Friday, September 23, 2022

Neutrality has become impossible


One of the gravest sins of all is pride, and there is nothing more prideful than the will to power. The narcissistic belief that you are capable of not merely making choices for others on matters you are totally unqualified to judge, but that you view others to be so stupid and yourself so brilliant that you will force others to do your bidding. So, for all the wicked, debauched, and nefarious sins that I have undoubtedly committed I must have faith in the forgiveness that is to be received by anyone who is truly repentant. But when they plate me and crate me there is one sin for which I hope not to have need for apology, namely that I coerced no one to do my bidding! Neither do I wish to use the force of the State to coerce others against their will. I am simply not smart enough to comprehend the complexity of the problems the Postmodern State claims it understands well enough to solve. The State’s incessant meddling in multivariate complex issues is far beyond the politicians’ and bureaucrats’ ability to grasp. Daily we see examples of our leaders’ failed attempts to get it right, if getting it right was even what they actually intended! One must wonder how they could think us to be so foolish as to continue to place our faith in their ability to control the very forces of nature itself through excessive taxation.

Why meddling is evil:

We live at a time when the unintended consequences of constant government interference are on full display, yet not only do our leaders continue to interfere, they double down on their meddling while labelling those who point out the failures of their repeated capricious intrusions as conspiracy theorists.

Overview: What are unintended consequences?

Sociologist Robert Merton first introduced the concept of unanticipated consequences in 1936. According to Merton, unanticipated consequences are actions having both intended and unintended consequences. You are usually aware of the intended consequences and what you expect will happen, but the unintended are more difficult to recognize or anticipate.

Merton defined three types of unintended consequences. They were:

i): Unintended positive consequence where the outcome wasn’t expected but turned out to be beneficial.

ii): Unintended negative consequence where the outcome wasn’t expected but turned out to have a negative impact.

iii): Perverse consequences where the outcome is the opposite of what you intended and are highly damaging.


Amazingly governmental interferences most frequently fall into this latter category. For example, the State wants to be sure it will have affordable health care available to its citizens, so the government decides to fund a high level of State-run healthcare. The unanticipated consequence has been an increase in bureaucratic mismanagement, the resulting inefficiencies which that implies, over-burdened health care workers and physicians, as well as damage to the overall quality of public health. These problems also exist in the face of the mass immigration of folks from far flung regions of the globe where public health care was either poor or non-existent. Unrestrained immigration has therefore further burdened a dysfunctional system to the breaking point. But that ain’t all folks, add to this the government’s ill-fated COVID response and lockdowns which have resulted in delayed surgeries and a lack of critical treatment to those who were in desperate need of such services. Not to mention vaccine injuries which have affected certain demographics of the population. These unforeseen consequences although unanticipated (or so the government claims) have resulted in higher taxation even as further money and resources are applied to a system already weighed down by the problems that I have listed which have yet to be addressed.

So, as we watch our most cherished institutions go to hell in a handbasket allow me to present to you my thoughts on the impossibility of me remaining neutral. I will hold neither my tongue nor my pen as it were.

In an age which loudly touts tolerance as one of its highest values it is remarkable how intolerant Postmodern Social Progressives are when it comes to a factual analysis of the lack of real progress. Which is why Progressives are completely intolerant of any objective examination of the outcomes of pursuing their version of Progressivism as a philosophical, political, and economic ideology.

It has become abundantly clear that the practitioners of Progressivism have rejected debate free from ad hominem attacks even as they silence open discourse. The reason for this is simple, Classical Liberal and Conservative values cannot peacefully coexist alongside of their belief system. Since they view life as a zero-sum game the will to power is their dominating political motivator. This idea of will to power goes so deep in their ideology that they believe the use of language itself is merely a means of exercising power over others rather than a means of conveying truth to further mutual understanding. Since truth and lies are opposites, so are the voluntary means by which we wish to create a healthy civil society versus the coercion which resides at the very core of their political ideology. Ours is based upon exercising free will, while theirs upon the use of arbitrary authoritative fiat. It is therefore impossible for these opposing principles to peacefully coexist. Either we will win the hearts and minds of our fellows through making a compelling argument for individual liberty, personal autonomy, and traditional Western values or the Postmodern social collectivist types will win by authoritatively forcing their views onto us. I invite everyone to look at how Postmodern WOKE ideology has come to infect every social institution required for us to remain living at liberty where freedom of conscience guides how each may choose how to navigate life for themself.

Neutrality has therefore become impossible. Those of us who hold Conservative and Classical Liberal values did not declare this war. If we lose the battle for the minds and hearts of our fellows’ traditional Western values will die and we will find ourselves in a radical cultural and economic revolution where the diametric opposite of progress will become our fate. And, even as we watch our sacred institutions, institutions such as the Canadian healthcare industry which was once the envy of the entire world being mismanaged and corrupted, we will be told that the ruin of all that we hold to be dear is to be called progress by people who couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery!

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