Thursday, May 30, 2024

By necessity tyranny must hide under a false flag


Tyranny must hide itself under a flag of false virtue. If it didn’t no one would accept the personal sacrifices it requires us to make. The cost it demands for our protection and alleged well being will always come at the cost of our livelihoods, our privacy, and our bodily autonomy. Which is why what has happened to Canada makes me ashamed to be Canadian. There is perhaps more I could have done to speak out against the increasing interference in our private lives by the government, but it wasn't until 2014 while I was still living in Norway that I began to understand more fully the influence Critical Theory has on the West. I couldn’t stand the Borg like need for conformity of opinion in Norway, so I asked my wife what she believed was behind it. She explained how Critical Theory had originated in the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism among sociologists who were seeking to rework communism for modern time. Today, many of my family and friends support Critical Theory's concerted attack on the normality, morality, and ethics which had once defined the Canadian Zeitgeist. This ideology is anti-human, anti-nuclear family, and anti-Christian to its Post Marxist core. So, was it naivety, stupidity, or lack of a moral compass which had allowed my family and friends to accept these Neo-Marxist lies? How could they have so easily fallen for the contradictory rhetoric from the WOKE Silicon Valley shysters and the Globalist robber barons given their Postmodern beliefs contradicted the values we were taught as children? But now most of the Churches themselves have succumbed to it. Frankly I ought not to be surprised as to how deep into this Postmodern, Malthusian, anti-human, post-national, globalist, socially retrogressive rabbit hole into which we have plunged since we have allowed ourselves to be led down it by a pack of immoral globalist billionaires who live Satanically perverted lives!

We must turn away from the "progressive" globalist technocrats who tell us that there's only one way to think and to live. All that we have loved, valued, and held dear still lives on in our hearts and minds. We are living in a time akin to being in a forest after a raging fire where new green shoots have begun to emerge. Let us nurture the new growth while never forgetting that it was those very globalist technocrats who ignited the fire in an attempt to burn it all down in the name of "progress"!

And for you right leaning loathers of big government, the LPC is not liberal in any sense of the actual meaning of the word. Liberalism is a political ideology which refers to "liberty", as in freedom from statism. We must stop using the left's terms to define our right-wing viewpoints, for by doing so we're only ceding ground to our ideological opponents.

So let us examine socialist policies effects on society in practice from the testimony of one who experienced them firsthand. From “Central planning from the inside—an interview with a Soviet-era economist” published on May 25, 2024 by the Fraser Institute @

In our descriptions of socialism in Poland and Estonia, we often quoted firsthand accounts of Poles and Estonians who lived through the period. These were workers, consumers, victims of oppression and resistance fighters. One voice that we didn’t capture was that of the planner—the government official charged with making the economy work, despite socialism’s enormous handicaps.

To better understand that perspective, I recently interviewed Gia Jandieri, an economist who worked for the State Supply Committee in Georgia from 1984 to 1989.

In 1989 Gia cofounded the very first non-governmental organization in Soviet Georgia (the Association of Young Economists) to push for market economic education. And in 2001 he established a think-tank, the New Economic School, to promote economic freedom. The New Economic School has been a full member of the Economic Freedom Network since 2004.

Here’s our discussion (lightly edited for readability):

Matthew Mitchell (MM):

How did you become an economist and a Soviet planner?

Gia Jandieri (GM):

It was accidental. In 1984 my mother worked at the Gossnab (the State Supply Committee for the Central Planning Authority) and she offered to introduce me to her boss. At that time I was only 23 years old and had graduated from the Georgian Polytechnical Institute. My knowledge of economics was mostly from life and family experience (my parents worked at a metallurgical plant).

But as a student in 1979 I had had what I thought were a few strange discussions with a teacher of political economy. Like most teachers, he was no true believer in socialism (it was hard for anyone to believe at that time). But he was required to teach the propaganda. What surprised me was that he was willing to publicly agree with me about my suspicions that the system was failing and might even collapse. This was rare, and he was taking a risk. But it also inspired me. It is also important to note that he wanted to hide his hesitation about Marxism and the Soviet system, and he also wanted me to stop my questions, and/or stop attending his lectures (which was of course not allowed). I recall he told me: “either I report you or someone reports both of us for having prohibited discussions.”

When I finished my university study of engineering, I was already sure I wanted to be an economist. So, when the opportunity arose in 1984 to work at the State Supply Committee, I seized it.


Tell us a little bit about the job of a planner. What were your responsibilities? And how did you go about doing them? 


Our department inside of Gossnab was responsible for monitoring the execution of agreements for production of goods and government orders. My task was to verify that the plans had been executed correctly, to find failures and problems, and to report to the higher authorities.

This included reading lots of reports and visiting the factories and their warehouses for auditing.

The Soviet economy had been in a troublesome condition since the 1970s. We (at the Gossnab) had plenty of information about failures, but it wasn’t useful. We knew that the quality of produced goods was very low, that any household good that was of usable quality was in deficit, and that the shortages encouraged people to buy on the black market through bribes.

In reality, a bribe was a substitute for a market-determined price; people were interested in paying more than the official price for the goods they valued, and the bribe was a way for them to indicate that they valued it more than others.

The process of planning was long. The government had to study demand, find resources and production capacities, create long-run production and supply plans, compare these to political priorities, and get approval for general plans at the Communist Party meetings. Then the general plans needed to be converted to practical production and supply plans, with figures about resources, finances, material and labour, particular producers, particular suppliers, transportation capacities, etc. After this, we began the process of connecting factories and suppliers to one another, organizing transportation, arranging warehousing, and lining up retail shops.

The final stage of the planning process was to send the participating parties their own particular plans and supply contracts. These were obligatory government orders. Those who refused to follow them or failed to fulfill them properly were punished. The production factories had no right or resources to produce any other goods or services than those described in the supply contracts and production plans they received from the authorities. Funny enough, though, government officials could demand that they produce more goods than what was indicated in the plans.


What made your job difficult? Let’s assume that a socialist planner is 100 per cent committed to the cause; all he or she wants to do is serve the state and the people. What makes it difficult to do that?


There were several difficulties. We had to find appropriate consumer data and compare it to the data of suppliers (of production goods mostly). I was working with several (5-15) factories per year. I needed to have current and immediate information, but the state companies were always trying to hide or falsify their reports. In some cases, waste and theft could be so significant that production had to be halted.

The planners invested vast sums of money and time in data collection and each had special units of data processing.

This was a technical exercise and had nothing to do with efficiency or usefulness. The collected data was outdated by the time it was printed. The planning, approval, and execution processes could take many years to complete, and by the time plans were ready, demand had usually changed, creating deficits of what was demanded and surpluses of what was not demanded. The planners, no matter how dedicated or intelligent they might be, simply couldn’t meet the demands of the customers.

Central planning was not an easy exercise. The central planners needed to understand what was needed—both production supplies and consumer goods. But, of course, we had no way of knowing what people truly wanted because there was no market. Consumers weren’t free to choose from different suppliers and new suppliers weren’t free to enter the market to offer new or slightly different goods.

One of the more helpful ways to find out what people wanted was to look at what consumers in the West wanted since they actually had economic freedom and their demands were quickly satisfied. The government also did a lot of industrial spying to steal Western production ways and technologies.


Were most of the planners you encountered 100 per cent committed to the cause? Were they incentivized to serve the cause?


Some of the staffers were dedicated to their work. Others were mostly thinking about how they could obtain bribes from the production factories as a reward for closing their eyes to mismanagement and failure. The planners were also involved in more significant corruption to allow the production factories to have extra materials and financial resources so they could produce for the black market or so they could simply steal.

Then the revenue from these bribes would be divided among all personnel from different agencies (like the Price Committee, Auditing (“Public Control”), and several other agencies charged with inspections). So, in fact, the system generated corruption as a substitute for official incentives. If anything was still operating, this was mostly due to these corrupt incentives and not in spite of them.

The planning system was quite complex and involved many governmental offices though the main decisions were made by the Communist Party. Planning authorities would report to the Party leadership what they thought would be possible to produce and Party leaders would inevitably demand higher quantities.

Gosplan was bureaucratic to its core, both in principle and character. Nobody was allowed to innovate other than planned/artificial innovation. Everyone had to work only by decrees and orders coming from the political leadership. The political orders and bribes were the only engines that were moving anything. Market incentives didn’t exist. Bonuses (premia) were awarded according to bureaucratic rules, and, paradoxically, these destroyed the motivation of the genuinely hard workers.


Moving beyond economics a bit, how did the socialist system affect other aspects of life? Culture, families, relationships, civil institutions?


One of the examples is Western pop-music. Soviet propaganda tried to hide Western culture. Music schools mostly taught Russian classical music and some folk music of various Soviet ethnic nationalities, but it was mostly Russian.

Jazz and hard rock were not prohibited but very much limited. That of course encouraged smuggling and illegal dissemination, as in every sector. Soviet music factories were buying some rights to the music (for instance the Beatles, Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald). But these recordings were only available in limited quantities and were of bad quality in order to limit their influence.

Small illegal outfits would make unofficial and illegal copies of any popular western music (not classical).

Cultural institutions like theatre or cinema were harshly censored and mostly served the propaganda machine. The people involved in these sectors did what all producers of goods did. They needed to lobby their benefactors in the bureaucracy, bribing and currying favour with them in different ways. It was said that only one out of four films produced would be shown in the cinemas. The other three films were only produced so studios could steal the resources and obtain higher reimbursements.

Before Soviet rule, Georgia was a property rights and ethics-based society. We have ancient proverbs that testify to this. The Soviets killed the ethical leaders, the property-owning elite, and confiscated their property. The stolen property was supposed to be held in common. In fact, the bureaucracy took it.

State ownership of property opened the way to waste and theft of construction and production materials, office inventory, fertilizer, harvested agricultural products, etc.

In Georgia, one bright spot was underground education. Georgians succeeded in growing a network of informal tutors who effectively operated despite very harsh efforts by the authorities to quash them. These skillful teachers prepared the young people for university exams. This was so widespread that some successful young people (including my wife and friends, for instance) started offering private (completely illegal) teaching services when they were university students.


To this day, socialism remains alluring to many in the West, especially young people. What do you have to say to the 46 per cent of Canadians aged 18-34 who support socialism?


Very simply, it is a mistake to think socialism fails because of the wrong managers. This mistake allows people to think that it’ll work the next time it is tried, if we just have better people. In fact the opposite is true—socialism invites the wrong managers. It doesn’t reward a great manager who tries to improve the system but a person who can adapt to and accept the corruption, waste and theft. Socialism also encourages corruption. When more resources are in the control of politicians and the bureaucracy, there is more favouritism, privilege, and discrimination. Jobs and business opportunities are based on privilege rather than market competition. This means naïve people will always be cheated by brazen liars and manipulators.

Poor people are told that the state is under their control but in fact the bureaucracy and political hierarchy control everything.

In socialism, nature and natural resources are abused and wasted. The Tragedy of the Commons runs rampant without private property, voluntary cooperation, and ethics. The government tries to manage everything centrally and totally fails because it lacks dynamic information, competitive discipline, and proper incentives.

Author:  Matthew D. Mitchell

Yet Neo-Marxist ideology has been taught as viable political theory in our universities for decades at the expense of Canadian taxpayers yet the citizens, perhaps mostly out of ignorance, tolerated it. Therefore, it is remarkable that many university graduates remain either ignorant or complicit in perpetuating its negative effects on our government, its bureaucracy and society writ large starting with this ideology’s attack on the nuclear family and hence our children. A remarkable majority of postgraduate educated people have swallowed Cultural Marxism hook, line, and sinker for one reason, they believe that by embracing Neo-Marxist ideology makes them more moral than God. There will be a world of hurt if and when a Poilievre government is elected. He will of necessity have to lead massive spending cuts starting with the bureaucracy, then drastically cut foreign aid, particularly aid sent to abet proxy wars that are unwinnable. All lobbying and central planning must cease. No more crony capitalism with the government getting deep into bed with multinational conglomerates like Big Pharma and the investment bankers who are members of the WEF. Government run programs must be forced to operate within budget and demonstrate that the end user is receiving value. It is going to be an unholy shitshow. And I can already hear the screaming Greenies who hide under the false flag of climate catastrophizing and the host of those who have been taught to view themselves as perpetual victims crying like unweaned emotional infants demanding to feed off the public teat!

Klaus Schwab, the founder, and executive director of the World Economic Forum, has used the term “Build Back Better”. In an interview, Schwab spoke about what the newly elected Biden-Harris administration means for global capitalism. He mentioned that the Biden-Harris administration gives a necessary final boost, a faucet switch from a shareholder-oriented capitalism into a stakeholder-oriented capitalism. The phrase “You will own nothing and be happy” originated from a 2016 video of the WEF, of which Schwab is founder, which summarized an essay written by Danish politician Ida Auken. The video made several predictions about the world in 2030, including the statement "You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy. What you want you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone". Yet the Global Elite’s sole contribution has been to label the West itself is a patriarchal tyranny guilty of “Post-Colonial Oppression”. The elites have but one goal, at the core of their ideology is a desire to tear it all down which will leave them to reign over the ashes of Western Civilization.

So, though the worst is yet to come there are many causes for hope. For by now far too many of us have begun to see the nature of the mouthy little wicked wizard lurking behind the curtain who ought to be featured in Austin Powers’ next rendition of Dr. Evil while petting a cat. As I stated, we must turn away from the "progressive" globalist technocrats who tell us that there's only one way to think and to live. All that we have loved, valued, and held dear still lives on in our hearts and minds for we are living in a time akin to being in a forest after a raging fire where new green shoots have begun to emerge. It is time to rage against the machine that seeks to dehumanize us and frankly our fight against this godless agenda is a Godly one! Humanity was created to serve Him alone not mammon and false idols, no matter what false flag behind which their actual agenda has been hidden!

Monday, May 27, 2024

A fools’ game: The ever-morphing versions of Marxist ideology


Today I posted a meme quoting Kevin Sorbo which read, “Instead of diversity hiring how about giving the job to the best person?” The question he poses ignores the hideous Cultural Marxist ideology behind Critical Theory's grievance studies and D.E.I. since the dedicated Neo-Marxist fully intends to destroy capitalism because one of the best ways to do so is to undermine the competence required to make private industry successful.

A Facebook acquaintance who himself grew up in the Fascistic social collectivism of Portugal replied, “As a society we have been forced to accept mediocrity. It's no longer a situation where people are encouraged to learn and get better so that they'll be able to compete and get accepted... or win, rather, if you can't meet the standards you are encouraged to file a grievance to get the standards lowered to meet your lack of qualifications. And God help you if you complain that someone less qualified than you got hired or promoted ahead of you if that someone happens to be a member of a visible minority. But I'm sure I'm not telling you what you don't know...”

I replied, “John Rebelo again, that is because people fail to identify the source of the problem. Cultural Marxist Critical Theory lies behind all of this. Therefore, the job of any true freedom fighter is not to attack the symptoms of the illness, which in this case is mediocrity, but the source of the problem using first principles thinking. Deconstruct the ideology by understanding it better than your opponent or it will deconstruct you!”

First principles thinking is a systematic approach to problem-solving that involves breaking down complex problems into their most basic, fundamental parts. It's about understanding the core elements of a problem and building up from there, rather than relying on assumptions or conventional wisdom. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

1. *Identify and Define the Problem*: Clearly understand what you're trying to solve.

2. *Break Down the Problem*: Dissect the problem into its fundamental principles. These are the basic truths that are universally accepted and cannot be deduced any further.

3. *Analyze and Synthesize*: Examine these principles to find connections or patterns that can help you understand the problem better.

4. *Reconstruct the Problem*: Using these insights, reconstruct the problem and explore innovative solutions that weren't apparent before.

This method encourages deep thinking and can lead to creative and original solutions. It's been used by many great thinkers and innovators, including Elon Musk and Aristotle, to solve complex issues and create groundbreaking ideas¹².

It's not just a technique but a mindset that challenges the status quo and fosters a culture of inquiry and innovation. By applying first principles thinking, you can cut through the noise of what's always been done and discover new ways to approach challenges¹².

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 5/27/2024

(1) What is First-Principles Thinking | A comprehensive guide..

(2) First Principles: Elon Musk on the Power of Thinking for Yourself.

(3) What Is First Principles Thinking? 3 Popular Approaches and How to ....

(4) First Principles Thinking: The Blueprint For Solving Business ... - Forbes.

(5) What Is First Principles Thinking? 3 Popular Approaches and How to ....

(6) How to Solve Impossible Problems: First Principles Thinking.

What is First-Principles Thinking | A comprehensive guide. A revolutionary approach championed by luminaries like Elon Musk

We are being confronted by anomalous patterns hitherto unseen:

Humans are naturally wired to recognize patterns and irregularities in their environment. This ability has been crucial not merely to our survival, it also allows us to create stable civilizations which can predict and prepare for future events based on past experiences to avoid unwanted events which will negatively impact social cohesion, health, our children’s education, and do damage to productivity, trade, and the economy. When something deviates from the expected pattern or norm—an anomaly—it will often trigger a sense of unease or discomfort. Which is why so many feel unsettled in this post COVID period when so many of the questions surrounding the official narrative remain unaddressed or worse, are being subjected to an enormous, coordinated international cover-up. Such anomalies signal danger or uncertainty as to how our political and bureaucratic class in league with international players from unelected bodies such as the W.E.F., other international organizations heavily influenced by illiberal foreign interference such as China, the E.U. and W.H.O. and its parent organization the U.N.

The need for statistical analysis of our ideological crisis:

You can only manage what you measure is an unerring principle of good governance and fiduciary duty, which is the legal duty of a fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary, in this case the citizenry. One is therefore forced to ask why has this essential requirement of oversight and good government failed so miserably?

In statistics, mean, median, and mode are measures of central tendency; they are ways to find the center or average of a set of numbers. Here's a simple explanation of each:

- *Mean*: This is what most people commonly refer to as the average. You calculate it by adding up all the numbers in a set and then dividing by the count of numbers. For example, for the set [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the mean is \( (1+2+3+4+5) / 5 = 3 \).

- *Median*: The median is the middle number in a sorted list of numbers. If there's an odd number of observations, the median is the number right in the middle. If there's an even number of observations, the median is the average of the two middle numbers. For example, in the set [1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9], the median is 6, which is the fourth number. But for [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], the median is \( (3+4) / 2 = 3.5 \).

- *Mode*: The mode is the number that appears most frequently in a data set. A set of numbers may have one mode, more than one mode, or no mode at all. For instance, in the set [1, 2, 2, 3, 4], the mode is 2 because it appears twice, unlike the other numbers which appear only once.

In summary, the mean is the total sum divided by the count, the median is the middle value, and the mode is the most frequent number. Each of these measures can give you a different perspective on the data set you're looking at.

The term "Six Sigma" comes from a statistical concept used in manufacturing³. When a production process is Six Sigma, also known as 6 standard deviations away from the specification limits where problems and defects are produced, it means it is a very capable process and only produces up to 3.4 defects out of a million opportunities³.

If an "imode" (which could refer to a peak, mode, or most common value in a distribution) is developing out near the wings of the Six Sigma distribution, it suggests that there is a significant amount of data or occurrences far from the mean. In the context of Six Sigma, this could indicate a high number of defects or errors, which is certainly troubling.

Six Sigma methodologies aim to reduce defects and variations in processes to improve quality and consistency². Anomalies or significant deviations from the norm (the "wings" of the Six Sigma distribution) can signal potential issues or inefficiencies in the process¹². These could be due to a variety of factors, such as changes in input materials, equipment malfunctions, or human error¹².

Therefore, when an imode develops near the wings of Six Sigma, it's a cause for concern because it indicates a departure from the expected pattern and a potential decrease in process efficiency and product quality¹². It's a signal that the process may need to be reviewed and adjusted to bring it back into alignment with Six Sigma standards¹². 😊

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-05-27

(1) Guide: Six Sigma - Learn Lean Sigma.

(2) The Most Popular Lean Six Sigma Tools and Techniques.

(3) Guide: Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma - Learn Lean Sigma.

In light of this let us examine the phrase which was so often used to force people to accept anomalies that pose an inherent threat to society: “The New Normal”

The phrase "arguing statistically the new normal" refers to a situation where someone uses statistical data to argue that a recent trend or change is now the "new normal". This can potentially lead to a logical fallacy if not handled correctly.

One common fallacy related to this is the **Misleading Vividness** or **Hasty Generalization** fallacy¹². This occurs when someone bases a broad conclusion on a small or unrepresentative sample size. For example, if there's a sudden increase in a particular type of event, and someone argues that this is now the "new normal", they might be committing this fallacy. They are drawing a conclusion from a potentially temporary or random fluctuation, not a statistically significant trend¹².

Another related fallacy is the **Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc** (After this, therefore because of this) fallacy¹². This is when someone assumes that because one event followed another, the first event caused the second. If someone sees a new trend and assumes it's caused by a recent event or change, they might be committing this fallacy¹².

Finally, there's the **Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy**⁴, which occurs when someone focuses only on the data that supports their argument, while ignoring data that contradicts it⁴. If someone is arguing for a "new normal", they might be cherry-picking data that supports their claim, while ignoring data that doesn't⁴.

In all these cases, it's important to remember that correlation does not imply causation, and that statistical data needs to be interpreted carefully and correctly to avoid logical fallacies¹²⁴. 😊

Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-05-27

(1) What Is a Logical Fallacy? 15 Common Logical Fallacies - Grammarly.

(2) Logical Fallacies | Definition, Types, List & Examples - Scribbr.

(3) 16 Common Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them - HubSpot Blog.

(4) Statistical fallacies and how to avoid them | Geckoboard.

(5) What are Logical Fallacies? | Critical Thinking Basics.

A fools’ game: The ever-morphing versions of Marxist ideology:

Cultural Marxism is an unfounded fool’s game which leads to cultural genocide. There’s not a single statistical, demonstrably provable, logical, or consistent aspect of applied Cultural Marxist Critical Theory. In fact, it deconstructs itself due to its inherent contradictions. Therefore, we must outwit our ideological opponents by understanding not merely the impracticality of the ideology in theory but in exposing the disastrous outcomes of its application. First, what we must do is to never cede so much as an inch of ground to their preferred narrative, rather we must reject it out of hand. Let us examine why the NDP/LPC coalition is a Neo-Marxist criminal cartel aimed at further marginalizing the dispossessed while gutting the middle class.

In an article from the Frazer Institute entitled, “Canadian living standards declining with no end in sight” which appeared in the Hill Times, May 24, 2024

According to a recent poll, two-thirds of Canadians believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction. Clearly, there’s a disconnect between economic statistics, which show the Canadian economy is growing, and the experiences of Canadians who feel like they’re falling behind. In reality, Canadians are on the cusp of the worst decline in living standards in 40 years, with no end in sight.

When measured in aggregate, the Canadian economy is growing albeit weakly. In 2023, the economy grew by 1.1 per cent, after adjusting for inflation. And so far this year, it grew by 0.5 per cent in January and 0.2 per cent in February. But these statistics don’t account for changes in the population. It’s possible for the aggregate economy to grow because more people are coming to Canada (i.e. immigration) while per-person income levels decline. This happens when the growth in the overall economy is insufficient to account for the growth in the number of people in the economy. And unfortunately for Canadians, this is exactly what’s happening now.

In 2023, Canada’s population grew by 3.2 per cent or nearly 1.3 million people—the highest annual population growth rate since 1957, and nearly three times the rate of inflation-adjusted economic growth.

According to a new study, from the second quarter of 2019 (well before COVID) to the end of 2023, Canadians experienced a decline in living standards, as measured by per-person GDP (inflation-adjusted). Except for one fiscal quarter of reprieve, this 18-quarter period represents the second-longest period of per-person GDP decline over the last four decades (exceeded only by the 21-quarter decline from the late-1980s to 1994). But critically, the current decline (based on the latest data available for the end of 2023) has not yet ended and may extend into 2024.

Moreover, the percentage decline in living standards (again, as measured by per-person GDP) is the third-steepest of any decline over the last four decades at -3.0 per cent (exceeded only by declines from the late-1980s to the early-1990s and from 2008 to 2009, which both eclipsed 5.0 per cent). But again, the current decline has not yet ended and we could see continued declines in living standards when the 2024 data is released. Simply put, Canadians could be experiencing the worst decline in living standards of the last 40 years.

Several leading economists have already raised alarm bells over our economic decline, including Carolyn Rogers, senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, who recently said it was time to “break the glass” to solve Canada’s productivity crisis. Unfortunately, despite the calls for genuine reform, the federal and provincial governments this past budget season largely maintained the status quo and continued to borrow and spend, with no government demonstrating its intransigence more that the Trudeau government.

In conclusion:

It might be appropriate to note that something similar but not as severe occurred under Pierre Trudeau whose Marxist sympathies were celebrated by every social democracy around the Globe. His premiership led to enormous interest rate hikes in the 1980’s where many lost their homes, just as we are seeing today. Therefore, our ideological crisis has been long in the making since for too long Canadians failed to realize the threat posed to Canada by Cultural Marxist ideologues in our universities, in politics, and in our enormous and bloated bureaucracy. And there is nothing “normal” about our social and economic situation today. This anomaly is an “imode” warning us of impending disaster. We must dare to use first principles thinking and six-sigma quality methods not merely in manufacturing but also in ensuring that our governing class takes their fiduciary duty seriously or suffer the wrath of the citizenry, and not just on election day. These corrupt Neo-Marxists must be held accountable in a court of law.

Ecclesiastes 5:8 King James Version

8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

9 Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king himself is served by the field.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

When we allow feelings to trump the facts: chaos ensues!


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth.” — C. S. Lewis

I've become willing to believe that Trudeau, Singh, Freeland, Guilbeault, et al want us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are imbecilic. If this were not the case, then the so-called governing elite would not go to such extreme lengths to constantly demonstrate their ideological possession and inability to use reason to arrive at their policies. They have but one actual intent, total control even as they insist that we share in their delusions.

Canadians are currently experiencing one of the worst and longest declines in their standard of living in decades, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute. Just as I've been warning about regarding all the deliberate fiscal failures of our government. I'm glad I've documented both in writing and with vodcasts my heartfelt condemnation of the prevailing economic and social trajectory which fits together hand in glove. “Despite claims to the contrary, living standards are declining in Canada,” study co-author Grady Munro says in the report by the fiscally conservative think tank, “Changes in Per-Person GDP (Income): 1985 to 2023.” The study says that from April 2019 to the end of 2023, inflation-adjusted, per-person GDP in Canada, a broad measure of living standards, fell from $59,905 annually to $58,111 — a 3% loss and the third-steepest decline in almost 40 years.

More proof of what I have been sounding the alarm about for a decade, Neo-Marxism has successfully infected the hearts and minds of our youth, despite its tyrannical and murderous legacy. Two things are certain, these kids are being brainwashed by the very people who provided them with the pro-communist literature, and we are witnesses to the new brown shirts who are carrying out the revolutionary goals of their ideological bosses. From

 "I had to do a double take. I figured it was exaggerated. But since you just don’t hear something like that every day, I jumped into my gas-powered car and headed out to Trafalgar Rd. to see what the heck was going on.

Yes, there were communists there.

I found communism is alive and well in Canada, and particularly among some youth.  It turns out there was actually a desk set up outside the front door of Oakville’s city hall with communist reading material and books on Marxism, complete with hammers and sickles. But not everyone was receptive. The high school students manning this desk ran into people much older than them who not only understand what communism is all about, but know what it’s like to actually survive the regimes that impose the ideology. There were some good, civil debates between these idealistic kids who should’ve been in school and adults who escaped from communist countries."

A guide to how Marxism 3.0 works:

The single greatest challenge we face in determining what is true is one of a problem of utilizing the proper order of functions. The howling WOKE mob use their feelings to determine what they will believe; in turn their beliefs then inform them of what they will consider to be factual. On the other hand, a true seeker of Truth will place their feelings last. They will use ethics, epistemology, and ontology, to determine what is factual, place their faith in demonstrative reality and then and only then will they permit their emotions to follow. What we feel is utterly subjective and therefore is detached from what is empirically factual. In the first category we have those who are like two years olds who have never matured sufficiently to understand that their feelings are fickle which is why they invariably howl with rage to insist that reality itself be bent to suit their delusions when confronted by factual evidence!

I encourage you all to share this post with any who would dare to challenge factual evidence. Reality itself is being deliberately misconstrued in this Postmodern Age where even the meaning of words are deliberately being deconstructed to further the WOKE Cultural Marxist Revolution.

When feelings trump facts, it is high time to remind my readers and listeners that science is a method used to test theories. It isn't something one can trust unless the scientific method is employed rigorously and without prejudice as to its conclusions. Not a single resource that the elite claim is in short supply has ever born out to be true. The abundance of this planet endlessly exceeds their godless catastrophizing! Moreover, imagine having the gall to call someone a right-wing extremist because they demand that their government spend the taxes they pay wisely without waste and/or corruption? The Canadian government has become a criminal syndicate! A broad spectrum of Canadian citizens detests the Trudeau government and Trudeau in particular. All his promises of creating utopia have been dystopian. Anti free markets and centralized economies are illiberal and authoritarian to the core! In fact, his radical Neo-Marxist policies were deliberate attempts to crash the economy leaving the most marginalized with no earthly hope of improving their lot in life.

Socialism is the delusion that you can keep slicing the same pie into ever thinner portions rather than going to the trouble of baking more pies so that anyone willing to put in the effort may have as much pie as they can POSSIBLY eat.

As a result, we make the pies the elite consume without them so much as lifting a finger to add value to the process. The claim that they can redistribute the pies they stole from us to others who need it more than we do invariably ends up feeding the mouths of the socialist elite not the dispossessed and marginalized who became that way due to socialist policies.


Covidian catastrophizing became the excuse for the most massively coordinated campaign of misinformation in the history of the world, full stop! The battlefield became our minds, and the enemy was our own governments who have used weaponized psychological manipulation to convince you that indulging in self harm while the state attacked the very idea of private enterprise was somehow necessary for public well-being. And they intend to do it to us again. One of those who follow me on social media posted the following to me today, “You are so right, Bill. These post-humanists are incapable of humiliation.” @

Allow me to read from that article:

“Greetings and Best Wishes,

Dr. Sam Bailey’s latest offering covers the leaked video evidence of Drs. Theresa Tam, Bonnie Henry, Kieran Moore, etc. literally conspiring against people on the land known as Canada over the imaginary “avian influenza virus” health threat.

As Sam puts it:

“You will need to watch the video to fully appreciate the absurd level of nonsense coming from some of the key enablers in this brewing swindle…”

In our book Virus Mania, we called Chapter 7: “H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof” and exposed the foundational fraud behind the attempts to convince the public that there was a deadly new influenza “virus”. We suspected the narrative would be used again which is why we featured it on the cover of the 2021 edition. Sure enough, in 2023 the ‘bird flu’ was being used once more as the excuse to carry out the mass culling of poultry as I covered that year in “Taking Away Your Chickens”.

In recent weeks, the public “health” agencies and mainstream media have been featuring ‘H5N1’ in the headlines and “messaging” to the public that a pandemic could be about to start. As expected, some of the alleged experts have started flapping their wings about “pandemic preparedness” plans. There is also an additional angle in that they are claiming to find the influenza “virus” in milk which appears to be a new weapon in the war against raw milk and unpasteurised products.

By a stroke of luck, or more precisely through bureaucratic bungling, private researcher and biostatistician Christine Massey received a surprise invitation to an online H5N1 roundtable meeting headed by Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. This enabled us to secure exclusive footage of how they are rolling out the surveillance program and the virological pseudoscience that underpins the entire fraud. You will need to watch the video to fully appreciate the absurd level of nonsense coming from some of the key enablers in this brewing swindle…

The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb, 2023  In our book Virus Mania, we called Chapter 7: “H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof” and exposed the foundational fraud behind the attempts to convince the public that there was a deadly new influenza “virus”. We suspected the narrative would be used again which is why we featured it on the cover of the 2021 edition. Sure enough, in 2023 the ‘bird flu’ was being used once more as the excuse to carry out the mass culling of poultry as I covered that year in “Taking Away Your Chickens”.


1.    Virus Mania, 3rd English Edition, 2021

2.    Taking Away Your Chickens”, Dr Sam Bailey, 11 Feb 2023

3.    Why I Switched to Raw Milk For Good“, Dr Sam Bailey, 6 May 2022 (with video here.)

4.    Christine Massey’s official invitation to the meeting.

5.    Don’t fall for the “avian influenza virus” hoax!”, Christine Massey, 8 Apr 2024

6.    Christine Massey’s Substack

7.    Gain of Function Gaslighting”, Dr Sam Bailey, 30 Jun 2021

8.    Roundtable on HPAI A(H5N1)”, Theresa Tam, et al., 9 May 2024

9.    The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb, 2023  


The basis of insincerity is the idealized image we hold of ourselves and wish to impose on others. ~ July 1932, The Diary Of Anaïs Nin, Volume One (1931-1934)

To lie, of course, is to engender insanity. ~ August 1932 Henry and June

When others asked the truth of me, I was convinced it was not the truth they wanted, but an illusion they could bear to live with. ~ November, 1933

There is no reason that I of all people should know more about the inconsistencies in the officially sanctioned narrative than any thinking person curious person.

Yet, they said it would stop deaths ...

... it didn't stop deaths.

Then they said it would stop illness ...

... it didn't stop illness.

They also said it would stop infections ...

... it didn't stop infections.

They then assured us that it was safe ...

... it wasn't safe.

You ridiculed "conspiracy theorists" for 4+ years, me among them. But, as more "conspiracy theories" come true, there's a point you need to accept how stupid you appear for accepting demonstrative lies, stop pretending you're enlightened, and start listening to those who dared to peer behind the wizard's curtain to see what manner of manipulators have fabricated the deceptions.

Anyone who still believes what the government, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Tam, the W.H.O., the pharmacy industry and the legacy media have told us is either wilfully ignorant, a complete imbecile, or is a member of a demonic cult!

Jer 17:5 Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD.”

Ps 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man.”

Ps 146:3 “Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.”





Thursday, May 2, 2024

Come out of her, my people!

A call for Christians to do battle against the new great global Babylon.

Justin Trudeau is a paid puppet of the very global institutions which began as reactions to authoritarianism. These organizations have therefore all become manifestations of the very thing they were created to prevent. Consequently Cultural Marxism is the single most persistent and deadly idea pathogen infecting the human race since no amount of evidence of its murderous and tyrannical failures have proven to be sufficient to disabuse us of the dangers it poses to human peace, flourishing and voluntary cooperation. This has resulted in Canadians being undemocratically herded like unthinking sheep into a new digital Gulag where our thoughts, our speech, our currency, and even our children will be brought under total centralized social credit control. Moreover Justin Trudeau warned us years ago when he stated that Canada had become the first ever "post-national" state. We are not being governed out of Ottawa and haven't been in a very long time! This is also the reason Trudeau cannot step down since he is being propped up by some extremely powerful global interests.

“I find it hilarious how many can claim they value freedom of speech until the moment when they're confronted by someone who thinks, speaks, and acts freely.” – Wm. H. Rymer, (the guy who wrote and recorded this since I love to quote myself)

I have no words of comfort to speak to you other than to echo John Newton’s famous lyrics from Amazing Grace, “Through many dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come; ’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home.” I am here to call Christian soldiers to battle against the most significant enemy of our time, namely ideological possession. It has many names and takes on many faces, Cultural Marxist Critical Theory and all the version of Critical Theory it has birthed, Postmodernism, WOKE, Hegelian Dialecticism, Malthusianism, Climate Catastrophizing, and Fabianism, yet all have grown from the same root. They echo the words of Satan in their every creed by asking, “Hath God said?”. This struggle will likely pit you against loved ones, spouses, family and friends. You will be called many names for the sake of His Name and will be mischaracterized and persecuted. Anyone who sells the Gospel of Christ with a lesser warning is lying to you. From Matthew 10:34 (KJV) “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.” That sword is His Word, so let us hear what the Spirit would say to the Churches and do not think since these words are rude, that they are ungodly for I will speak to you as directly as God Himself commands me. From Philippians 3:8 (KJV) “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,”

Regarding the state of our government:

Given the fact that our government has repeatedly demonstrated that they cannot manage a piss-up in a brewery it is truly galling that they constantly talk down to the very people who placed them in office as though those who voted for them are witless fools incapable of self rule. Canadians are being treated as though we simply can't make good decisions for ourselves under the pretence that our representatives need to care for us as though we are incompetent and/or marginalized. Yet if we are marginalized it is only due to our elected and bureaucratic class ensuring that we are! Their behaviour towards us can best be described as "condescending" or "patronizing", an attitude which suggest a sense of superiority toward others which is often coupled with a false sense of care or concern since the need for control is invariably hidden by a false desire to help.

Condescending and patronizing behaviour stems from various psychological factors such as a need for control, a desire to feel superior, insecurity, or a lack of empathy. It might also be a learned behavior from past experiences or cultural influences. In some cases, individuals may use condescension as a defense mechanism to mask their own insecurities or feelings of inadequacy. And no one could be more narcissistically deluded or desirous of unearned power and acclaim than Canada's own Prime Minister along with the sycophantic toadies with whom he has surrounded himself who comprise his cabinet.

A factual analysis of the myriad of lies they have fed us reveals an unending barrage of untruths, half truths, and deliberate deception. Our pompous puppet politicians and the bureaucratic class take themselves altogether too seriously, especially given their complete incompetence. They have made themselves both ludicrous and laughable, yet they are also deadly since they fully intend to implement centralized digital global despotism. And this do this while indulging in the vilest kinks which is why they incessantly celebrate perversion to normalize their preferred deviant behaviour. This behaviour is replete with perverted ideas which now include paedophilia. At the same time our narcissistic entire elite class have become incapable of speaking to us without hiding their intent behind a litany of contradictory cliches each of which is likely to deconstruct some else they have stated upon minimal examination. The species of WOKENESS they are demonstrating requires either complete naivety to accept it, an incredible ability to tolerate cognitive dissonance, or a malicious and malignant need to find excuses that ostensibly sound innocuous for the sole purpose of weaponizing guilt and shame to control and manipulate others.

The new creeping digitalized totalitarianism which is implementing the great global Babylon:

This is a new form of creeping totalitarianism being implemented gradually even as we are being subjected to death by a thousand cuts. We will no longer be capable of recognizing their actually intent in direct proportion to how far we have removed ourselves from understanding the importance of Christian values in providing the proper foundation for all moral conduct and human interaction. This slithering version of authoritarianism has engaged the West in a form of cultural genocide. It is being implemented in concert with mass immigration aimed at undermining what little remains of Christianity. It behoves us to remember that the totalitarian regimes of the past were not made possible by either the dedicated Nazi or the committed Communist, rather they were made possible by those who rejected Christ by following the herd who refused to openly question the motives of their godless authoritarian bosses. This was partly due to the fear of sticking one’s head above the parapet but mostly done out of pure godless expedience. In this way the majority passively cooperated with their own enslavement.

The 4th Estate once existed to remind us of our culture and heritage which by necessity was founded on Christianity. Which is why the current version of the 4th Estate has failed us and has done so by design. They have become the state's sanctioned propaganda tool for a new Babylonian captivity. The only way I can read and in turn redistribute any real factual news is by sharing what some other diligent soul has posted then investigating its validity for myself from several sources. We can't trust anything except by very thorough investigation, research, careful cross referencing, and discernment. This level of skepticism is the "collective's" actual aim namely, to create a perpetual state of self doubt to keep us on our hind foot! The collective has even successfully managed to weaponize our own families to act as thought police on the Babylonian collective's behalf!

We now know we were blatantly lied to about the injectables which were proven to be useless at best and lethal at worst! This is nothing other than the psychological warfare of weaponized mind manipulation. I want off this spinning blue ball which has become an experiment in total centralized thought control by means of the lies, deception, and manipulation by the totalized hive mind where resistance has become futile. The Star Trek episodes featuring the Babylonian Borg have become our lived experience. I'm fully convinced that if the actual extent of this psychotic psychological game were to be completely exposed, we would have to refuse to believe it since it is simply too wicked and fantastic for anyone to accept.

Let us examine just a few of the lies which we were forced to accept as Gospel truth which was used to justify our political class legislating tyranny. So let me review how this globalized system of oppression has manifested itself in Canada:

[1]: ""

[2]: ""

[3]: ""

[4]: ""

[5]: ""

The Trudeau government has faced legal challenges regarding the constitutionality of its legislation. One notable instance is the invocation of the **Emergencies Act** in response to the Freedom Convoy protests in 2022¹[1]²[2]³[3]⁴[4]⁵[5].

In a landmark ruling in January 2024, a Federal Court judge ruled that the Liberal government unconstitutionally and unjustifiably invoked the Emergencies Act¹[1]²[2]³[3]⁴[4]⁵[5]. The court found that the Freedom Convoy did not meet the high threshold of a threat to national security necessary to invoke the law¹[1]²[2]³[3]⁴[4]⁵[5]. The government also breached certain Canadians' Charter rights when blocking some bank accounts and banning them from downtown Ottawa¹[1]²[2]³[3]⁴[4]⁵[5].

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-04-28

(1) Trudeau's use of the Emergencies Act was ruled unconstitutional. What ....

(2) Federal Court finds Emergencies Act invocation violated rights, was ....

(3) Federal Court finds Emergencies Act for ‘Freedom Convoy’ violated ....

(4) Federal Court Rules Trudeau’s Use of Emergencies Act On Truckers ....

(5) MP Genuis: Trudeau’s unconstitutional use of the Emergencies Act ....

And the State’s ongoing attack on public discourse and truth being used to implement the new global order:

[1]: ""

[2]: ""

[3]: ""

[4]: ""

[5]: ""

The Trudeau government has introduced several bills that have been seen as impacting freedom of speech:

1. **Bill C-10**: Introduced in November 2020, this bill aimed to modernize the Broadcasting Act for the digital age. It proposed to bring videos and other content posted to social media sites like YouTube under the purview of the country's broadcasting regulator, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC). The government stated that the changes would only apply to professional content and were necessary to make online streaming services contribute to Canadian culture¹[1]. However, critics argued that they could infringe on individual speech¹[1][1].

2. **Bill C-16**: Passed in June 2017, this bill added "gender identity or expression" to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code. It sparked a national debate about gender, pronoun use, freedom of speech, and the rights of transgender and gender-diverse Canadians²[2][2].

3. **Online Harms Legislation**: In February 2024, Trudeau's government introduced long-awaited legislation to tackle online hate and propaganda³[3][3]⁴[4][4]. The text of the legislation has not yet been made available, but its title indicates that it will involve changes to the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act, and laws that make reporting online child pornography mandatory³[3][3]⁴[4][4].

4. **Bill C-11**:This bill received royal assent on April 27, 2023 Known as the Online Streaming Act, this bill was introduced with the intent to prioritize the "needs and interests" of Canadians. The Trudeau administration claims the act will ensure online algorithms promote Canadian content on social media and streaming platforms like Netflix, Disney+ and Spotify²[2][2]. Critics argue that the bill could infringe on individual speech²[2][2].

Please note that these bills have been controversial and have faced criticism from various quarters for potentially infringing on freedom of speech.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2024-04-28

(1) Your free speech is at risk with Ottawa's push to regulate online ....

(2) Trudeau Is Crushing Free Speech in Canada. Let It Be a ... - Newsweek.

(3) NP View: Justin Trudeau Liberals pose a direct threat to free speech in ....

(4) Freedom of expression in Canada - Wikipedia.

(5) Hate Speech and Freedom of Expression: The Constitutionality of the ....

My conclusions:

Here we have proof that we live in a wicked sin sick world where deviants and perverts have grabbed hold of the reigns of power to use, among other nonsensical idea pathogens, Cultural Marxist Critical Gender Bender Theory to make our children question their God given identity. We are living in a system where our children are being taught to view their culture as “Postcolonial Oppression” with the express intent of placing an enormous “hath God said” directly beside each and every value upon which functional social order relies. Local populations of old stock Canadians are being replaced by mass immigration where radically different peoples holding utterly divergent cultural and religious values are undermining any socio-cultural cohesion. At the same time, we are now being marched into a digital gulag where access to information and even use of our own money is deliberately being subsumed by some emerging social-credit nightmare. In the new Global Babylon, nothing will remain which will support the propagation of our own Christian culture by nuclear families where pop is a bread winning dad, mom is a real childbearing and rearing woman, and where our children do not belong to the state-run socialist collective! The real lie is that it is possible for the state to represent the people since this is how these Satanic lies grab hold of the psyche of fools. This belief is allowing them to surrender their autonomy to a faceless Satanic godless entity hell bent on enslaving humanity! All because the majority have come to worship at the altar of the Great Global Babylon!

Revelation18:1-9 (KJV}

1 And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.

2 And he mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

5 For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.

6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double.

7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.

8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.

9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning,

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...