Permit me to quote Bertrand Russell, famed British
mathematician, logician, philosopher, and public intellectual who influenced
mathematics, logic, set theory, and analytic philosophy; “Most people would
rather die than think; in fact, they do so.” Until we can completely
deconstruct the prevailing Postmodern globalist narrative and its agenda which
has parasitized the minds of so many here in the West, an agenda which has come
to resemble a rapidly growing Gnostic mystery cult, the emergence of mass
formation psychosis cannot be avoided. From the rear cover of Dr. Gad Saad’s
brilliant work on idea pathogens, “The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas Are
Killing Common Sense” it reads, “There's a war against truth... and if we don't
win it, intellectual freedom will be a casualty.” In this book Dr. Saad lays
out the neuro-parasitological framework of the mind virus known as WOKE and how
it parasitizes the host to destroy itself out of suicidal empathy. The cover
goes on to state, “The West’s commitment to freedom, reason, and true
liberalism has never been more seriously threatened than it is today by the
stifling forces of political correctness”. Dr Saad asserted the following after
having an interaction with a graduate student in post-modernism, cultural
anthropology, and women's studies, which Dr. Saad refers to as the Holy Trinity
of bullshit. He believes that the one idea pathogen that is the granddaddy of
all of them is Postmodernism since it removes the ability of having human universals
which provide a universally agreed upon understanding of what words mean. If
there is no universal meaning, then everything becomes shackled by our personal
biases and by subjectivity. He went on to observe that though they assert that
there are no universal truths other than the one universal truth that there are
no universal truths, they miss this irony. Dr. Saad stated that he wakes up
every day as an academic knowing that there are regularities in the world to
study otherwise there'd be no point in being a scientist. If he didn’t have a
common place where he could agree with the graduate student in question that
only women can bear children, that there is such a thing as east and west, and
there is a star called the sun, if they could not agree on these as universal
truths, then this a form of intellectual terrorism. So where can studying postmodernism
take you? Well, it can take you to believing that boys too can menstruate, that
boys too can bear children precisely because there is no universal meaning anymore
that we can all agree upon. So, this is why he argues that Postmodernism is a
form of intellectual terrorism and it's the granddaddy of all idea pathogens.
Canada’s current Prime Minister is the posterchild for every
possible Postmodern deconstruction of reality which is why he had menstrual
products installed in the men’s washrooms in all of Ottawa’s federal government
facilities. Trudeau obviously believes the only universal truth is whatever the
latest lie he says that he feeds to the public through his publicly funded
media apparatus despite him repeatedly having found to be lying. His often-stated
belief in the culturally anthropological delusion of cultural relativism that bring
unvetted immigrants here from war torn countries enriches the nation because
all cultures have equal value except for our own Western culture which is hideous
and oppressive. This even though almost all of those who are on secret service
terrorist watch lists are radical political Islamists, you know the religion
that Trudeau himself describes as a religion of peace while labelling Christian
conservatives as horrid, bigoted extremists. This is why he stated, "The
very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old
Stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable.
And we will replace them". And by claiming that trans-people are real
women too obviously does nothing to support the cause of feminism, not to mention
how he has treated senior female members of his government whom he dismissed
from caucus.
But that is here in Canada, but who precisely, is the source
for the global proselytizing of such stupid ideas that originated in the social
science departments of our universities since these ideas are leading to the
downfall of Western reason and values? Let us look at the WEF’s own website to discover
one of the primary sources but by no means the only source of evangelizing WOKE
Postmodern nonsense. The Global elite have weaponized these ideas as a means of
enabling greater wealth transfer from the common John and Jane into their filthy
lucre filled coffers:
“COVID-19 lockdowns may be gradually easing, but anxiety
about the world’s social and economic prospects is only intensifying. There is
good reason to worry: a sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could
be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is
likely, it is not unavoidable.
To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and
swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to
social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States
to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must
be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
All forms of social collectivism are organized systems of
mass formation psychosis! This explains why to normal folk their beliefs,
practices, and behaviours seem so odd, reactionary, weird, and perverse.
Whenever confronted with reality the parasitized will invariably project their
own mental illness onto those who dare to point out that what they believe is
psychotic delusion. And since I'm now out of the closet, as it were, I want my
readers to know that I state these things as a proud confirmed male lesbian who
pees out of my “mangina”! And if you think my assertion is nuts (since it is)
look at the attached photo from the United Nations. A picture isn't merely
worth a thousand words, it redefines the very meaning of words and reality
itself. Unless these delusions are ended, the West is lost.
Postmodern historical revisionism is busily toxifying our past which is causing our children to feel shame about their own culture. It must be noted that Mao caused the death of some 50,000,000 Chinese while pursuing a similar agenda to toxify China's cultural past. We need to recognize that our institutions of education are under a Neo-Marxist assault that is being orchestrated by international bodies, quangos and NGO’s who admit to promoting a Neo-Marxist Postmodern agenda, namely the “Great Reset of Capitalism” which is bafflegab for Marx’s and Engles’ “Dialectical Materialism” from the Communist Manifesto. We ought to learn from our history, warts, blemishes, and beauty regardless since we cannot rewrite the past nor impose our morals onto our ancestors
Noted defender of Christian values and individual liberty
Father Calvin Robinson has been driven out of Britain to assume a pastorate in
West Michigan by a perverted political class that has succumbed to the
Postmodern madness of Cultural Marxist Critical Theory whose primary goal is to
attack our faith and our families while leaving our borders open to invasion
from war torn third world countries. Britian’s government not only refuses to enforce
the rule of law, but also imports violent crime and murder while making
political prisoners and refugees of Christian preachers. We are witnessing crowds
of those who hide their faces behind masks repeatedly breaking the law
pronouncing judgement upon the social injustices of others but are only doing
so to hide their own moral failures.
In Great Britain Starmer's reign of authoritarian tyranny is
providing proof that so-called Democratic Socialism is a lie. Socialism by its
very nature must rely on coercion and force. England, the very land of Magna
Carta and the idea of personal autonomy, has resubmitted to a reworked version
of feudalism under Starmer's stupid and vindictive premiership which now has
taken political prisoners, persecutes Christian pastors, even as it releases violent
criminals who ought never to have set foot on her shores to walk upon England's
mountains green where the Holy Lamb of God, on England’s pleasant pastures were
once seen through Christ's Church which has now utterly lost its way!
Until people realize that the Postmodern narrative is false,
we will never win the present ideological battle. What is being labelled as far
right and radical left are merely variants of similar collectivist ideologies
that demand that the individual must be subsumed into a faceless social
collective as represented by the state. Statism is therefore the enemy of
individual autonomy and the equality of all under the law. For there to be real
equality Lady Justice must be kept blind to race, creed, colour, personal
beliefs and sex.
The need for revival as an antidote to WOKE ideological
“England may have been a commercial power with a cohesive
elite made up of nobles, the landed gentry, and wealthy merchants, but the
social cleavages and the resentment of the lower classes against the upper
classes were nearly as great as they were on the continent even if the details
vary. The contempt went both ways. For the most part, the upper classes cared
little for the lower classes, seeing them instead as creatures to exploit much
like their abused animals. Debauchery and drunkenness were common.
The Church of England did nothing to mitigate the
kingdom’s social problems. Since the Stuart Restoration (1660), Britain had
largely enforced conformity to the Church of England, suppressing Dissenters
including Puritans in England and Presbyterians in Scotland. Despite this,
religion was not a major theme in the period.
After the English Civil War and Commonwealth, British
elites looked on any serious commitment to religion or religious practices with
suspicion. You were expected to attend church on Sunday, have a church wedding,
baptize your children, and be buried in the churchyard, but that was about it.
Anything more than that was labeled “enthusiasm,” roughly the equivalent of
being called a “holy roller.”
The Evangelical Revival
That said, while polite society rejected anything beyond
going through the motions when it comes to faith, others especially in the
lower classes found something far more meaningful and profound in the
Evangelical Revival that swept Britain and many of its American colonies.
Interestingly, many of the leaders of these revivals were
precisely the kind of highly educated individuals who were drawn to the
Enlightenment. Jonathan Edwards, the most famous preacher of the Great
Awakening in New England, is considered by many today to be the greatest
thinker that America has produced. George Whitefield and John and Charles
Wesley were Oxford graduates.
Despite the number of intellectual elites who joined or
led the Evangelical Revival, however, it was far from an elitist movement. Some
of its leaders, while educated, were hardly part of the intellectual elite.
Howell Harris, one of the key leaders of the Welsh Revival, was a simple
schoolmaster. Further, unlike the Enlightenment, which appealed primarily to
elites, the revivals reached primarily common people, even people below the
level of literacy such as coal miners. The result was a spiritual revolution
that transformed British society.
As we face significant social upheaval and challenges in
our society, the question is, which model will we follow: a secular model built
on elitist theories of social reform, or a spiritual model based on a
recognition of sin and the need for repentance and inner transformation?
The Spiritual Revolution
According to many historians, the Evangelical Revival
helped prevent England from having its own bloody revolution on the model of
France. The message preached in these revivals emphasized not an easy
conversion experience, but repentance resulting in turning away from sin and a
transformed life. They thus looked for spiritual renewal rather than secular,
Enlightenment-driven social reform, and they did so in sufficient numbers to
keep Britain from collapsing in an orgy of violence.
This did not mean that they ignored social problems,
however. The need to root out sin in one’s life extended further to rooting it
out of society. Thus, British Evangelicals were involved in lobbying and
agitating for social reform in every area it was needed.
Most famously, this was personified in William
Wilberforce, the parliamentarian who led the fight against the slave trade but
who also was involved in nearly 70 other organizations dedicated to righting
the many wrongs in British society. In the end, he was largely successful—not
only was slavery abolished, but it was said of Wilberforce that he made
goodness fashionable in England.
As we face significant social upheaval and challenges in
our society, the question is, which model will we follow: a secular model built
on elitist theories of social reform, or a spiritual model based on a
recognition of sin and the need for repentance and inner transformation? Will
we use secular means to achieve our goals or the weapons of the Spirit—prayer,
love, and repentance? The results of each are before us. We need to choose
wisely. Future generations are depending on us.”
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