Thursday, September 22, 2016

'Postnational' Canada and the fallacy of the global village

Such a buzz word globalism. It sounds so modern, so now, so progressive ... but oh, so what? The global financier and 'philanthropist' George Soros is omnipresent in the mad rush to create a post-national world. But to what end?  Now he has teamed up with Justin Trudeau and the UN in order to export the Canadian Liberal Party's model for unvetted immigration to the world; They hope to encourage and help fund the progressive faithful to leap into a bright new 'global village' post-national reality where all mankind lives in harmony and Soros and his globalist cronies control the economy. Except people are not living in harmony, and economies are not that easily predicted or controlled. Soros and his fellow globalists actually increase tensions through their interventionism. Why, you may ask? Because their model for a global village is based upon the erroneous belief that culture does not matter. That secular humanism will replace faith based religions. That big government can solve the world's ills. Except it hasn't.

Angela Merkel has finally admitted that her government has lost control of Germany's migrant crisis; Once again we see right pitted against left in Europe. Brexit was a cry of desperation from the British people who wish to take back control of their borders and their economy. The single market has failed to produce the economic prosperity that it had promised for the very reason that it was created. It is too controlling, too intrusive, too restrictive, too bureaucratic, and wealth is not distributed effectively using the EU's model. It is administered by powerful unelected oligarchs whose decisions cannot be vetoed by the European Union's own parliament. It has become, in effect, the 4th Reich with Germany as the strongest controlling voice in Brussels. But how did this happen? What are the ideological foundations for this nightmare? We must dare to ask the difficult questions. Especially now in an age where even asking such questions is deemed to be a radical act.

The answer is both frightening and damning. It was created by NAZI officers under the influence of socialist think tanks such as the Frankfurt School;,, Yes, the NAZI's, who were fascists, planned it all.

You cannot make stuff like this up. The entire 20th Century in Europe has been a struggle, not for freedom, but rather for which version of big government statist control would emerge the victor. The idea of government limited by law, of fair play as opposed to raison d’état, and of the individual before the collective is almost unknown in Europe. Fascism (the bundling of big government and business, just as we have in the EU) permits private ownership of industry but the government controls how, what, where and when goods and services will be provided, which also includes influencing cost through levies and taxes. Under communism the state runs everything. Either way, neither favours personal or economic freedom. But how did Marxism get reworked into an ideology that people would buy into since modern statism is a combination of radical socialism and fascism?

The Frankfurt School provided the framework. After the initial failures of Marxism, pseudo intelligentsia from the Frankfurt School asserted the following in an attempt to repackage communism; 'What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a Judeo-Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which Lukacs abjured. At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis. The problem was, that as long as the individual had the beliefor even the hope of the beliefthat his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary prerequisite for socialist revolution.' In order for their ideology to take hold they had to attack individualism and replace that with collective idealism. The tool they identified as most effective in advancing this ideology was political correctness. In a politically correct society it would become impossible for anyone to assert the rights of the individual over that of the perceived welfare of the collective.


As incredible as this sounds here in Canada, one of the freest countries in the world, we have a Prime Minister who asserts these very things. Who states openly and unashamedly that the nation he has been elected to lead has no 'core identity' and that we now live in the first post-national country on earth! If his belief that we lack 'core identity'  as a nation doesn't result in Canadians feeling hopeless and alienated, then I don't know what could. Can you recall any former Prime Minister who had the sinister gall to make such an assertion? With these words Justin Trudeau has declared himself in opposition to the Dominion and the very laws by which we were founded under God. Trouble ahead? No, it is already upon us.

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