Monday, November 7, 2022

Forgive and forget? I don’t think so!


Many of you will be aware of an article written by Emily Oster published in the Atlantic on Oct. 31st, 2022 entitled, “LET’S DECLARE A PANDEMIC AMNESTY: Let’s focus on the future, and fix the problems we still need to solve.”

In this article Oster insists that we ought to forgive and forget how illiberal and authoritarian the response to COVID was in spite of the fact it appears that we still have learned nothing, particularly when it comes to the authoritarian, narcissistic policies of our leaders who ignored our inherent civil liberties claiming in so many fine words that tyranny would mitigate the pandemic. It must also be noted that it is one thing for the public to accept what their elected representatives have mandated as opposed to why the first response of the State was to use the virus as a political weapon against the citizen by taking exceptional authoritarian measures to mitigate the pandemic, measures which are still in play as we are warned of future outbreaks. Yet we have demonstrable proof that these measures not only did not work but have caused horrendous ancillary damage to society.

For over two years the “powers-that-be” have used COVID as an excuse to enforce measures that were more dangerous than the virus itself and now, they want us to forget it all happened. Well, no, I for one won't be forgetting that the State used an illness to grant itself unprecedented unconstitutional authority while undermining the economy and destroying our children's education. More are likely to die of harm from their heavy-handed policies and vaccine injuries than from the virus. More small businesses will never reopen than over any other period of time in my living memory. And damningly, more wealth was transferred to the super rich than has ever occurred in all of human history.

On the strange death of free market economies, individual autonomy, and economic freedom in favour of a Fascistic form of social collectivism:

Newt Gingrich once stated, "The future has publicists, but the past has prison guards, and those guards are mostly lobbyists who do everything they can to stop the future." This simple axiom perfectly defines why democracy is failing in the West. Our governments are deliberately being controlled by powerful multinational conglomerates and the wicked elite who are invested in them who use their clout to control governments!

In 1776 the father of the Free Market economy, Adam Smith wrote in "The Wealth of Nations" that any gathering of businessmen is a conspiracy against the consumer. In this Postmodern age it has become a concerted plan to control the political process to serve the elite. Consequently, the elite's goals are invariably at odds with what serves the public good!

“People of the same trade seldom meet together even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public or contrivance to raise prices” - Adam Smith from “The Wealth of Nations”

Since Adam Smith couldn’t possibly have conceived of a gathering of the uber wealthy the size and scope of the meeting of the great and good in Davos, this manipulation of our political and bureaucratic class to serve the needs of the entitled 1% is unprecedented. Our elected leaders not only do not create policies which serve the needs of the public, they have betrayed their sacred duty to defend our democracies from Fascistic forces whose idea of building back better is to plunge the West into darkness and starvation in order to green the planet. These Fascists are in fact ghouls who despise the very foundations of Western Culture, our Christian heritage, and the achievements of the true liberal social progress since the age of enlightenment until now when this pack of dystopian power mongers are trying to drive the West back into the Dark Ages.

And they’ve used the pandemic as an excuse to do so! Forgive and forget? I don’t think so!



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