Today I want to examine three well documented versions of authoritarianism
to compare what they share in terms of the tools they employ to create group
think, or as I like to call it, “mass psychoses”. Today we will examine what
Orwell had to say in his novel 1984 about socialist authoritarianism since it
was events in Communist Russia that impacted the plot and theme of 1984.
Then I will examine the methods National Socialism employed to gain sufficient popularity
to the create group think required to unify the German people. Finally, we will
look at WOKE and its present hold on society despite recent signs that it has
come under resistance from those who dare to think for themselves. Ultimately,
we will examine how all three use a grievance narrative to foment cultural
But allow me to begin by starting at the end of this totalizing
process. By this I mean I will begin where the Sacred has collapsed into the
profane. To examine this, I hope to uncover the effects on society of the
single characteristic which defines every authoritarian government, the grievance
narrative that I just mentioned. Then I will end with a word of caution, as to why
there cannot be a political solution to a moral, philosophical, and spiritual
At the heart of every authoritarian regime lies the
delusional belief that the State ought to be given total socioeconomic control.
Once this happens the executive branch of government will cease to be limited
by the legislative branch. Which means that the executive branch may exercise
undemocratic powers that are no longer representative of the public will. This
story has been repeated all throughout human history perhaps being first best
represented by the Tower of Babel narrative. The Mesopotamians attempted to
build a system that would reach unto heaven so men could become like gods. The
Babel narrative describes a society where the Sacred had collapsed into the
profane. The outcome was confusion. An inability to communicate clearly. The
old narrative that had once informed the Mesopotamians had to be surrendered to
the ideas that could build the new order created by the Übermensch or the Over
Man. He was the superior god-like man who could create a system that would
reach unto heaven. This is why we instinctively find globalism so dangerous. Today
people shout past one another without understanding the other. What was meant
under the old narrative is forcibly displaced by “new speak”.
Orwell developed the idea of Newspeak in his dystopian novel,
"1984". It was Orwell’s attempt to examine Soviet Communism. In 1984
the “Party” limited thought and prevented rebellion by reducing the complexity
of language. Through Newspeak, Orwell explored the power of language to shape
thought and control society, thus illustrating how totalitarian control is
maintained. In 1984 Orwell showcased Newspeak's role in erasing historical
truths while manipulating public perception, emphasizing the language's
importance in maintaining the Party's dominance.
Yet today we welcome Babel 2.0! Those who are leading our
Postmodern globalizing projects are driven by grievance narratives, resentment,
pathological narcissism and the delusional belief that they are the high
priests of a system that is capable of controlling things far beyond human
comprehension. The complexity of the problems they seek to address are too multivariate
to be controlled. In my youth the old socialist left never trusted the MAN yet
now that they have become the MAN, they manifest the very thing that they once
despised, namely authoritarian autocratic overreach! This is why Justin Trudeau
has lost control of his government. Moreover, it has become obvious that he is
likely not the author of the plan to create an authoritarian Canada! But as for
Trump, on his part he is certainly not a conservative since everything he has
done since he has assumed office has been by executive order. The exchange
between these two narcissists will likely do irreversible damage to both of our
once great countries if a real statesman like Pierre Poilievre fails to shortly
become our Prime Minister to negotiate with a man who only knows how to win at
all costs.
But how did we get here? Let me be blunt, so now I will
address you who are left leaning, PBS, NRK, CBC watching, pro-abortion, gay
rights activists who support Islamic violence, who believe that Tommy Robinson
belongs in prison for exposing the rape gangs in England, who hate
Christianity, who believe in Postmodern Cultural Relativism, who think that
COVID-19 wasn't developed as a bio-weapon, who promote Cultural Marxist
Critical Gender and Race Theory, read my warnings, every single corrupt
politician and every last ideologically possessed bureaucrat who have destroyed
representative democracy, it is you ideologically addled demoniacs who are
directly responsible for the failure of our political systems and governments
all throughout the West! You obviously hate human life. You have offered
sacrifices of our unborn to Beelzebub. You detest individual accountability and
economic liberty. May your nutty Gnostic dialectical reasoning and Malthusian
view of humanity fast come to an end. Without a grievance narrative there is
not an authoritarian ideology that would exist. Your sacrilegious rituals and
festivals will no longer be celebrated by an increasing majority of us who are
disgusted by open displays of sexual deviancy to publicly force perversion on
our children!
So now that we have examined what Orwell had to say about
Soviet style communism in1984 let us examine how the other grievance narratives
Nazi policies:
The Nazi party’s policies were deliberately vague so that
they might appeal to as many people as possible. People of both right and
moderate-left wing politics joined because they agreed with at least one of
their policies which are listed as follows:
an aim to abolish the "unfair
punishment" of the Treaty of Versailles was popular with many Germans
promises of better pensions and increased
employment appealed to the common man and many traditional socialists
opposition to communism led many landowners and
businessmen to support the Nazis – they were seen as the only credible
right-wing alternative to the left-wing parties.
belief in the supremacy of the German race
appealed to nationalists.
paramilitary groups reminded people of the
comradeship they shared as soldiers during WWI
the promise to re-militarise Germany would bring
in huge industrial contracts – bringing support from many industrialists
Hitler's hatred of Jews struck a chord with many
people - they were a convenient scapegoat for all of Germany's problems and
were main aspect of the German “grievance narrative”
Use of propaganda:
Propaganda posters were aimed at women which read, “German
women, think of your children – Vote Hitler”. Propaganda is disinformation
spread to promote a political cause and to persuade people to adopt the new
narrative. Information about what the Nazis believed in and who they blamed for
Germany’s dire situation was effectively spread by the Party’s propaganda
machine run by Josef Goebbels.
These methods of campaigning were used by the
Nazis in the 1920’s which included radio (the mass media of its day)
mass rallies newspapers (MSM) like “Der Stürmer”
which literally means, “The Stormer”
Hitler's impassioned speeches inflamed German public
sentiment by telling Germans exactly what they wanted to hear
the use of simple slogans to introduce their
ideas to make them appeal to the ordinary German.
At the same time Goebbels prevented those who
opposed Nazi policies from expressing their views. This helped ensure only Nazi
messages got across to the public.
Nazi organisation:
The Nazi Party was extremely organised. This meant they were
able to convey policies to a wide range of people, while appearing to be
competent and able to run the country:
The Nazis were present in many German cities and
towns with many local offices
Nazi party members worked efficiently to spread
policies through propaganda
the Nazi Party's original paramilitary wing the Sturmabteilung
appeared to be a strong organisation which could protect Germany from its
enemies – internal as well as external.
When social unrest increased, after benefits
were cut in 1930, Hitler used fear of Communism to get support from industrialists.
Alfred Hugenberg, an industrialist who owned a chain of newspapers, and Fritz
Thyssen, a steel manufacturer, along with other industrialists formed the
Harzburg Front.
The Harzburg Front helped finance the Nazi
election campaigns in 1932-1933. This ensured the Communists were defeated.
And now that we have examined how the Soviet, and the
Nazi grievance narratives operated, let us examine the prevailing WOKE
Perceived grievance and individualising moralities:
exploring the psychological structure of left-wing authoritarianism: Identity politics
and social justice:
Social justice movements have had an increasing influence on
society, particularly in the form of Identity Politics. These movements
seek to empower individuals by promoting a narrative of certain group
identities as marginalized entities, which are polarized against other
privileged group identities. Social justice calls attention to forms of
structural oppression that produce inequalities, including patriarchy, systemic
racism, white privilege, and heteronormativity. Moreover, it has been suggested
that a key attribute of leftist Identity Politics and social justice ideology
are perceptions of victimhood, with awareness of privilege and oppression
referring to the capacity to recognize social injustices arising from systemic
privilege and oppression. Dr. Angelo Fasce and Dr. Diego Avendaño recently
found that Identity Politics was composed of three dimensions: perceived
grievance, identity-based ideology and prejudice toward groups perceived as
privileged, which was then related to extreme justice-seeking behavior.
Leftist authoritarian attempts to enforce ideological
adherence have gradually emerged through censorship, disciplinary action, and
other implicit forms of illiberalism. Social penalties are most pervasive on
social media, where individuals can face a torrent of shout-downs, demands for
retractions, and deplatforming. It has been suggested that algorithmic ordering
and engagement metrics on social media platforms incentivize hostility and
moral outrage. As ideas expressed in speech become increasingly regulated,
studies show that political correctness has been steadily reemerging. For
example, the rise of safe spaces and trigger warnings on university campuses
rationalize speech regulations on the grounds that certain language is
emotionally dangerous and can be perceived as a form of
violence. Lukianoff and Haidt argue that cognitive distortions are driving
political correctness norms and policies, with exaggerated patterns of thought
mobilized in calls for speech protections. Cognitive distortions magnify threat
perceptions and generate maladaptive behavioral consequences such as emotional
reasoning, all-or-nothing thinking, and catastrophizing. Thus, Lukianoff
and Haidt argue that shielding individuals from ideas that might cause
discomfort encourages unhealthy mental habits and psychological fragility.
An intolerance of diverse ideas is also seen with ‘cancel
culture’, a form of reputation destruction where an individual may be
maliciously bullied and socially ostracized for expressing allegedly
problematic beliefs. Kaufmann recently found high levels of
authoritarianism and political discrimination in western universities, where
one in ten academics endorsed extreme forms of cancellation. Narrowing
social norms of acceptable discourse has seemingly coincided with an increase
in dogmatic political views and affective polarization. While examining
powerful discourses is a valid enterprise, these ideologies do not submit
themselves to the marketplace of ideas, thereby inhibiting legitimate
disagreement and productive dialogue.
In Conclusion:
The equality of all before the law and laws that are
enforced blindly without regard for our individual identity is the only
possible way for Lady Justice to remain blind. All authoritarian regimes assign
blame and innocence based on immutable traits that we have no control over
divorced from our own moral rectitude. The West was built on the idea that
everyone is created in the image of God and therefore deserves to be treated as
such, as individuals who are each possessed with their own unique divine worth.
Therefore, Christianity is where identity politics goes to die.
Galatians 3 (KJV)
26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ
27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ
have put on Christ.
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond
nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and
heirs according to the promise.
This is the only Divine path to justice and true equality.
Christ Himself has borne our grievances and has atoned for our sins. In light
of His finished work all we can have is gratitude for His Divine atonement and His
undeserved mercy toward us sinners! Grievance narratives have been responsible
for creating hell on earth and continue to do so. As Christians let us help to
usher in His Kingdom on earth by ending these toxic resentful ideas to restore
the West as a Christian enterprise.
Galatians 5:1 (KJV)
“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ
hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”
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