Friday, November 11, 2022

We are not living in the today our brave fallen gave their tomorrows for!

Today we honour those who gave their tomorrows for our today, but is what we have today what they fought and died for? We must never forget why our men and women made the ultimate sacrifice; it was to stop totalitarian regimes from ruling the world. The very totalitarians who influenced the 2019 elections in Canada by helping to fund several sitting LPC MP's currently holding office. Never forget, Trudeau is a Neo-Marxist! He knew about this since no later than last January and has done nothing to stop the creep of Marxism in the heart of his government. In my opinion there can only be one reason for this, he knew all along since he works hand in glove with the CCP!

By Sam Cooper Global News Published November 7, 2022

“Canadian intelligence officials have warned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that China has allegedly been targeting Canada with a vast campaign of foreign interference, which includes funding a clandestine network of at least 11 federal candidates running in the 2019 election, according to Global News sources.

Delivered to the prime minister and several cabinet members in a series of briefings and memos first presented in January, the allegations included other detailed examples of Beijing’s efforts to further its influence and, in turn, subvert Canada’s democratic process, sources said.

Based on recent information from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), those efforts allegedly involve payments through intermediaries to candidates affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), placing agents into the offices of MPs in order to influence policy, seeking to co-opt and corrupt former Canadian officials to gain leverage in Ottawa, and mounting aggressive campaigns to punish Canadian politicians whom the People’s Republic of China (PRC) views as threats to its interests.

CSIS told Global News it could not answer some questions for this story. But the service confirmed it has identified the PRC’s foreign interference in Canada, which can include covert funding to influence election outcomes.

“The Chinese Communist Party … is using all elements of state power to carry out activities that are a direct threat to our national security and sovereignty,” CSIS stated.”, end quote

From an article entitled, “Canada Must ‘Do More’ to Counter Chinese Election Interference, Says Joly” written by Peter Wilson November 9, 2022

“Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly says Canada must “do more” to prevent Chinese interference when asked by reporters what should be done about recent allegations that China meddled in the 2019 federal election.

“For the past two elections, we had a committee that was working on these very issues and also we strengthened our processes, but I think we need to do more,” Joly said after making an announcement on Canada’s upcoming new Indo-Pacific Strategy at the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy in Toronto, Ont., on Nov. 9.

Joly also said the federal government “won’t let any foreign actor meddle in our democracy.”

“We need to make sure that we tackle foreign interference at home, but I would say also, particularly in the digital sphere.”

Joly’s comments come amid a Global News report published this week alleging that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was briefed by intelligence officials in January, who said the Chinese Communist Party had funded 11 unnamed federal candidates in the 2019 election.

“State actors from around the world, whether it’s China or others, are continuing to play aggressive games with our institutions, with our

democracies,” Trudeau told reporters in Laval, Que., on Nov. 7 in response to the allegations.

He added that the federal government has implemented “significant measures to strengthen the integrity of our elections processes and our systems” and added that CSIS will be receiving “new tools” to monitor election interference.

‘Failed to Protect Our Democracy’

Joly also said on Nov. 9 that the federal government “will challenge China when we ought to,” but will “cooperate with China when we must.”

“Its sheer size and influence makes cooperation necessary to address the world’s existential pressures,” she said.

Conservative MPs yesterday called upon the federal government to be more proactive in defending Canada’s democracy against Chinese interference.

“It’s long past time for the Trudeau government to come forward with a robust plan to counter Beijing’s foreign interference operations here on Canadian soil,” wrote Conservative MPs Michael Chong and Pierre Paul-Hus in a statement on Nov. 8.

Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said in a press conference today that Trudeau “has failed to protect our democracy.”

“I think it’s very troubling that the prime minister has known about allegations of foreign interference in Canadian elections since last January and he hasn’t taken any action,” Poilievre told reporters in Vancouver, B.C., on Nov. 9.”, end quote

These two articles are merely two out of ten I have posted to my profile this past week. Here I will speak off the cuff, insert diatribe here <

Fact One: Factories win wars since the countries that can produce the most advanced military technology and equipment fastest without interruptions and/or supply chain issues are historically the winner

Fact Two: Communist China manufactures an undue proportion of the goods we require

Fact Three: CSIS warned the Canadian government that the CCP interfered in the 2019 elections and controls several Canadian politicians last January. Noted historian, academic, and fellow POGG member Dr. John Robson recently wrote an article stating that this is common knowledge and yet we do nothing to stop it.

Fact Four: We lack the moral resolve and industrial might to defend ourselves against these communist incursions.

Fact Five: I can only conclude that conspiring with the CCP must be the official state policy of the LPC since they were warned by CSIS and yet continue to betray Canada to powerful Communist Chinese lobbyists.

I can only conclude given these facts that we are not living in the today our brave soldiers fought and died for! Let that sink in!

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