Thursday, September 29, 2016

When there is no 'debate' in the debate or America's fondness for snake oil salesmen

There just has to be some explanation for the farce that was broadcast the other night in the name of a 'debate'. Try as I might I just cannot get over the pain of watching it. It was agonizing listening to two fraudulent crooks lie about disclosing key information that would damn either. This has brought American politics to a new low. Two people who are under investigation for criminal activity are running for the highest office in the U.S.! Both are equally corrupt and perverse. Both were accusing one another of the same thing, namely fraud. Amazing. Both admitted sufficient culpability to make either completely unfit to hold public office, let alone be President of the United States. Yet many Americans and, yes, many Canadians, are deluded into believing this was about the left versus right political divide! There must be something that could account for the public's incredible inability to distinguish between jive and reality and I think I have found the probable cause.

Here is an excerpt from a forward written by Sam Blumenfeld in 'The New American' for 'The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America' by Charlotte Iserbyt; 'Charlotte Iserbyt has put her great exposé of the dumbing-down agenda of American education on the Internet, so that anyone can now read it and download it free of charge. The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America is a big book and so very important that anyone interested in the future of this country must read it. I wrote a Foreword for the book that basically explains what Charlotte achieved by her incredible research based on documents she took out of the files of the Department of Education in Washington, where she worked as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) during the first Reagan administration. She is the consummate whistleblower, with an overwhelming sense of responsibility as a public servant and a parent. Here’s the essence of what I wrote:Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the “deliberate dumbing down” of American children by their education system. Anyone interested in the truth will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.Mrs. Iserbyt has also documented the gradual transformation of our once academically successful education system into one devoted to training children to become compliant human resources to be used by government and industry for their own purposes. This is how fascist-socialist societies train their children to become servants of their government masters.

The successful implementation of this new philosophy of education will spell the end of the American dream of individual freedom and opportunity. The government will plan your life for you, and unless you comply with government restrictions and regulations your ability to pursue a career of your own choice will be severely limited.'

Reading posts over these past few days from supporters of each candidate has cemented my disgust as well as convince me that Charlotte Iserbyt is right. Firstly, because what was broadcast followed none of the rules of debating. Secondly, because neither candidate defended the Constitution. In fact both have made themselves a law unto themselves, have broken the law, and more damningly, admitted to doing so! Thirdly, neither had a plan as to how to encourage private investment and retire debt. Fourthly, both made promises without stating how their plans could be funded given America's crushing debt and failing economy. What they did mention was passing more business killing and restrictive legislation when the market is already too tightly regulated. Fifthly, both personify America's love of a sideshow. Both are snake oil salesmen selling a bogus product promised to cure all of your ills with one swallow. I am appalled at the level of gullibility required to buy into either candidate's hype and hyperbole. And finally, the separation of powers required to maintain democratic balance have failed. If it had not the judiciary would have had them both charged, even if they were not yet convicted in a court of the fraud both admitted to committing on air. One candidate even had the unmitigated gall to admit boldly that getting away with it made him 'smart'!

The three Branches of Government: ExecutiveLegislative, and Judicial are kept separate to limit the power of each from assuming too much authority. In 1787, leaders from each of the states gathered to write the United States' Constitution. The Constitution sets forth how the United States will govern itself by creating a system that separates powers between the three differing branches of government. Why? Because absolute power corrupts absolutely. Hence the name 'limited government'. In order to maintain an effective democracy this is critical. To make these three bodies accountable to the public there must be a free and diligent Fourth Estate that is ready, willing and able to criticize all three branches of government. 

What we see today, however, is an utter failure of this entire process. The press is owned by the establishment. The three branches of government are not exercising their powers to limit one another. The result is 'STATISM' with a capital 'S'. Under such the voice of the people is silenced for that most politically correct of all reasons, namely, 'We are doing this for the good of the collective.' While the American Constitution guarantees the rights of the individual to be protected from big government, the current cadre of oligarchs have pulled a bait and switch. Every single collectivist and oppressive regime that has brought anguish, war and ruin to humanity has used the same reasoning, that the welfare of the collective outweighs that of the individual. When oligarchs determine what is good for us by ignoring the democratic will of the people the result is tyranny. The political class only desires more power.

Today we are witnessing the emergence of alternative media sources due to the failure of the Fourth Estate to fulfill its obligation to the public. In one regard I am pleased. It is an indication that not everyone is willing to ignore governments' excesses. What I do lament, however, is that alternative media often appeals to the lowest common denominator. While 'The Rebel' and 'Alex Jones' have their uses, I am not a fan of the hype and hyperbole they frequently employ in an attempt to make a point. It shows a lack of intelligence. By doing so they are stooping to the level of their opponents. If we are going to win the struggle for liberty under law we must make sensible and reasonable arguments. They will always trump the hucksterism of snake oil salesmen. People may be attracted to the circus for a performance or two but afterward they wish to kick the elephant shit off their boots, leave the foul odors of animal feces behind and go home to reality. Above all we need calm and sincere voices who can make an intelligent defence of limited government and liberty under law. Let us leave running a three ring circus to the political class, power mongers and oligarchs. They have certainly proven that is where they belong if the so called Presidential debate from September 26th is any indication.

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