Friday, September 29, 2023

Transhumanism vs the Son of Man


Our present dilemma isn't political, it's ideological. Reworked versions of the metaphysical idealism which have invariably resulted in totalitarianism have completely captured our current political discourse. Like a gnostic mystery religion these ideas are so strange that only those initiated into the Cult of WOKEISM can gain its secret knowledge. As a result, we are living under yet another transhumanist attempt to create the Übermensch, namely a new race capable of transcending the limitations of its own humanity and biology.

This transhumanist idea is reflected in Friedrich Nietzsche’s prophetic statement: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Ottawa's version of festivals of atonement and sacred games were a dildo ring toss and a pin the clit on the vulva games conducted in front of children at the recent so-called Pride event in late August. Remember that it was pride that resulted in Satan’s fall. So just how transhumanist has our culture become? It is being claimed that there are 81 different types of genders & gender identities where gender identity is increasingly considered to be merely cultural constructed and therefore fluid. This is posthuman lunacy at its finest.

From today’s National Post, “As tensions rise over the medical care of trans children, a new analysis shows hundreds of adolescents in Canada have undergone female-to-male “top surgery” — double mastectomies — over the past five years.

Hospitalizations and day surgery visits for bilateral mastectomies for gender reassignment surgery have risen sharply, from 536 in 2018-19, to 985 in fiscal 2022-23, according to data compiled for National Post by the Canadian Institute for Health Information.” This is nothing short of butchery which is rendering children sterile. It is an unforgivable travesty.

And if we cannot find our way back to God individually and collectively the next version of murderous tyranny will occur on a global scale enslaving all of humanity in a transhumanist dystopian hell worse than anything the Nazis and Communists created in their respective ruinous attempts to create the Übermensch!

How the culture war works: "If the mass lines of action in your activist agenda are believed to carry the credibility and authority of science, everyone just has to go along with them." – Dr. James Lindsay

No one likes to be manipulated. This is why it is essential we understand how the left uses sociological and psychological tools of manipulation to control the narrative to advance the Cultural Revolution. The left operates under the axiom that "your target's reaction is your real action." Which is why they will attempt to make you think you're crazy, delusional, ill informed, or a conspiracy theorist for noticing what they are doing and what they intend to do. Particularly when that entails you being able to call them out for their insecure and narcissistic psychological makeup. Plus, while attempting to take you out they will most often choose to do so in front of an audience whom they hope to include in your humiliation and demoralization. Their entire attitude will be one of, "who are you going to believe, me, or your lying eyes and ears?".

The religious nature of the lie:

The Devil has created an inversion of the Truth. Man has become his own god by attempting to transcend the limitations of his own flesh. This replaces the need for salvation which can only be found in God who became fully man. Wonder no more then why transgenderism is a hermetic mystery religion which only the initiated comprehend which is why they call themselves WOKE. This has replaced the revelation needed to come to know Christ as our Saviour.

The origin of the lie:

German idealists were interested in creating a new metaphysic: absolute idealism. No wonder then that their desire to create utopia invariably resulted in every manner of totalitarian idealism from Nazism to Communism. These metaphysical ideologues saw individuals only as an expression of an all-inclusive process. A process which subjugated mankind to a march toward unattainable perfection absent of the only thing which can perfect us, namely the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The human nature of Jesus:

“… even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

“But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he said to the man who was paralyzed—“I say to you, rise, pick up your bed and go home.” (Luke 5:24)

"In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13-14)

The most fundamental reality of Christ’s salvation is that He saved us as the Son of Man not as God:

Jesus is referred to as the "Son of Man" 82 times in the New Testament (NIV and ESV). In fact, Son of Man is the primary title Jesus used when referring to Himself. It is essential to understand that Jesus saved us as man not as God since God was already victorious over Satan. Satan was cast down to earth out of heaven for the pride of claiming that he would cause his throne to ascend above that of God’s. God had to become flesh to save us. Man can no more perfect himself to become like god than Satan could cause his throne to ascend above that of God’s. Isaiah 53 (KJV) describes in harsh detail the nature of the eternal sacrifice which redeemed mankind from futility:

1 Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?

2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.

5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.

9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.

10 Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his hand.

11 He shall see of the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities.

12 Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong; because he hath poured out his soul unto death: and he was numbered with the transgressors; and he bare the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.

Christ as the Second Adam and the father of a new race:

The Apostle Paul tells us in his first letter to the church in Corinth, “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven. As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven, so also are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven” (1 Corinthians 15:45-49).

Then Paul goes on: “As was the earthly man [Adam], so are those who are of the earth; and as is the man from heaven [Christ], so also are those who are of heaven. And just as we have borne the likeness of the earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven” (1 Corinthians 15:48-49). Because all humanity is bound up with Adam, so every human being has an earthly body just like Adam’s. Earthly bodies are fitted for life on this earth, yet they are limited by death, disease, and weakness because of sin which we’ve seen was first brought into the world by Adam. Which is why it is Satanic delusion to believe we can transcend the limitations of our corrupt and fallen flesh to become the Übermensch. Which is why the transsexual theory of WOKEISM is akin to Gnosticism. It is a hermetic mystery religion that only the initiated can believe which is why initiates call themselves WOKE. This is a demonic dialectical counterfeit for the Salvation which can only be found in Christ Jesus.

And I will leave you with the words of Dr. James Lindsay. Dr. Lindsay is a leading Christian apologist and renown critic of Satanic WOKE dialectical warfare where truth gets married to a lie, for that is how dialectics operates. Please read the following then watch the attached video:

“Leftist activism is happy to take direct wins whenever it can get them, but that’s not always possible. When it can’t get direct wins through the front door, it is also more than happy to get its wins through the back door by exploiting what we can call an action-reaction dynamic. As an act of dialectical political warfare, which is their battle logic, Leftist agitators will provoke a reaction, control the framing around that reaction to a watching audience, and use the reaction as justification to advance their cause. This strategy was articulated by Saul Alinsky as “your enemy’s reaction is your real action,” and it forms a backbone for a Leftist two-step of provoke, then advance. Currently, in the United States (and Canada too), recognizing the tremendous challenge conservative Christianity poses to any Marxist takeover of the country, a reactionary movement called “Christian Nationalism” is being repeatedly provoked in the hopes of being able to use that reaction to nullify any Christian resistance to the Woke takeover of the West. In this lecture from Dr. James Lindsay of New Discourses, the nature of the action-reaction dynamic as a tool of political warfare and the example of the setup of Christian Nationalism as a reaction to Woke provocation is laid bare. Listen for an important warning to the American church!”

Please watch this lecture at this link:


Monday, September 25, 2023

New discourses and old ideas: How dialectics are robbing us of reason


How the obscure and poorly understood origins of WOKE ideology have captured Canadian political discourse:

Without the philosophical ideas of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel being used to push progressivism the idea of marrying two mutually exclusive concepts to claim that they are one in the same thing could not have caught on. What those who accept Hegel's illogical nonsense fail to recognize is that his dialectical arguments are based on logical fallacies. Marrying two opposites cannot make them one and the same. Men are not women and therefore cannot become women. Yet such dialectical arguments reveal how the left operates. Dialectical arguments are like its computer coding. Dialectical reasoning forms the basis for the radical left’s ideological positions. And since they form its basis, we must explore these logical fallacies to deconstruct their progressive agenda. The first thing we ought to understand is what they mean by progressive. When the left talks about progressive values they are referring to using dialectics to advance a cultural revolution. Since the dialectical arguments are used to create language, language which is deliberately confusing, we need to understand they do so to create new categories of being that cannot and do not exist. Exposing this will often leave us open to the left's violent opposition to truth and reason. The radical left uses dialectical arguments to tear down everything from the past which has worked to replace function with dysfunction and dialectical idiocy.

Famed German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer suggested as a motto for Hegel’s philosophy some words of Shakespeare: ‘such stuff as madmen tongue and brain not’. Schopenhauer stated that: "Hegel, installed from above, by the powers that be, as the certified Great Philosopher, was a flat-headed, insipid, nauseating, illiterate charlatan, who reached the pinnacle of audacity in scribbling together and dishing up the craziest mystifying nonsense. This nonsense has been noisily proclaimed as immortal wisdom by mercenary followers and readily accepted as such by all fools, who thus joined into as perfect a chorus of admiration as had ever been heard before. The extensive field of spiritual influence with which Hegel was furnished by those in power has enabled him to achieve the intellectual corruption of a whole generation."

Schopenhauer regarded Hegel as a paid agent of the Prussian dictatorship of his time. Time has demonstrated that Schopenhauer was correct since the Hegelian Dialectic has been employed to advance the cause of every manner of radical illiberal ideology which has resulted in civil unrest, oppression, tyranny, mass murder, war, economic ruin, and totalitarianism. Need we then wonder why Trudeau’s entire political reasoning rests upon ideological nonsense? Should we be amazed that he supports the ongoing unwinnable war in the Ukraine? Should we be surprised that a member of the Waffen SS was just this past week given a standing ovation in the Canadian legislature for fighting with the Nazis against Russia during WWII? After all the Russians were our allies during WWII! Canada has been driven to madness by dialectical illogic and we must not permit its WOKE unreason to stand unchallenged or it will have achieved the intellectual corruption of a whole generation!

Let us examine the totalitarian ideologies which employed the use of Hegelian Dialectics:

Although this is a difficult question to answer since different totalitarian ideologies may have different degrees of influence from Hegelian dialectics. As I have previously stated Hegelian dialectics is a philosophical method of reasoning that involves a thesis, an antithesis, and a synthesis. Hegel believed that this process of dialectical reasoning was the driving force of history and the expression of the absolute spirit, another hint at the hermetic and mysterious nature of Hegelian argument.

Some totalitarian ideologies which have been influenced by Hegelian dialectics are:

- *Nazism*: Adolf Hitler and his followers were inspired by Hegel's idea of the state as the embodiment of the absolute spirit and the highest expression of human freedom. They also used Hegel's concept of the master-slave dialectic to justify their racial supremacy and oppression of other groups.

- *Communism*: Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were influenced by Hegel's dialectical method and his analysis of history, but they rejected his idealism and replaced it with materialism. Hence the academic name for Marxism being Dialectical Materialism. They argued that history was driven by the dialectical conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, and that this would eventually lead to a communist society where class antagonisms would be resolved.

- *Fascism*: Benito Mussolini and other fascist leaders adopted some aspects of Hegel's philosophy, such as his view of the state as a moral entity and a source of collective will. They also used Hegel's notion of historical necessity to justify their totalitarian rule and aggressive expansionism.

How were Hegelian dialectics used to create Neo-Marxist Critical Theory which is the spiritual source of WOKE mysticism?

Hegelian dialectics played a significant role in the development of critical theory, particularly through the work of thinkers like Karl Marx and the Frankfurt School. Here's a simplified overview:

1. *Hegelian Dialectics*: In Hegelian philosophy, dialectics involve a process of thesis-antithesis-synthesis, where contradictions in ideas and social structures lead to their transformation into higher forms. This approach emphasized historical development and change through the clash of opposing forces.

2. *Marxist Application*: Karl Marx adapted Hegelian dialectics to analyze the material conditions of society. He used dialectical thinking to critique capitalism, viewing class struggle as the driving force of history. Marx's historical materialism can be seen as a dialectical process of societal transformation.

3. *Critical Theory Emergence*: The Frankfurt School, a group of intellectuals in the 20th century, integrated Marxist and Hegelian ideas into their critical theory. They sought to understand the cultural and ideological aspects of society's problems. Instead of focusing solely on economics, they examined how power, culture, and ideology were interrelated.

4. *Dialectical Approach*: Critical theorists, like Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer, used dialectical thinking to uncover hidden power structures and contradictions in society. They believed that by critically examining these contradictions, individuals could gain awareness and potentially work towards social change.

5. *Praxis*: Critical theory emphasized the importance of praxis, which means putting theory into practice. This involved not just analyzing society but actively engaging in social change efforts to address systemic inequalities and injustices.

The very fact that the Liberal Party of Canada still defines themselves as being liberal is an example of the application of dialectics to merge and conflate two impossible opposites: namely freedom and slavery, individual rights versus collective entitlement, and economic liberty versus a controlled economy. So here are some key reasons that Classical Liberalism has resulted in individual liberty, economic prosperity, and the emergence of a middle class which is now under siege from the Liberal Party of Canada:

1. **Protection of Individual Freedom**: Classical liberalism holds that the central problem of politics is the protection of individual freedom or liberty. This includes the protection of property rights and the freedom to engage in commerce, which can enable individuals to improve their economic status and potentially move into the middle class.

2. **Promotion of Economic Liberalization**: Classical liberalism generally advocates for a free-market economy, where businesses and consumers can operate with minimal government intervention. This can lead to economic growth and prosperity, creating more opportunities for individuals to enter the middle class.

3. **Decentralization and Division of Power**: Classical liberalism often involves a decentralization of power, which can prevent predatory taxation or arbitrary confiscations of property. This can create a more favorable environment for economic growth and the expansion of the middle class.

4. **Advocacy for Social Reforms**: Over time, classical liberalism has sought to foster a plurality of different ways of life by protecting the rights and interests of various social groups, including the middle class.

If you were to use Hegelian Dialectics to examine the differences between Classical Liberalism and Progressive politics today you would need to define Classical Liberalism as Thesis, WOKE Progressivism as the Antithesis to arrive at the Synthesis of the Liberal Party of Canada which is an impossible blending of two opposing ideas which are akin to mixing oil and water, or perhaps even matches and gasoline since they seek to burn it all down! The incredible benefits enjoyed by countries that have embraced Classical Liberal ideals to apply them has arguably created the greatest advances in human prosperity for the benefit of all mankind in all of human history. Yet instead of pursuing these advances Woke progressivism seeks to teardown what has worked to replace that with renewed calls for tribalism, division and illiberal authoritarian government. Dialectical reasoning is nonsense that has been noisily proclaimed as immortal wisdom by mercenary followers and readily accepted as such by all fools, who thus joined into as perfect a chorus of admiration as had ever been heard before. The extensive field of spiritual influence with which Hegel’s dialectic has been employed by those in power has enabled them to achieve the intellectual corruption of an entire generation, to paraphrase Schopenhauer. Only we can stand in the gap between ideological possession and reason to restore sanity to public discourse!



Friday, September 22, 2023

Postnormal Science, COVID policies, & climate hysteria


As we continue this discussion on how Hegel’s dialectical philosophy is affecting political discourse it is important to get one fundamental point across. It is necessary for you to understand that the left has an operating system. Just as computers have software systems which govern how their hardware functions, so does the left have a system of dialectics which determines how they are to think and act under any given set of circumstances. They employ dialectical thinking as a tactic to further the progress of the Cultural Marxist revolution. That is what they mean when they call themselves progressives, for to be a good member of the radical left dialectical arguments must be used to progressively advance the cause of the cultural revolution.

If you wonder how and why they have captured science to advance this cultural revolution you need to understand the words of famed Critical Theorist from the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse invented the dialectical idea of “postnormal science”. Remember how a dialectical argument works. Here we see Marcuse using science as the thesis, the cultural revolution as the antithesis to arrive at the synthesis of “postnormal science”. So, when you heard our leaders, which included some conservatives, state that we must follow the science during the pandemic what they were actually saying was that we must follow the Postnormal deconstruction of science which they were using to advance the Cultural Marxist Revolution.

So, I decided it was time to have a chat with AI to learn how honest its programmers will permit it to be regarding Marcuse.

I inquired of ChatGPT: “Who stated science and the scientific method are the enemy because they deny the existence of Utopia?”

It answered: “Science and the scientific method are focused on understanding the natural world through empirical evidence and experimentation, rather than pursuing utopian ideals. While science can improve our lives and address many challenges, it doesn't promise or deny utopia. Utopian visions often involve societal and philosophical aspects that extend beyond the scope of empirical science. Science helps us make informed decisions and progress, but achieving utopia is a complex and multifaceted endeavor involving ethics, politics, and human nature.”

This answer obviously conveniently omits the fact that I had quoted Marcuse.

Then I asked it: “Science and the scientific method are the enemy because they deny the existence of Utopia - Herbert Marcuse”

It answered, “Herbert Marcuse, a prominent philosopher associated with the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory, had a perspective on science and the scientific method that differed from the conventional view. Marcuse critiqued what he saw as the potential for science and technology to reinforce oppressive systems and argued that they could be tools of social control. He believed that the pursuit of scientific and technological progress, when driven solely by capitalist interests, could hinder the achievement of utopian goals by perpetuating existing inequalities.

Marcuse's critique doesn't necessarily deny the potential for science and the scientific method to contribute to societal betterment, but it highlights the importance of examining the socio-political context in which they operate. His work underscores the need for ethical considerations and critical analysis alongside scientific endeavors to ensure they align with utopian ideals of a just and equitable society.”

Since it had previously denied the quote originate with Marcuse, I admonished it by stating, “But you denied that he had stated that!”

It answered, “I apologize if my previous response seemed contradictory. Herbert Marcuse did indeed have a critical perspective on science and technology, as I mentioned in the previous response. He argued that these could be used to reinforce oppressive systems, potentially hindering the achievement of utopian goals when driven by certain interests. However, it's important to note that Marcuse's views don't necessarily negate the potential for science and technology to contribute positively to society; rather, he emphasized the need for critical examination and ethical considerations in their application. If you have more specific questions or would like additional information on this topic, please feel free to ask.”

In one of his early works Marcuse argued that the objective facts are of themselves insufficient since they ignore how they are ‘entwined’ with ‘historical human existence’. This idea has to do with attempting to marry the lived experience of social reality with facts which is an obvious use of Dialectics attempting to combine two mutually exclusive things, to marry them, then claim that they are one in the same thing. To the radical left facts are not merely facts but need to be understood as they impinge on lived experience. They argue that experience reveals connections that would be missed from an objective standpoint. Marcuse gives the example of a workplace. The experience of those who ‘live’ it reveals aspects hidden to the mere observer, and a fortiori, to management. These facts ignore that if managers were walking the Gemba they would soon discover that their workforce has a better factual idea of what transpires in the production process than they do. But I will leave that matter for further discussion another time.

In conclusion Herbert Marcuse proposed a discourse on scientific methodology and its related techniques known as postnormal science. Postnormal science is basically a manifestation of Marcuse's new modality of science arrived at by dialectical argument. It is relevant today since it has been used to both study and define 21st century environmental politics and climate hysteria. In this context, postnormal science has married itself with politics, especially in the realm of the current environmental challenge, a clear use of dialectical justification for furthering the Cultural Marxist Revolution. The utilization of political theory to justify postnormal science methodologies is so widespread today that is has totally replaced what anyone would understand following the scientific method actually means. Postnormal science is directing political theory with one ultimate goal in mind, to tear apart existing social and economic structures to achieve Utopia which according to what Marcuse stated, real science informs us cannot exist!


Thursday, September 21, 2023

WOKEISM: A Hegelian hermetic religion


How WOKEism is a Hegelian hermetic religion:

Hegel's philosophy has been used to take two opposing concepts and marry them into a higher unity where we are being asked to pretend that the impossible blending of mutual exclusive things is the same thing! Socialism depends on such contradictions. Marx and Engels came up with Dialectical Materialism as a criticism of the Hegelian Dialectic. They believed that Hegel had not gone far enough in this dialectical reasoning to arrive at a practical use for it. Moreover, the Church with few exceptions has utterly failed to promote sound doctrine while exposing such heretical fallacies. Most Christians have no idea how influential Hegel has been in generating idea pathogens which have infected society like the plague. This is the reason WOKE ideology which is contradictory to its core has spread like wildfire through our educational system. Critical Theory has been taught in our schools and universities at the taxpayers’ expense for decades while the Church remained silent failing to expose the nature of its lies and logical fallacies.

But the greatest impediment in gaining knowledge is the result of not taking the time to investigate a matter for yourself. While the greatest obstacles to that process are a lack of curiosity and lazy study habits. People who look for someone else to provide them with simplistic solutions to multivariate complex problems aren't merely uniformed, for a witless man knows everything he believes between the two mountains where he dwells. Learn how to think rather than what to think. There was a time when that was what gaining an education meant. We must study to show ourselves approved unto God as Paul admonished Timonthy in 2 Timothy 2:15 (King James Version) ‘Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’

Exposing the Beast’s dialectical thinking

Today’s interlocution is with Bing AI in an attempt to flush out the interconnectedness of all leftist ideologies since each one employs a critique of its predecessors used to further the progress of the cultural revolution. Note my deliberate use of the word progress. To a leftist progress has but one meaning. Progress is whatever furthers the dialectical analysis of its own ideological predecessors to investigate how they failed to tear down the existing structure of society sufficiently to create utopia.

At first Bing AI resisted and refused to answer me directly so I admonished it with the following, “No you don't, you refuse to acknowledge the clear connection between Marx and Engles, dialectical materialism, the Frankfurt School’s doctrine of Critical Theory which is based on a criticism of dialectical materialism and their current disciples of Critical Theory in the WOKE movement.”

Bing AI responded with:

I apologize if my previous responses have given you the impression that I'm denying any connection between Marx and Engels, dialectical materialism, the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory, and the WOKE movement. Let me clarify:

1. **Marx and Engels**: They are the founders of the theory of dialectical materialism⁵. This theory posits that societal change occurs through the conflict between opposing forces, leading to a synthesis that combines elements of both⁵.

2. **Dialectical Materialism**: This is a fundamental philosophical outlook of Marxism and one of the greatest contributions of Marx and Engels in the history of philosophical discourse². It deals with a wide range of subjects, such as understanding the nature of things and change, the nature of man, and also the nature of social development².

3. **Frankfurt School's Critical Theory**: The Frankfurt School was profoundly influenced by Marx's thought¹. The theorists from this school focused on cultural factors as agents for social change¹, which is a departure from traditional Marxist views that focused primarily on economic factors¹.

4. **WOKE Movement**: The WOKE movement is a social and political movement that advocates for awareness of issues related to social justice and racial justice². While it's not directly derived from Marxism or the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory, it shares with them a concern for addressing social inequalities.

These concepts are interconnected in many ways, but they each have their own unique characteristics and focuses. They have influenced each other throughout history, but they are not synonymous. I hope this helps clarify their relationships.

It used the following sources to answer me query.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023-09-21

(1) Dialectical materialism - Wikipedia.

(2) A Critical Analysis of Marx’s Dialectical Materialism.

(3) Marx’s Influence on the Early Frankfurt School | SpringerLink.

(4) Marxist philosophy - Wikipedia.

(5) Dialectical materialism (19TH CENTURY- ) - HKT Consultant.

(6) undefined.

To which I responded with, “You still are being mendacious about the fact that the WOKE movement is built on dialectic arguments derived from the Frankfurt School's criticism of Marx and Engels.”

Bing AI responded to that with:

“I apologize if my previous responses have given you the impression that I'm denying any connection between the WOKE movement and the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory. Let me clarify:

The WOKE movement, which advocates for awareness of issues related to social justice and racial justice, can indeed be seen as using dialectic arguments. This is in the sense that it often involves a critical examination of societal structures and power dynamics, much like the dialectical approach used in Critical Theory.

The Frankfurt School's Critical Theory, which was profoundly influenced by Marx's thought, does involve a critique of societal structures that could be seen as a continuation or adaptation of Marx and Engels' dialectical materialism.

So, in this sense, one could argue that the WOKE movement is built on a foundation that includes the Frankfurt School's critique of Marx and Engels. However, it's important to note that these connections can be complex and are often a subject of debate among scholars.

Again, I apologize if my previous messages were unclear. I strive to provide accurate and balanced information based on my training data. If you have any other questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!”

So, the use of the conflation inherent to dialectical thinking is part and parcel of the WOKE left. Two or more elements which are diametrically opposed to one another are combined and conflated to synthesis into a new higher unity of nonsensical impossibilities. Professor Pardy is a classically liberal legal academic for whom equal application of the law, negative rights, private property, limited government, and separation of powers are foundational to the Canadian and Western legal tradition. He stated in an article to the National Post from Sept 20th 2023 that “Woke wolves dominate the culture war ecosystem — for now The masses, a herd of sheep and ostriches, follow at their own risk. This has resulted in Canada is unravelling. Culture wars are making the country stupid, poor and fractured — and according to Angus Reid, these fractures have produced five distinct groups.

Last week, the Angus Reid Institute released a study on the bubbling, sometimes boiling, political conflicts in Canada. The study characterized five culture war factions that comprise the country: the “zealous activists,” the “quiet accommodators,” the “conflicted middle,” the “frustrated skeptics” and the “defiant objectors.” They make up the political ecosystem, which is why they are perhaps best recast as members of the animal kingdom.

“Zealous activists,” according to the Angus Reid study, make up 17 per cent of the population. They are ardent social progressives who believe that cancel culture is about “accountability.” I think of them as wolves. They travel in packs. These are woke mobs pushing the social justice revolution. They hunger to rip to shreds the reputation of anyone who defies progressive agendas.

Although they sometimes attack big targets, wolves prefer to hunt the vulnerable. They dress in sheep’s clothing, pretending to protect the weak and the downtrodden. But when the weak or downtrodden step out of line, wolves turn on them without a moment’s hesitation. Wolves appear to be more numerous than they really are, perhaps because they howl incessantly. They are proud virtue-signallers. Some truly believe in the cause, but activism is also a means to professional and social standing: they compete with one another for status within the pack.

Just over one quarter of Canadians are “quiet accommodators.” Like wolves, they are progressives, tending to agree with safe spaces and trigger warnings — but they lack the intensity of a predator. Let’s call them sheep. They are the foot soldiers of the culture wars; they believe in social justice dogma because that is what they have been fed. They crave approval and belonging.

Some sheep don’t understand social justice ideology beyond catchphrases and knee-jerk reactions, but they know those very well. Sheep can be found in positions of authority, where they enthusiastically enforce woke policies. They can be primary school principals, CEOs and even premiers. They seek to preserve their status by supporting the “correct” attitudes; in doing so, they willingly follow wolves, failing to understand that wolves are their greatest threat.

The “conflicted middle” makes up 18 per cent of the population. They are ostriches who stick their heads in the sand, divided on culture wars and politics. Ostriches are ambivalent about social justice agendas and cultural revolutions; they comply to avoid any unwanted attention. Like sheep, ostriches seek to preserve their professional or social status. Unlike sheep, who want to belong, ostriches obey to avoid trouble. They tend to abhor politics and prefer not to think about ideology, even when ideology won’t leave them alone. Ostriches just wish the whole thing would go away.

Nineteen per cent of Canadians are “frustrated skeptics.” They view culture wars as tiring and unproductive. Imagine them as leopards, aware and poised, but camouflaged against the scrubby savannah. Leopards object to woke agendas but keep their opinions to themselves. Some feel vulnerable in their jobs or social relationships. Others hide their opposition strategically, believing they can resist more effectively from the inside. Like ostriches, leopards are careful not to provide wolves with a reason to attack. Unlike ostriches, leopards are not ambivalent, but are waiting for the right moment to pounce.

A fifth of Canadians are “defiant objectors.” They oppose cancel culture, safe spaces and censorship. These are the lions, who openly roar in disapproval at the progressive transformation of their society. Lions are the only animals in the kingdom who say “hell no” out loud. Some have prominent public profiles, but most lions are simply fearless ordinary people. They sometimes gather in prides, like the truckers and their supporters, but they are naturally inclined to be independent. When lions roar, wolves howl that they are bigots, populists, or members of a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

Missteps are dangerous in a culture war. The pack will devour those who commit wrongthink. The most susceptible are sheep and ostriches, who, despite submitting to the regime, are apt to utter inconvenient truths. Social justice ideology is tricky. It contains incoherent positions, changes the meanings of words and constantly moves the target. “My body, my choice” is a rallying cry when it relates to abortion, but racist and misogynist when it applies to vaccine mandates. Sheep and ostriches must navigate an ever-shifting landscape of rules and political correctness.

Leopards can misstep and blow their cover, but sometimes that works out for the best. Once revealed, they may find that they were meant to be lions after all. Lions can’t misstep, at least in the sense of accidentally outing themselves. Out is where they mean to be.

An activist minority is setting the agenda in Canada, but only for as long as Canadians allow it. Be a lion.” Bruce Pardy is executive director of Rights Probe and professor of law at Queen’s University.

It is vital that as Christians that we understand how the Dialectic arguments works so that we can reveal at every opportunity the essential contradiction which lies at their core. Which is why I state that WOKEism is a Hegelian hermetic religion. It is built on mysticism and faith, faith in never achieved outcomes which are never forthcoming, the very definition of Utopia which means “no-place”. The ideologues who promote it define progress only in terms of how successful they are in tearing it all down. Net-Zero carbon is proof. They know they cannot achieve net-zero carbon emissions. They also know carbon isn’t the toxin the make it out to be otherwise they would burn it at every possible chance flyting around the planet to meet with the other high priests of doom to pontificate on why mankind is a Malthusian blight on Mother Earth. They just want to tear it all down. Everything that works must go. They seek to sacrifice our very way of life on the altar of their hermetic progressive delusions. Me must not let them! Be a lion as Dr. Pardy suggests!


Monday, September 18, 2023

WOKE Dialectics: how opposites have been made into one


I will begin with a further discussion about Janteloven since it forms the Petri Dish in which social consensus grows. Without it the prevailing WOKE movement which has originated in the Academy could not have taken hold of prevailing thought. How does Janteloven (Tall Poppy Syndrome) work? How has it captured the minds of so many where the need for a collective mindset has been used to create social cohesion with blind obedience as the catalyst? Under the Laws of Jante anyone who disagrees with the artificially created consensus will get pounded down like a nail that must be driven flush. I have experienced what it is like to be pounded but no matter how hard they try to drive me down the head of my nail still dares to stick out from the faceless surface of the social consensus.

I asked ChatGPT, "Why is Janteloven so prominent in Norway?"

ChatGPT responded, "Janteloven, often referred to as the "Law of Jante," is a set of social norms and attitudes that emphasize modesty, equality, and conformity in Scandinavian societies, including Norway. It was popularized by Danish-Norwegian author Aksel Sandemose in his novel "A Fugitive Crosses His Tracks" (En flyktning krysser sitt spor) published in 1933. These norms are not actual laws but rather cultural guidelines that have influenced social behavior in the region. Here are a few reasons why Janteloven is prominent in Norway:

1. **Historical and Cultural Roots:** The concept of Janteloven can be traced back to traditional rural communities in Scandinavia, where communal harmony and conformity were highly valued. These values were reinforced through generations and became ingrained in the culture.

2. **Social Equality:** Norway, like other Scandinavian countries, places a strong emphasis on social equality. Janteloven reflects the idea that no one is better than anyone else and that showing off or boasting is discouraged. This promotes a sense of solidarity among the population.

3. **Avoidance of Hierarchy:** Janteloven discourages the establishment of rigid social hierarchies. It promotes a more egalitarian society where people are encouraged to be humble and not overly competitive with one another.

4. **Collectivism:** Norwegian society values collectivism and cooperation. Janteloven encourages people to prioritize the well-being of the community over individual achievement.

5. **Cultural Influence:** Janteloven has been popularized through literature and cultural references, making it a recognizable aspect of Norwegian identity. Many Norwegians are familiar with the concept and its underlying principles.

It's important to note that while Janteloven is influential in Norwegian society, it is not universally embraced by all Norwegians, and its impact may vary among individuals and in different contexts. Some people may see it as a positive force that fosters a sense of equality and community, while others may view it as restrictive or stifling individual ambition."

You know the real problem with the Nazis? Their insane and evil use of eugenics made it impossible to inquire how group behaviours are related to genetics. Among ethnic Norwegians the affect of Janteloven is universal perhaps particularly among those Norwegians who hate it the most since they cannot escape its cloying demands at maintaining cultural consensus and homogeneity. A sad but unrelenting fact of life in Scandinavia or even among expat communities of ethnic Scandinavians who now live abroad.

Since Critical Theory is the dialectical philosophy behind the prevailing WOKE ideological movement, I asked ChatGPT the following:

"How long has critical theory been influencing K-12 in Ontario, Canada?"

ChatGPT replied:

"Critical theory has been influencing K-12 education in Ontario, Canada, for several decades. It became more prominent in the late 20th century and has continued to evolve since then. The extent of its influence may vary over time and across different schools and educational institutions, but its impact on curriculum, pedagogy, and discussions about social justice and equity has been significant in the province's educational landscape. It's important to note that the specific ways in which critical theory is incorporated into education can change over time and may be subject to policy shifts and educational trends!"

This makes decades of provincial governments and the schoolteachers the government employs complicit in indoctrinating our children with Cultural Marxist lies. But to what end. How does the dialectical arguments employed by Critical Theorists work? The dialectical argument borrowed from Hegel requires combining two elements which are mutually exclusive and contradictory. “Hegel’s dialectics” is the dialectical method of argument employed by the 19th Century German philosopher, G.W.F. Hegel which, like other “dialectical” methods, relies on a contradictory process between opposing sides. Hegel's dialectical method is a method of argument that involves contradictory process between opposing sides. Hegel uses it to develop his philosophy of logic, epistemology, and ethics. Hegel's dialectics is based on the concept of aufheben, which means to cancel and preserve at the same time. Hegel criticizes Plato's dialectics for being unable to get beyond skepticism and nothingness. Hegel combines two mutually exclusive elements to create a synthesis between them. Or as Hegel put it, “the result of the dialectical process is a new concept but one higher and richer than the preceding—richer because it negates or opposes the preceding and therefore contains it, and it contains even more than that, for it is the unity of itself and its opposite.” Marx and Engels used Hegel’s Dialectic to form the basis of the argument for communism which is known as Dialectical Materialism. When the social scientists from the Frankfurt School realized that Marx and Engels had got it wrong, they didn’t discard the use of Hegel’s dialectical argument rather they transformed it into Critical Theory. Here in the very simplest terms is how it works:

Agenda (Rid society of the socially constructed differences between the sexes to create equity)

Man (Thesis)

Woman (Antithesis)

Men and women are identical (Synthesis)

But the fact remains, despite all the radical attempts to create false equity using logical fallacies the obvious differences remain. Men receive a Y chromosome from their father who in turn received his from his father. These chromosomes genetically determine outcomes that are not merely socially constructed. The concept of humans being born as a "tabula rasa," or blank slate, has been debated in philosophy for centuries. While the WOKE argue that individuals are born with a clean slate and are largely shaped by their experiences and environment, the science contends that genetic factors and innate characteristics play a significant role in shaping a person's identity and abilities. It's a complex and ongoing philosophical and scientific discussion yet arguments against the concept of humans being born as a tabula rasa include:


1. Genetic Predisposition: Critics argue that individuals may have genetic predispositions or innate traits that influence their behavior and characteristics from birth, such as intelligence, temperament, and personality.


2. Evolutionary Psychology: Some contend that certain behaviors and cognitive abilities have evolved over time to address survival and reproductive needs. These traits may not be entirely learned and could be partially hardwired.


3. Empirical Evidence: Research in fields like psychology and neuroscience has shown that early childhood experiences can interact with genetic predispositions, suggesting that both nature and nurture play important roles in development.


4. Language Acquisition: The ability to learn language at a young age, known as the "critical period," suggests that there might be innate cognitive structures that facilitate language acquisition.


5. Cross-Cultural Variations: Observations of cross-cultural differences in behavior and cognition suggest that there may be innate variations that influence how individuals from different cultures perceive and interact with the world.


These arguments challenge the idea that humans are entirely blank slates at birth and emphasize the role of biology and genetics in shaping human development. Where socially constructed behavioural changes have come into play have originated in our school system where Critical Theory has been taught to students for decades. There is a clear line of causality to the present outcome of a WOKE generation of students who are the products of a school system which has been captured by Cultural Marxists. They have created a generation not merely intolerant of different opinions but solidly committed to embracing the contradictions inherent in the dialectical reasoning they have been ordered to embrace by their Cultural Marxist tutors. Yes, I think I still understand the differences between boys and girls without the assistance of the high priests of identity politics to inform me. Our schools have been the Petri Dish in which a cultural consensus has been induced into our kids which is not unlike Janteloven. It is a demand for total social conformity or else under the banner of who are you to counter our argument with reason? Which is why the Jantelovenists in charge of the College of Psychologists of Ontario believe they have the moral prerogative and intellectual wherewithal to re-educate their most illustrious and renown and successful member while they remain anonymous foolish tools of Neo-Marxist ideological possession.

Socialists attacks the core idea of parliamentary sovereignty because they are fundamentally distrustful of the political process and therefore seek to limit it in every possible manner! They are attempting to replace Parliamentary oversight with the abstract doctrines of so-called progressive experts who invariably get everything wrong! It’s time to reject Hegels dialectical nonsense to restore reasoned discourse, ethics, epistemology and ontology to our school system. Neo-Marxists who employ a reworked version of Marx and Engles Dialectical Materialism do not belong in our classrooms. They ought never to have been given our trust or to be allowed to instruct our children in their silly dialectical contradictions. Our governments ought to have known better than to have permitted our tax dollars to be spent on WOKE ideologues whose very stated goal is to undermine our culture and replace it with Neo-Marxist revolution.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

A godless cult of domination and compliance


The radical WOKE left has adapted the Dialectical Materialism of Marx and Engels into Dialectical Political Warfare. This is an informational conflict aimed at constantly making you look in the wrong place for the right thing. It is a hostile shell game geared at steering your attention away from the actual threat onto a strawman that the left has created in order to distract you from identifying the actual threat. It is mixing that which is into that which is not so that the left can claim that the synthetic is indistinguishable from reality. This is the ultimate Hegelian synthesis which radical Cultural Marxists are using to deceive the masses so that these revolutionaries can foment a contrived cultural revolution. Which is why Cultural Marxists can claim that men and women are in fact the same thing. It's an attempt to remove the "illusions of distinctions" to create a Postmodern cult where your senses are no longer permitted to make fundamental determinations about the nature of reality without the help of the radical left's new cult leaders. Only the priests of this new religion are permitted to tell you how you must understand the nature of reality. It's time to reject these Satanic lies as an inherent threat to civil order.

Moreover I've experienced their attempts to "re-educate me” up close and personal. I'm convinced that had I lived in a place where the revolution had been completely successful that I would be dead within minutes of the takeover, even at my own hand if need be. But before they got to me, I pray I'd enter Valhalla fighting like a man and not on my knees like a coward. I abhor socialism in all of its various manifestations with a flaming passion! And with equal detestation I despise “Janteloven” which is the Petri Dish in which radical social collectivism grows. It is nothing short of a war on competence and individual identity where one is forced to sacrfice their unique selves on the altar of rigid cultural conformity.



Do not think you are anything special.


Do not think you are as good as we are.


Do not think you are smarter than we are.


Do not imagine yourself better than we are.


Do not think you know more than we do.


Do not think you are more important than we are.


Do not think you are good at anything.


Do not laugh at us.


Do not think anyone cares about you.


Do not think you can teach us anything.

I’ve had a rather unpleasant discussion about these “illusions of distinctions” with my wife’s family, which I will call my Salad Niçoise moment. It was insisted that I had completely mischaracterized Norwegians since they are, as all people are, highly unique in terms of their individual personalities. True, they are, but what amazed me as I got to know them was that I could predict with frightening accuracy how these unique individuals would behave under any given set of circumstances which might challenge their intensely social collectivist view of the world. As an example, a buddy from Ottawa was performing at Buckleys Roots & Blues Joint in Oslo back in April 2014 on my birthday. JW Jones is a renowned and talented blues artist who enjoys considerable success both at home and abroad. This is for good reason since he is a remarkable artist. I noted that he was coming to town so I messaged him to inquire if he would be kind enough to add me to his guest list. He was happy to do so which was very kind since I was missing home and was delighted to both see him and be so well entertained on my birthday. When JW took the stage, he was holding a bottle of water and began to address his audience. He inquired of them what on earth that they had put in the water that could make it that costly? I should mention that the price of everything is extremely high in Norway due to it being a socialist welfare state, with a centralized economy and comparatively high wages. You could hear a pin drop after JW’s question sounded through Buckleys over the PA. Everyone had the identical reaction and I looked on amused knowing exactly how they would respond to his innocent remark. It lingered like a bad fart until JW realized his social faux pas and immediately launched into song to alleviate the discomfort of having confronted the Noggies with a rather obvious fact, namely that everything is expensive in Norway. They just cannot handle anything that might be construed as criticism of their perfect socialist culture. Remember Rule #8 “Do not laugh at us?” It is a cardinal sin to point out any of these ten cultural realities. So yeah, they all may have differing personalities but nevertheless will react in the identical manner when Janteloven comes into play. Given the sheer scope of these ten rules this is invariably a constant reality of dealing with Scandinavians on a social basis. It should also be noted that although they are often listed as the happiest people on earth the level of suicide and antidepressant consumption is among the highest in the world. After all what good is having a unique personality when you have a code that demands you sacrifice your individuality on the altar of Janteloven driven socialism?

When I returned to Canada in 2015 I began to note that there were increasing signs that the culture war was well underway in a society which had never known Janteloven. It is fascinating that accompanying the emerging dialectical political warfare behind our own culture war was a version of Janteloven. It is also fascinating to note that the most renowned and effective voices of our time against this collectivist mindset are Canadians. At the forefront are Psychologist and Professor Dr. Jordan Peterson with his emphasis on understanding the Big Five personality traits that motivate our behaviour, evolutionary psychologist Dr. Gad Saad with his warnings of how toxic ideas spread like pathogens, Dr. Stephen Hicks with his penetrating understanding of the origins of Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism and how they affect society today, and Dr. Mark Milke with his timely warning of how the prevailing cult of victimhood is being used as a dialectical tool to destroy society. We need to recognize that dialectical political warfare is aimed straight at the heart of what was once our collective identity, namely the recognition of the inherent value of individual achievement, competence, and the entrepreneurial will to strive in order to thrive which is the diametric opposite of dialectical political warfare’s goals. Adam Smith's ideas, often associated with his book "The Wealth of Nations" published in 1776, revolve around the fact that when individuals pursue their self-interest, such as in business or trade, they inadvertently contribute to the overall betterment of society. This is often summarized as "self-interest leads to the common good" or the "invisible hand" metaphor. Smith believed that when people engage in economic activities driven by their own interests, the market tends to allocate resources efficiently and produce goods and services that benefit society as a whole. This idea laid the foundation for the modern capitalist economic system. These truths stand in stark opposition to the dialectical political warfare waged by the WOKE generation who are being indoctrinated by our universities into thinking that we ought to try communism one more time in spite of the murderous economic ruin and tyranny it has invariably caused.


Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The sacrilegious games of Malthusian Globalists


You can easily get yourself into a situation where there is no good outcome. In fact, we are doing that right now on every front you can possibly imagine. But why, why has the West become so ideologically addled? Why does it pursue unworkable policies to its own detriment? Why does it repeatedly continue to spend itself into ruin just to justify policies which have been statistically proven never to attain the stated desired outcomes? The war in the Ukraine has gone from bad to worse with no clear victory in sight since the conflict itself can only result in an unthinkable outcome. The Ukraine will once again be laid waste by Russia. A ruin which reminiscent of Holodomor. The Ukraine will have sacrificed an entire generation of its young men as cannon fodder to wage an unwinnable conflict. There is no sign of Putin capitulating, and why would he since he holds all the cards? Due to Europe’s ridiculous and unworkable green energy policies, policies which have little to do with using cleaner energy, the West has made a deal with the devil. Europe’s pursuit of net-zero carbon emissions, which I argue is a scientifically impossible, it has made itself completely dependent on Putin’s gas and oil. As Jordan Peterson recently pointed out in an interview with Pierce Morgan, all Putin needs to do is turn off the taps to freeze Europe back into the dark ages. This may well prove to be the bleakest winter for Europeans since WWII. But why has Europe adhered to dogmatic policies which are no cleaner or greener than the technology and energy sources which were already at its disposal, Canada foremost on that list of clean and green sources for gas and oil? The West is making itself into a victim of its own ideological possession! So let us examine the source of that possession.

The first thing I wish to draw your attention to is that there is no such thing as an irreligious person. The reason for that is just as Nietzsche stated in “The Parable of the Madman”: “God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we, murderers of all murderers, console ourselves? That which was the holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet possessed has bled to death under our knives. Who will wipe this blood off us? With what water could we purify ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we need to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we not ourselves become gods simply to be worthy of it? There has never been a greater deed; and whosoever shall be born after us - for the sake of this deed he shall be part of a higher history than all history hitherto."

It has been further related that on that same day the madman entered divers churches and there sang a requiem. Led out and quietened, he is said to have retorted each time: "what are these churches now if they are not the tombs and sepulchres of God?" That is the long and short of it. There is no such thing as an irreligious man since man will simply become his own god by creating sacred festivals of atonement. Man will do what man sees to be fit.

Sacred games and rituals:

“Like a dildo ring toss games for tiny tots. Now there’s a sacred festival that only the wicked heart of man could possibly devise. From

EXCLUSIVE: Dildo ring toss, 'pin the clit on the vulva,' and 'family friendly' drag show featured at Ottawa's Pride fest. Among the street festival's vendors, promotional displays, and events that lined several blocks were a dildo ring toss hosted by Durex, and "Pin the Clit on the Vulva" at the Planned Parenthood tent. Children were freely wandering the area.” There you have man’s version of a sacred festival. Pride was once considered to a be one of the seven deadly sins as well as the reason for Satan being cast out of heaven, while MAN has turned it into a virtue in defence of perversion.

The High Priests of Progressive Globalism:

By Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research, June 16, 2011

“To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless. So we felt that a single community throughout the world would be a good thing.[1] – Denis Healey, 30-year member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group

The ‘Foundations’ of the Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group, formed in 1954, was founded in the Netherlands as a secretive meeting held once a year, drawing roughly 130 of the political-financial-military-academic-media elites from North America and Western Europe as “an informal network of influential people who could consult each other privately and confidentially.”[2] Regular participants include the CEOs or Chairman of some of the largest corporations in the world, oil companies such as Royal Dutch Shell, British Petroleum, and Total SA, as well as various European monarchs, international bankers such as David Rockefeller, major politicians, presidents, prime ministers, and central bankers of the world.[3] The Bilderberg Group acts as a “secretive global think-tank,” with an original intent to “to link governments and economies in Europe and North America amid the Cold War.”[4]

In the early 1950s, top European elites worked with selected American elites to form the Bilderberg Group in an effort to bring together the most influential people from both sides of the Atlantic to advance the cause of ‘Atlanticism’ and ‘globalism.’ The list of attendees were the usual suspects: top politicians, international businessmen, bankers, leaders of think tanks and foundations, top academics and university leaders, diplomats, media moguls, military officials, and Bilderberg also included several heads of state, monarchs, as well as senior intelligence officials, including top officials of the CIA, which was the main financier for the first meeting in 1954.[5]

The European founders of the Bilderberg Group included Joseph Retinger and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard had, incidentally, been a member of the Nazi Party until 1934, three years prior to his marrying the Dutch Queen Juliana, and had also worked for the German industrial giant, I.G. Farben, the maker of Zyklon B, the gas used in concentration camps.[6] On the American side, those who were most prominent in the formation of the Bilderberg Group were David Rockefeller, Dean Rusk (a top official with the Council on Foreign Relations who was then the head of the Rockefeller Foundation), Joseph Johnson (another Council leader who was head of the Carnegie Endowment), and John J. McCloy (a top Council leader who became Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank in 1953 and was also Chairman of the Board of the Ford Foundation).[7]


“Own nothing, be happy. You might have heard the phrase. It started life as a screenshot, culled from the internet by an anonymous anti-semitic account on the image board 4chan. ‘Own nothing, be happy – The Jew World Order 2030’, said the post, which went viral among extremists” — Adrian Monck, WEF, 2022 However, the phrase didn’t “start life as a screenshot” — it came directly from a video on the WEF’s own website and social media channels. In fact, “You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy” actually originates, verbatim, from the WEF’s “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” which was published in 2016 and is still on the WEF Agenda blog at the time of this publication.


The worst thing about Davos? The Masters of the Universe think they are do-gooders by Hamilton Nolan

Has there ever been a “meeting that should have been an email” so glaring as Davos? Each year, the world’s masters of politics and finance ride carbon-spewing jets to the World Economic Forum in a lavish Swiss resort town bristling with armed guards, where they opine somberly about solving poverty and climate change. The very act of attendance exposes all the subsequent dialogue as hypocrisy. The event serves primarily as a rare point of unity for political right and left wings, both of whom agree that everyone there should be in jail. If all of these professional decision-makers were really good at decision-making, they would replace the whole farce with an annual quick chat. “So then, we’ll carry on with global capitalism for another year. Agree? Right. Cheerio.”

Davos and similar conclaves can only be understood as performances. They are the stage upon which the Masters of the Universe act out the dramatic narrative of their own lives. They are exercises in mutual self-affirmation: we’re here, and we are important. What good is a powerful position without a rapt audience to listen to one’s pronouncements? Anyone can be rich, but only a select few can be influencers.

Malthusian fear mongering and human sacrifice:

From Bad science and bad ethics in Peter Gleick’s Review of “Apocalypse Never” at Yale Climate Connections published August 3rd 2020 by Michael Shellenberger who is the author of Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us

The ideas of Thomas Malthus (center) were used by British governments to justify the Irish Famine, 1845-1848 (left) and Bengali Famine, 1943-1945 (right) before becoming the basis for 20th Century environmentalism. In his review of Apocalypse Never at Yale Climate Connections, scientist Peter Gleick defends Malthus and the Malthusian tradition.


In his review of my new book, Apocalypse Never, at Yale Climate Connections, Peter Gleick accuses me of mischaracterizing environmentalism and misrepresenting climate science. He argues that I construct strawmen, promote nuclear energy above other energies, and engage in ad hominem (personal) attacks.

In fact, Gleick mischaracterizes Apocalypse Never, which accurately reflects the best available science and promotes energy progress, not nuclear to the exclusion of other sources, without making personal attacks.

Most troubling, Gleick writes, “if Malthusians are wrong, all they would have done is made the world a better place.” But in Apocalypse Never I show that, for Malthusians, making the world a “better place” has meant letting the poor starve, keeping poor nations dependent on wood fuel, and diverting World Bank funding from  dams, roads, and fertilizer for development to charitable endeavors like solar panels for rural villagers aimed at making poverty sustainable.

To be sure, there is much that Gleick and I agree upon. “We know how to provide safe water and sanitation to the billions who still lack it,” he writes. “We know we must now work to both cut greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the severity of climate change and at the same time work to adapt to the impacts we can no longer avoid. We know how to improve agricultural efficiency to both grow enough food for everyone and to get it to hungry mouths.”

What we differ on is how to get there. In Apocalypse Never I show why poor people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America will enjoy higher standards of living, and protect the natural environment, by doing the exact same thing Americans and Europeans have done, which is to industrialize, urbanize, build flood control systems, modernize agriculture, and move up the energy ladder, from wood and dung to hydroelectric dams and fossil fuels to nuclear.

I further argue that, if we continue to develop in these ways, deaths from natural disasters will continue to decline, food surpluses will continue to rise, and global carbon emissions will likely peak and decline soon, preventing temperatures from rising more than three degrees centigrade over pre-industrial levels.

Gleick disagrees and defends the Malthusian notion that future food surpluses are highly uncertain due to climate change, and argues that I ignore such risks. To get to the bottom of the disagreement, we need to review the best available science, as well as the history of Malthusian ideology.


In Apocalypse Never I explicitly acknowledge climate change’s potentially negative impacts on food production and point out that the UN Food and Agriculture Organization and every other major scientific body conclude that fertilizer, irrigation, flood control, roads, tractors, and other technologies needed to increase yields massively outweigh rising temperatures around the world, including in poor and developing nations in the tropics.

Gleick, for his part, offers no reason to expect declining food production, much less famine. Food surpluses have been rising gradually for millennia and especially in the 220 years since Thomas Malthus wrote his famous tract, claiming that humans were doomed to periodic starvation.

Gleick similarly accuses me of denying any relationship between climate change and extreme weather events, and ignoring how fire seasons have grown longer. But on page two I write, “Today, California’s fire season stretches two to three months longer than it was fifty years ago.”  As for extreme weather, I wrote, about one of the world’s leading experts,  “[Roger] Pielke stresses that climate change may be contributing to some extreme weather events. ‘For instance,’ he notes, ‘some recent research is suggestive that regional warming in the western United States can be associated with increasing forest fires.’”

My point is, again, that human development and disaster preparedness massively outweigh whatever increase there’s been in hurricane wind speed, the length of forest fire season, or modestly more precipitation. “What most determines how vulnerable various nations are to flooding,” I note, “depends centrally on whether they have modern water and flood control systems, like my home city of Berkeley, California, or not, like the Congo.”

Gleick falsely accuses me of cherry-picking a quote from a 2019 New York Times story on Amazon fires. “If you look at the actual article he cites,” writes Gleick, “the journalist makes clear the “influence” of climate change just two sentences later.” But, as noted above, I have never suggested there wasn’t an influence, just that it is outweighed by other factors.

Gleick confuses the reader about the relationship between disasters and extreme weather events. A hurricane whose wind speed has been made more intense by climate change but doesn’t hurt anyone or destroy property, is not a disaster, according to IPCC, dictionaries, and common sense. And yet Gleick conflates the two concepts, leading readers to believe that we have become more vulnerable. “In fact,” he writes, “a large and growing body of literature already shows strong links between climate change and extreme events…” But I never deny those links and indeed address them specifically in Apocalypse Never.


Gleick writes, “Shellenberger no doubt believes in, and supports, the goal of a better future. So do environmental scientists, activists, and any decent human.” The question is what we mean by “better future.” For Malthus and Malthusian scientists, a better future is one where there are fewer people. “The land in Ireland is infinitely more peopled than in England,” Malthus famously wrote, “and to give full effect to the natural resources of the country, a great part of the population should be swept from the soil.”

Conservationists and environmentalists defend Malthus by claiming that he wrote his famous book when it was still too early to know that the industrial revolution would radically increase food production. Malthus came of age in what historians call the “advanced organic economy,” which, due to its reliance on renewables, namely wood fuel and waterwheels, “condemned the majority of the population to poverty” for inherently physical reasons, notes Malthus biographer Robert Mayhew.

But the bleakness of Britain’s renewable-powered economy hadn’t prevented contemporary thinkers from imagining the end of hunger and universal prosperity. Indeed, there was evidence of success all around them. Had it not been for the continuous improvements to agriculture yields during Malthus’s lifetime, along with an expansion of farming from 11 to 14.6 million acres between 1700 and 1850, hunger in the British countryside would have been far worse.                  

Does any of this matter? Did Malthus’ ideas have any impact on the real world?

They did. British elites used Malthus’ ideas to justify letting one million people starve to death during the Great Irish Famine. To this day, when people think of the Great Famine, they tend to focus on the fungus that killed potatoes and overlook the fact that, between 1845 and 1849, Ireland exported food, including beef, to England. Irish families had to sell their pigs in order to pay the rent, even as their children were starving.

Malthus taught the British to blame the Irish. “The cheapness of this nourishing root [potatoes],” Malthus wrote, “joined to the ignorance and barbarism of the [Irish] people, have encouraged marriage to such a degree that the population has pushed much beyond the industry and present resources of the country.”

Thirty years later, the British governor-general of India argued that the Indian population “has a tendency to increase more rapidly than the food it raises from the soil.” Later he claimed the “limits of increase of production and of the population have been reached.”          

Then, between 1942 and 1943, as India produced food and manufactured goods for the British war effort, local food shortages emerged. Food imports could have alleviated the crisis, but Prime Minister Winston Churchill refused to allow it. Why? “Much of the answer must lie in the Malthusian mentality of Churchill and his key advisors,” concludes Mayhew.

“Indians are breeding like rabbits and being paid a million a day by us for doing nothing about the war,” Churchill claimed, falsely. Partly as a result of his decisions, three million people died in the Bengali famine of 1942 to 1943, which was three times the death toll of the Great Irish Famine.

After World War II, American conservationists adopted the thinly-veiled Malthusian idea that making the world a better place involved letting poor people in poor nations starve to death. Top academic institutions helped make Malthusian ideas mainstream.

In 1972, an NGO called the Club of Rome published “The Limits to Growth,” a report concluding that the planet was on the brink of ecological collapse, which The New York Times covered on its front page. “The most probable result,” the report declared, “will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.” The collapse of civilization was “a grim inevitability if society continues its present dedication to growth and ‘progress.’”

There you have it, a posthuman world controlled by Besserwissers who know so much about saving the planet that they are willing to offer human life as a sacrifice to their false idol of Mother Gaia. Mother earth has replaced Father God. And now you also know why unrestrained abortion right up to birth is considered to be a legitimate form of contraception. The globalists consider humanity as a blight on the planet. A despoiler. Something which if not totally exterminated then culled like cattle to be offered as sacrifices on the altar of globalism.

Witch doctors: hysterectomies, chemical castration and the dick saw!

There’s one basic reason for gender affirming care that does the diametric opposite of affirming a person’s gender, the witch doctors are in my opinion breaking their oath of do no harm by carrying out the agenda of Malthusian post humanists who do not want humanity to be able to breed. And since they know that most adults are going to be unwilling to have their genitals removed due to their sexual preferences, these medical butchers know full well that they must attack the next generation. Their goal is to sterilize and leave their victims unable to enjoy an orgasm. It is my concerted opinion that anyone who engages in this kind of activity is by definition a paedophile. Since it is impossible for me to find words sufficient to describe such perverted atrocities let me finish by saying this, Nazis engaged in such experiments yet at least they had the honestly to admit it wasn’t for the goods of the person undergoing chemical castration and surgeries which removed sexual organs. This makes Nazis morally superior to those who both facilitate and encourage such irreversible alterations to the sexuality of children who are not old enough to make such choices for themselves.


The ongoing and escalating unwinnable war in the Ukraine, climate catastrophizing, globalist Besserwissers’ who demand that we surrender our autonomy to their benevolence, the prevailing Malthusian detestation of human flourishing, and leaders who are openly hostile to biological sexuality are accompanied by billions upon billions of dollars being spent in policies that cannot succeed, are based upon fantasies and delusional ideation. These facts are demonstrative proof that we are in the grip of a post-Christian religion that makes the paganism of our ancestors appear reasoned and moral by comparison. Which is why I stated that there is no such thing as an irreligious person, but there certainly are idolators who worship and the godless altar of transhumanism. Christ became fully human so that he could reunite us with the Divine, this religion is robbing us of the very nature of what it means to be human to turn mankind into a perverse and twisted antithesis of what the Scriptures state, that man was created in the image of God!



Can there be a political solution to a spiritual crisis?

  The state of the nation as we face the collapse of the Trudeau led LPC government: #JustinTrudeau along with his minions and supporters ...