Today I posted a meme quoting Kevin Sorbo which read, “Instead
of diversity hiring how about giving the job to the best person?” The question
he poses ignores the hideous Cultural Marxist ideology behind Critical Theory's
grievance studies and D.E.I. since the dedicated Neo-Marxist fully intends to
destroy capitalism because one of the best ways to do so is to undermine the
competence required to make private industry successful.
A Facebook acquaintance who himself grew up in the Fascistic
social collectivism of Portugal replied, “As a society we have been forced to
accept mediocrity. It's no longer a situation where people are encouraged to
learn and get better so that they'll be able to compete and get accepted... or
win, rather, if you can't meet the standards you are encouraged to file a
grievance to get the standards lowered to meet your lack of qualifications. And
God help you if you complain that someone less qualified than you got hired or
promoted ahead of you if that someone happens to be a member of a visible
minority. But I'm sure I'm not telling you what you don't know...”
I replied, “John Rebelo again, that is because people fail
to identify the source of the problem. Cultural Marxist Critical Theory lies
behind all of this. Therefore, the job of any true freedom fighter is not to
attack the symptoms of the illness, which in this case is mediocrity, but the
source of the problem using first principles thinking. Deconstruct the ideology
by understanding it better than your opponent or it will deconstruct you!”
First principles thinking is a systematic approach to
problem-solving that involves breaking down complex problems into their most
basic, fundamental parts. It's about understanding the core elements of a
problem and building up from there, rather than relying on assumptions or
conventional wisdom. Here's a breakdown of how it works:
1. *Identify and Define the Problem*: Clearly
understand what you're trying to solve.
2. *Break Down the Problem*: Dissect the problem into
its fundamental principles. These are the basic truths that are universally
accepted and cannot be deduced any further.
3. *Analyze and Synthesize*: Examine these principles
to find connections or patterns that can help you understand the problem
4. *Reconstruct the Problem*: Using these insights,
reconstruct the problem and explore innovative solutions that weren't apparent
This method encourages deep thinking and can lead to
creative and original solutions. It's been used by many great thinkers and
innovators, including Elon Musk and Aristotle, to solve complex issues and
create groundbreaking ideas¹².
It's not just a technique but a mindset that challenges the
status quo and fosters a culture of inquiry and innovation. By applying first
principles thinking, you can cut through the noise of what's always been done
and discover new ways to approach challenges¹².
Source: Conversation with Copilot, 5/27/2024
(1) What is First-Principles Thinking | A comprehensive
(2) First Principles: Elon Musk on the Power of Thinking
for Yourself.
(3) What Is First Principles Thinking? 3 Popular
Approaches and How to ....
(4) First Principles Thinking: The Blueprint For Solving
Business ... - Forbes.
(5) What Is First Principles Thinking? 3 Popular
Approaches and How to ....
(6) How to Solve Impossible Problems: First Principles
What is First-Principles Thinking | A comprehensive
A revolutionary approach championed by luminaries like Elon Musk
We are being confronted by anomalous patterns hitherto
Humans are naturally wired to recognize patterns and irregularities
in their environment. This ability has been crucial not merely to our survival,
it also allows us to create stable civilizations which can predict and prepare
for future events based on past experiences to avoid unwanted events which will
negatively impact social cohesion, health, our children’s education, and do
damage to productivity, trade, and the economy. When something deviates from
the expected pattern or norm—an anomaly—it will often trigger a sense of unease
or discomfort. Which is why so many feel unsettled in this post COVID period
when so many of the questions surrounding the official narrative remain unaddressed
or worse, are being subjected to an enormous, coordinated international cover-up.
Such anomalies signal danger or uncertainty as to how our political and bureaucratic
class in league with international players from unelected bodies such as the W.E.F.,
other international organizations heavily influenced by illiberal foreign interference
such as China, the E.U. and W.H.O. and its parent organization the U.N.
The need for statistical analysis of our ideological
You can only manage what you measure is an unerring
principle of good governance and fiduciary duty, which is the legal duty of a
fiduciary to act in the best interests of the beneficiary, in this case the
citizenry. One is therefore forced to ask why has this essential requirement of
oversight and good government failed so miserably?
In statistics, mean, median, and mode are measures of
central tendency; they are ways to find the center or average of a set of
numbers. Here's a simple explanation of each:
- *Mean*: This is what most people commonly refer to
as the average. You calculate it by adding up all the numbers in a set and then
dividing by the count of numbers. For example, for the set [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the
mean is \( (1+2+3+4+5) / 5 = 3 \).
- *Median*: The median is the middle number in a
sorted list of numbers. If there's an odd number of observations, the median is
the number right in the middle. If there's an even number of observations, the
median is the average of the two middle numbers. For example, in the set [1, 3,
3, 6, 7, 8, 9], the median is 6, which is the fourth number. But for [1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6], the median is \( (3+4) / 2 = 3.5 \).
- *Mode*: The mode is the number that appears most
frequently in a data set. A set of numbers may have one mode, more than one
mode, or no mode at all. For instance, in the set [1, 2, 2, 3, 4], the mode is
2 because it appears twice, unlike the other numbers which appear only once.
In summary, the mean is the total sum divided by the count,
the median is the middle value, and the mode is the most frequent number. Each
of these measures can give you a different perspective on the data set you're
looking at.
The term "Six Sigma" comes from a statistical
concept used in manufacturing³. When a production process is Six Sigma, also
known as 6 standard deviations away from the specification limits where
problems and defects are produced, it means it is a very capable process and
only produces up to 3.4 defects out of a million opportunities³.
If an "imode" (which could refer to a peak, mode,
or most common value in a distribution) is developing out near the wings of the
Six Sigma distribution, it suggests that there is a significant amount of data
or occurrences far from the mean. In the context of Six Sigma, this could
indicate a high number of defects or errors, which is certainly troubling.
Six Sigma methodologies aim to reduce defects and variations
in processes to improve quality and consistency². Anomalies or significant
deviations from the norm (the "wings" of the Six Sigma distribution)
can signal potential issues or inefficiencies in the process¹². These could be
due to a variety of factors, such as changes in input materials, equipment
malfunctions, or human error¹².
Therefore, when an imode develops near the wings of Six
Sigma, it's a cause for concern because it indicates a departure from the
expected pattern and a potential decrease in process efficiency and product
quality¹². It's a signal that the process may need to be reviewed and adjusted
to bring it back into alignment with Six Sigma standards¹². 😊
Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-05-27
(1) Guide: Six Sigma - Learn Lean Sigma.
(2) The Most Popular Lean Six Sigma Tools and Techniques.
(3) Guide: Fundamentals of Lean Six Sigma - Learn Lean
In light of this let us examine the phrase which was so
often used to force people to accept anomalies that pose an inherent threat to society:
“The New Normal”
The phrase "arguing statistically the new normal"
refers to a situation where someone uses statistical data to argue that a
recent trend or change is now the "new normal". This can potentially
lead to a logical fallacy if not handled correctly.
One common fallacy related to this is the **Misleading
Vividness** or **Hasty Generalization** fallacy¹². This occurs when someone
bases a broad conclusion on a small or unrepresentative sample size. For
example, if there's a sudden increase in a particular type of event, and
someone argues that this is now the "new normal", they might be
committing this fallacy. They are drawing a conclusion from a potentially
temporary or random fluctuation, not a statistically significant trend¹².
Another related fallacy is the **Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc**
(After this, therefore because of this) fallacy¹². This is when someone assumes
that because one event followed another, the first event caused the second. If
someone sees a new trend and assumes it's caused by a recent event or change,
they might be committing this fallacy¹².
Finally, there's the **Texas Sharpshooter Fallacy**⁴, which
occurs when someone focuses only on the data that supports their argument,
while ignoring data that contradicts it⁴. If someone is arguing for a "new
normal", they might be cherry-picking data that supports their claim,
while ignoring data that doesn't⁴.
In all these cases, it's important to remember that
correlation does not imply causation, and that statistical data needs to be
interpreted carefully and correctly to avoid logical fallacies¹²⁴. 😊
Source: Conversation with Copilot, 2024-05-27
(1) What Is a Logical Fallacy? 15 Common Logical
Fallacies - Grammarly.
(2) Logical Fallacies | Definition, Types, List &
Examples - Scribbr.
(3) 16 Common Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them -
HubSpot Blog.
(4) Statistical fallacies and how to avoid them |
(5) What are Logical Fallacies? | Critical Thinking
A fools’ game: The ever-morphing versions of Marxist
Cultural Marxism is an unfounded fool’s game which leads to
cultural genocide. There’s not a single statistical, demonstrably provable,
logical, or consistent aspect of applied Cultural Marxist Critical Theory. In
fact, it deconstructs itself due to its inherent contradictions. Therefore, we
must outwit our ideological opponents by understanding not merely the
impracticality of the ideology in theory but in exposing the disastrous outcomes
of its application. First, what we must do is to never cede so much as an inch
of ground to their preferred narrative, rather we must reject it out of hand. Let
us examine why the NDP/LPC coalition is a Neo-Marxist criminal cartel aimed at
further marginalizing the dispossessed while gutting the middle class.
In an article from the Frazer Institute entitled, “Canadian
living standards declining with no end in sight” which appeared in the
Hill Times, May 24, 2024
According to a recent poll, two-thirds of Canadians
believe the economy is headed in the wrong direction. Clearly, there’s a
disconnect between economic statistics, which show the Canadian economy is
growing, and the experiences of Canadians who feel like they’re falling behind.
In reality, Canadians are on the cusp of the worst decline in living standards
in 40 years, with no end in sight.
When measured in aggregate, the Canadian economy is
growing albeit weakly. In 2023, the economy grew by 1.1 per cent, after
adjusting for inflation. And so far this year, it grew by 0.5 per cent in
January and 0.2 per cent in February. But these statistics don’t account for
changes in the population. It’s possible for the aggregate economy to grow
because more people are coming to Canada (i.e. immigration) while per-person
income levels decline. This happens when the growth in the overall economy is
insufficient to account for the growth in the number of people in the economy.
And unfortunately for Canadians, this is exactly what’s happening now.
In 2023, Canada’s population grew by 3.2 per cent or
nearly 1.3 million people—the highest annual population growth rate since 1957,
and nearly three times the rate of inflation-adjusted economic growth.
According to a new study, from the second quarter of 2019
(well before COVID) to the end of 2023, Canadians experienced a decline in
living standards, as measured by per-person GDP (inflation-adjusted). Except
for one fiscal quarter of reprieve, this 18-quarter period represents the
second-longest period of per-person GDP decline over the last four decades
(exceeded only by the 21-quarter decline from the late-1980s to 1994). But
critically, the current decline (based on the latest data available for the end
of 2023) has not yet ended and may extend into 2024.
Moreover, the percentage decline in living standards
(again, as measured by per-person GDP) is the third-steepest of any decline
over the last four decades at -3.0 per cent (exceeded only by declines from the
late-1980s to the early-1990s and from 2008 to 2009, which both eclipsed 5.0
per cent). But again, the current decline has not yet ended and we could see
continued declines in living standards when the 2024 data is released. Simply
put, Canadians could be experiencing the worst decline in living standards of
the last 40 years.
Several leading economists have already raised alarm
bells over our economic decline, including Carolyn Rogers, senior deputy
governor of the Bank of Canada, who recently said it was time to “break the
glass” to solve Canada’s productivity crisis. Unfortunately, despite the calls
for genuine reform, the federal and provincial governments this past budget
season largely maintained the status quo and continued to borrow and spend,
with no government demonstrating its intransigence more that the Trudeau government.
In conclusion:
It might be appropriate to note that something similar but
not as severe occurred under Pierre Trudeau whose Marxist sympathies were
celebrated by every social democracy around the Globe. His premiership led to
enormous interest rate hikes in the 1980’s where many lost their homes, just as
we are seeing today. Therefore, our ideological crisis has been long in the
making since for too long Canadians failed to realize the threat posed to
Canada by Cultural Marxist ideologues in our universities, in politics, and in
our enormous and bloated bureaucracy. And there is nothing “normal” about our
social and economic situation today. This anomaly is an “imode” warning us of
impending disaster. We must dare to use first principles thinking and six-sigma
quality methods not merely in manufacturing but also in ensuring that our
governing class takes their fiduciary duty seriously or suffer the wrath of the
citizenry, and not just on election day. These corrupt Neo-Marxists must be
held accountable in a court of law.
Ecclesiastes 5:8 King James Version
8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent
perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for
he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.
9 Moreover the profit of the earth is for all: the king
himself is served by the field.
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