Thursday, May 23, 2024

When we allow feelings to trump the facts: chaos ensues!


“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.

The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth.” — C. S. Lewis

I've become willing to believe that Trudeau, Singh, Freeland, Guilbeault, et al want us to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are imbecilic. If this were not the case, then the so-called governing elite would not go to such extreme lengths to constantly demonstrate their ideological possession and inability to use reason to arrive at their policies. They have but one actual intent, total control even as they insist that we share in their delusions.

Canadians are currently experiencing one of the worst and longest declines in their standard of living in decades, according to a new report by the Fraser Institute. Just as I've been warning about regarding all the deliberate fiscal failures of our government. I'm glad I've documented both in writing and with vodcasts my heartfelt condemnation of the prevailing economic and social trajectory which fits together hand in glove. “Despite claims to the contrary, living standards are declining in Canada,” study co-author Grady Munro says in the report by the fiscally conservative think tank, “Changes in Per-Person GDP (Income): 1985 to 2023.” The study says that from April 2019 to the end of 2023, inflation-adjusted, per-person GDP in Canada, a broad measure of living standards, fell from $59,905 annually to $58,111 — a 3% loss and the third-steepest decline in almost 40 years.

More proof of what I have been sounding the alarm about for a decade, Neo-Marxism has successfully infected the hearts and minds of our youth, despite its tyrannical and murderous legacy. Two things are certain, these kids are being brainwashed by the very people who provided them with the pro-communist literature, and we are witnesses to the new brown shirts who are carrying out the revolutionary goals of their ideological bosses. From

 "I had to do a double take. I figured it was exaggerated. But since you just don’t hear something like that every day, I jumped into my gas-powered car and headed out to Trafalgar Rd. to see what the heck was going on.

Yes, there were communists there.

I found communism is alive and well in Canada, and particularly among some youth.  It turns out there was actually a desk set up outside the front door of Oakville’s city hall with communist reading material and books on Marxism, complete with hammers and sickles. But not everyone was receptive. The high school students manning this desk ran into people much older than them who not only understand what communism is all about, but know what it’s like to actually survive the regimes that impose the ideology. There were some good, civil debates between these idealistic kids who should’ve been in school and adults who escaped from communist countries."

A guide to how Marxism 3.0 works:

The single greatest challenge we face in determining what is true is one of a problem of utilizing the proper order of functions. The howling WOKE mob use their feelings to determine what they will believe; in turn their beliefs then inform them of what they will consider to be factual. On the other hand, a true seeker of Truth will place their feelings last. They will use ethics, epistemology, and ontology, to determine what is factual, place their faith in demonstrative reality and then and only then will they permit their emotions to follow. What we feel is utterly subjective and therefore is detached from what is empirically factual. In the first category we have those who are like two years olds who have never matured sufficiently to understand that their feelings are fickle which is why they invariably howl with rage to insist that reality itself be bent to suit their delusions when confronted by factual evidence!

I encourage you all to share this post with any who would dare to challenge factual evidence. Reality itself is being deliberately misconstrued in this Postmodern Age where even the meaning of words are deliberately being deconstructed to further the WOKE Cultural Marxist Revolution.

When feelings trump facts, it is high time to remind my readers and listeners that science is a method used to test theories. It isn't something one can trust unless the scientific method is employed rigorously and without prejudice as to its conclusions. Not a single resource that the elite claim is in short supply has ever born out to be true. The abundance of this planet endlessly exceeds their godless catastrophizing! Moreover, imagine having the gall to call someone a right-wing extremist because they demand that their government spend the taxes they pay wisely without waste and/or corruption? The Canadian government has become a criminal syndicate! A broad spectrum of Canadian citizens detests the Trudeau government and Trudeau in particular. All his promises of creating utopia have been dystopian. Anti free markets and centralized economies are illiberal and authoritarian to the core! In fact, his radical Neo-Marxist policies were deliberate attempts to crash the economy leaving the most marginalized with no earthly hope of improving their lot in life.

Socialism is the delusion that you can keep slicing the same pie into ever thinner portions rather than going to the trouble of baking more pies so that anyone willing to put in the effort may have as much pie as they can POSSIBLY eat.

As a result, we make the pies the elite consume without them so much as lifting a finger to add value to the process. The claim that they can redistribute the pies they stole from us to others who need it more than we do invariably ends up feeding the mouths of the socialist elite not the dispossessed and marginalized who became that way due to socialist policies.


Covidian catastrophizing became the excuse for the most massively coordinated campaign of misinformation in the history of the world, full stop! The battlefield became our minds, and the enemy was our own governments who have used weaponized psychological manipulation to convince you that indulging in self harm while the state attacked the very idea of private enterprise was somehow necessary for public well-being. And they intend to do it to us again. One of those who follow me on social media posted the following to me today, “You are so right, Bill. These post-humanists are incapable of humiliation.” @

Allow me to read from that article:

“Greetings and Best Wishes,

Dr. Sam Bailey’s latest offering covers the leaked video evidence of Drs. Theresa Tam, Bonnie Henry, Kieran Moore, etc. literally conspiring against people on the land known as Canada over the imaginary “avian influenza virus” health threat.

As Sam puts it:

“You will need to watch the video to fully appreciate the absurd level of nonsense coming from some of the key enablers in this brewing swindle…”

In our book Virus Mania, we called Chapter 7: “H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof” and exposed the foundational fraud behind the attempts to convince the public that there was a deadly new influenza “virus”. We suspected the narrative would be used again which is why we featured it on the cover of the 2021 edition. Sure enough, in 2023 the ‘bird flu’ was being used once more as the excuse to carry out the mass culling of poultry as I covered that year in “Taking Away Your Chickens”.

In recent weeks, the public “health” agencies and mainstream media have been featuring ‘H5N1’ in the headlines and “messaging” to the public that a pandemic could be about to start. As expected, some of the alleged experts have started flapping their wings about “pandemic preparedness” plans. There is also an additional angle in that they are claiming to find the influenza “virus” in milk which appears to be a new weapon in the war against raw milk and unpasteurised products.

By a stroke of luck, or more precisely through bureaucratic bungling, private researcher and biostatistician Christine Massey received a surprise invitation to an online H5N1 roundtable meeting headed by Theresa Tam, the Chief Public Health Officer of Canada. This enabled us to secure exclusive footage of how they are rolling out the surveillance program and the virological pseudoscience that underpins the entire fraud. You will need to watch the video to fully appreciate the absurd level of nonsense coming from some of the key enablers in this brewing swindle…

The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb, 2023  In our book Virus Mania, we called Chapter 7: “H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof” and exposed the foundational fraud behind the attempts to convince the public that there was a deadly new influenza “virus”. We suspected the narrative would be used again which is why we featured it on the cover of the 2021 edition. Sure enough, in 2023 the ‘bird flu’ was being used once more as the excuse to carry out the mass culling of poultry as I covered that year in “Taking Away Your Chickens”.


1.    Virus Mania, 3rd English Edition, 2021

2.    Taking Away Your Chickens”, Dr Sam Bailey, 11 Feb 2023

3.    Why I Switched to Raw Milk For Good“, Dr Sam Bailey, 6 May 2022 (with video here.)

4.    Christine Massey’s official invitation to the meeting.

5.    Don’t fall for the “avian influenza virus” hoax!”, Christine Massey, 8 Apr 2024

6.    Christine Massey’s Substack

7.    Gain of Function Gaslighting”, Dr Sam Bailey, 30 Jun 2021

8.    Roundtable on HPAI A(H5N1)”, Theresa Tam, et al., 9 May 2024

9.    The Great Taking, David Rogers Webb, 2023  


The basis of insincerity is the idealized image we hold of ourselves and wish to impose on others. ~ July 1932, The Diary Of Anaïs Nin, Volume One (1931-1934)

To lie, of course, is to engender insanity. ~ August 1932 Henry and June

When others asked the truth of me, I was convinced it was not the truth they wanted, but an illusion they could bear to live with. ~ November, 1933

There is no reason that I of all people should know more about the inconsistencies in the officially sanctioned narrative than any thinking person curious person.

Yet, they said it would stop deaths ...

... it didn't stop deaths.

Then they said it would stop illness ...

... it didn't stop illness.

They also said it would stop infections ...

... it didn't stop infections.

They then assured us that it was safe ...

... it wasn't safe.

You ridiculed "conspiracy theorists" for 4+ years, me among them. But, as more "conspiracy theories" come true, there's a point you need to accept how stupid you appear for accepting demonstrative lies, stop pretending you're enlightened, and start listening to those who dared to peer behind the wizard's curtain to see what manner of manipulators have fabricated the deceptions.

Anyone who still believes what the government, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Tam, the W.H.O., the pharmacy industry and the legacy media have told us is either wilfully ignorant, a complete imbecile, or is a member of a demonic cult!

Jer 17:5 Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD.”

Ps 118:8 “It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man.”

Ps 146:3 “Do not put your trust in princes, Nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help.”





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