Thursday, September 15, 2016

Liberal blinders and cognitive dissonance

The modern 'retrogressive progressive' replete with his blinders

Let me set up my blog post with this, 'Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Festinger) According to cognitive dissonance theory, there is a tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions (i.e., beliefs, opinions). When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance.' from . Ah, it appears as though we have probable cause for the 'retrogressive progressives'' incredible ability to talk out of both sides of their mouth at the same time. 

In my previous blog posted last Friday I discussed how sufficiently evolved incompetence is functionally indistinguishable from malice. National Post has since published two articles which support my arguments regarding the Ontario Provincial Liberal's failed 'green energy' policies; the first is entitle 'Former McGuinty staffer charged in Ont. gas plants scandal to run B.C. Liberals’ re election campaign' by  Ashley Csanady September 13, 2016. . I quote from that article, 'A former provincial staffer facing criminal charges related to Ontario’s gas plants scandal has been tapped to run the B.C. Liberals’ re-election campaign. Laura Miller, former deputy chief of staff to then-premier Dalton McGuinty, is set to go to trial in September 2017 for her alleged role in the scandal, but first she’ll try to help B.C. Premier Christy Clark win re-election in a vote expected in early May of next year. Miller identified herself as “2017 Campaign Director” in an eblast sent to B.C. Liberal supporters on Tuesday.

David Livingston, McGuinty’s chief of staff at the time, is also set to go to trial alongside Miller for their alleged role in the deletion of emails related to the cancellation of two gas plants in the Greater Toronto Area.
They each face one count of breach of trust, one of mischief in relation to data, and one count of misuse of a computer system to commit the offence of mischief. Both have declared their innocence and have said they will fight the charges in court.' 
Malice or incompetence? It is so difficult to say for sure, however, even the most loyal Liberal must admit something is desperately wrong with this picture! I also have to wonder why McGuinty has not been implicated given his staffers would not have unilaterally tampered with data without being given direction to do so by their boss.
But that ain't all folks, then there is this; 'Ontario Liberals try to fix the problems they created with more decidedly liberal solutions' by Matt Gurney September 12, 2016; I ask you, when has the government not created a problem only to emerge as the only ones who can solve the very problems they have created? This is a classic examples of the law of unintended consequences driven by the 'progressive' need for control. ‘The law of unintended consequences, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people—and especially of government—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. Economists and other social scientists have heeded its power for centuries; for just as long, politicians and popular opinion have largely ignored it.’, from ‘Unintended Consequences’ by Rob Norton;
Finally, we have this from the man-feminist Justin Trudeau himself; ‘‘Feminist’ Trudeau under attack for attending gender-segregated event at Ottawa mosque’ by David Akin, on September 13th from the National Post, and I quote from that article, ‘“Right now we have these political leaders — ironically, politically liberal leaders — who are just putting blinders on their eyes about their values,” Asra Nomani said in a telephone interview from Washington, D.C. Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who describes herself as a liberal, is the author of Standing Alone: An American Woman’s Struggle for the Soul of Islam.
“That’s the big differential for liberals, they fancy themselves as honouring the women’s body and yet the segregation by its very definition hyper-sexualizes women’s bodies. That’s the great irony.”
For the Premier of Ontario and the Prime Minister to believe that we will not find fundamental inconsistencies between their governments' actions versus what they claim is indicative of how utterly out of touch with reality and the public they are. They have become poster children for ‘Cognitive Dissonance’. No wonder good citizens are getting hip to the witless insincerity of their politically correct rhetoric. Rhetoric which contradicts their own stated value system. Once again facts, evidence, and reality are dismissed. Worse, those who are growing wise to their high handed pseudo-morality are being dismissed by them as well. The emperor’s new suit of clothes is not looking too good in spite of all Trudeau's ‘sunny ways’. Good hair alone won't cut it. Both the province and the nation will not brook the Liberals' nonsense for much longer.

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