Friday, September 9, 2016

Why 'Queen of Green' Kathleen hit the reset button

In my previous blog, 'On fundamental laws of politics and hypocrisy in a "progressive age"' I promised to discuss the environmental impact of Lithium-Ion batteries. I can think of no better time than now when Ontario’s ‘Queen of Green’, Premier Kathleen, has just prorogued Ontario’s parliament. The fiscal mismanagement of her government, largely a result of the Liberal Party’s failed environmental initiatives, has given Ontario the highest sub-sovereign debt in the world. Policies which are so radical they have caused a staggering loss of private investment in Ontario, along with the highest hydro rates in North America. The zeal with which Wynne’s government has pursued their environmental policies is based upon pseudo-science and fearmongering over climate change. It is evidence that the Liberals have a ‘cult-like’ adherence to ideology. Facts and evidence which contradict their belief system are dismissed out of hand. People who espouse views contrary to the Liberal Party are marginalized and silenced, hence Wynne's need to prorogue parliament.

In an article from the Globe and Mail written by Duff Conacher published on Aug. 13th, 2013 entitled ‘Proroguing Parliament without cause? Canadians want it banned’, Conacher wrote, ‘While it is normal for a prime minister or provincial premier to prorogue the legislature to set out a new government agenda, many prorogations in the past decade have been for what many see as unjustifiable lengths of time, and for unjustifiable reasons. The rules are not clear and enforcement is ineffective – and a large majority of Canadians want these problems fixed.’ Indeed, we do. All of the major parties in Canada are guilty of hitting the ‘reset button’ and we Canadians are fed up with our democratic right to be heard on the floors of our Houses of Commons being tampered with by oligarchs who hope to cling to power no matter what.

Imagine what would happen in a private business if the senior manager had caused similar havoc to their firm such that it could no longer pay dividends to its shareholders. How long would he or she remain CEO? In the case of the Liberals, they not only cannot provide the investors (taxpayers') dividends, they have indebted us to the point where our children’s children will be paying for our government’s blatant incompetence. My wife remarked regarding the old saw about ‘spending like a drunken sailor’, 'that at least a drunken sailor will go back to the ship when he runs out of money'. Yet these mismanagers of the public purse, and betrayers of the public trust, just keep spending more borrowed money. Nor are they even smart enough to help create sufficient economic freedom where there might be some hope of retiring the debt. Have you ever heard about, or read about, just one of them talking about how to encourage growth and investment in the private sector? No, but they sure know how to grow the public one!

Ah, but of what of Lithium-Ion batteries you ask? Let us examine the Four Laws of Ecology formulated by physicist and ecologist, Barry Commoner. Since he is a darling of the environmentalists, 'progressives' should listen to him:
‘1) Everything is connected to everything else - humans and other species are connected/dependent on a number of other species.
2) Everything must go somewhere - no matter what you do, and no matter what you use, it has to go somewhere.
3) Nature knows best - Like it says, nature knows best.
4) There is no such thing as a free lunch - Everything you do, must have a reason behind it.’

No free lunch, eh? No, everything must come from somewhere and go to somewhere else. You cannot make an omelet without breaking eggs. You cannot power a vehicle without energy. All energy is extracted and stored at some cost to the environment by turning matter into energy. So states the laws of conservation of matter and energy. Seriously, did these ‘progressives’ fail high school chemistry? Here is a list of articles on the actual cost to the environment from the use of Lithium-ion batteries used in powering ‘green cars’;

It is appalling to think that Wynne, who is a teacher, is so utterly ignorant of science. No wonder generation ‘Snow Flake’, who have been educated by her ilk, are so self-entitled and unaware of the real world and the laws that govern nature. The Liberal government’s closure of coal and gas fired power stations did not take into consideration that such technology may be used with much lower risk to the environment if scrubbers and other means were used to allow them to operate more cleanly. For those of you interested, here are a few articles on clean coal technology;

The provincial Liberals are still suffering from the power plant scandal yet went full steam ahead with their plans anyway. Their hubris would seem to know no bounds. Finally, here are stats and facts about wind power, ‘Ontario Wind Turbines Ontario has the most expensive electricity in North America. The result of subsidized, over-priced wind power that Ontario doesn’t need. November 1, 2015: rates increase by 8.7%. January 1, 2016: rates increase by another 10%. May 1, 2016: rates increase by another 2.5 cents per kWh because “Ontario didn’t sell enough power over the winter”’, from
This is not the best your government can do. These stats are either the result of a wicked plan to undermine the province that would make Mike Myers’ ‘Dr. Evil’ blush or the result of incompetence so monumental that it is shocking anyone so inept could have their hand on the province’s helm. Remember Clark’s Law?: “Sufficiently advanced incompetence is functionally indistinguishable from malice.” Ontario can and must do better!

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