Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Why I am going after the head of the snake


Why I am going after the head of the snake:

Understanding the human hearts comes but one way, by the living Word of God through revelation and in this age where sound doctrine is no longer endured that is needed more than ever. From Hebrews 4: 12 For the word of God is living, and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 And there is no creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and laid open before the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

As long as Cultural Marxist snakes in the grass are hiding in the underbrush waiting to strike the problem of sexualizing our children will not go away. Although I laud those who protest such perversion by confronting such deviancy in person most appear not to know that the source of this apostasy is Cultural Marxist Critical Theory.

I just had a paedophiliac sympathising woman on Pastor Derek Reimer's Facebook page tell me that men dressed as women painted like a tart on payday reading provocative literature to tiny tots wasn't sexualizing children. Some may call this behaviour liberal while I call it godless Marxism. There is nothing viler than a revolutionary ideology possessed servant of cultural genocide claiming they're in any way liberal. And there's no faster path to creating Hell on earth than by corrupting our youth. Georg Lukacs wrote about teaching children perversion in Critical Theory and his pathological ideas are being fulfilled right before our very eyes. Pastor Derek Reimer needs to understand that this wickedness is the direct result of these apostate idea pathogens and that they are being taught throughout Academia. As long as this happens libraries will continue to host trans reading hours.

It is the duty of every Christian teacher to educate their Churches on the present dangers of these apostasies. Sadly, it appears that most teachers are aware of the symptoms of the problem these ideas create but not the false doctrines creating the problem. Cultural Marxist Critical Theory, Postmodernism, WOKE, the Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Equity (DIE) Religion, Climate Catastrophizing, Gender Theories, et al, are all extensions of Marxist thought. Without understanding  how to counter these idea pathogens while educating their fellow Christians on their nature and origin, false doctrines will continue to abound leaving believers unequipped to deal with the aftermath.

2 Timothy:

2 preach the word; be urgent in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.

3 For the time will come when they will not endure the sound doctrine; but, having itching ears, will heap to themselves teachers after their own lusts;

4 and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside unto fables.

A quote from The New Discourses Podcast with James Lindsay, Episode 54;

"Through brand names like “comprehensive sex education” and one of its parent programs, “Social-Emotional Learning (SEL),” our government schools have been turned into Groomer Schools, and parents are beginning to notice. What many will not understand, however, is that this isn’t just a fluke of our weird and increasingly degenerate times. It is, in fact, a long-purposed Marxist project reaching back into the early 20th century. In this episode of the New Discourses Podcast, join James Lindsay as he explains the long history of the sexual grooming that has come into our schools through Critical Gender Theory and Queer Theory as they have crept into educational programs. If you want an explanation for how sexually explicit materials, gender ideology, pornography, and strippers have made their way into our government schools, including for young children, this is a must-hear."- end quote.

Any idiot who says the old order needs to be dismantled while believing they have the wisdom and the tools to rebuild a new system which of necessity must be voluntary for it to work is by definition a narcissistic psychopath. Throughout history those who have made such assertions always turned out to be murderous, delusional tyrants. And the source of all this delusion lies in the failure to understand human nature which all the social engineers in the world have never been able to alter. And of all the narcissistic delusions social engineers engage in today is the failure to understand the evolutionary nature of the biological chromosomal differences between the sexes.

The radical left can only operate under a veil of secrecy. Note that what was labelled as conspiracy two years ago has now been revealed as fact. Fauci lied when he stated the USA was not cooperating with and funding dangerous viral research in conjunction with the CCP. Justin Trudeau's government hid the truth regarding why two Chinese virologists were detained by the RCMP in Winnipeg for sending deadly live pathogens to Wuhan who then were sent packing back to China.

But here's what the left ignores, the Christian right can only function in an environment of complete transparency under parliamentary oversight when dutiful believers hold the political and bureaucratic class accountable. It is only because of this we now know that COVID measures weren't supposed to mitigate COVID but rather rob us of liberty and our God given right to gather in worship without fear of censor.

A snake is basically a spinal creature controlled by its brain stem. That's what the radical left are, creatures driven by base instincts. They are venomous snakes operating reflexively to strike at their victims under the cover of secrecy. That is the basic nature of the radical left to disguise their actual intent. And it is our Christian duty to expose them. Undoubtedly this is the metaphorical reason behind the story of St. Patrick driving the snakes out of Ireland for base creatures and the Gospel cannot coincide.

Choose transparency, choose limited constitutional government, choose the truth, and help expose the illiberal authoritarian lies of the radical left! Most importantly counter the perversion of our most vulnerable and innocent. Trans reading hour has nothing to do with anything other than the corruption of that which is natural so that Marxist deviance can supplant Godly order.

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