Tuesday, September 27, 2022

They're attempting to remove the bedrock of reality itself

 I have often mentioned that in my previous life I taught problem solving as part of my gig as an ISO auditor and quality methods coach. Root cause problem solving helps us to avoid confusing the symptoms of a problem with the problem’s actual root cause(s). Which is why I attempt to get to the very root of our present social discord, for this discord has reached a fevered pitch. It is only once we ascertain the source of the issues with which we are confronted that we may begin to implement solutions that won’t merely act as bandages applied to the root causes many symptoms. Which is why I so often warn about playing whack-a-mole with the Devil. Our ideological opponents constantly invent new ways to attack us but nevertheless, each new attack has the same source, so let’s examine it.

The world is rife with pathological delusion. Postmodernists are attempting to deny the bedrock reality upon which our ability to see the world realistically rests by creating language which denies the underlying reality of things. It is interesting to note that this delusion is shared among those who believe that the State ought to exercise unconstitutional power aimed at crushing our civil liberties. Yet the system of limited government which we inherited from our ancestors prohibits such. They knew that power corrupts, and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Every single toxic idea currently promoting a radicalized socio-economic and cultural agenda is infecting society through the government. And to these radicals there is no goal other than power. They demand that truth itself, indeed reality itself, be subjected to their lustful quest for power. And it is State funded institutions such as the Academy which have deliberately hired Postmodern and Neo-Marxist professors to train yet another generation how to advance their toxic cultural revolution!

Communism, Democratic Socialism, Fascism, and Nazism increase the size of the state until the State will control virtually everything. So, a heads up to those misinformed fools who falsely think that conservatives and libertarians want to increase State control. You ought to inform yourselves. Getting the State out of every cloying aspect of our lives is in fact anti-Fascistic! We seek to put you back in charge of your own life by reducing the influence of Big Government on it. Are you so weak, naive, juvenile, and incompetent that you actually wish to surrender your autonomy to those who so constantly betray your trust? 

In a piece by Mark Bonokoski entitled: “Solving Canada’s internal trade woes with “mutual recognition”’


He writes, “Canada’s economy loses $200 billion a year through internal trade barriers thrown up by the provinces, a situation the Macdonald-Laurier Institute says can be remedied by “mutual recognition.”’ Yet this goes nowhere near measuring the crushing cost of artificial barriers to Canadians. We are being robbed of freedom, wellbeing, and prosperity by Big Government’s cloying control, control which is otherwise known as Democratic Socialism. I need to remind people that so-called Democratic Socialism is nothing less than a staging point along the road to Communism.  Nothing exceeds the atrophying decline in the vigour, health, and effectiveness of society's traditional institutions than that which is being caused by Democratic Socialism’s march to create an all-encompassing State. Nothing! To save society, we must limit government once again or watch our culture collapse under the weight of bureaucracy and incessant State meddling.

Is there any wonder that in Europe we are seeing an increase in populism aimed at getting Big Government, Big Bureaucracy, and unelected meddling self-righteous international bodies out of the lives of the many people of Europe by renewing local democracies and the sanctity of their borders? I find it both amazing and amusing that the EU, NATO, WEF, and the UN, organizations which constantly meddle in sovereign nations' governance and laws, act shocked when the citizens of sovereign countries make their position clear by democratically taking back their own sovereignty!

I'd be shocked if sovereign people didn't wish to remain sovereign! And for those who call such people Fascists, you might wish to remember that it was Fascism which attempted to break down the borders between nation states while undermining their laws to unite all of Europe under the banner of Fascism!

And to my fellow lovers of liberty under law I would also like to report a victory from Derek Sloan of the Ontario Party who has stood resolutely against Doug Ford’s fake conservative oligarchy. 

“William --

Big news broke yesterday, and it was very welcome for all of us who treasure freedom!

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) announced that charges have been dropped against me, Randy Hillier, and Pastor Henry Hildebrandt for violating public health orders.

We received these charges for being involved in a peaceful outdoor protest against draconian COVID measures back in June of 2021, in Norfolk, Ontario.

We had been facing charges that carried potential fines of up to $100,000 each and up to one year in prison merely for exercising our Charter rights to assemble peacefully in protest against unjust government measures. 

Thanks to the work of the excellent lawyers at the JCCF, the Crown stated that continued prosecution was no longer in the public interest.

While this is great news, the fact that we were even charged in the first place was never in the public interest but was the fruit of statist government overreach by aspiring tyrants like Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau. 

I look forward to defeating them once again as we continue to fight against the rest of my COVID-related charges.

These globalist elites, who exert their sinister plans to crush freedom through corrupt and compromised politicians like Ford and Trudeau aren’t finished with us yet.

We must remain ever vigilant in the cause for liberty.

One important thing you can do right now is to support the Ontario Party by committing to attend our Ontario Revival Fundraiser on Saturday, October 1, at the Polish Banquet Hall in Burlington, from 6-9 PM.

I’ll be speaking there and so will Freedom Convoy Organizer and Ontario Party candidate Tom Marazzo. 

We’ll also be joined via live video link by Pastor Artur Pawlowski, freedom fighter extraordinaire, who will be taking questions from the audience. 

Tickets are $200 for this great event, which will be an outstanding chance to support freedom in Ontario while enjoying a great meal and wonderful company.

Buy your tickets now!

I can’t wait to see you there!

God Bless You and God Bless Ontario!”

Derek Sloan, Leader of the Ontario Party


Oligarchies both at home and abroad cannot serve the interest of free people, and if the oligarchs refuse to permit us to live at liberty, we must take back our freedoms or die trying. God bless all who hope for the kind of renewal we just saw take place in Italy. And a word from my fellow POGG member Richard Courtemanche, “Many years ago, I used to say, “Why don't strong democratic nations act against despots?” and the response was that one couldn't interfere with another country's sovereignty! What a joke!” Wise words Richard since all we see today is interference! 


  1. Excellent. But you see how long it takes and costly that is to fight spurious charges that the courts shouldn't even accept in the first place. With due respect to ethical lawyers, it's a financial buffet for the justice system, all while govs pursue more of their shenanigans.

    1. I much fear that we are becoming as litigious as the Americans


Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...