We live in an age where the narcissistic projection of
virtue signalling has replaced actual virtue. I'm constantly astounded at the
ignorance of fools who use virtue signalling to advertise the fact that they've
never cultivated any moral capital. Narcissistic projection has become the
dominant psychic phenomenon of our time as a result. There is good reason that
moral capital is the costliest and most important investment anyone could make
since this investment cannot suffer from depreciation and is the only capital
which carries one through this life while preparing you for the next. It is
also something no one else can give you nor can it be stolen from you.
This is why virtue signalling is so very toxic since it replaces
the need to invest in developing moral character. But the narcissist appears to
lack the self awareness needed to do so. Rather the narcissist’s sense of self worth
is externalized onto how they believe themselves to be perceived by others. Developing
self awareness invariably reveals our own moral failings, failings which are
impossible to address if we blame others for them. Therefore, the narcissist
pathologically avoids self-reflection. This is the act of narcissistic projection.
That projection will involve denying, blaming, confusing, and hurting others to
avoid assuming accountability. These narcissistic tendencies result in sociopathic
and even psychopathic behaviour, but enough about Chrystia Freeland and Justin
Trudeau for the moment 😉
Since I taught how to use problem solving methodology, I
believe it would be helpful to reduce things to their lowest common
denominator. I suggest that we ask what the common trait is among those who appear
to be blaming the very structure of existence for their misfortunes. It is my
belief we created them. We raised generation after generation who were not made
to be responsible. Not merely that, but who were taught to reject the very
foundations of Western ethical values. Encouraging personal excellence and developing
character was stamped out of children by a society which had come to believe
that competition and striving for excellence was not merely wrong but in fact
toxic. The need to forgo immediate pleasure was replaced with instant
gratification where every child wins a prize no matter how poorly they had performed.
We told kids they were fine just the way they are, unless of course they became
uncomfortable in their own skin due to artificially induced gender dysphoria. Then
the State authorities could offer them hormone blockers and surgery to carve
these children up into something that they can never be. The State projecting moral
perversion onto children is the ultimate form of narcissistic pathological
psychic projection.
So, we are faced with a psychic “plandemic” because the
literature which reads as a manual on how to corrupt our youth morally is a key
part of the Cultural Marxist Critical Theory being taught in virtually every humanities
course in the Academy today. Presently we are faced with a cultural onslaught
in virtually every area of our life. The entire point of the Philosophy for
Philistines channel is the create a forum which will provide my readers and
listeners with the means of fighting back against this Culture War. So let us
examine how the idea pathogens of Georg Lukacs and Wilhelm Reich have come to
parasitize the minds of millions today. I will now quote from an article written
by James A. Watkins published on February 9th, 2021 entitled “Cultural
Marxism: The Frankfurt School” which can be found at the following link; https://discover.hubpages.com/politics/Cultural-Marxism-The-Frankfort-School
‘“Georg Lukacs (1885-1971), a Hungarian Comintern agent for
the Soviet Union, helped found the Frankfurt School. He defined his own ideas
as “demonic.” Lukacs saw “the revolutionary destruction of society as the one
and only solution … a worldwide overturning of values, the annihilation of the
old values and the creation of new ones.” He instituted sex education in
Hungary to teach children how to have sex and all about the joys of
promiscuity. Lukacs invented the famous term for it: free love.”
His teachings were that religious virtues were irrelevant,
monogamy old-fashioned, parental ideas about sex backward. He hoped to weaken
the traditional family and organized religion, which he said conspired to
deprive Man of pleasure. He urged students to rebel against any sexual
constraints. Lukacs' idea was to promote licentiousness among women and
children to destroy Western Civilization, with totalitarian communism as the
ultimate goal.
Wilhelm Reich
One of the Frankfurt School's big guns was a protégé of
Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), an atheist socialist. As a little
boy, he fantasized about having sex with his mother. He humped the family's
maid as if she were a dog when he was four. At eleven, little Wilhelm was
having regular intercourse with a servant girl. By the time he became an adult
he was a full-blown pervert. Reich was an excessive masturbator, and a regular
at the local brothels, who habitually engaged in sadomasochism and bestiality.
In 1922, Reich had gone to work for Sigmund Freud. From then
on, Reich would lead a life of debauchery and serial adultery, leaving behind a
trail of broken homes, abortions, suffering, and suicides. Naturally, he joined
the Communist Party and became friends with John Dewey, The Father of Modern
American Education.
Reich's big idea was to fuse Marx's ideology with Freud's
psychology. That fusion is what became known as Cultural Marxism. To set man
free, he must be relieved of morality. For that to happen he must become free
of conscience; a man yielded to his primary biological impulses. What was
Reich’s rationale? “If you get people involved in deviant sexual behavior, the
whole idea of God just disappears automatically.”
In his view, a man was nothing more than an erotic impulse.
Thinking is the problem; thought is a disease that nullifies our primal urges.
The ideal man is, therefore, he who has satisfied his strong libidinal needs.
The family must be annihilated because think how it restricts freedom!
Reich decided that the Frankfurt School should use sexual
immorality to bring down Western Civilization, using 'comprehensive sex
education' in our public schools for the indoctrination of the young. Reich
coined the term Sexual Revolution, a revolution that, he predicted, once it
started, “no power in the world could stop it.”
Thus, Reich laid out long ago what the new culture of the
1960s would do to our nation's youth. Radicalize them. Teach them to reject
authority, accepted customs, and traditional conventions. Persuade them to take
drugs to 'expand their minds' and to define their very own existence by
creating their own belief system, lifestyle, and culture. But the topper was
this: Never judge what anyone else does.
Sexual promiscuity, free love, the rejection of morality,
and making pleasure the primary pursuit of life, was his philosophy. Reich saw
how to eradicate the family by appealing to women with the idea that they had
somehow, without realizing it, been enslaved by a mysterious, nefarious thing
called the ‘Patriarchy.’ Men were the enemy!
The family had to go because it was through the family that
men dominated women. Fathers were superfluous; children did not need parenting.
Reich believed little children should be encouraged to have sex. “A right to
natural love,” he called it. He wanted to liberate children because fathers and
families had suppressed their sexuality.
Reich taught that monogamy was a load of crap because the
same partner could satisfy no one for an extended period. He condemned
premarital abstinence and created the idea that the New Left radicals would
chant in the late 1960s: Smash Monogamy!
Being such an expert on human nature and thus qualified to
prescribe such strange medicine, one would hope Mr. Reich had personally found
the happiness he promised was awaiting all who would follow his prescriptions.
Alas, in his autobiography, Reich opens the curtain to unveil himself as a
pathetic person, eternally frustrated and wracked with strange phobias. The
ordinary things we all do with ease every day made him sick with worry. He was
unable to form bonds with other human beings whatsoever. He acknowledged, “The
most constant presence in my life was fear and anxiety.”’, end quote.
So, there you have it. This is the ultimate form of
narcissistic psychic projection the stated goal of which is to corrupt and pervert
society via a Cultural Marxist Revolution. It is a complete denial that there
is even a possibility of training our youth to develop moral capital, and it is
not merely a rejection of the need for such, it is a blatant denial that such
capital even exists! The pathology laid out so graphically in this article exposes
an existential threat to the existence of civil society. It espouses the abdication
of living a moral life.
The Cultural Revolution which emerged during the 1960s was engineered
by a group of socialist atheists who believed Marx had got the class struggle
wrong. They replaced the old idea of the bourgeoisie versus the proletariat with
the identity politics of the intersectionally oppressed versus the patriarchal
tyranny of society itself. The goal of the Cultural Marxists from the Frankfurt
School was to overthrow Western Civilization by subverting it from within. They
took the long march through our institutions which culturally shape and
transmit ideas and values; namely the 4th Estate, published media,
television, film, public schools, the Academy, and social media. Propaganda was
used to undermine personal responsibility, morality, tradition, community,
patriotism, unity, language, and most importantly faith in Christ Jesus.
Understanding the importance of delayed gratification while investing in our
own moral capital which accrues interest in this life and on into the next has
been replaced by hedonism and instant gratification.
All the ideas which have come to parasitize society whether that
is the Diversity, Inclusiveness and Equity (DIE) religion, the chemical and surgical
reassignment of gender to children, every single species of the WOKE attacks on
reason itself can be traced back to the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory. And
the only thing that can possibly address these idea pathogens is the moral
capital capable needed to counter that evil. No one can do that for you! It is
up to each of us to start investing in the bank of personal integrity before it
is too late!