Thursday, September 29, 2022

The intent of their hearts is certainly not to save the planet!


We are betrayed and all we held to be inviolable is broken, corrupted, and defiled! And it has been defiled by the very jokers we inanely put in charge of protecting what we believed to be inviolable!

How do I know this? There is an idea in the New Testament that the truth will pierce through all the BS thrown our way which attempts to disguise the actual motives behind the actions of men. It reads, in Hebrews 4:12, KJV: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Let us look at an example of how lies are used to disguise the real agenda. For years the powers that be have promised they will wage war on hydrocarbon fuels without offering proof that the infrastructure and technology required for their much-touted so-called green energy project could and indeed should replace hydrocarbons. This fall is about to provide ample proof of the foolishness and fallaciousness of pursuing green energy policies. Already we are experiencing enormous increases in energy prices along with growth in the associated excessive carbon taxation, food shortages, sky high inflation, currency devaluation, further marginalizing of the dispossessed, and all this because ignorant know-it-alls have forced their delusional pursuit of their unworkable policies on us. Worse these policies have failed to reduce carbon emissions in the West while giving the East and the developing world a free pass to pollute.

These policies aren't grounded in democratic consent. They're unscientifically devoid of real engineering practicality for them to be implemented at present, rather they are policies designed to force the misanthropic elites' radical ideology on us. An ideology which more closely resembles a frenzied Postmodern religion rather than a valid way to legislate energy policies! All we need do at present is to look to Europe and Scandinavia to see the results of the disaster created by the great and the good whose constant meddling has resulted in the war in the Ukraine.

From Nation World News desk dates Sept 9th, 2022 in an article entitled;

“European energy policy failure”

“Rising energy prices are a disaster for the European economy and its politicians… but, given the region’s irresponsible energy policies, the economic damage it causes should come as no surprise.

European politicians will have to rethink their approach. The problems plaguing Europe are not because of EU policies but because of their absence. The EU needs a stronger, integrated and more coherent common energy strategy.

Over the years the EU’s energy policy has faced unforeseen problems, mostly caused by Russia. For example, Russia allowed gas delivery to Europe in the cold of January 2006, but since the disruption lasted only four days, Europe did not react to its long-term effects.

Then, in January 2009, Russia suspended gas delivery through Ukraine as punishment and cut off supplies to 18 European countries for two weeks. This time the EU reacted – at least slightly – and adopted a third joint energy package of gas and electricity. The package promoted diversification and commercialization of the energy sector, and sought to avoid vertical integration. This had a real impact as gas and electricity producers could no longer own gas pipelines and transmission networks. Gazprom had to sell its gas pipelines in the Baltic states and Lithuania and Poland were encouraged to set up liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals.

But Germany was too big and pointless to worry about those changes., went in the opposite direction and made fundamental mistakes. Just before he lost the election in 2005, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder approved the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany across the Baltic Sea. Even after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, he continued to promote Nord Stream 2 along with other eminent Germans, which made Germany even more dependent on Russian gas. Not only would it have imported all the gas it needed from Russia, but it would have become one of the main transit countries.

Chancellor Angela Merkel deepened the problem in 2011 when she decided to shut down German nuclear power plants. -which were safe and working well- after the tsunami hit Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant. That decision led Germany to become highly dependent on Russian gas until the Kremlin stopped delivering gas to Europe this year, with its imports accounting for about a third of Russian gas sales to Europe. To make matters worse, German companies sold most of their gas storage facilities to Gazpromo. Which emptied them in a staggering price hike move last year.

Thus, while most other European countries had long been concerned about their excessive dependence on Russian gas, Schröder and Merkel ignored their country’s energy security and made Germany completely dependent on it. And while other European countries built new LNG terminals (allowing them to import gas from the United States and elsewhere), Germany doubled down on its purchases from Russia. Now the whole of Europe is the victim of their irresponsibility. Sky-high gas and electricity prices in Europe largely reflect German energy policy since 2005.”

You will note that the writer of this article has suggested that more interference from the EU is the solution to problems created by interference from the EU, and in particular its most dominant player Germany! Which leads me to ask one simple question, why are these clowns driven by mere opinions and wishful thinking rather than by principles?

There's a marked difference between opinions and principles. Pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza is an opinion. Standing on principle means that you're willing to oppose lies and false narratives to defend the truth, no matter what the cost. If it hasn't cost you dearly to stand by your convictions even in the face of all others marching in lockstep in the diametric opposite direction then you are not a principled person. You're just yet another person with opinions that hold no weight.

But I can go one step further. I've known those who won't even express an opinion for fear that doing so will lead to conflict. Often the publicly opinionless are especially well liked because they are social nothing burgers. They offend no one since publicly they have no stance or opinion. Metaphorically they're akin to two stale buns with no meat, cheese, and condiments in between to make the nothing burger palatable. But here's what amazes me most, behind closed doors these nothing burgers are often the most opinionated and least principled!

I wish to offer my listeners and readers a principled position on the environment. One which has helped to define Environmental Science since it was first published. That is Barry Commoner’s Four Laws of Ecology which is one of Commoner's lasting legacies. He wrote these four laws of ecology in The Closing Circle published in 1971. The four laws are:

i): Everything Is Connected to Everything Else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all.

ii): Everything Must Go Somewhere. There is no "waste" in nature and there is no "away" to which things can be thrown.

iii): Nature Knows Best. Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but such change in a natural system is, says Commoner, "likely to be detrimental to that system."

iv): There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch. Exploitation of nature will inevitably involve the conversion of resources from useful to useless forms.

This last principle is based upon the laws of conservation of matter and energy. Green energy is nothing other than a massive attempt to get a free lunch. It is the unscientifically fanatical thinking of the Church of St. Greta of Thunberg. Her dogma and doctrine are a quasi-religious fanatical delusion replete with righteous outrage, claims of moral superiority, ecstatic outbursts of fire, brimstone, hellfire, and end of the world apocalyptic visions! And that is my opinion! And as for the word of truth discerning the thoughts and intentions of our governing class, follow the money. Whose pockets were being lines by this faux pursuit of green energy while giving corrupt communist tyrannies like China a free pass to pollute even as it sold us the very technology to “go green”? If that technology actually worked to “go green”, then why are the Chinese Communists not using it instead of burning more and more coal? And that is not an opinion, that is a discernible statement of demonstrable fact which clearly indicates that the intent of their hearts is certainly not to save the planet!

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