Thursday, September 29, 2022

The intent of their hearts is certainly not to save the planet!


We are betrayed and all we held to be inviolable is broken, corrupted, and defiled! And it has been defiled by the very jokers we inanely put in charge of protecting what we believed to be inviolable!

How do I know this? There is an idea in the New Testament that the truth will pierce through all the BS thrown our way which attempts to disguise the actual motives behind the actions of men. It reads, in Hebrews 4:12, KJV: “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”

Let us look at an example of how lies are used to disguise the real agenda. For years the powers that be have promised they will wage war on hydrocarbon fuels without offering proof that the infrastructure and technology required for their much-touted so-called green energy project could and indeed should replace hydrocarbons. This fall is about to provide ample proof of the foolishness and fallaciousness of pursuing green energy policies. Already we are experiencing enormous increases in energy prices along with growth in the associated excessive carbon taxation, food shortages, sky high inflation, currency devaluation, further marginalizing of the dispossessed, and all this because ignorant know-it-alls have forced their delusional pursuit of their unworkable policies on us. Worse these policies have failed to reduce carbon emissions in the West while giving the East and the developing world a free pass to pollute.

These policies aren't grounded in democratic consent. They're unscientifically devoid of real engineering practicality for them to be implemented at present, rather they are policies designed to force the misanthropic elites' radical ideology on us. An ideology which more closely resembles a frenzied Postmodern religion rather than a valid way to legislate energy policies! All we need do at present is to look to Europe and Scandinavia to see the results of the disaster created by the great and the good whose constant meddling has resulted in the war in the Ukraine.

From Nation World News desk dates Sept 9th, 2022 in an article entitled;

“European energy policy failure”

“Rising energy prices are a disaster for the European economy and its politicians… but, given the region’s irresponsible energy policies, the economic damage it causes should come as no surprise.

European politicians will have to rethink their approach. The problems plaguing Europe are not because of EU policies but because of their absence. The EU needs a stronger, integrated and more coherent common energy strategy.

Over the years the EU’s energy policy has faced unforeseen problems, mostly caused by Russia. For example, Russia allowed gas delivery to Europe in the cold of January 2006, but since the disruption lasted only four days, Europe did not react to its long-term effects.

Then, in January 2009, Russia suspended gas delivery through Ukraine as punishment and cut off supplies to 18 European countries for two weeks. This time the EU reacted – at least slightly – and adopted a third joint energy package of gas and electricity. The package promoted diversification and commercialization of the energy sector, and sought to avoid vertical integration. This had a real impact as gas and electricity producers could no longer own gas pipelines and transmission networks. Gazprom had to sell its gas pipelines in the Baltic states and Lithuania and Poland were encouraged to set up liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals.

But Germany was too big and pointless to worry about those changes., went in the opposite direction and made fundamental mistakes. Just before he lost the election in 2005, German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder approved the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline between Russia and Germany across the Baltic Sea. Even after Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, he continued to promote Nord Stream 2 along with other eminent Germans, which made Germany even more dependent on Russian gas. Not only would it have imported all the gas it needed from Russia, but it would have become one of the main transit countries.

Chancellor Angela Merkel deepened the problem in 2011 when she decided to shut down German nuclear power plants. -which were safe and working well- after the tsunami hit Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plant. That decision led Germany to become highly dependent on Russian gas until the Kremlin stopped delivering gas to Europe this year, with its imports accounting for about a third of Russian gas sales to Europe. To make matters worse, German companies sold most of their gas storage facilities to Gazpromo. Which emptied them in a staggering price hike move last year.

Thus, while most other European countries had long been concerned about their excessive dependence on Russian gas, Schröder and Merkel ignored their country’s energy security and made Germany completely dependent on it. And while other European countries built new LNG terminals (allowing them to import gas from the United States and elsewhere), Germany doubled down on its purchases from Russia. Now the whole of Europe is the victim of their irresponsibility. Sky-high gas and electricity prices in Europe largely reflect German energy policy since 2005.”

You will note that the writer of this article has suggested that more interference from the EU is the solution to problems created by interference from the EU, and in particular its most dominant player Germany! Which leads me to ask one simple question, why are these clowns driven by mere opinions and wishful thinking rather than by principles?

There's a marked difference between opinions and principles. Pineapple doesn't belong on a pizza is an opinion. Standing on principle means that you're willing to oppose lies and false narratives to defend the truth, no matter what the cost. If it hasn't cost you dearly to stand by your convictions even in the face of all others marching in lockstep in the diametric opposite direction then you are not a principled person. You're just yet another person with opinions that hold no weight.

But I can go one step further. I've known those who won't even express an opinion for fear that doing so will lead to conflict. Often the publicly opinionless are especially well liked because they are social nothing burgers. They offend no one since publicly they have no stance or opinion. Metaphorically they're akin to two stale buns with no meat, cheese, and condiments in between to make the nothing burger palatable. But here's what amazes me most, behind closed doors these nothing burgers are often the most opinionated and least principled!

I wish to offer my listeners and readers a principled position on the environment. One which has helped to define Environmental Science since it was first published. That is Barry Commoner’s Four Laws of Ecology which is one of Commoner's lasting legacies. He wrote these four laws of ecology in The Closing Circle published in 1971. The four laws are:

i): Everything Is Connected to Everything Else. There is one ecosphere for all living organisms and what affects one, affects all.

ii): Everything Must Go Somewhere. There is no "waste" in nature and there is no "away" to which things can be thrown.

iii): Nature Knows Best. Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but such change in a natural system is, says Commoner, "likely to be detrimental to that system."

iv): There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch. Exploitation of nature will inevitably involve the conversion of resources from useful to useless forms.

This last principle is based upon the laws of conservation of matter and energy. Green energy is nothing other than a massive attempt to get a free lunch. It is the unscientifically fanatical thinking of the Church of St. Greta of Thunberg. Her dogma and doctrine are a quasi-religious fanatical delusion replete with righteous outrage, claims of moral superiority, ecstatic outbursts of fire, brimstone, hellfire, and end of the world apocalyptic visions! And that is my opinion! And as for the word of truth discerning the thoughts and intentions of our governing class, follow the money. Whose pockets were being lines by this faux pursuit of green energy while giving corrupt communist tyrannies like China a free pass to pollute even as it sold us the very technology to “go green”? If that technology actually worked to “go green”, then why are the Chinese Communists not using it instead of burning more and more coal? And that is not an opinion, that is a discernible statement of demonstrable fact which clearly indicates that the intent of their hearts is certainly not to save the planet!

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

They're attempting to remove the bedrock of reality itself

 I have often mentioned that in my previous life I taught problem solving as part of my gig as an ISO auditor and quality methods coach. Root cause problem solving helps us to avoid confusing the symptoms of a problem with the problem’s actual root cause(s). Which is why I attempt to get to the very root of our present social discord, for this discord has reached a fevered pitch. It is only once we ascertain the source of the issues with which we are confronted that we may begin to implement solutions that won’t merely act as bandages applied to the root causes many symptoms. Which is why I so often warn about playing whack-a-mole with the Devil. Our ideological opponents constantly invent new ways to attack us but nevertheless, each new attack has the same source, so let’s examine it.

The world is rife with pathological delusion. Postmodernists are attempting to deny the bedrock reality upon which our ability to see the world realistically rests by creating language which denies the underlying reality of things. It is interesting to note that this delusion is shared among those who believe that the State ought to exercise unconstitutional power aimed at crushing our civil liberties. Yet the system of limited government which we inherited from our ancestors prohibits such. They knew that power corrupts, and that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Every single toxic idea currently promoting a radicalized socio-economic and cultural agenda is infecting society through the government. And to these radicals there is no goal other than power. They demand that truth itself, indeed reality itself, be subjected to their lustful quest for power. And it is State funded institutions such as the Academy which have deliberately hired Postmodern and Neo-Marxist professors to train yet another generation how to advance their toxic cultural revolution!

Communism, Democratic Socialism, Fascism, and Nazism increase the size of the state until the State will control virtually everything. So, a heads up to those misinformed fools who falsely think that conservatives and libertarians want to increase State control. You ought to inform yourselves. Getting the State out of every cloying aspect of our lives is in fact anti-Fascistic! We seek to put you back in charge of your own life by reducing the influence of Big Government on it. Are you so weak, naive, juvenile, and incompetent that you actually wish to surrender your autonomy to those who so constantly betray your trust? 

In a piece by Mark Bonokoski entitled: “Solving Canada’s internal trade woes with “mutual recognition”’

He writes, “Canada’s economy loses $200 billion a year through internal trade barriers thrown up by the provinces, a situation the Macdonald-Laurier Institute says can be remedied by “mutual recognition.”’ Yet this goes nowhere near measuring the crushing cost of artificial barriers to Canadians. We are being robbed of freedom, wellbeing, and prosperity by Big Government’s cloying control, control which is otherwise known as Democratic Socialism. I need to remind people that so-called Democratic Socialism is nothing less than a staging point along the road to Communism.  Nothing exceeds the atrophying decline in the vigour, health, and effectiveness of society's traditional institutions than that which is being caused by Democratic Socialism’s march to create an all-encompassing State. Nothing! To save society, we must limit government once again or watch our culture collapse under the weight of bureaucracy and incessant State meddling.

Is there any wonder that in Europe we are seeing an increase in populism aimed at getting Big Government, Big Bureaucracy, and unelected meddling self-righteous international bodies out of the lives of the many people of Europe by renewing local democracies and the sanctity of their borders? I find it both amazing and amusing that the EU, NATO, WEF, and the UN, organizations which constantly meddle in sovereign nations' governance and laws, act shocked when the citizens of sovereign countries make their position clear by democratically taking back their own sovereignty!

I'd be shocked if sovereign people didn't wish to remain sovereign! And for those who call such people Fascists, you might wish to remember that it was Fascism which attempted to break down the borders between nation states while undermining their laws to unite all of Europe under the banner of Fascism!

And to my fellow lovers of liberty under law I would also like to report a victory from Derek Sloan of the Ontario Party who has stood resolutely against Doug Ford’s fake conservative oligarchy. 

“William --

Big news broke yesterday, and it was very welcome for all of us who treasure freedom!

The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) announced that charges have been dropped against me, Randy Hillier, and Pastor Henry Hildebrandt for violating public health orders.

We received these charges for being involved in a peaceful outdoor protest against draconian COVID measures back in June of 2021, in Norfolk, Ontario.

We had been facing charges that carried potential fines of up to $100,000 each and up to one year in prison merely for exercising our Charter rights to assemble peacefully in protest against unjust government measures. 

Thanks to the work of the excellent lawyers at the JCCF, the Crown stated that continued prosecution was no longer in the public interest.

While this is great news, the fact that we were even charged in the first place was never in the public interest but was the fruit of statist government overreach by aspiring tyrants like Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau. 

I look forward to defeating them once again as we continue to fight against the rest of my COVID-related charges.

These globalist elites, who exert their sinister plans to crush freedom through corrupt and compromised politicians like Ford and Trudeau aren’t finished with us yet.

We must remain ever vigilant in the cause for liberty.

One important thing you can do right now is to support the Ontario Party by committing to attend our Ontario Revival Fundraiser on Saturday, October 1, at the Polish Banquet Hall in Burlington, from 6-9 PM.

I’ll be speaking there and so will Freedom Convoy Organizer and Ontario Party candidate Tom Marazzo. 

We’ll also be joined via live video link by Pastor Artur Pawlowski, freedom fighter extraordinaire, who will be taking questions from the audience. 

Tickets are $200 for this great event, which will be an outstanding chance to support freedom in Ontario while enjoying a great meal and wonderful company.

Buy your tickets now!

I can’t wait to see you there!

God Bless You and God Bless Ontario!”

Derek Sloan, Leader of the Ontario Party 

Oligarchies both at home and abroad cannot serve the interest of free people, and if the oligarchs refuse to permit us to live at liberty, we must take back our freedoms or die trying. God bless all who hope for the kind of renewal we just saw take place in Italy. And a word from my fellow POGG member Richard Courtemanche, “Many years ago, I used to say, “Why don't strong democratic nations act against despots?” and the response was that one couldn't interfere with another country's sovereignty! What a joke!” Wise words Richard since all we see today is interference! 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Neutrality has become impossible


One of the gravest sins of all is pride, and there is nothing more prideful than the will to power. The narcissistic belief that you are capable of not merely making choices for others on matters you are totally unqualified to judge, but that you view others to be so stupid and yourself so brilliant that you will force others to do your bidding. So, for all the wicked, debauched, and nefarious sins that I have undoubtedly committed I must have faith in the forgiveness that is to be received by anyone who is truly repentant. But when they plate me and crate me there is one sin for which I hope not to have need for apology, namely that I coerced no one to do my bidding! Neither do I wish to use the force of the State to coerce others against their will. I am simply not smart enough to comprehend the complexity of the problems the Postmodern State claims it understands well enough to solve. The State’s incessant meddling in multivariate complex issues is far beyond the politicians’ and bureaucrats’ ability to grasp. Daily we see examples of our leaders’ failed attempts to get it right, if getting it right was even what they actually intended! One must wonder how they could think us to be so foolish as to continue to place our faith in their ability to control the very forces of nature itself through excessive taxation.

Why meddling is evil:

We live at a time when the unintended consequences of constant government interference are on full display, yet not only do our leaders continue to interfere, they double down on their meddling while labelling those who point out the failures of their repeated capricious intrusions as conspiracy theorists.

Overview: What are unintended consequences?

Sociologist Robert Merton first introduced the concept of unanticipated consequences in 1936. According to Merton, unanticipated consequences are actions having both intended and unintended consequences. You are usually aware of the intended consequences and what you expect will happen, but the unintended are more difficult to recognize or anticipate.

Merton defined three types of unintended consequences. They were:

i): Unintended positive consequence where the outcome wasn’t expected but turned out to be beneficial.

ii): Unintended negative consequence where the outcome wasn’t expected but turned out to have a negative impact.

iii): Perverse consequences where the outcome is the opposite of what you intended and are highly damaging.


Amazingly governmental interferences most frequently fall into this latter category. For example, the State wants to be sure it will have affordable health care available to its citizens, so the government decides to fund a high level of State-run healthcare. The unanticipated consequence has been an increase in bureaucratic mismanagement, the resulting inefficiencies which that implies, over-burdened health care workers and physicians, as well as damage to the overall quality of public health. These problems also exist in the face of the mass immigration of folks from far flung regions of the globe where public health care was either poor or non-existent. Unrestrained immigration has therefore further burdened a dysfunctional system to the breaking point. But that ain’t all folks, add to this the government’s ill-fated COVID response and lockdowns which have resulted in delayed surgeries and a lack of critical treatment to those who were in desperate need of such services. Not to mention vaccine injuries which have affected certain demographics of the population. These unforeseen consequences although unanticipated (or so the government claims) have resulted in higher taxation even as further money and resources are applied to a system already weighed down by the problems that I have listed which have yet to be addressed.

So, as we watch our most cherished institutions go to hell in a handbasket allow me to present to you my thoughts on the impossibility of me remaining neutral. I will hold neither my tongue nor my pen as it were.

In an age which loudly touts tolerance as one of its highest values it is remarkable how intolerant Postmodern Social Progressives are when it comes to a factual analysis of the lack of real progress. Which is why Progressives are completely intolerant of any objective examination of the outcomes of pursuing their version of Progressivism as a philosophical, political, and economic ideology.

It has become abundantly clear that the practitioners of Progressivism have rejected debate free from ad hominem attacks even as they silence open discourse. The reason for this is simple, Classical Liberal and Conservative values cannot peacefully coexist alongside of their belief system. Since they view life as a zero-sum game the will to power is their dominating political motivator. This idea of will to power goes so deep in their ideology that they believe the use of language itself is merely a means of exercising power over others rather than a means of conveying truth to further mutual understanding. Since truth and lies are opposites, so are the voluntary means by which we wish to create a healthy civil society versus the coercion which resides at the very core of their political ideology. Ours is based upon exercising free will, while theirs upon the use of arbitrary authoritative fiat. It is therefore impossible for these opposing principles to peacefully coexist. Either we will win the hearts and minds of our fellows through making a compelling argument for individual liberty, personal autonomy, and traditional Western values or the Postmodern social collectivist types will win by authoritatively forcing their views onto us. I invite everyone to look at how Postmodern WOKE ideology has come to infect every social institution required for us to remain living at liberty where freedom of conscience guides how each may choose how to navigate life for themself.

Neutrality has therefore become impossible. Those of us who hold Conservative and Classical Liberal values did not declare this war. If we lose the battle for the minds and hearts of our fellows’ traditional Western values will die and we will find ourselves in a radical cultural and economic revolution where the diametric opposite of progress will become our fate. And, even as we watch our sacred institutions, institutions such as the Canadian healthcare industry which was once the envy of the entire world being mismanaged and corrupted, we will be told that the ruin of all that we hold to be dear is to be called progress by people who couldn’t organize a piss-up in a brewery!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022



Dispensing with our naïvety:

Before we even begin to look at what constitutes naïve belief, we must first agree on using language which may accurately define it. It is the “it” of a thing which is under attack today. Due to the Postmodernism of Derrida and Foucault a form of literary criticism is now widely being accepted which places value on what we name a thing as opposed to what it actually is. This is what I refer to as the “it” of a thing. Postmodernists are renaming reality based upon how they subjectively feel about it. Which is why transitioning to the opposite sex has gained so much attention to the point where government both federally and provincially allow for self identification on official documents apart from physical reality. This constitutes the thinking of a 4-year-old who defines himself as a pirate one moment and a superhero the next, or a little girl of similar age who may role play being a doctor at one moment, then being the patient the next, or even a backhoe operator if she happens to be a male lesbian like me. Do you see how I snuck that in? Of course, when children do this, we find it charming and play along, but when adults do it, it indicates a delusional detachment from reality. Such games we must refuse to play.

“Don’t let us forget that the causes of human actions are usually immeasurably more complex and varied than our subsequent explanations of them.” ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Idiot

“Dostoevsky,the only psychologist from whom I've anything to learn.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

The truth is often a terrible bitter pill to swallow, but the hideous lies which invariably hide in the shadows of its absence are far more insidious! So let us forge ahead and clarify how we can identify the nature of our government stripped of all its false moralizing and promises of a future sustainable and equitable world. A world absent of the personal autonomy, workable energy policies, and economic prosperity which would allow us to focus on more than just putting food on the table and keeping a roof over our heads. For it is the most prosperous societies which invariably care for the environment most effectively while providing maximum opportunity for the dispossessed.

“It is better to be unhappy and know the worst, than to be happy in a fool's paradise.” ~ Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot

Secular man has an odd idea about religious concepts such as idolatry in large part to the fact we fail to appreciate the incredible metaphorical significance of the Bible. It is most likely that we think of idolatry referring to creating a graven image and then worshipping that physical image. But let’s take a closer look at the metaphor.

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Is it not idolatry to create a system which denies the Divine nature of man by subjugating him to slavery so false that it literally manifests itself as the opposite of what the name socialism implies? Socialism does not create a socially connected and fulfilled society for the very reason that it denies man his Divine freedom. The highest pursuit of man is to know and grow in Divine awareness of God. Socialism replaces God with an all-powerful idolatrous state. It posits the collective good as the highest ontological achievement while denying the autonomy of the individual. No society can care for the many if it fails to recognize the rights of the individual. This creates an uniterable game which must be forced upon us since this game isn’t played by choice. And the game played by choice invariably outperforms any game played under coercion.

So, how far along the road to tyranny has our government travelled?

Let us compare the following characteristics which are inherent to the major branches of social collectivism to our own system of governance:

Fascism, Nazism, Democratic Socialism, and Communism are all based upon identity politics. All use some perverse version of victim versus victimizer narrative. All have state-controlled economies and/or state-owned industries. All feature some measure of central economic planning. All have state run and funded healthcare. All use state run education and media to control the officially sanctioned narrative to create cultural conformity. All silence political dissent both covertly and overtly. All are enemies of individuality and personal autonomy. All will attempt to mischaracterize and/or ruin you if you expose the lies upon which these toxic political ideologies are founded. The central theme to all of these variants of social collectivism is the belief that life is a zero-sum game where power is the dominant motivating factor in human interaction. Since they all share this delusion, it is unsurprising they all share a pathological need to control.

I implore you to let this comparison to where we are today to serve as a warning. If you believe in personal autonomy, the solution to tyranny resides in you, indeed in each of us, to refuse to participate in the lies that these systems require for them to exist. Refuse to fan the flames of narcissistic supply social collectivism requires to enslave the minds of your fellows!

The great Twitter irony is that a platform which so lends itself to ridicule and the ridiculous, a place where aspersions are so easily cast and valid arguments so readily downplayed, that despite this, #TrudeauMustGo was trending number one in Canadian content the other day after the Neo-Marxist leader of ours was recorded drunkenly singing Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen at a Karaoke Bar in London while there for Her Majesty’s funeral. Trudeau is a tone deaf, narcissistic clown who is completely out of touch with the “it” of a thing. Mr. Trudeau, Canadians aren’t about to consult some yet to be written Postmodern dictionary which can define the level of your sheer narcissistic hubris and the vitriolic contempt that you so obviously hold for those you were elected to serve. #TrudeauMustGo indeed, I am hopeful that my fellow Canadians are no longer willing to worship at the idol of statism. Trudeau’s failing Big Government policies have, as social collectivist experiments always do, had the opposite result of his much-lauded claims of creating utopia. Claims which have gone up in the smoke of inflation, fiduciary malfeasance, unworkable energy policies, printing money out of thin air, while simultaneously demanding we use impossible pronouns which ignore the ”it” of a thing.  Trudeau, your it is up!


Wednesday, September 14, 2022

One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world


God forgotten is simply an idol waiting to be forged into an ideology harder than steel, for that is the effect that godless ideology has on the hearts of men; it turns them into steel. Yes, the steely determination to force social collectivism on their fellows. Therefore, it isn’t only nature which abhors a vacuum, so does the spiritual nature of man. 

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s, “The Gulag Archipelago”, is a devastating account of the absolute horror wreaked upon the people of the Soviet Empire by the acolytes of the doctrine of Karl Marx. The publication of that book made it virtually impossible for even the most ardent socialists to deny or explain away the murderous tyranny of communism in practice. However, that has not stopped collectivism’s disciples even as socialism has morphed into Postmodernism and Cultural Marxist Theories. Both theories although not identical place man at the centre of his own universe with the socialist state at the pinnacle of its ontology. Here are a few quotes from Solzhenitsyn which defines how within each of us lies both the source of, and the cure for the mental pathogen of social collectivism. 

“If I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible what was the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: 'Men had forgotten God; that is why all this has happened.'” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“What would things been like [in Russia] if during periods of mass arrests people had not simply sat there, paling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but understood they had nothing to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people?” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask; by whom has it been elected and to whom is it responsible?” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Modern society is hypnotized by socialism. It is prevented by socialism from seeing the mortal danger it is in. And one of the greatest dangers of all is that you have lost all sense of danger, you cannot even see where it's coming from as it moves swiftly towards you.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“To do evil a human being must first of all believe that what he's doing is good... Ideology - that is what gives devildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination. That is the social theory which helps to make his acts seem good instead of bad in his own and others' eyes, so that he won't hear reproaches and curses but will receive praise and honors.” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” ~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

“Once we have taken up the word, it is thereafter impossible to turn away: A writer is no detached judge of his countrymen and contemporaries; he is an accomplice to all the evil committed in his country or by his people. And if the tanks of his fatherland have bloodied the pavement of a foreign capital, then rust-colored stains have forever bespattered the writer’s face. And if on some fateful night a trusting Friend is strangled in his sleep—then the palms of the writer bear the bruises from that rope. And if his youthful fellow citizens nonchalantly proclaim the advantages of debauchery over humble toil, if they abandon themselves to drugs, or seize hostages—then this stench too is mingled with the breath of the writer. Have we the insolence to declare that we do not answer for the evils of today’s world?…

The simple act of an ordinary brave man is not to participate in lies, not to support false actions! His rule: Let that come into the world, let it even reign supreme—only not through me. But it is within the power of writers and artists to do much more: to defeat the lie! For in the struggle with lies art has always triumphed and shall always triumph! Visibly, irrefutably for all! Lies can prevail against much in this world, but never against art…

One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world.” 

–From the speech delivered by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to the Swedish Academy on the occasion of his acceptance of the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed by Mikkel Clair Nissen is the utmost controversial exposé and carefully detailed description of the awful emotional mind game that facilitates communism, socialism, fascism, and social liberalism, known as collectivism. The book exposes Denmark, the supposed happiest nation on earth, for what it truly is: collectivism's biggest propaganda hoax. Danish author Mikkel Clair Nissen tells the hidden facts and realities of life in Denmark’s democratic-socialism that they never want you to know.

“The mental weapon of fear would undoubtedly be the quickest way to accomplish totalitarianism, which could be accomplished by spreading fear through terrorism, followed by disarmament, and ultimately a complete fascist military takeover. Threat and the fear of insecurity (i.e., crime and recession) allow authorities quick access to exceptional power of authority. To disable capitalism’s market freedom, the global warming issue proves to be a great tool to promote totalitarian-collectivism.” ― Mikkel Clair Nissen, Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed

“After all, Marxism is the world’s newest religion (doctrine). In fact, socialism has replaced religion in Denmark, where less than 3 percent of the Danes practice religion. Instead of praising a higher power, Danes seek complete contentment through the entitlement benefits and narcissistic supply achieved throughout the collective human organism.” ― Mikkel Clair Nissen, Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed

“Both previous examples resulted in Stockholm syndrome, in which people factually defended their subjugators though subconsciously they knew they were being abused; irrational, but like the Danes, they still present themselves as joyful. “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” —JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE” ― Mikkel Clair Nissen, Manipulism and the Weapon of Guilt: Collectivism Exposed

What is Mass Formation Psychosis?

Psychosis is when people lose some contact with reality. Mass formation psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader(s) or a series of events and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. A key aspect of the phenomena is that the people they identify as the leaders – the one’s that can solve the problem or issue alone – they will follow that leader(s) regardless of any new information or data. Furthermore, anybody who questions the leader’s narrative are attacked and disregarded.

There are four key components needed for an environment to experience a mass formation psychosis: lack of social bonds or decoupling of societal connections, lack of sense-making (things don’t make sense), free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent. Free-floating anxiety is a general sense of uneasiness that is not tied to any particular object or specific situation.

When followers start to participate in a strategy to deal with the object of anxiety, new social bonds typically emerge, and people change from a highly aversive negative mental state and isolation, to the exact opposite to the extremely high-level of connectedness that exists.




Monday, September 12, 2022

RE: Legacy media & Poilievre derangement syndrome

Their reaction was inevitable. It is the inescapable outcome of WOKE ideologues being confronted with reality. The shock and horror they are expressing is the result of Pierre Poilievre having had the temerity to state obvious facts. Facts like less government equals more freedom. Our State funded media propaganda machine demands absolute conformity to a State mandated social consensus. We need to sever the connection between media and politicians so that never again will "news" serve to further the government’s illiberal agenda!

The legacy media’s nonsensical rhetoric flies in the face of their constant insults to the traditional values that average Canadian still holds dear. In this regard to further their radical agenda there is no unfounded delusion they won't repeat as though it were fact! If we needed further proof government funded media is a mere propagandizing weapon of disinformation, then Poilievre derangement syndrome provides said proof!

The reason radicals in media favour the radicals in government is that they both promote the same radical agenda. Asking them why they are doing this fails to recognize who and what they are. Have you ever heard of Nazis and Communists admitting that their toxic ideology was and remains a complete tyrannical failure? Everything radicals do is done to further their version of a cultural revolution. Therefore, it is the job of all who love freedom, the Rule of Law, and Constitutionally limited government under proper parliamentary oversight to demonstrate that these folks are revolutionaries driven by pathological narcissism. We need to expose the source of the ideology which motivates them while explaining to the broader public why our way of life is under attack from radicals who have a revolutionary agenda! 

Why it is foolish to play whack-a-mole with the Devil: 

Pointing out that the legacy media’s narrative has been self-contradictory is useless, since believe it or not they do that deliberately. Rather go to the heart of the matter by demonstrating where their ideology originates and what its stated goals are. And that at the heart of their constant harping of redistribution of wealth and resource lies the belief that life is essentially a zero-sum game.

The zero-sum game of political narcissists and its psychological imbalance:

Although it sounds utterly fantastic that one can deny the evidence of their own eyes, ears, smell, taste, touch, and all that we know of the use of human reason, yes, just because this seems fantastic and therefore incomprehensible does not mean that this incredible behaviour is not a readily identifiable psychological phenomenon. Let us examine their tactics to rid ourselves of any naivety regarding what we can expect from them as we attack the sources of their mental pathogens, and I quote;

“Because of their personality disorder, narcissists tend to live life as a zero-sum game in which there are only winners and losers in any interaction or relationship.

Terrified of feeling like or being viewed as a “loser,” narcissists use numerous approaches designed to devalue, minimize, and control other people. Many of these tactics come naturally to narcissists and may be hard to spot.

8 of narcissists’ most potent tactics:

When dealing with narcissistic people, forewarned is forearmed.

1. Labeling

Narcissists love labels. Knowing that uttering a single word may temporarily reduce another’s sense of self or silence another can feel incredibly powerful for a narcissist. Examples include calling another person “loser,” “failure,” “stupid,” “weak,” or “needy.”

Ironically, narcissists’ labels reveal more about the narcissist than their target. One hallmark of narcissism is the frequent use of the defense mechanism of projection. Projection is when we unconsciously attribute to others feelings and judgments that we cannot tolerate recognizing within ourselves. Narcissists’ most-used labels tend to show their deepest fears about themselves.

For example, if “stupid” is a narcissist’s go-to label, it may indicate how desperate they are to feel smart, often in response to deep fears of being inadequate.

Or narcissists who love to call others “weak” may reveal their fear that not being strong would expose them to mortal danger.

2. Displacing

When we ignore or flee from unpleasant feelings, they may emerge indirectly as disowned aspects of ourselves. Narcissists have little tolerance for painful emotions. As a result, they tend to offload uncomfortable feelings on those around them.

For example, narcissists tend to carry a great deal of shame, but it is rarely in their conscious awareness. Instead, they displace their shame on others by trying to make others feel inferior and “carry” the narcissist’s shame for them.

For example, narcissists’ fears of being illegitimate may lead them to question others’ legitimacy. Their fear of being flawed can emerge as harping on another’s small misstep in an otherwise exemplary performance.

3. Exaggerating

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by distorted views of self, others, and the world. Given narcissists’ tendencies toward grandiosity, exaggerating is second nature to narcissists. Thus, narcissists’ looks, accomplishments, and possessions are the “greatest,” “perfect,” and “the best.”

Narcissists’ tendency to exaggerate works in reverse when applied to others. Narcissists may tell you that your comment was “the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard,” your outfit is “the ugliest,” or your performance was “the worst in history.”

4. Stonewalling

Narcissists have found that never backing down, even when they are wrong, can be a winning tactic. When faced with a narcissist’s persistent stonewalling, other people may simply give up and allow the narcissist to do whatever they want, much to the narcissist’s delight.

5. Scapegoating

Narcissists often blame one individual for a group’s problems. In doing so, they gain power, evade any responsibility they have in creating problems, and ostracize their target, which serves as a warning to others who might think of challenging the narcissist.

6. Intimidating

Narcissists tend to be bullies. They try to get what they want through verbal, psychological, or emotional brute force.

It is important to recognize intimidation and abuse. As the saying goes, “If you see something, say something.” Remember: Intimidation or threatening others is illegal in most places.

7. Gaslighting

Narcissists will deny what you know to be true in an attempt to destabilize you. For example, a narcissist may take something that belongs to you right before your eyes, but when you bring it up, deny that it happened. They will insist you are imagining things, denying all evidence to the contrary. The longer this gaslighting goes on, the more self-doubt you may feel about your perceptions.

8. Dehumanizing

Much like authoritarian regimes, narcissists classify others as inferior, unworthy, or evil to justify oppressing or attacking them. They may devalue you through dismissive remarks or hostile humor or treat you as “other,” seeking to make you feel subhuman and alone.

While we can have compassion for anyone suffering from a personality disorder or unhealthy narcissism, we do not have to accept destructive manipulative or controlling behavior from anyone. You have the right to be abuse-free in your personal and work life. Stand up for that right.

Copyright © 2021 Dan Neuharth Ph.D., MFT

And what was the phrase which Pierre used to send the legacy media and the government into paroxysm of writhing horror? Why personal autonomy and accountability, for its personal agency they detest since it limits their hold over us. It’s the identical reason that the legacy media loathes and mischaracterises Dr. Jordan B. Peterson. Both these men are advocates of personal agency, autonomy, and responsibility. Which an idea which once lay at the heart of the very concept of being a rugged Canadian individual, who was a hearty pioneer who forged ahead despite all life’s unfairness and vicissitudes for they are realities that all the self-entitled narcissism in the world cannot dismiss, assuage, or prevent.

Therefore Pierre Poilievre 's next challenge isn't merely defeating Trudeau's government in the next election, whenever that may be, his real challenge lies in defeating the toxic mindset of Woke ideology which has permeated the nation. An ideology which has absolutely captivated the pathological narcissists which inhabit both government and its lapdog the legacy media. We need to sever their narcissistic supply once and for all. May God Himself rid this nation of the curse of Postmodern Woke ideology which is poisoning the well of our democracy to return us to being the True North Strong and Free! And may Canadians never forget the abuse we have suffered at the hands of an arrogant, prideful class of Besserwissers who view us as a "fringe element holding unacceptable views" because the views that we cherish are the very traditions upon which this nation was founded under God!

Saturday, September 10, 2022

My thoughts on the passing of Queen Elizabeth II: Are Monarchy and liberty incompatible?


It's interesting to note I'm reading the same level of vitriol from libertarians who have no understanding of the long history of the Rule of English Common Law and therefore the value of a head of state detached from the political process. The Westminster Parliamentary System has resulted in creating some of the most successful governments on earth and when rights are challenged it is the very system that you're trashing which holds the key to restoring liberty under law.


In this those who claim to want liberty disembodied from the traditions under which it evolved share the identical delusion that socialists labour under, namely an idealized utopia which has never existed. Not only has such utopian ideology never created utopia (which is Greek for no place) every time it was attempted it created tyranny and social ruin. And one further thought, those who advocate such things never define in practice how their utopian vision will work outside of our current legal, constitutional, and parliamentary system which is based upon having a monarch as symbolic head of state representing our inherent rights, liberties, and courts of justice.


Since the Westminster Parliamentary System is the one we inherited let’s examine its achievements in creating the most successful and stable democracies the world has ever known. Dominions which encircle the globe that have provided the most functional responsible governments which have ever blessed mankind. And let me state the following clearly, the first to recognize that slavery was not an acceptable institution and plied the high seas at great expense to mother country to end it. Let’s be clear, slavery is an institution which still exists with an estimated thirty million people still living in bondage. And where does this bondage exist in its worst forms? Why under communist socialism where human beings are being used as organ harvesting platforms in CCP led China.


The City of St. Catharines was the final terminus on the Underground Railroad for hundreds of people fleeing slavery in the 1820s. The Underground Railroad and Niagara's Freedom Trail was a network of people who hid and guided enslaved black people who were leaving the United States and heading to British North America to seek freedom.


Harriet Tubman and abolition:

The railroad began at the “The Crossing,” which is located along the Niagara River by historic Fort Erie and ends at the British Methodist Episcopal Church, Salem Chapel. Harriet Tubman, an important Underground Railroad conductor and abolitionist attended this chapel which became an important space for early abolitionist activity in British North America. Tubman remained in St. Catharines for 10 years where she worked as an abolitionist and helped former enslaved people adjust to their new life.


William Hamilton Merritt, prominent businessmen and abolitionist, helped the new citizens purchase land to build the British Methodist Episcopal Church, Salem Chapel and later the Zion Baptist Church.


Ignorance of history not only destines us to repeat past mistakes, it demonstrates unforgivable laziness in an age when historical resources are available on-line. If we hope to advance the cause of responsible government ignorance will not serve our cause. These advances were made possible by famous jurists who had paved the way for universal recognition of liberty under law and universal suffrage.

2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."


Why we are getting our definitions of political and philosophical leanings incorrect:

The left-right political divide originated during the time of the French Revolution. To the right of the King (today's executive branch) sat those who believed the King had the right to veto acts of parliament while to the King's left sat those who believed that Parliament had the right to veto the King. Over many centuries Britain evolved the Westminster System to designate an almost purely symbolic role for its Monarch, which I deem to be essential to our system of governance. Magna Carta has had far reaching impact in this evolutionary process of limited government.


Sir Edward Coke of “Magna Carta is such a fellow that he will have no sovereign” fame explains one of the key sections of Magna Carta on English liberties (1642).


Sir Edward Coke:

Found in Selected Writings of Sir Edward Coke, vol. II


The English judge and Member of Parliament Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634) spelled out the full meaning of what it meant to have “English liberties.” Because he believed that “the liberty of a man’s person is more precious to him, then all the rest that follow” he listed the nine “branches” which made up the “tree of liberty” as understood in the mid-17th century:


Upon this Chapter [29] of Magna Carta, as out of a roote, many fruitfull branches of the Law of England have sprung…


This Chapter containeth nine severall branches.


1.    That no man be taken or imprisoned, but per legem terrae, that is, by the Common Law, Statute Law, or Custome of England; for these words, Per legem terrae, being towards the end of this Chapter, doe referre to all the precedent matters in this Chapter, and this hath the first place, because the liberty of a mans person is more precious to him, then all the rest that follow, and therefore it is great reason, that he should by Law be relieved therein, if he be wronged, as hereafter shall be shewed.

2.    No man shall be disseised, that is, put out of seison, or dispossessed of his free-hold (that is) lands, or livelihood, or of his liberties, or free customes, that is, of such franchises, and freedomes, and free customes, as belong to him by his free birth-right, unlesse it be by the lawfull judgement, that is, verdict of his equals (that is, of men of his own condition) or by the Law of the Land (that is, to speak it once for all) by the due course, and processe of Law.

3.    No man shall be out-lawed, made an exlex, put out of the Law, that is, deprived of the benefit of the Law, unlesse he be out-lawed according to the Law of the Land.

4.    No man shall be exiled, or banished out of his Country, that is, Nemo perdet patriam, no man shall lose his Country, unlesse he be exiled according to the Law of the Land.

5.    No man shall be in any sort destroyed (Destruere. i. quod prius structum, & factum fuit, penitus evertere & diruere) unlesse it be by the verdict of his equals, or according to the Law of the Land.

6.    No man shall be condemned at the Kings suite, either before the King in his Bench, where the Pleas are Coram Rege, (and so are the words, Nec super eum ibimus, to be understood) nor before any other Commissioner, or Judge whatsoever, and so are the words, Nec super eum mittemus, to be understood, but by the judgement of his Peers, that is, equalls, or according to the Law of the Land.

7.    We shall sell to no man Justice or Right.

8.    We shall deny to no man Justice or Right.

9.    We shall defer to no man Justice or Right.


Sir Edward Coke wrote a voluminous set of glosses on aspects of English law known as The Institutes. In this case, The Second Part of the Institutes, he glosses the meaning of the Great Charter (Magna Carta) of 1215. It elaborated in considerable detail the foundation upon which “English liberties” rested. It was not published until 1642, some 8 years after his death, but just in time to become part of the intellectual ammunition used by opponents of the Monarchy during the English civil war and revolution during the 1640s and 1650s. This quotation comes from chapter 29 on the section entitled “No Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties … but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land.” To Coke, this was the “root” from which sprang many “branches” of English law regarding individual liberty. One can imagine John Lilburne reading from this passage in his successful defence in his trial for treason in 1649. The jury of his peers acquitted him of all charges.


Only an ignorant fool would or could wish to ignore these traditions and the long history of the evolution of our Rule of Law. Her late Majesty had 15 Prime Ministers during her reign all of whom benefited from her advice and careful guidance. But what does this mean to us today? Since we choose to describe politics as left vs right we need to admit that those who claim to be leftists are actually extreme right wing authoritarians who want the executive to be able to veto parliament. This places them to the right of the King making Justin Trudeau an extreme right wing fanatic. This has been demonstrated clearly during COVID with Justin Trudeau suspending parliamentary oversight of government while giving himself unconstitutional powers to ignore the will of the people and their parliament!


Classical liberals in the English sense recognize the importance of the symbolic in government. Since Her late Majesty’s passing, I have read libertarians spewing the most vile and loathsome nonsense about Her and the role of the monarch in our Westminster version of limited, constitutional, parliamentary democracy without ever suggesting by what process we would be able to replace our system and what that new form of government would look like. It appears to me that libertarians despise the Rule of English Common Law which is arguably one of our greatest inheritances. It is the very reason that Lieutenant Governor Simcoe was appointed to the newly separated province of Upper Canada in the 1790's since the American Loyalists who lost their land in the states did not want to live under French Civil Law which Lower Canada had at that time and indeed still has today.


If we are to hope for greater liberty under law by ignoring the traditions which has created the most successful democracies on earth, we are merely deluding ourselves. For libertarians to assert they have something better than our admittedly flawed system of government without having a single example of the form of government they advocate ever having existed shares a similar delusion that leads radical socialists to claim that communism has never been tried is spite of all its tyranny and failures. So, if you hope to increase liberty here in Canada, I strongly advise a little gratitude for those who struggled mightily within the Westminster System to apply Magna Carta to all men by reminding our illiberal and authoritarian government that Magna Carta is such a fellow as will have no sovereign. We have much work to do but that work will not be accomplished by tearing down. It can only be furthered by building on the millennia old foundations which began in the times of Witan and Ting on to the modern Westminster System which exist throughout the Commonwealth today. After all we have a common enemy, namely those who have the temerity to believe they are sovereign to Magna Carta! It will be more than sufficient for us to remind them on no uncertain terms that no one is above the Grand Charter and that the Rule of Law must apply equally to all!

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

A word of warning to parents: They've come for your children

Why I believe we have abandoned our children and our sacred duty to them by allowing them to become wards of the Postmodern State: 

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.” ― George Orwell

Facts simply do not matter to Postmodernists, and its bastard cousins the Cultural Marxists, since they're only dedicated to promoting a narrative which furthers their cultural revolution. Which is why any attempt to demonstrate their ideology is based upon obvious untruths will result in narcissistic projection, denial, and rage. Look at the narcissistic projection behind the pillorying and vilifying of such notable academics as Dr. Gad Saad, Dr. Julie Ponesse, and Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, just to name a few, whose sole sin has been to expose the ideological biases prevalent in the Academy.

Which is why it's foolish for conservatives and libertarians to attack radical policies since radicals are constantly inventing new ones based upon Marxist fantasies. Rather I prefer to go straight to the ideology which possesses them. And believe me, they are possessed by idea pathogens. Their adherence to mere dogma has become a replacement for religion, a religion which has no factual basis and no historical validity. They're the reincarnation of Eric Clapton's Blind Faith with Marshall stacks dialed up to 12 to drown out the cognitive dissonance.

RE: Postmodernism, Cultural Marxism, and the humanities:

I am astounded that most parents are unaware that our universities are teaching our children not to become individuals. That they are telling our children that they're not autonomous beings capable of individual thought and action, but merely an extension of the collective. I'm also appalled that anyone who listens to their professor’s Neo-Marxist drivel wouldn't react violently against this attempt at indoctrination. The most important thing to me when I was young was to develop my own unique sense of self identity. My parents and my teachers tried to force me into their own preconceived mold, yet I rebelled relentlessly. I never wanted to be anyone but me. What makes a human being think that they should surrender their autonomy and individuality at the door of the lecture hall to be rendered into a flavourless soup? That and the fact that there's not a single politician talking about the toxic social collectivist ideology being taught in our universities at the taxpayer’s expense. There's not been a moment spent on the floors of parliament provincially or federally to discuss this hideous nonsense and the enormous expenditure of resources used to promulgate it. As I mentioned previously, I have subscribed to from which I receive academic papers on Cultural Marxist theory. I don't open every one of the papers I receive in my inbox, but I do sample their content from time to time so that I may speak intelligently about Postmodern and Neo-Marxist theory. Why would I, other than to inform myself to give the devil his due? So no, it's not a lot of work as my friend John Rebelo stated, rather it provokes rage in me. I rage against the darkness that is closing in on all of us, in particular this hideous cultural assault directed at our children! It's perverse and unnatural that I have no words to define how ugly it is! 

So, the Neo-Marxist Cultural Revolution proceeds unabated despite all the evidence of the failures and tyranny of social collectivism. Yet the Postmodernists appear to be winning even as society embraces this toxic ideology. Yet many still have the temerity to wonder why we are faced with social and economic ruin! Which leads to me to this conclusion regarding the psychology of those who fall prey to this idea pathogens.

We elect psychopaths to govern us:

I can't believe how incredibly narcissistic one would need to be to believe that their knowledge of systems of infinite complexity are sufficient for them to make statements about wanting to change the world when they aren't even capable of changing themselves. The constant meddling and deconstructing of systems which took millennia to evolve are being torn down before our very eyes by fools whose sole achievement is deconstructing the very things which they ought to be building up! Like our oil and gas sector under proper parliamentary oversight which will truly respond to the democratic will of the people!

Pathological leaders are completely incapable of understanding the principles of democracy, as they see themselves as superior and life as a competitive battle where the most ruthless deserve to dominate others. Once in power, they do their utmost to dismantle or discredit democratic institutions, including the freedom and legitimacy of the press independent of State control.

In other words, electing narcissists and psychopaths to public office is tantamount to national hara-kiri, the ritualized act of self-annihilation, self-destruction, and suicide. It signals the demise of democracy and lays the foundation for a totalitarian regime that is legalistic, militaristic, inflexible, intolerant and inhumane.

The kind of individuals who want power the most, the most ruthless and unempathetic, are the ones who shouldn't have power at all. All potential leaders and members of a government should be thoroughly examined and tested by psychologists to determine whether they have one or more personality disorders, thereby determining their fitness for power.

I believe it was the elite's plan all along to create generations of humanoid automatons who have had the ability to question authority driven out of them to ensure their blind conformity to the dictates of the State.

Every single hideous idea poisoning society today has originated from radical social collectivism in the Academy. Every single policy which emanates from these Postmodernists and Cultural Marxists has resulted in them demanding that the executive branch of government be granted arbitrary powers to use force to promulgate their toxic ideology. And the way this was forced upon us began in the Germanic school system modelled by North American "educators" who took tiny tots away from their parents to turn them into wards of the State! K to 12 is where this social engineering begins. It's time to deconstruct the toxic environment our children are forced into by returning our education system to the control of the parents and away from ideologically possessed teachers, the teachers’ unions, and Big Government. Since at present we are permitting our children's minds and hearts to be poisoned with toxic notions of gender fluidity and pernicious claims that our society is essentially a patriarchal tyranny!

Be prepared for narcissistic rage as we tackle this most vital of all issues: 

When we hold a narcissist accountable for their behaviour we must prepare for a flood of denial and projection. Invariably this will result in the narcissist pinning the tail on the donkey who dared to point out how their behaviour affects us and rage over the fact that we are refusing to provide them with further narcissistic supply sufficient to sustain their self-delusion. Our children have been under assault while we have slept blindly trusting that those whom we have elected and entrusted to care for them actually had their best interests at heart. Spoiler alert: ideologically possessed narcissists are power mongers who need to have their narcissistic supply surgically removed. It will be insufficient merely to remove corrupt politicians and their bureaucratic minions from office. And it won’t be enough to remove toxic Neo-Marxist professors from the Academy. First and foremost, we must admit to ourselves that we have allowed this to happen. That we stood by and did nothing while every sacred institution upon which our democracy depends was corrupted and contaminated by radical Neo-Marxist ideology. We must not merely demand that our institutions be rid of this nefarious ideology, we must pray since we need God to restore order to our broken land, and as the song says:





It brings life everlasting,

Gives beauty for our scars,

Replaces fear with courage

Chases away the dark,

Transforming what was hopeless into victory,

It makes the lame start dancing,

It sets the prisoners free,

Oh, hear them sing,

Let justice roll, let it roll through me

Let mercy flow, let it flow through me

Let righteousness, let it pour through me

Let justice roll, let justice roll

Monday, September 5, 2022

Critical Theory at York: listen to this bafflegab being taught to your kids with our tax dollars

 Please tell me what this means, I am too stupid to understand!

What did he just say? A test, listen to the toxic bafflegab being fed to our kids at York University paid for with our taxes. In my podcast you can see clearly hear the toxic nature of social collectivism. This article is only one of hundreds I receive in my inbox daily. To think that we are paying for this toxic mind meld with our taxes is galling. It's time we write our MP's and MPP's to demand defunding of the Academy!

Why the reactionary left is at war with Trump

  Our present cultural dilemma: Clickbait noun ˈklik-ˌbāt: something (such as a headline) designed to make readers want to click on a hype...