Thursday, July 20, 2023

What Peterson gets wrong


Humans are the only creature which has been gifted with the ability to speak. Moreover, we are the only creature in creation able to use that gift to deceive ourselves and others like no other creature can. Chimps may be able to recognize other chimps' beliefs which is a form of second order thinking. They even may use verbal deception to mislead other chimps to hide a food source they don’t wish to be found. But no other creature has our level of ability to use their voice to deceive better than humans. And the most effective deception is to make something appear to be good, desirable, innocuous, or beneficial. It is fascinating to note that the most hyper linked text ever created is the Bible. It is an invaluable source of metaphorical narratives, and it begins with such a story of deception.

From Genesis chapter 3 KJV:

3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.

This story contains several deceptions couched in lies but for the purpose of this discussion let me examine, “ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” Isn’t it telling that Nietzsche stated virtually the identical thing? “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?” ~  Nietzsche, The Gay Science, Section 125. With Nietzsche we see the emergence of the transhumanist idea of creating a new man, a man capable of transcending the limitations of our humanity to become like God. From this lie proceeds all the other delusional transhumanist beliefs but that will be a discussion for another blog and vodcast. For the purpose of today’s discussion, I wish to focus on how the capacity for speech is used to deceive others under the guise of false flags. Such lies are invariably hidden within the metaphor of, “Hath God said?” in order to deceive the unsuspecting into buying into the lie.

The lie of the left versus right political divide: 

What is Dr. Peterson getting wrong in defining conservatism, classical liberalism, and socialism or any other political epithet one might wish to apply to explaining the political divide? The term left versus right was coined during the French Revolution. Those who sat to the left of the King in the French National Assembly did not believe that the executive branch of government led by the King ought to have absolute power to govern while those who sat to the right of the King believed in the divine right of Kings to rule without parliamentary consent. Given that the Left versus Right political spectrum is a French idea one must ask therefore why we chose to confuse the definition originally provided by the French which defines the nature of limited government? No conservative, classical liberal or libertarian believes that the executive branch of government ought to govern without parliamentary oversight. Moreover, based upon the evidence of our own eyes we can see how under the socialism of the so-called “welfare state”, which has anything but the welfare of the citizen in mind, the absolute power of the executive branch to govern without parliamentary oversight has increased exponentially. Why Peterson remains ignorant or confused about this fact is remarkable, but then again, he is a remarkable man and as any man is subject to all the frailties and contradictions inherent to being a man. All his talk of trait conscientiousness and trait openness determining our level of creativity aside, how do we know if the left has gone too far Dr. Peterson? You ought to have asked how do we know if the right has gone too far because those you are labelling as both left and right are in fact both examples of the extreme right wing according to the original definition provided to us from the French Revolution.

Language as a tool of manipulation and other such postmodern realities: 

Human beings will often use language couched in phrases intended consciously or unconsciously to disguise our real intent. We often hide our intent in phrasing which may seem beneficial at first but when put into practice will have negative outcome. So let us talk honestly about the nature and origins of social collectivism.

The origin of the “Hive Mind”: 

It is fascinating to note that it is only after “the death of God”, as Nietzsche had put it, that the hive mind emerged on its own merit as a force for social deconstructionism. This of course refers to the fact that society writ large was no longer ensconced within a Christian ethos due to science and technology replacing man’s need for God, or so many thought. 

The emergence of the Übermensch: 

Socialism and the super man, how toxic ideas of transcending our evolutionary biology created socialism and all of its many offshoots which subsequently went to war with one another.


“There's No Denying the Socialist Roots of Fascism

Fascism is a form of socialism. As such, it does not engage in a fight between left and right, but between different leftists’ ideologies.

In the past few decades, there has been a deep discussion about the ideological roots of fascism, and above all, a great misunderstanding about the collectivist principles that this authoritarian movement promulgated. To understand this ideology better, it is necessary to know in depth the life, beliefs, and principles of both its political leaders (such as Benito Mussolini) and its philosophical leaders (such as Giovanni Gentile).

Mussolini was an Italian military man, journalist, and politician who was a member of the Italian Socialist Party for 14 years. In 1910, he was appointed editor of the weekly La Lotta di Classe (The Class Struggle), and the following year he published an essay entitled “The Trentino as seen by a Socialist.” His journalism and political activism led him to prison, but soon after he was released, the Italian Socialist Party—increasingly strong and having achieved an important victory at the Congress of Reggio Emilia—put him in charge of the Milanese newspaper Avanti!”

More from this article as to why the “hive mind” manifest the Zeitgeist of the Übermensch 

“Who Is the Ideological Father of Fascism?

Practically everyone knows that Karl Marx is the ideological father of communism and socialism and that Adam Smith is the father of capitalism and economic liberalism. Do you know, in contrast, who the mind behind fascism is? It’s very likely that you don’t, and I can tell you in advance that the philosopher behind fascism was also an avowed socialist.

Giovanni Gentile, a neo-Hegelian philosopher, was the intellectual author of the “doctrine of fascism,” which he wrote in conjunction with Benito Mussolini. Gentile’s sources of inspiration were thinkers such as Hegel, Nietzsche, and also Karl Marx.

Gentile went so far as to declare “Fascism is a form of socialism, in fact, it is its most viable form.” One of the most common reflections on this is that fascism is itself socialism based on national identity.

Gentile believed that all private action should be oriented to serve society. He was against individualism, for him there was no distinction between private and public interest. In his economic postulates, he defended compulsory state corporatism, wanting to impose an autarkic state (basically the same recipe that Hitler would use years later).

A basic aspect of Gentile’s logic is that liberal democracy was harmful because it was focused on the individual which led to selfishness. He defended “true democracy” in which the individual should be subordinated to the State. In that sense, he promoted planned economies in which it was the government that determined what, how much, and how to produce.

Gentile and another group of philosophers created the myth of socialist nationalism, in which a country well directed by a superior group could subsist without international trade, as long as all individuals submitted to the designs of the government. The aim was to create a corporate state. It must be remembered that Mussolini came from the traditional Italian Socialist Party, but due to the rupture with this traditional Marxist movement, and due to the strong nationalist sentiment that prevailed at the time, the bases for creating the new “nationalist socialism,” which they called fascism, were overturned.

Fascism nationalized the arms industry, however, unlike traditional socialism, it did not consider that the state should own all the means of production, but more that it should dominate them. The owners of industries could “keep” their businesses, as long as they served the directives of the state. These business owners were supervised by public officials and paid high taxes. Essentially, “private property” was no longer a thing. It also established the tax on capital, the confiscation of goods of religious congregations and the abolition of episcopal rents. Statism was the key to everything, thanks to the nationalist and collectivist discourse, all the efforts of the citizens had to be in favor of the State.”

Therefore, Fascism is the antithesis of Liberalism & Capitalism just as are all other forms of socialist lies inherent to the “hive mind”!

And my story of Vemork . As I often state I love telling stories which personalize and give perspective to my blogging and vodcasting. When I lived in Norway, I was fascinated by the determination of the Norwegian resistance fighters to rid themselves of Nazi tyranny. It is estimated that Norway had the highest level of occupation per citizen of any country at roughly one Nazi square head to eight Norwegians. And the bastards had turned Norway into a baby making factory to produce perfect blond, blue eyed little Aryans. I detest tyranny and the jack-booted mentality indicative of the Fascist/Nazi version of socialism. Vemork is where the square heads were producing heavy water so that Hitler’s scientists could develop a nuclear weapon. Located in the mountains of Telemark on the edge of Hardangervidda Plateau the hydro station was ideal for producing D2O. It sits above the village of Rjukan which lies in a valley on the far side of Gaustatoppen from where my wife’s cottage (hytta) was located in Bondal. Fascinated by the idea of the resistance I asked Anne-Siri to drive me over Gausta to the hydro museum. Gaustatoppen is my favourite mountain, you can see a full quarter of Norway from his peak. Plus, the fact you can actually drive over him if you are careful to watch out for the sheep sunning themselves in the road makes the journey magical. The only way I can describe it is that it is an otherworldly drive straight out of the Lord of the Rings.

After we drove through the little village of Rjukan hidden as it is from the sun for much of the year since the valley in which it sits is so steep we continued on up to Vemork where I was thrilled to see firsthand the inside of the old Hydro museum. What had happened at Vemork had helped to determine the entire future course of human history. If Hitler had managed to develop nuclear weapons, we may well have been confronted with a Reich that would have lasted a thousand years. You can appreciate then why I wanted to understand the minds of those who fought so bravely to keep this technology out of the hands of a maniacal madman’s scientists since without deuterium the Nazis could not produce a nuclear weapon. In the depths of Vemork was a workers’ exhibit which declared that many of the resistance fighters were in fact communists. There was an exhibit featuring a shrine to the Bolshevik Revolution. I was shocked since I had laboured under the misapprehension that these men had fought to end totalitarian state control rather than over which version of it they preferred. Boy was I naïve! And with great misgivings I rest my case for today. All forms of social collectivism are mental pathogens and humans hide their real intent couched in language that disguises their actual agenda. The hive mind is Satan’s counterfeit for the individual realization of liberty that can only be experience with a revelation of Christ. It is only in Christ that we can become fully human and fully actualized as individual members of his body, each possessed with unique gifts to serve Him rather than the socialist collective. Don’t let the hive mind leave you behind falsely believing the Serpent’s lies of “hath God said”?

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Why God loves a Capitalist and other such truths that belie social constructionism


In this age of believing we can be whatever we want to be or better yet, feel that we are without offering substantiating evidence, you’d better read this. In my last vodcast I mentioned that I explain myself best when telling a story of which I have personal experience rather than simply discussing issues in a detached and impersonal manner. I know you lefties love feelings so herein I will share mine. I am an erstwhile musician who years ago booked and hosted many shows featuring award winning roots music artists of some renown. I did this for two primary reasons. Firstly, I was deeply moved by my guest artists’ ability to convey raw soul with such passion and skill. This included that of the sidemen I had hired to perform in the house bands required to host such musical journeys. Secondly, being a man of limited talent, I knew that the ONLY way that I would ever get to perform with the calibre of talent I was featuring in my shows was to book them myself. This allowed me to focus on the business of running the show since I didn’t labour under any misapprehensions about my own talent, or indeed lack thereof. No matter how much I may of ideated or desired to be a great player, my own limitations disabused me of any such notions. And if ever I got too cocky my fellow musicians were always more than willing to straighten me out. I could wish that I were a Paul Butterfield or an Elvin Bishop but that was not in the cards for me. Oddly now that I no longer play live, my playing has improved since I have little else to occupy me in my retirement.

Yet we have developed a society and a school system that teaches children that there are no limitations. It does our children no service when we teach them that life is without constraints. Teaching them to achieve to the best of their ability through hard work, dedication, initiative, study, and cooperation will allow them to test their own boundaries to find out for themselves where their strengths and weaknesses lie. Our job as parents is to support such activity will providing encouragement rather than filling their heads with ideas built on fantasies. Every game can only be played within the rules which constrain the game for it is the rules which make playing a game possible. Since all games seek to emulate life, we need not expect that life itself ought to be free of constraints. Possibilities only exist within constraints; this principle is deeply embedded in the prerequisites for game play. Obviously, games also have winners and losers since equity of outcome would nullify the very point of competing in a game where the ideal outcome is winning. And since not all can be winners the manner in which we accept and deal with the constraints of the game will determine whether or not we have behaved in a sporting manner.

The impossibility of equal outcome is a mathematical reality. I have spoken about this prior but nevertheless it bears repeating that this principle can be mathematically determined. It is known both as the Pareto Principle as well as the Matthew Principle from Matthew 25 in the Gospels. The Pareto distribution is a powerful tool for modeling a variety of real-life phenomena. It is named after the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who developed the distribution in the 1890s as a way to describe the allocation of wealth in society. He famously observed that 80% of society’s wealth was controlled by 20% of its population, a concept now known as the “Pareto Principle” or the “80-20 Rule”. When employed as a Quality Resource I used this to determine what top 5 issues were affecting the assembly line I monitored since within that top 5 issues existed 80% of the assembly lines’ issues.

So, let’s examine Matthew 25 and the harsh yet mathematically determined nature of its reality:

“14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

15 And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.

16 Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.

17 And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two.

18 But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.

19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh, and reckoneth with them.

20 And so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, thou deliveresdt unto me five talents: behold, I have gained beside them five talents more.

21 His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

22 He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst unto me two talents: behold, I have gained two other talents beside them.

23 His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

24 Then he which had received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed:

25 And I was afraid, and went and hid thy talent in the earth: lo, there thou hast that is thine.

26 His lord answered and said unto him, Thou wicked and slothful servant, thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed:

27 Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury.

28 Take therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten talents.

29 For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

If ever there was proof that God is a free trade, free market loving Capitalist, here we have said proof. Note the constraints were “every man according to his several ability” and that from the onset nothing was distributed evenly. Moreover, that the outcome was inequitably distributed to the point where the guy who had the least had his taken away to be given to the fellow with the most who had traded most wisely according to his several abilities. This is why socialism’s essential premise is a Godless lie. At its heart it seeks to undo the mathematical reality discovered by Pareto and the metaphorical and spiritual reality written of in Matthew 25. Therefore, the idea that we can be whatever we want to be or that we are equally fitted to every possible task is literally an infectious insanity being seeded from Academia where professors with nutty ideas are attempting to turn our children into individuals who are utterly unfit to confront the harsh realities of life. For nothing we do can reshape reality and the inevitability of unequal outcomes, or indeed of the limitations placed upon us by the nature of our abilities. It is only by dealing properly with the constraints presented by life while using their talents wisely that children will learn to flourish and thrive not despite of the constraints but because of them!



Wednesday, July 12, 2023

The long march of a saxophonist

A friend of mine from the Peace, Order and Good Government group, otherwise known as POGG, remarked today on one of my frequent and many posts about the prevailing skullduggery in government and the telling silence or complacency on the part of the press to report on it, “If only the media could become ethical because a significant part of the population needs to wise up.” This is certainly true so we must ask ourselves what changed from the days when investigative journalism was expected to hold the government accountable? Since the legacy media no longer plays this key role in holding politicians’ and public servants’ feet to the fire what has changed between when that was its role and now? The answer to that is both simple and complex. It is the story of the cunning and uncanny successes of some of the most pernicious idea pathogens ever to parasitise public discourse. And it involves the long march through the institutions. Which provides me with today’s segue into my story, my first confrontation with a Cultural Marxist child studies professor from Brock University over a decade ago.

I was at Brant Parker’s open mic jam one evening at one of our favourite watering holes in Thorold, Ontario. Donnelly’s Pub is known for hosting blues with Brant as its preeminent band leader, guitar virtuoso, and their booking agent. One of the frequent guests of Brant’s jam was an acquaintance of mine by the name of Hans Skott-Myhre. Hans is a saxophonist by night and a child studies professor by day. Hans also had played on a couple of my own gigs since he is a very capable sax player. It turned out however on that night in question that I found Hans had a far more impactful talent, namely that of disseminating Postmodern literary criticism and Cultural Marxist Critical Theory to his students. That evening we became involved in a discussion about his Marxist ideas when I asked him if he felt it would be necessary for the Marxist Revolution to become violent. His answer was telling, he stated, “We do not think so, we believe that we can march through all the institutions to capture them from within.” Boy was he right, both then and now! And here is his bio:

“Hans Skott-Myhre is a Professor in the Child and Youth Studies Department at Brock University. He is cross appointed to the graduate program in Popular Culture as well as being core faculty for the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Humanities and adjunct faculty in the Child and youth Care program at the University of Victoria. His undergraduate work was in comparative literature, and he holds a M.Ed. in Educational Psychology, both from the University of Washington. His doctoral work includes two Ph.D.’s from the University of Minnesota. The first is in Adult Education and a second from the Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature Department in Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society. Research interests include radical and political approaches to youth/adult relations, subcultures, critical disability studies and anti-psychiatry, post-capitalist subjectivity, post-Marxist politics, undoing whiteness, and political readings of popular culture. He is the author of Youth Subcultures as Creative Force: Creating New Spaces for Radical Youth Work, co-author with Chris Richardson of Habitus of the Hood and co-editor with K. Gharabaghi and M. Krueger of With Children and Youth. He has published multiple articles, reviews and book chapters.”

Yes, “post-capitalist subjectivity, post-Marxist politics, undoing whiteness, and political readings of popular culture.” Well, you simply cannot make that shit up, and man has it been successful in capturing the minds of perhaps the majority of those who were subjected to it in the Academy. Life to the Cultural Marxist is all about power. Ethics is an outdated idea invented by privileged white men to force compliance to arbitrary standards that serve the patriarchy and other such nonsensical drivel. So, to my friend who posed the original question regarding why the media isn’t ethical, ethics does not serve the revolution, so why should they be ethical? From the universities these ideas have spread into every aspect of common parlance and social order. Its dictates are now being enforced by radical legislation that flies in the face of both English Common Law and the Charter. These facts too must be ignored so as to further the cultural revolution, and nothing must be permitted to hinder the process. Mischaracterization, tautology, gas lighting, mockery, derision, which were once considered to be deeply unintellectual, and indicative of a weak mind are now the rule of the day. Worse, this gross perversion of the very function of higher education is guised in terms that make it sound just, fair, and equitable so that the revolutionary faithful can silence others while enforcing blind compliance to dictates which are so incoherent and arbitrary that it leaves me wondering what could or indeed what would cause anyone to fall prey to them.

In 2014 while I was still living in Norway, I had not yet fully comprehended the nature of this ideology but I knew something was was causing the Norwegian government to apparently sabotage its own stated agendas only then to emerge as the only one who could address the very problems that they had created. This is of course the direct result of toxic thinking which had captured many of the folks tasked with achieving goals which were seldom being met. I am convinced now that the failures were deliberate since the key to understanding Marxism is that it is hellbent on destruction and tearing things down. Some working in the system may not have been fully aware that this is Marxism’s agenda however that is its actual goal. We need not wonder therefore why since 2015 under Trudeau’s radical Neo-Marxist agenda we have been witnessing such a concerted attack on our economy, our personal freedom, accompanied by a legislated increase in state censorship replete with mandated speech laws. Trudeau’s attack on our energy sector, the economy, and our personal autonomy has but one goal, to collapse the current system and institute total Marxist state control, a form of totalitarianism under the kid gloved guise of kindness. Life in Trudeau’s Canada is like being smothered to death with a fluffy pillow covered in a rainbow flag pillowcase. 

However my wife was not deceived about their agenda, either in 2014 or certainly today. Back in 2014 I was losing what little was left of my sanity, so I asked her to put a name to this doctrine of destruction, this parasitical philosophy, this ideological idiocy. She then asked me in her charming Norwegian accent, “Have you read about the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism and its doctrine of Critical Theory Billy Boy?”, “Uhm, no”, I replied despite my previous encounter two or three years prior in Thorold with Professor Hans. She answered, “Well you better read up on it now because that’s what you are seeing!” 

So, here we are, at the tail end of a Cultural Marxist Revolution that most of you might not even be cognisant of even though many will be aware of the idiotic WOKE agenda that it has spawned. The daily hit to our economic well-being, the doubling of interest rates which we saw take place under Canada’s first incarnation of Marxism with P.E. Trudeau is happening yet again under his ideologically addled son Justin. We are witnesses to the deliberate ruination of our energy sector which could easily ease the burden of debt created by Trudeau’s litany of failed and costly policies. Even if we were to elect another leader with better policies, we need to recognize that our ideological enemies were right, we must take back the institutions that have been parasitized from within. And the first and foremost intellectual parasite which is infecting society today is the necessity of ridding ourselves of the delusional Neo-Marxist ideas brought about by Cultural Marxist revolutionaries who have gamed the system against the common man. Right Dr. Hans? After all, this is how you and your ilk have managed to be so completely successful in your attempt to tear it all down! You have infected our sacred institutions turning them into hermit crabs, since the outer shell may look the same, but it is no longer indicative of the insipid and bloodless creature that dwells within it! A hideous creature of your creation!

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Canada: Postmodern, dystopic, and no longer free!


Let’s discuss why we are living in an age of Orwellian Memory Holing. The sheer number of times the legacy media attempts to alter the facts of what they previously reported as "news" is proof they aren't in pursuit of the truth but rather are deliberately socializing forced conformity to the State's arbitrary dictates! This reality has now become demonstrable fact. Their repeated pathetic attempts to justify the failure of the government’s pandemic policies, its resulting attack on constitutional rights and the disastrous results of lockdowns on the economy are only further compounded by the absolute botching of the COVID inoculation’s effectiveness and safety. The press deliberately ignored the fact that the inoculant had been developed in the same laboratory where the CCP had been working on developing bioweapons for military purposes, and that the Canadian government had helped the CCP to do so. This help included funding, cooperating, and sharing deadly pathogens with the Communist Chinese military. To add insult to injury, the press ignored that Trudeau’s government mischaracterized us by claiming that to recognize that the regime responsible for oppressing and murdering its own citizens somehow makes us into racists while choosing to ignore the fact that the CCP poses an extrinsic threat to the Chinese people themselves, as well as to the rest of the world.

I'm old. I couldn't care less what anyone thinks about me. Canada is my country. My ancestors carved this land out of trackless wilderness to create a constitutional government with parliamentary oversight under God. No other people managed to unite this vast land under the Rule of Law. People from all over the world have flocked to Canada because it was once a land of freedom and opportunity. I'll not willingly surrender my heritage to either a government which does not respect this heritage or to backward immigrants who have screwed up their own countries of origin only to come here to do the same to mine rather than staying to fight for liberty in their own homelands!

And yes, I may be universally despised for being an outspoken defender of Classical Liberalism, enlightenment values, free markets, capitalism free of state control, free speech, rational discourse, ethics, epistemology, and ontology. Yes, I despise gas lighting and tautologies. Of course, I am sickened by sexual perversion and pædophilia. Most certainly I do not believe that the state should operate outside of its proper function of enforcing the Rule of Law within our borders while defending said borders. I believe fundamentally in the separation of Church and state. Moreover, I have become convinced that Canada has become a Neo-Marxist hellhole since Cultural Marxists have captured all of our institutions from the universities, to the corporate boardroom, to our schools, to the floors of our parliaments federally and provincially, on to our enormous oversized authoritarian bureaucracy which in some cases exercises more control over us than do our elected representatives.

In summation I am convinced that save for a revelation I see no way out of our current prevailing crisis of conscience. Certainly not politically because this isn't a political problem. Rather we are living in a moral, philosophical, and spiritual crisis which challenges the very nature of being itself irrespective of what the state has altered our official state documents to read where impossible genders are offered as options! Since no one can know God without a revelation of Him, it is stupid for me to attempt to justify the existence of God to anyone who lacks revelation. For once God gives you a vision of Himself through His Son no further evidence will be needed. If and when you encounter the Reality of all Realities, there can be no denying what Truth is and without such an experience no amount of reason will be sufficient to explain this mystery of all mysteries. It is the fear of God which is the beginning of all wisdom since to know Him is to both be filled with awe and the absolute certainty that lying is merely an attempt to distort the very nature of reality itself. You cannot cheat reality, and you cannot lie to God. This is of course why in the absence of Divine revelation man chooses to lie to himself and that by living in lies he is creating hell on earth. This is the path Trudeau's government has chosen which is why the entire nation is suffering due to its government's deceit. Therefore, choose Truth since there can be no escaping it. And as you choose Truth condemn the fools who are fulfilling Nietzsche's observation that since mankind killed God that man would need to become his own god. This of course is an impossibility since the government of Canada is not its own god but rather follows the god of this world, the very father of all lies, Satan himself. This is demonstrated to us daily in the legacy media and in Hansard, where we hear repeatedly and metaphorically, "Hath God said?", as our fools in power challenge the very structure of existence. And if you lack revelation, I challenge you to do the following, ask God to grant you one even if you do not believe there is a God then watch what happens! You may find yourself on a journey in pursuit of Truth you never thought possible where remaining silent in the face of this wickedness will be impossible. And now you know why I refuse to shut up, since I cannot stay silent!

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...