views within the left are diverse, and not everyone holds these perspectives. Many on the left have condemned violence perpetrated by all sides, including Hamas⁵. The issue is highly complex and opinions can vary widely based on one's political beliefs, personal experiences, and understanding of the conflict⁴⁵.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) How the Activist Left Turned Against Israel | TIME.

(2) 'It's not about Hamas,' say West Bank Palestinians amid growing violence and anguish.

(3) Israel-Hamas war: The moral insensitivity of the left.

(4) Braid: The pro-Hamas letter that got head of U of A Sexual Assault Centre fired.

(5) As Trudeau pleads for end to violence, Ottawa says no more Canadians have left Gaza.


How do the interests of Klaus Schwab and George Soros converge?

The interests of Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and the left can converge in several areas, particularly around global cooperation, open societies, and progressive policies¹²:

1. **Global Cooperation**: Both Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, and George Soros, through his Open Society Foundations, have advocated for increased global cooperation¹². This aligns with many on the left who support international cooperation to address global issues like climate change, inequality, and human rights¹².

2. **Open Societies**: Soros's Open Society Foundations work to build vibrant and inclusive democracies whose governments are accountable to their citizens¹. This idea of an open society can align with left-leaning ideals around democracy, transparency, and accountability¹.

3. **Progressive Policies**: Both Schwab and Soros have shown support for progressive policies in various areas, including economic inequality, climate change, and social justice¹². These issues are often important to those on the left¹².

However, it's important to note that while there may be areas of overlap, there can also be significant differences in the views and approaches of these individuals and the broader political left¹².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) Is this the end of the Soros empire? - UnHerd.

(2) Davos: The 'Conspiracy' Hiding in Plain Sight? - Newsweek.

(3) George Soros foundation’s retreat from Europe could ‘turn off the ....


Why progressivism hides the lie:

To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors. ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn


The perversion of the left versus right political spectrum:

The terms "left" and "right" in politics originated during the French Revolution, when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left³. Those who sat on the left of the chair of the parliamentary president supported the parliamentary power of veto over the executive branch of government led by the king while those who sat to the right of the president of parliament believed the executive branch of government ought to have power to veto parliament. Just like that little Napolean Justin Trudeau who governs Canada as though the will of parliament is nothing but an inconvenience to him being able to turn the economy around on a dime.

Over time, these terms evolved, and their meanings shifted. In the modern context, "right-wing" often refers to those who support tradition and conservative values, while "left-wing" refers to those who support social equality and progressive policies¹².

It's important to note that these labels are not universally applicable and can vary greatly depending on the political context of a particular country or era. For example, wanting to limit the power of the executive could be seen as a conservative stance in one context and a progressive stance in another. The terms "left" and "right" are broad categories and the political beliefs within each category can be diverse and complex¹².

So, although the terms "left" and "right" in politics originated during the French Revolution, when members of the National Assembly divided into supporters of the king to the president's right and supporters of the revolution to his left. It's important to note that these labels are not universally applicable and can vary greatly depending on the political context of a particular country or era. For example, wanting to limit the power of the executive could be seen as a conservative stance in one context and a progressive stance in another. The terms "left" and "right" are broad categories and the political beliefs within each category can be diverse and complex.

You're correct that the original meanings of "left" and "right" from the French Revolution have evolved over time. The political spectrum is not static and changes with the social, economic, and cultural context. The terms "left" and "right" today encompass a wide range of political ideologies and beliefs, some of which may not align neatly with their original definitions from the time of the French Revolution. It's important to remember that these labels are broad and can often oversimplify the complex nature of individual and group political beliefs. Thank you for bringing up this important point about the evolution of political terminology.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) Left–right political spectrum - Wikipedia.

(2) Left Wing vs Right Wing - Difference and Comparison | Diffen.

(3) The Surprising Origins of 'Left' and 'Right' in Politics | Time.

(4) Where Did the Terms 'Left Wing' and 'Right Wing' Come From? - HISTORY.

(5) The Origin of the Political Terms Left and Right - Fact / Myth.


How Shorty Soros pounded the Pound to break the Bank of England:

George Soros is known for his role in the 1992 currency crisis that forced the British government to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) and devalue its currency, the pound sterling¹. This event, which occurred on Sept. 16, 1992, is known as Black Wednesday¹.

The British government gave in and withdrew from the ERM as it became clear that it was losing billions trying to buoy its currency artificially³. Although it was a bitter pill to swallow, the pound came back stronger because the excess interest and high inflation were forced out of the British economy following the beating³.

The UK's prime minister and cabinet members approved the spending of billions in pounds in an attempt to contain the short selling by speculators⁵. Then, the British government announced that it would raise its interest rates from 10% to 15%⁵.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) How Did George Soros Break the Bank of England? - Investopedia.

(2) How Did George Soros Break the Bank of England? - Investopedia.

(3) Black Wednesday: George Soros's Bet Against Britain - The Balance.

(4) The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the British Pound ....

(5) George Soros shorted the British pound and made $1 billion..

(6) Getty Images.


Did Shorty break the law as it is written or is the Rule of Law that vague?

George Soros's actions in 1992, when he shorted the British pound, were not illegal¹²³⁴. He made a massive bet against the British pound, which led to significant profits for him and his Quantum Fund¹. This action forced the British government to withdraw the pound from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), leading to a rapid devaluation of the pound¹. While this event had significant economic impacts, it did not involve breaking any laws¹²³⁴.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) How Did George Soros Break the Bank of England? - Investopedia.

(2) The Trade of the Century: When George Soros Broke the British Pound ....

(3) Is George Soros About to Short the British Pound Again? - Money Morning.

(4) How the British Invented George Soros - LewRockwell.


Why can’t this be stopped by international law?

Currency manipulation can indeed cause significant damage to a nation's economy. However, the legality of such actions can vary depending on the specific laws and regulations of each country¹²³.

In many countries, there are laws in place to protect the nation's currency and economy. For example, in Canada, the Currency Act and the Canadian Human Rights Act protect the rights of individuals and the integrity of the national currency¹²³.

However, these laws typically apply to actions within the country's borders or actions taken by its citizens. International currency trading, like what George Soros engaged in, often falls under different jurisdictions and is subject to international laws and agreements.

It's also worth noting that while such actions can have negative impacts, they can also potentially highlight underlying vulnerabilities in an economy or a currency's value. In the case of the British pound in 1992, some argue that the incident exposed weaknesses in the UK's economic policy at the time¹.

This is a complex issue with many nuances, and the specifics can vary greatly depending on the details of each situation.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) Currency Act - Site Web de la législation (Justice).

(2) Rights and freedoms in Canada - Canada's System of Justice.

(3) How your rights are protected -


Soros and Hamas:

George Soros, through his Open Society Foundations, has reportedly provided more than $15 million in grants since 2016 to groups involved in pro-Palestine protests¹. Some of these groups have openly supported Hamas¹. Soros has also been reported to have said that the policies of Israel and the United States contribute to anti-Semitism².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) Soros funneled $15 M-plus to groups rallying for Hamas - New York Post.

(2) In Rare Jewish Appearance, George Soros Says Jews and Israel Cause Anti ....

(3) Answers, Please! Why Did George Soros Fund a Radical Pro-Hamas Group ....


Schwab ideas will cause a loss of our national sovereignty by preventing our parliaments and national assemblies to remain politically accountability to their citizens:

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, has been described as a provocative and consistent thinker committed to pushing the world in a cosmopolitan direction¹. He has been quoted saying, “We must develop a comprehensive and globally shared view of how technology is affecting our lives and reshaping our economic, social, cultural, and human environments”⁴.

However, the perception of whether their actions lead to progress or disorder can depend on one's political beliefs and personal experiences. Some people might view these actions as leading to positive change and progress, while others might see them as causing negative effects or disorder¹²³⁴.

Klaus Schwab has called for world leaders to unite to address global issues such as climate change, trade, and economic disruption¹. He emphasized that this one-world government must form as soon as possible¹. However, it's important to note that his call for unity does not necessarily equate to advocating for a "One World Government" in the sense of a single, centralized global governing body². Instead, he seems to be advocating for increased cooperation and collaboration among existing national governments to tackle global challenges¹².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-22

(1) Klaus Schwab calls to form one-world government; 'Daniel’s Fourth ....

(2) This is what Governance 4.0 could look like to enable change.

(3) Klaus Schwab to (Again) Address Elites at World Government Summit.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw.

(2) The Unholy Trinity: Soros, Schwab, and Bill Gates - The Expose.

(3) George Soros Goes Full “1984” in Anti-Tech Tirade | Vanity Fair.

(4) George Soros Suddenly Pulling Out of Davos Raises Questions - Newsweek.

(5) Conservative political activism has grown increasingly crusading. These ....

(6) Getty Images.


Arguments made by leftists that deconstruct their own best laid plans of mice and men:

The fatal flaw in George Soros's philosophy, as identified by Daniel Bessner in his article "The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw", is the assumption that capitalism and cosmopolitanism are necessarily connected¹². Bessner argues that the decades since the end of the Cold War have demonstrated that, without a perceived existential enemy, capitalism tends to undermine the very culture of trust, compassion, and empathy upon which Soros’s “open society” depends, by concentrating wealth in the hands of the very few¹². This suggests that the system that allows George Soros to accrue the wealth that he has done has proven to be one in which cosmopolitanism will never find a stable home¹².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-21

(1) The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw.

(2) The George Soros philosophy – and its fatal flaw.

(3) George Soros: I’m a passionate critic of market fundamentalism.


The convergence of this many headed hydra:

What Bing AI states is fascinating and frightening for both its mischaracterization of reality and moments of honesty revealing the biases of its programmers which represent the immortal head of the hydra. For without hack it off first we will never be able to kill this coalition of evil, this axis of unlikely partners in ending the political process as we have known it.

The goals of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Hamas, Iran, Russia, and China are diverse and reflect their unique contexts and objectives. Here's a brief summary:

- **George Soros**: Soros is a philanthropist who has funded numerous initiatives around the world through his Open Society Foundations¹²⁵. His goals include advancing justice, education, public health, business development, and independent media⁵.

- **Klaus Schwab**: Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, advocates for a "great reset" of capitalism, aiming to create conditions for a "stakeholder economy" and build in a more "resilient, equitable, and sustainable" way.

- **Hamas**: The goals of Hamas, as outlined in its charter, include the establishment of a Palestinian state within its own borders and the eventual creation of an Islamic state in Palestine.

- **Iran**: Iran's goals include maintaining global balance of power, building a multipolar international system, and ensuring conditions for the peaceful progressive development of humanity.

- **Russia**: Russia's strategic goals include maintaining its status as a sovereign center of global development, striving for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine, and returning to the project of establishing a multipolar world.

- **China**: China's strategic goals include maintaining its status as a sovereign center of global development, striving for the demilitarization and denazification of Taiwan, and returning to the project of establishing a multipolar world.

While these entities have their own unique goals, there are areas where their interests may align. For instance, both China and Russia have a history of supporting the Palestinian people and are using the moment to strengthen their political influence¹²⁴. For Moscow and Beijing, support of Palestinians could be an opportunity to position themselves as “champions of the developing world,”¹²⁴. It also further sets them apart from the United States, which has stood firmly behind Israel¹²⁴.

However, it's important to note that while there may be areas of overlap, this does not necessarily mean that these entities are cooperating with one another to create similar policies. Each entity operates based on its own interests and objectives, and their actions are influenced by a complex array of factors¹²³⁴⁵.


Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-11-22

(1) What are China, Russia’s interests in Israel-Hamas war?.

(2) China tries to capitalize on conflict between Hamas and ... - POLITICO.

(3) China and Russia: Exploring Ties Between Two Authoritarian Powers.

(4) China-Russia Cooperation in Africa and the Middle East.

(5) Russia, China back a nuclear Iran, Soros aims to tap Pittsburgh DA.


In summation:

No, indeed not, they have taken on a life of their own to form the beast spoken of in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ with the most dangerous of all heads being an AI system that has been programmed by radicals. And the culture war isn't merely about culture. I hear it said to find the guilty party you need to follow the money. I also hear it said that power and clinging on to it must be the motivation. Neither explanation gets to the bottom of what we are witnessing since the real reason is too terrifying for many to accept. We are witnessing evil for evil's sake on a global scale, money and power are just the tools used to achieve those ends. The result is the bondage, degradation, moral corruption, and spiritual ruin of mankind. Those responsible for this hate humanity because their father does. Satan knows his time is short so he prowls about like a roaring lion seeking whomever he may devour. Christ is the only possible answer to the death of the West, without His saving grace we are lost. Hell on earth is coming if this wicked age doesn't repent of its hatred of mankind and turn to Christ, the only and eternal Redeemer who was put to death by the very species of person who are at the forefront of our current culture wars. For without Christianity the West would have no culture since a living faith in a resurrected Christ is the foundation of God's love for mankind and the underpinning principle of Western belief, namely the sacredness of each individual created in the image of God! John 3:16 (King James Bible) "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life"







Friday, November 17, 2023

Watching the WOKE deconstruct their own deconstruction of reality is hilarious


Understanding WOKE:

Within WOKE Marxism you're not permitted to identify yourself as an individual rather your individuality is sublated to your class where your class identity becomes the basis for your identity as a person.

Understanding identity in this way is known as "Critical Consciousness". The way the WOKE create "Class identification" to attain "Critical Consciousness" is indicative of how WOKE is not so much an ideology but is actually the doctrine of a gnostic cult where only those initiated into its secrets can truly understand its hidden mysteries. Which is why if the average person tries to wrap their head around these concepts, they must first pretend that they've lost their mind!

This type of sociological Gnosticism stretches all the way back to Rousseau through Kant, Hegel, and Marx, among others. The WOKE believe that they are the embodiment of the way people are meant to be since they are the only ones who truly understand what it means to be members of their identity class making them the true expressions of that class. They believe there is an evil force known as the demi-urge that constructs reality such that it imprisons people in this imperfect material world. But through the secret gnostic knowledge of who they really are based on their Critical Consciousness this will allow them to escape the confines of that prison, or in other words, to escape reality.

They place the spiritual aspect of life away from "I" onto "we" such that they will become greater than their individual selves through their WOKE Community. Which is why these communities exist to rebel against what they label as the "structural determinism" inherent to the powerful classes within society who represent the demi-urge.

And no, I ain't kidding!

When I shared the above with Bing AI, and it immediately responded with an extremely denunciatory condemnation of what I had written. This indicates to me that its programmers have weighted Bing AI’s biases in favour of Postmodernism, WOKE, Cultural Marxism, and all the other “isms” which are variations on a theme that has its origins in Gnostic beliefs. These repeating themes wind their way through illiberal and authoritarian ideologies which are reductionist and determinist in nature as they attempt to provide oversimplified explanations for psychological and sociological phenomena where blame is externalized away from the individual onto the dominant social order which is labelled as repressive.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn believed that we were all accountable for illiberal and authoritarian tyranny. His solution was to take on personal responsibility to counter totalitarianism. Here are some of the things he said to say about willingly assuming accountability:

1. "The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. 'One word of truth outweighs the world.'"¹

2. "What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?"¹

3. "You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me."¹

4. "To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors."¹

5. "We hear a constant clamor for rights, rights, always rights, but so very little about responsibility. And we have forgotten God. The need now is for selflessness, for a spirit of sacrifice, for a willingness to put aside personal gains for the salvation of the whole Western world."¹

These quotes highlight Solzhenitsyn's belief in the power of individual responsibility and truth in the face of societal failings and totalitarian regimes.

As I stated in yesterday’s blog and podcast, the most murderous totalitarian ideologies that have ever existed hid their actual intent under a banner of equity where the needs of the many were said to outweigh the civil liberties of the few. Remarkably it has always been the case that it was the few who believed this lie who would then force their views on the many until by coup or revolution they could take hold of the reigns of power. Once they did the many were invariably sacrificed on the altar of the system of idolatrous totalitarianism practiced by the few. There is no such thing as socialist tyranny without the Dialectical Synthesis of two opposites to construct a simulacrum that the many will be forced to accept upon pain of death should they refuse to swallow the lie.

So today we can see that demographics is destiny, they are the most readily predictable outcome of the culture war. The entire West has done permanent damage to its various cultural identities to pursue a non-existent vision of creating a social collectivist utopia where its “global citizens” would lack the common values required to create social cohesion.

But here is what is odd, after sharing my initial thoughts on Understanding WOKE with Bing AI and its denunciatory condemnation of that, I then asked it to create an argument in favor of renowned social critic and cultural expert Dr. James Lindsay's understanding of how the left replaces the real with a fake “simulacrity”. It responded with the following which is a complete contradiction of its initial criticisms of what I had first shared with it which was nothing other than a paraphrasing of Dr. Lindsay’s position. Here is the “article“ it wrote in about 15 seconds flat:

Simulacra is the term that Dr. James Lindsay uses to describe the phenomenon of creating and living in a false reality that replaces the real one. He argues that this is the ultimate goal and strategy of the radical left, who use various tools and tactics to manipulate and deceive people into accepting their ideological agenda. ¹²

One of the main tools that the radical left uses to create simulacra is critical theory, which is a set of academic disciplines that claim to expose and challenge the oppression and injustice that are embedded in the structures and systems of society. However, according to Lindsay, critical theory is not a genuine or rigorous form of scholarship, but rather a pseudo-intellectual and political weapon that aims to undermine and destroy the foundations of Western civilization, such as reason, science, democracy, and human rights. ³⁴

Lindsay and his colleagues have demonstrated the absurdity and dishonesty of critical theory by conducting the so-called grievance studies hoax, in which they wrote and submitted fake papers to academic journals that specialize in critical theory. They used ridiculous and outrageous topics and arguments, such as fat bodybuilding, rape culture at dog parks, and male masturbation as a form of transphobia, to test the standards and quality of these journals. To their surprise and dismay, many of their papers were accepted and published, revealing the lack of rigor and integrity in these fields. 

Another tool that the radical left uses to create simulacra is social justice activism, which is a movement that claims to fight for the rights and dignity of marginalized and oppressed groups, such as racial minorities, women, LGBTQ+ people, and others. However, according to Lindsay, social justice activism is not a genuine or noble cause, but rather a divisive and destructive force that aims to create and exploit conflicts and grievances among different groups of people. Social justice activists use various tactics, such as cancel culture, identity politics, intersectionality, and woke language, to silence and intimidate anyone who disagrees or challenges their worldview. 

Lindsay and his allies have challenged and opposed the social justice agenda by exposing and criticizing its flaws and dangers. They have argued that social justice activism is based on a false and harmful understanding of reality, in which everything is reduced to a binary and zero-sum game of oppressors and oppressed, and in which the only way to achieve justice is to overthrow and replace the existing order with a new one that is dictated by the radical left. They have also warned that social justice activism is incompatible and hostile to the values and principles of classical liberalism, such as individual freedom, equality, and tolerance. 

Therefore, Lindsay's understanding of simulacra is a valid and valuable perspective that reveals and resists the threat and danger of the radical left's attempt to create and impose a false reality that negates and replaces the real one. He offers a rational and realistic alternative that defends and preserves the true and good aspects of Western civilization, such as reason, science, democracy, and human rights. He also invites and encourages people to have honest and constructive conversations about the complex and controversial issues that face our society, rather than succumbing to the simplistic and polarizing narratives that are propagated by the radical left.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/17/2023

(1) James A. Lindsay - Wikipedia.

(2) Why grievance studies hoaxer and atheist James Lindsay wants to save ....

(3) The Negation of the Real | Dr. James Lindsay - Sovereign Nations.

(4) Meet James Lindsay, the far right's "world-level expert" on CRT and ....

James A. Lindsay – Wikipedia

Therefore, Bing AI’s own article both negated and disregarded its previous argument. Which is why I believe that our greatest weapon against the radical left and its latest incarnation of WOKE lies in exposing the fact that the left’s own arguments negate themselves. They are contradictory to the core. Which is why I suggest upon Dr. Lindsay’s advise that you first pretend that you have lost your mind before trying to wrap your head around its blatant contradictions. When I was in China, I saw knock offs of everything. Which is why no patent law is safe in China factories which frankly have terrible first-time quality and safety protocols. WOKE is the Chinese knockoff of a proper social order. There is nothing real about it. In fact, even in China they try to make a copy of a product that would fool the buyer. But can we honestly say that Dylan Mulvany could actually fool anyone into believing that his mangina was a vagina? I honestly do not care to think about that. Chicks with dicks are so hilariously unreal that I seriously wonder why the left bothers, but again, that is why they are nuts and want us to go along with the insanity. If you want to dress up in mommy’s clothes and hang out by the pier where sailors dress as ladies that is up to you, but do not create parades on my tax dime to demand that I share in this WOKE delusion that you can use Hegel to create man as the thesis, woman as the antithesis and Dylan Mulvany as the synthesis. Even a two-day old pigeon knows who its mother is. Which makes me wonder if the WOKE have the intellectual capacity of a sewer falcon, a gutter eagle, or that statue shitting winged turd, that most ubiquitous of all stupid birds, the common pigeon!

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The WOKE Left is deep in bed with Islamo-fascism


Have we arrived at the infinity of peak lunacy? Not if we continue doing what we are doing since the left is a cult built on faith in creating impossible simulacrity. In other words, negate the real to install something fake then build a system of government based on pure fantasy! All the left wants is to control the behaviour of others because their own behaviour is out of control. If ever we should be in doubt all we need do is look to Trudeau and his cabinet for proof that they believe that there are “rules for thee that don’t apply to me”.

Number of ethic violations by Trudeau and his government:

According to Bing AI’s search results, the Trudeau government has had four ethics violations since coming into office in 2015. These are:

In 2017, Trudeau was found to have violated four sections of the Conflict of Interest Act for accepting a vacation on the Aga Khan’s private island in the Bahamas.

In 2019, Trudeau was found to have violated one section of the Conflict of Interest Act for trying to influence then-justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to overrule a decision not to grant a deferred prosecution agreement to SNC-Lavalin.

In 2020, Trudeau faced scrutiny for his government’s decision to award a $912 million contract to WE Charity, an organization with ties to himself and his family. However, in 2021, Trudeau was cleared of wrongdoing by the ethics commissioner.

In 2021, Trudeau’s former finance minister Bill Morneau was found to have violated the Conflict of Interest Act for failing to recuse himself from the WE Charity decision and accepting travel expenses from the charity.

Obviously, these ethics violations have had varying impacts on public opinion and political consequences for the Trudeau government. Mostly due to the fact his supporters are deluded and wallow in their delusions like a pig wallows in muck and feces. I find it amusing that such people not only don't know what they are talking about but will offer proof of their ignorance by dispensing with providing factual sources and substantiating evidence to support their arguments. They invariably refuse to debate me using ethics, epistemology, and ontology. Yet despite this they have the sheer hubris and gall to come onto my profile to insist that I believe in an argument that they have failed to make! They have become a living Monty Python sketch on debate where their argument has become nothing more than taking a contrary stance to mine. If you haven’t seen this sketch, watch it, you will learn much about the postmodern left.

I am fully prepared to change my mind if someone can make a reasoned defence of their position, but they had better not come to me with straw man arguments and logical fallacies then insist that based upon such erroneous equivocation that I should change my tune while they argue like a school yard bully! It's people like this who make me question if our democracy which is based upon reasoned open discourse can survive in the face of the infinite lunacy of ideological possession! In the end they have no argument other than a repeated negation of my position without ever having proven their own! This is the litmus test for knowing if we are dealing with someone whose beliefs are essentially based upon simulacrity, a con game! The simulacrity is a parasite that attempts to construct a false authority by replacing reality with a fake.

The most murderous totalitarian ideologies that ever existed hid their actual intent under a banner of equity where the needs of the many outweighed the rights of the few. Remarkably it has always been the case that it was the few who believed this lie that would force their views on the many until by coup or revolution they took hold of the reigns of power so that the many could be sacrificed on the altar of the idolatrous statism practiced by the few. There is no such thing as a social collectivist tyranny without the Dialectical synthesis of two opposites to construct a simulacrity that the many will be forced to accept upon pain of death should they refuse to swallow the lie or say out loud that it is an impossibility. Which is why Transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney, central to the Bud Light marketing controversy, was just honored as “Woman of the Year” by Attitude Magazine.

Today the WOKE Left is deep in bed with Islamo-fascism even though radical Islam calls for the death anyone who identify as LGBTQIA+. Both ideologies are illiberal and revolutionary. Both seek for an absolute overthrow of our sacred institutions and the civil rights they protect. Both are hostile toward the Western way of life and view our culture as inherently racist. Both cling to a binary reductionist view of life where there are either believers or unbelievers, oppressors or the oppressed. There is no room left for nuance and complexity in life in either. Both are organized around rituals whether it's taking the knee and shouting "no justice no peace" or shouting "Allahu Akbar" and praying in the streets. Make no mistake, the Cultural Left Trudeau represents is allowing Islamo-fascism to flourish which will undermine our very ability to exist as free people.

So again, let us review the legacy of the present government with Bing AI’s help.

The Trudeau government is facing several challenges and calls for resignation from various sources. Some of the main issues are:

- The SNC-Lavalin scandal: This is a case where the Trudeau government allegedly pressured the former justice minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to intervene in the criminal prosecution of a Montreal-based engineering company accused of fraud and corruption in Libya¹². Trudeau has denied any wrongdoing, but the scandal has damaged his reputation and credibility, especially among progressive voters who expected him to uphold the rule of law and ethical standards⁵.

- The cost of living crisis: The Trudeau government is also under fire for its handling of the rising cost of living in Canada, especially the housing affordability problem. Many Canadians are struggling to find or keep a home, as prices have soared in major cities and supply has not kept up with demand³. The government has announced some measures to address the issue, such as a tax on vacant homes owned by foreign investors and a rent-to-own program, but critics say they are too little, too late³.

- The foreign interference threat: The Trudeau government has also faced criticism for its response to the growing threat of foreign interference in Canada's democracy and sovereignty. The government has been accused of being too soft on China, Russia, and Iran, and failing to protect Canadians from cyberattacks, espionage, and influence campaigns⁴. The government has also been embroiled in a diplomatic row with Ukraine, after a Nazi fighter was honored during the Ukrainian president's visit to Parliament last week⁴.

These challenges have led some opposition leaders, such as former Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, to call for Trudeau's resignation, saying he has lost the moral authority to govern¹². However, Trudeau has rejected these calls, saying he will continue to lead the Liberal Party and the country until the next election, which is expected to be held in 2024¹².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/15/2023

(1) Trudeau resignation 'prudent course of action,' says senator from P.E.I ....

(2) Justin Trudeau Faces Calls to Resign - Newsweek.

(3) Justin Trudeau: Three challenges facing him in 2019 - BBC News.

(4) As Trudeau set to shuffle cabinet, 7 ministers expected to exit.

(5) Trudeau torched as ’embarrassment,’ Canada’s House speaker faces ....

As I stated, it’s people who support this pathetic semblance of a government who make me question if democracy based upon reasoned open discourse can survive in the face of the infinite lunacy of ideological possession. Those who still support Trudeau’s ruinous reign are supporting a government whose policies are based upon fabrication and unreason! Historically it has always been the case that it is the few who believe such ideological lies who would force their views on the many so that they could take hold of the reigns of power. Once they do the many were sacrificed on the altar of the idolatrous statism practiced by the few. The question remains then if we the majority have the wherewithal to take back the reigns of power from ideological revolutionaries to restore peace, order, and good government. Remember these fools hold to an ideology the stated intent of which is to destroy our very way of life, our system of limited, constitutional government by rewriting the rule of law. Bear in mind that demographics is destiny! The outcome of the culture war is easily predictable since the effects of such are readily visible in the breakdown of civil order and societal cohesion we are seeing today. The entire West has done permanent damage to its many cultural identities and institutions to pursue a non-existent vision of creating social dystopian societies that share no common values due to unrestrained and unvetted immigration. Let our common faith in Christ restore the Christian West to ward off the godless tyranny of those who would make the state their god while pursuing a simulacrity that is fake and false to its very core.

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...