Friday, March 1, 2024

The Eternal versus the ever-evolving nature of WOKE


Today I wish to discuss with you the difference between the eternal versus the ever-evolving reality of the prevailing WOKE ideology. Permit me to read from an article in the UK’s Telegraph written this past fall. You will find the link below in my blog.


UN accused of promoting “rape culture” by saying trans women can be lesbians

It comes as a new book reveals that women’s rights across the world have come under threat by the growth of gender ideology


Published 12 October 2023 • 4:58pm

“Women’s groups have accused the United Nations of promoting a “rape culture” by saying trans women can be lesbians.

Earlier this week UN Women – the branch of the UN working for the empowerment of women – posted on X, formerly known as Twitter: “Remember, trans lesbians are lesbians too. Let’s uplift and honour every expression of love and identity.”

The organisation Women’s Declaration International (WDI) said this was “offensive and degrading to women” because it told lesbians they should consider approaches from biological men.

Sally Wainwright from WDI said: “It is almost beyond belief that the UN is promoting the homophobic and misogynist ideology that pretends men can be women and therefore lesbians.

“Lesbians are same-sex attracted females and suggesting that they should accept heterosexual men as ‘lesbians’ is not only offensive and degrading to women, but also endorses a rape culture.

“UN Women, of all organisations, should be protecting lesbians – and other women – from men’s unwanted sexual demands.”

She said the tweet contravened the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979.

“CEDAW makes clear that women’s rights are based on our sex,” she said. “It’s time the UN started upholding that.”

‘People waking up to the dangers of gender ideology’

It comes as a new book reveals that women’s rights across the world have come under threat by the growth of gender ideology. Women’s Rights, Gender Wrongs, looks at how gender ideology has affected women in 35 countries.

In the Australian state of Tasmania, it is illegal for lesbian events to exclude biological males. While in New Zealand, the official data agency, Statistics NZ, has made ‘gender’ the default for data collection in place of  ‘sex’. In Canada, a women prisoner and survivor of childhood sexual abuse endured weeks of repeated rapes by a male prisoner incarcerated with her. In Brazil a tribunal ruled that affirmative policies intended to assure women’s participation in politics apply on the basis of ‘gender’ rather than ‘sex’.

Feminist academic Sheila Jeffreys, a director of WDI, said, “In the last decade, women’s rights have come under a serious global threat from the replacement of the category of sex by the notion of ‘gender’.

In 2014 my wife and I were having issues regarding my residency permit to remain until some legal issues she needed to settle were taken care of. Anne-Siri had served in local politics and since Norway has a small population, she knew the member of parliament (Storting) who was responsible for family law and inquired of him what the law stated regarding me applying for an extension until said legal issues were dealt with. He flatly refused to tell my wife what the law stated by saying that if he were to do so he would be interfering in my case. So, finally on a gay, lesbian, and transgendered website she found the correct form for me to fill out to apply for a further six months stay until we could be married after her legal issues were settled. Since I am not gay nor trans-genitaled, I proudly came out of

the closet as a “male lesbian”. What other guy do you know that was ten years ahead of the times? And here I thought I was joking! Well, nothing ain’t funny no mo’, if you will forgive my double negative and horrific grammar. The world has gone utterly mad! But why?

Today we are witnesses of to two variants of leftist ideologies blended into one unhappy and contradictory union then in turn married to the other competing form of totalitarianism which fought to enslave mankind in the 20th Century, namely fascism. Yes, Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and Postmodern Literary Criticism and been fornicated into a bastard union with the fascism they both ostensibly exist to destroy. Both Postmodernism and Critical Theory have one remarkable and undeniable feature, namely that they exist to criticize themselves. Cultural Marxist Critical Theory arose out of the failure of Marx’s and Engels’ vision to achieve a proletariat revolution to realize socialism’s goals, so the Frankfurt School reinvented the struggle between oppressors and victims by altering the nature of the oppression and the categories of the victims. Postmodern Literary Criticism on the other hand looks at how language has been used to enforce what it labels as the structural oppression inherent in language to keep the underdog down with the goal of changing and altering the meaning of words. It posits that it is impossible to have a rational conversation using traditional language because language itself is only used as an act of oppression to gain power over another. Add to this the third totalitarian ideology which completes this unholy trinity, a fascistic control of the economy where central planners are given complete control of the market. All market failures are the results of such practices. The so-called economic experts invariably turn out to be the big investment banks who manipulate the entire process as a giant global game of Monopoly.

Now let us compare ideologies which exist literally to criticize their own failures to achieve their stated utopian goals with the immutable, unchanging, and unalterable nature of God.  For it is the eternal and unchanging nature of God which is the fundamental idea in Christianity and Judaism This concept is often referred to as the “immutability” of God.

Eternal: God is often described as eternal, meaning He has no beginning and no end. This is reflected in scriptures such as Psalm 90:2, “Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.”

Unchanging: The unchanging nature of God, or His immutability, is the belief that God’s character, truth, ways, and purposes do not change. In Malachi 3:6, God declares, “For I am the LORD, I change not.” This suggests that God’s moral character, love, wisdom, justice, power, and so on, remain the same throughout time.

Consistent: God’s unchanging nature also implies His consistency. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, as stated in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” This consistency provides a foundation for trust and faith in Him.

Faithful: God’s faithfulness is a key aspect of His unchanging nature. Despite changes in the world and in people’s lives, God remains faithful. As stated in 2 Timothy 2:13, “If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself.”

Immutable: God’s immutability doesn’t mean He is static or indifferent. Instead, it means that God is consistently good, loving, and just, regardless of our actions or changes in the world.

The eternal aspects of God’s nature are comforting by providing a sense of stability and reliability in this ever-changing world of Postmodernism and Cultural Criticism. They present an unchanging basis for us to trust in God’s promises and faithfulness if we would only ask for the revelation to understand how His promises apply and what is required of us to see them at work in our lives.

Instead of embracing an ideology that constantly criticizes itself, which is why radical leftism is never a static set of paradigms that can readily define itself, let us look at its doppelganger, the Gospel of Christ that calsl us to be changed into His image. By what means does the Gospel transform the believer into the eternal nature of God? By its transformative power at work in the lives of believers to manifest the eternal nature of God. Here’s how:

1. **Spiritual Transformation**: The Gospel transforms our spiritual state. We move from being spiritually dead due to sin, to being spiritually alive in Christ¹. This is often referred to as being "born again" or regenerated.

2. **Eternal Transformation**: The Gospel also transforms our eternal state. Through Christ, we move from eternal separation from God due to sin, to eternal life with God¹. This is the promise of eternal life that Jesus offers to those who believe in Him.

3. **Present Transformation**: The Gospel transforms our present state. We move from being people of disobedience to becoming God's workmanship, or new creations in Christ¹. This process is often referred to as sanctification, where we are being conformed to the likeness of Christ³.

4. **Transformation through Faith**: The Gospel reveals a righteousness that is by faith from first to last¹. As we grow in our faith and understanding of the Gospel, we are continually transformed to live by faith.

5. **Evidence of Transformation**: The evidence of the Gospel being known and believed by a person is their transformed life¹. If there is no evidence of a transformed life, then the Gospel has not truly been known or believed by the person¹.

Through His death and resurrection, Jesus made a way for us to be reconciled to God and have our sins forgiven². By accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we can have the assurance of eternal life and a restored relationship with God². This transformation is a lifelong journey and a continual process of growth and change as we become more like Christ³.

(1) The Gospel that Transforms – Biblically Shaped Ministries.

(2) The Believer’s Transformation - In Touch Ministries.

(3) Discover the Power of Gospel Essentials for Your Christian Worldview.

(4) Lesson 31: The Changed Life (Ephesians 4:20-24) |

My conclusions:

And yet everywhere we see churches that are of one of two persuasions, on the one hand we see fellowships that ignore God’s eternal nature and the need for revelation as the foundation for our communion with God so that they can adapt to this fallen world while on the other hand we see fellowships that preach a weak Gospel, while feeding their flocks pablum. This latter category appears to be utterly unaware of the nature of the Postmodern WOKE assault on reality itself which is causing society to implode. Neither have accepted a transformative Gospel which could usher in God’s Kingdom on earth. It is up to us to restore God’s Holy City as a praise in the earth unto His Name. Neither path I have described can lead to His will being done and His Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven. And we wonder why the political process and our institutions have gone utterly mad? There can be no political solution to a moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis!

1 comment:

  1. Bill, I remember my Public school days from kindergarten to Grade 12, that the school started with the National Anthem followed by the Lord's prayer and a short reading of the bible. I still remember some of the bible verses. They eventually took Judeo/ Christian ideology out of the schools to make it more diverse. Diverse equals divide.


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