Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Trolls, children's tales, and the myth of the Trudeau government


Today I am going to use two children’s fables to illustrate a point since it is quite telling so much wisdom needed to address adult issues are to be found in them. But first allow me to read an article from the Toronto Sun on trolls.

From the Toronto Sun in an article by Warren Kinsella entitled: Time for Canadians to put Justin Trudeau on permanent vacation published Apr 18, 2023

“As Andrew Coyne memorably said: They‘re just trolling us, now. The Trudeau Liberals, that is. “Trolling,” generally, is Internet slang for a person who intentionally tries to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments with someone else. In this case, specifically, it’s Justin Trudeau signalling — once and for all, beyond any reasonable doubt — that he doesn’t give a rat’s ass what you, his employers, think. That’s the bad news.

The good news — and Lord knows we could use some, as you will shortly see — is that the CBC still knows how to publish stories that are highly, highly damaging to Justin Trudeau. Just a day after Elon Musk’s Twitter labelled the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation “government-funded media,” thereby implying that the CBC is effectively on Trudeau’s political payroll, the Mother Corp. struck back.  First thing Tuesday morning, CBC’s French-language news team broke a pretty big story: Trudeau and his family spent the Christmas holidays at something called Prospect, an uber-rich seaside estate owned by the Green family in Jamaica. Who, CBC reported, had previously made a huge donation to the Trudeau Foundation.

Which, as we all know, is now at the very epicentre of the metastasizing Chinese election and influence-peddling scandal. Well done, CBC. Take note, Elon Musk. The trip cost taxpayers — you and me — some $160,000 because of security and personnel costs. Trudeau’s staff, CBC noted, had been billeted at a nearby resort. All-inclusive, natch. Trudeau’s fart-catchers will claim, and have, that the trip was cleared by the Ethics Commissioner. Said office now being led by the sister-in-law of one of Trudeau’s cabinet ministers, who also happens to be one of his best friends.

But nobody outside of Ottawa cares what the “Ethics Commissioner” says, anymore. From Whitehorse to Windsor, regular Canadians don’t need an “Ethics Commissioner” to tell them what is right and what is wrong. Morally wrong, ethically wrong. Regular folks know Trudeau’s latest vacation on the public dime is wrong — and profoundly, deeply disgusting — for two big reasons. One, it’s Trudeau — a multi-millionaire, remember — spending other people’s money recklessly. At a time when the vast majority of them can’t afford a trip to the grocery store, let alone an exclusive retreat in Jamaica. Two, it’s wrong because it shows the Liberal prime minister’s utter disregard for the seriousness of the Chinese election and influence-peddling scandal. When the foundation that bears his family name has been used as a vehicle by Chinese agents to influence Trudeau, is it wise to spend the holidays at the Caribbean mansion of a known Trudeau Foundation donor?

Said another: “I can’t explain why he provides (the Opposition) with ammunition and feeds these kinds of attacks.” I can tell you why. And it’s the bad news, mentioned right off the top. It’s this: Justin Trudeau just doesn’t care. He doesn’t care what any of us think, anymore. He doesn’t give a sweet damn. And he’s going to keep doing things like this until he can’t anymore. Which is up to us. Because, at the earliest opportunity, we need to vote the jerk out.

Enough is enough.”

Graft, nepotism, lobbying, favouritism, venality, greed, faux virtue signalling, lies, dissembling, broken promises, failed policies based on pipe dreams, cover-ups, projecting blame, narcissism, blindness to failings, refusal to be held accountable, incompetence, lack of qualifications are all characteristics indicative of champagne socialists who are driven by the unrelenting false belief that life is a zero-sum game so they just gotta get their own share of the pie and then some! Why? This species of human doesn't produce anything themselves. They are a parasitic class of succubuses who feed off those who actually produce like leeches until they've sucked the last drop of blood out of their hosts to support their entitled privilege until even the host dies leaving them to devour one another.

Note that this species of individual has never worked in the production section of the private sector. If they have any professional expertise, it is invariably in an area which feeds off the private sector where the actual production of energy, goods, and services occur. Most often they are investment bankers and lawyers whose careers are based upon manipulating others to their advantage. The most ingenious method for political destruction ever developed is revealed by examining how many means by which Marxist Dialectical Materialist theory has worked its hideous way into central planning policies aimed at controlling resources and the means of production! Things which investment bankers and lawyers have no first-hand knowledge of yet nevertheless insist on controlling. And always they adhere to their belief life is a zero-sum game where they ensure their own control over what they haven’t made themselves. 

There are so many metaphors from fairy tales which can provide us with some insight as to the nature of their scheming. I am fond of the Norwegian myth about trolls:

“Trolls call me

moon of dwelling-Rungnir,

giant’s wealth-sucker,

storm-sun’s bale,

seeress’s friendly companion,

guardian of corpse-fiord,

swallower of heaven-wheel;

what is a troll other than that?

No matter the type of troll, they all have some characteristics in common. Aside from being unfriendly, they’re also generally depicted as stupid and dangerous. They may set clever riddles but they’re usually easy enough for humans to overcome.

Getting the better of trolls

One tale tells of Askeladden, the youngest son of a farmer who needed wood from the forest to pay off his debts. When his first two sons went into the forest and returned empty handed – having been scared away by the troll – Askeladden went into the forest with a piece of cheese to keep him from starving.

When he encountered the angry troll, Askeladden pulled out the piece of cheese and, pretending it was a rock, squeezed it until the whey came out.

Thus, the troll was fooled and, fearing his great strength, offered to help the boy with his wood cutting.

After working hard, the troll invited the boy back to his home for a meal. As he was tending the fire, he pointed to two huge buckets and asked the boy to fetch water.

The boy realized that he couldn’t carry such massive buckets, let alone filled with water, so he claimed they were too small and that he would simply bring the whole spring instead.

The troll obviously didn’t want a whole spring in his house and so they exchanged chores. The boy tended the fire while the troll went to get water to make porridge. Once it was ready the boy suggested they have an eating contest.

They ate as much as they could, however the boy had placed his knapsack under his shirt and was filling it with the porridge, without the troll noticing. Once it was full he slashed a hole in it and continued to eat.

Once the troll was full and could eat no more, the boy suggested that the troll cut a hole in his stomach, like they boy appeared to have done, so that he could eat as much as he liked. The troll, being rather stupid, did so and promptly died. Thus, the boy took all of his gold and silver and the farmer could pay off his debts.”

This is exactly what our unqualified elite class are doing, engorging themselves at the taxpayers’ expense until their own greed will cause them to burst their own gluttonous bellies. Let us take the advice of Askeladden to take back the gold and silver they have stolen from us.

Then consider The Little Red Hen:

“Once upon a time, Little Red Hen lived on a farm with a dog, a pig and a cow. Little Red Hen worked hard every day to grow plants in her garden. The dog, the pig, and the cow did nothing but sleep all day in the warm sun and watch Little Red Hen work in her garden.

One day, Little Red Hen found a grain of wheat. "Who will help me plant this wheat so that we can eat fresh bread?" she said. "Not I," said the dog. "Not I," said the pig. "Not I," said the cow. "I will plant it myself then," said Little Red Hen, and she planted the grain of wheat.

Little Red Hen took good care of her wheat, but the dog, the pig and the cow said they were too tired to help.

By the end of the summer, the wheat grew very tall. It was time to cut the wheat and take it to the mill. "Who will help me cut the wheat and take it to the mill so that we can have fresh bread?" "Not I," said the dog. "Not I," said the pig. "Not I," said the cow. "Well then, I will take it to the mill myself," said Little Red Hen, and she cut the wheat and set off for the mill.

After the miller made wheat into soft flour, she came back to the farm and asked, "Who will help me bake the bread?" "Not I," said the dog. "Not I," said the pig. "Not I," said the cow. "Well then, I will bake the bread myself." And she did just that! She mixed the flour with salt and yeast to make the dough. After the dough rose, she put it in the oven to bake.

When the bread was done, she asked, "Who will help me eat the bread?" "I will", said the dog. "I will", said the pig. "I will", said the cow. "No, you will not," said Little Red Hen. "You did not help me plant the grain, and you did not help me care for it. You did not help me cut it and take it to the mill. You did not even help me make the bread. I will eat it myself." And she did.”

Isn’t it remarkable that all the wisdom required to deal with this entitled class of oligarchs is to be found in children’s fairy tales. And as Andrew Coyne stated, they are just trolling us now. So let us use Askeladden’s example to deal with such trolls and take the Little Red Hen’s advice about production, we made the bread, while they made it harder for us to do so with their damnable central planning and illiberal authoritarian control over this nation’s resources and economy, so let us eat it ourselves and leave these trolls and succubuses to be undone by their own venal stupidity. 

1 comment:

  1. The best you have made! Even a child can understad and there is no excuse left!


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