Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mislabelling ourselves doesn't serve the cause: why the left vs right political divide is inaccurate

 It was in revolutionary France that the left vs right political divide was first defined. On the left were those who believed that the legislature had the right to veto the arbitrary dictates of the King, or executive branch of government, while on the right sat those who believed that the King, or the executive branch, had the right to veto the legislature. Today we can see, as we do with many things in this Postmodern world, this scenario reversed. Those who believe in parliamentary oversight are now those who are labelled as right wing while those who favour giving dictatorial powers to the executive sit on the left. This Postmodern deconstruction of the actual meaning of words has led to total confusion in this current “Tower of Babel” governmental structure where the State is attempting to build a totalitarian system which reaches unto heaven by denying the very existence of the Divine and the limited nature of our own knowledge.

So, my point is that those of us who believe in limited government with constitutional and parliamentary restraints on the power of the executive are allowing ourselves to be mislabelled. It only serves the cause of social collectivists to allow ourselves to be labelled as right-wingers when we are not. Therefore, we have ceded the narrative to the Postmodern types since it is they who exist on the right along with Fascists, and Marxists. Worse, I am seeing us play whack-a-mole with radicals as we attack every new policy they use as an excuse to garner more arbitrary power while increasing taxation. Face it, if you hope to kill a poisonous snake it is necessary to decapitate it while ensuring that in its death throes it cannot sink its poisonous fangs into us. But how to cut the head off this snake since its poisonous ideology has tainted our governments, our education systems, the arts, and every institution required for limited constitutional government to function?

First, we need to identify and understand our own philosophical position. I listen to alternative media daily and am constantly disappointed with the shallowness of the content due to the fact it is invariably a negation of the other’s position without ever defining the solution to our philosophical dilemma. Most conservative and classical liberal/libertarian podcasts focus on the myriad of missteps made by their opponents without ever positing a viable solution. I find myself wondering what the actual point is that they’re making? They appear to err in the same manner that their opponents err; they place both the blame and the solution to problems we face outside of themselves. “If only we elected the right people, our problems would disappear”, is the thinking of a five-year-old who still believes that his parents are super-human. That and the fact that this idiotic assumption has never worked and has led to our current dilemma proves my point. This ultimately leads to desperation due to a sense of powerlessness. The reality is that every problem begins and ends within each of us. If we are not able to define why we hold to certain principles, then we too are merely dogmatic in our beliefs. It is for this reason I have trouble with some Christians who believe that they have God in a box simply because they believe all the right things. Yet when one gets to know these folks, and I know them personally, the transformation required for them to be making such claims is absent in their lives. In this they share the same dogmatic failings as radical socialists since they believe the dogma they have been fed despite all evidence to the contrary simply because political correctness demands they all follow the same ideology without any demonstrable proof of its validity.

So, how to deal with the head of this serpent of deceit? First of all stop playing whack-a-mole with your ideological opponents. It has become abundantly obvious that our competing ideologies have become so polarized that they cannot peacefully coexist. Winning hearts and minds must deal with the most fundamental issue lying at the heart of this great debate, namely the individual. Social collectivists are rejecting their own sovereignty. They are negating their own Divine calling by refusing to become autonomous and self realized individuals. Only childish folk look outside of themselves to a nanny state to fulfill their needs. It is high time we call others to the full realization of adulthood and self reliance found in maturity. Christ’s own ministry was intensely personal. The individual nature of the path of the Cross can only be walked by one, namely any one of us who dares to walk that path for themselves. And as for the snake, God said to the Devil in Genesis 3:15; “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” 

Oh, he may strike at our heels alright but stating the truth to the deceived is guaranteed to crush the head of the snake!

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