Thursday, November 24, 2022

Do you respect Trudeau's "AUTHORITAH"?


Divide and conquer is certainly a principle that the elite have perfected! Too bad we are so slow to catch on to the oldest trick in employed to win war with the least number of casualties for the one who employs this tactic. For that is what we are in, an ideological battle for the hearts and minds of our fellows.

Why you must respect Trudeau's “authoritah” or receive "La boccia della morte", which means the kiss of death!
Given the many weeks of we heard reporting both from the legacy media as well as alternative media that the Trudeau government had been warned by CSIS that Communist China had funded and interfered in our elections only to have the government deny such even though the conversation between Justin Trudeau and Xi Jinping was recorded proving the allegations are valid. Then adding insult to injury we now know the government had not met the high bar required for it to have invoked what amounts to martial law yet continues to invent justifications for exceeding their proper mandate to govern, I have the following observations:
I had a "discussion" on one of the legacy media's Facebook comment feeds with those who believe that the Canadian government can do no wrong and that it's not "my call" to question their "authoritah"! They sounded like Cartman from South Park.
We are well and truly screwed when a significant proportion of Canadians think such things. Obviously my fellow citizens are utterly ignorant of the warning given to us by the ancient Greeks that democracy unrestrained by law quickly descends into mob rule and tyranny.
Welcome to the oh so Canadian version of Postmodern dystopia and it's no surprise to me that once again the usual suspects from the Laurentian Elite are behind it where Xi Jinping is El Capo de Tutti Capi and Trudeau is his Consigliere. Canada is under the control of the Chinese Mafia! I predict someone is going to wake up with a horse's head in their bed!
Trudeau playing us for fools has made him into El Capo de Tutti Cazzi! Look up the meaning of cazzi if you question my ability to swear in Italian!

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