Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Put on the whole armour of God to counter the lies of our leaders



Allow me to read from Ephesians 6:10-18 (King James Version)

10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

So, permit me to tell you my story as the backdrop for today’s discussion. I had two major passions in my former life, by night and on weekends I booked and hosted roots music shows and events where I had the unmerited privilege of sitting in with the very best in the business while by day, I trained workers and their bosses in workplace organization and problem-solving methodologies. That is when I was able to find work doing such after retiring after 33 years from General Motors St. Catharines where I was a Quality Systems Resource in the GEN III/IV Engine Plant. Although both gigs are behind me now, I am unable to forget why I genuinely enjoyed doing both.

Regarding music, I loved to provide a forum where gifted artists were able to tell their story since the root’s music, if nothing else, tells stories about the common man and woman. And regarding workplace organization and problem solving, I am of the belief that it is essential for workers to be provided with the tools and information to do their jobs safely and correctly the first time. Moreover, to provide them with the means to troubleshoot the inevitable quality issues that crop up in production settings. A chief motivation for doing such was due to the fact this so seldom happens in the workplace. Management teams all too often simply do not understand the shop floor, spend too little time there, and have an abysmal view of their workforce. I am therefore very much a man of the common people. I understand them because I am one of them. So I sought to provide the workforce with useful training and tools which could help them navigate the nonsense lamentably so often inherent in the workplace.

But the path to success and continuous improvement is not easy so permit me to read from Sir Walter Scott’s poem about my ancient ancestor “Thomas the Rhymer” which metaphorically speaks to why the righteous path is fraught with difficulties:

"O see ye not yon narrow road,

So thick beset with thorns and briers?

That is the path of righteousness,

Tho after it but few enquires.


"And see ye not that braid braid road,

That lies across that lily leven?

That is the path of wickedness,

Tho some call it the road to heaven.

The road to heaven is indeed fraught with thorns and briars, therefore so I am writing this in the hopes of helping you to map a path for yourself through the prevailing Postmodern, Neo-Marxist mindset that has infected our politics today which has in turn completely captured much of the younger generation. So, as a musician I will tell you that story while as someone trained in root cause analysis, I hope to provide you an understanding of the nature of our ideological battle for the heart and minds of our fellows. Many of you who watch this channel may be familiar that I often state that there can be no political solution to a moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis. Since any fool can tell you what is wrong, but it takes an expert to address the problem at its root cause to assign documented corrective actions. So that is my goal, to define the problem as succinctly and simply as I can then to additionally equip you with the tools you will need to counter the problem of ideological possession.

We are living witnesses to a form of mass hysteria which has taken hold of society to infect our institutions with utter ideological nonsense. To understand the nature of this possession, we must begin with the Academy and its use of the dialectical philosophy of a German philosopher named Hegel. So let us examine how Hegel’s dialectical thinking has often been employed to help create the murderous tyrannies so prevalent in the 20th Century since the Hegelian Dialectic has been used by virtually all authoritarians in one form or at least to some extent to create the mental disorders of mass delusional ideation necessary to support totalitarian tyranny.

RE: Nazism/Fascism

The Hegelian dialectic, with its emphasis on conflict leading to synthesis, influenced some aspects of Nazi ideology, particularly in their use of propaganda and manipulation of public opinion. However, it's important to note that Nazism was a complex ideology with multiple influences, including social Darwinism, racism, nationalism, and totalitarianism. While elements of dialectical thinking can be identified in Nazi propaganda, it would be reductionist to attribute the entirety of Nazism to Hegelian philosophy. Nevertheless, it played a significant role in creating the propaganda machine.

Hitler's propaganda machine was primarily orchestrated by the **Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda**, led by **Joseph Goebbels**¹². This Ministry developed a program of propaganda that infiltrated every area of German life and was cleverly tailored to appeal to various groups in the population². All forms of media, education, industry, and scientific activity were used to propagate National Socialist ideals². Hitler himself frequently appeared in mass rallies to arouse nationalist fervor by delivering the propaganda in person². The key themes of National Socialist propaganda were the supremacy and racial purity of the German people and their betrayal by both foreign aggressors and enemies who had infiltrated their country². The propaganda used by the German Nazi Party in the years leading up to and during Adolf Hitler's dictatorship of Germany from 1933 to 1945 was a crucial instrument for acquiring and maintaining power, and for the implementation of Nazi policies¹.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-03-05

(1) Propaganda in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia.

(2) Hitler's Propaganda Machine |

(3) Propaganda and the Nazi rise to power – The Holocaust Explained ....

(4) An Affordable Radio Brought Nazi Propaganda Home.

RE: How Neo-Marxism infected the Academy which lies upstream of all our institutions

The Hegelian dialectic played a significant role in the development of Neo-Marxist critical theory, particularly through the work of thinkers like Herbert Marcuse, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and later, Jürgen Habermas. These thinkers drew on Hegel's dialectical method to critique capitalist society and explore possibilities for social transformation.

In Hegel's dialectic, contradictions lead to the development of new ideas or systems. Similarly, Neo-Marxist critical theorists applied this framework to analyze the contradictions and conflicts within capitalist societies, such as exploitation, alienation, and oppression.

For example, Marcuse's concept of "repressive tolerance" can be understood as a dialectical critique of liberal democracy, arguing that the tolerance of oppressive ideas and practices perpetuates social inequalities. Adorno and Horkheimer's work on the "culture industry" examined how capitalist mass media and culture reinforce domination and homogenization while suppressing dissent.

Overall, while not every aspect of Neo-Marxist critical theory directly mirrors Hegel's dialectic, the influence of dialectical thinking is evident in their approach to analyzing and critiquing societal structures and dynamics.

In what ways is WOKE influenced by Neo-Marxism and Hegel's Dialectical thinking?

The term "Woke" is often used to describe a perceived awareness of issues that concern social justice and racial justice¹². It is influenced by a variety of philosophical and sociological theories, including Neo-Marxism and Hegelian dialectics¹².

1. **Neo-Marxism**: Neo-Marxism expands upon traditional Marxist ideology. Neo-Marxists apply Marxist thinking to modern issues like race, gender, and sexual orientation, leading to an emphasis on identity politics¹². Many principles of the "Woke" movement align with Neo-Marxist thoughts, especially the focus on power structures and the belief that these structures can be oppressive¹².

2. **Hegelian Dialectics**: Hegelian dialectics involve the process of change in which a concept (thesis) evolves over time to meet its contradiction (antithesis), ultimately leading to a resolution (synthesis)¹². This can be seen in the "Woke" movement's approach to societal change. The movement often positions itself as a counter (antithesis) to existing societal norms (thesis) and seeks to bring about a new societal understanding (synthesis)¹².

It's important to note that while these philosophical theories can influence movements like "Woke", they do not define them entirely. The "Woke" movement, like any social movement, is complex and influenced by a variety of factors, including historical context, cultural trends, and individual perspectives¹².

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-03-05

(1) Hegel in the Era of “Wokeness” - Jacobin.

(2) Hegel, Wokeness, and the Dialectical Faith of Leftism | The C.S. Lewis ....

The parasitic nature of Hegelian Dialectical thinking.

Years ago, I was warned by a Saxophonist who was a Neo-Marxist Brock Child Studies Professor by the name of Dr. Hans Skott-Myhre that Critical Theorists were going to take over our cultural institutions. He referred to this as “the long march through the institutions” which is a phrase certainly not coined by him. This was prior to me moving to Norway so my conversation with Dr. Hans must have taken place in late 2011 or early 2012. By the late summer of 2012, I had come into contact with my future wife while we were both working on developing a course on business integrity and effective management practices that had been launched by our mutual friend Doug Ross. Doug had been a consultant at General Motors whom I met while I was still working in the quality department. Doug and I had discussed working together in the future as consultants. Since I was retired when I met Anne-Siri and since we had subsequently fallen in love, we both felt it would be prudent for me to move to Norway where we could both continue working on our program with the hopes of selling our training in Norway. It was in Norway that we would eventually be wed. The course failed to take hold in a country where virtually everything is tightly controlled by the state, so Anne-Siri continued with her career employed as a Senior Adviser in the Norwegian Defence Department.

Norway was challenging for me simply because the more a bureaucracy metastasises the more inefficient and cumbersome it will become. I won’t bore you with the details as to how difficult it was for us to navigate an immigration system that even those who control it seem not to understand. This is the inevitable result of the administrative state which is inherent to socialism where Hegel’s Dialectical reasoning has assured them that the bigger a monster grows the easier it will be to keep it in a cage. Something which we now see here in Canada where Trudeau’s administrative bureaucracy has grown far beyond manageability.

Let us look then at Canada since Justin Trudeau's election in 2015, the Canadian federal bureaucracy has grown significantly. By 2022, it had grown by 27 percentage points, which put it nine percentage points ahead of population growth¹². This rapid growth of the bureaucracy started well before the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2021¹². The cost of maintaining the federal bureaucracy has also risen alongside its employee head count. Operational spending for the public service grew steadily from $87.5 billion in the 2019-20 fiscal year to $115.9 billion in 2021–22 — a 32-per-cent increase³. Please note that these figures can change over time and may not include all aspects of the bureaucracy.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-03-05

(1) The one big growth industry of the Trudeau years has been bureaucracy ....

(2) The one big growth industry of the Trudeau years—the bureaucracy ....

(3) Government hired over 98,000 new federal workers since 2015 - National Post.

So, as I statednNorway was a tough nut for me to crack since I simply couldn’t understand their social collectivist mindset, but it wasn't until Anne-Siri told me about the Frankfurt School back in 2014 that I truly began to appreciate how insidious the ideology of Critical Theory is based as it is on seeing the world through a Dialectical lens. The fact that this mindset has gone on to capture the minds of the great investment bankers, high tech executives, the pharmaceutical industry and multinational conglomerate boardrooms to create a new form of corporate fascism which has grafted itself, no infected like mistletoe the host that it will eventually kill, is proof man cannot see past his own nose when he rejects the Grand Narrative about God to see the world through Hegel’s lens!

My Conclusions:

We are witnessing an emergent global tyranny which combines all the totalizing ideologies of the 20th Century seen through Hegel’s Dialectical lens. I have coined it “Marxofascism” since we are witnessing the near perfect blending of ideas which have divided mankind into victims versus oppressors with the entire enterprise being driven by “Big Pharma” in league with multinational conglomerates and investment bankers who in turn are in league with Communist China with the goal of destroying Western Culture to return us to serfdom! Amazingly the ideologically possessed fools behind this totalizing enterprise have hidden its actual outcome by disguising it in language of liberation, diversity, equity, and inclusion while simultaneously creating an atmosphere of total thought control to maintain their false narrative! It is up to us to deconstruct this false narrative. Will you join me in replacing this false narrative with the Grand Narrative upon which Western Christianity is founded?

And as for the ultimate end game of this ideological possession. Our betrayal to Communist China is complete. What all the evidence pointed toward has been confirmed. The Canadian government helped to fund the research which led to the release of a bioweapon, whether accidentally or deliberately, it matters little. Treasonous Trudeau obviously answers to Beijing.

Xiangguo Qiu, one of the scientists who was fired from Winnipeg’s high-security laboratory, was involved in gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a recently declassified intelligence document shows.

Our own government has used our tax dollars to assist in funding the People’s Liberation Army to create a bioweapon in Wuhan while both the Liberals and NDP have voted against investigating this treason. If we do not stop this ideological idiocy that already has wreaked untold harm on us there will be nothing left to recover. Our ideological enemies have unleashed not just a deadly pathogen, they have also helped to infect our universities with ideas used to foment a cultural revolution to destroy us spiritually from within!

I will read from an opinion letter published in the Calgary Sun on March 4th, 2024, to finish my thoughts for today.  

Letters for March 4, 2024: 'An effort to suppress opinions needs to be struck down.'

These bills a dangerous sign

Re: NDP seeks to suppress speech about climate change and fossil fuels, Kenneth Green column, Feb. 21

Bill C-367 would be a fatal blow to “freedom of religion” and freedom of expression. Now it is persecution of Christians. Who is next? You!

This bill should never see the light of day.

Bill C-372 — NDP Charlie Angus tabled this private member’s bill — would destroy freedom of expression in Canada. If you dare to express negative thoughts about the government’s “fossil fuel-fuel phobia,” question climate change or promote fossil fuels, you could be jailed for one year and it could cost you $750,000.

Religious freedom and freedom of expression are the foundations of our democracy, and restricting them would destroy the fabric of Canadian society.

Kenneth Green (Fraser Institute) writes, “Canada is a constitutional parliamentary democracy where differences of opinion are to be resolved through elections, where people are persuaded by word and ideas, not threats of violence.” He continues that the public must become politically engaged to prevent power from being entrenched in the hands of politicians or political activists with “extreme views” who believe that opposing views or beliefs must be suppressed by “force.”

Pay attention, Canada, before our democracy is all but destroyed. You will not be happy if the radicals succeed — then it will be too late to speak up and register your objections.

Betty-Anne Tremblay

(The feds have their plans and seem willing to do anything to push them through.)

Sue government, sue us

Here is a question that should not sit well in anyone’s mind if you are a taxpayer in this country: Should any person or group have the right to sue the government?

In reality, you are suing me and everyone else who pays taxes.

Most of us will have had nothing to do with whatever they are suing us for, yet we will be forced to pay. Maybe, instead, make the people who were responsible be held accountable because the billions upon billions that we are forced to pay for ineptitude is breaking our backs (or should I say, our banks).

At the very least we need a conversation about this.

Wayne Boyce

(Holding politicians to account is an ongoing struggle.)

Yes, holding politicians accountable is an ongoing struggle due to the fact that they never suffer the consequences of the godless ideology which motivates them yet also because the ideologically possessed population which follows them have rejected the narrative upon which our liberty was founded. We are witnessing a generation possessed by delusional ideation made possible by resentful fools who have twisted Hegel’s Dialectical tool into a weapon of oppression!

It is as Sir Walter Scott stated in his poem “Thomas the Rhymer”

And see ye not that braid braid road,

That lies across that lily leven?

That is the path of wickedness,

Tho some call it the road to heaven.

Our ideologically possess political leaders who are in league with the unholy elements behind this totalizing enterprise have sold the world a path of wickedness while calling the hell they are creating heaven!


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