Every generation of believer when faced with social decay and moral apostasy began to predict they lived at the end of days. The reason for this is that they looked at the symptoms of the problem mankind was facing rather than at the root cause and its solution. Any fool can know the symptoms of social rot, but it takes insight and wisdom to offer solutions to a world maddened by spiritual confusion. When I was young, I attended an evangelical fellowship in St. Catharines. Its preachers stated verbatim that Christ would return within 40 years of Israel becoming a nation again. This arrogant assertion turned them into false prophets. Many today are claiming they know that Christ's return is eminent yet even He stated He didn't know the day nor the hour. We are called to be the salt of this world. If you truly hope in Christ, it is to you that commission is given. The prevailing Cultural Marxist social revolution with its apostate ideology of Critical Race and Queer Theory is designed to destroy humanity's social cohesion, the nuclear family, and the nature of human sexuality. If Christians refuse to get real by addressing this pernicious moral perversity, then the Lord isn't about to remove you from your obligation to stand for His Truth in an age of spiritual apostasy!
Matthew 24:36 New American Standard Bible “But
about that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the
Son, but the Father alone.
God is not a gumball machine nor is He a get
out of jail free card neither is life a game of Monopoly. Why is Monopoly so significant
to today’s topic? Because the game creates nothing since it merely hoards what
already exists into fewer and fewer hands till only one is left owning all. This
defines the dialectical materialism of Marx and Engels in a nutshell. This is
the latent and little understood reason for socialism, it believes that life is
a zero-sum proposition. This is why it seeks to hoard all things unto itself
while destroying the existing system of “production”. In contradiction to this
apostasy God is the God of creation who calls into existence what previously had
not existed. The very creative nature of God therefore stands in opposition to
life as a zero-sum proposition. But there is more for since we are created in His
image we have been created to create, and by our words and actions we are
called to call into existence things which previously did not exist. This makes
our living faith the opposite of a zero-sum game but to create we must face the
challenge of resistance from the enemy who seeks to destroy this process of
creation because he hates God’s creation itself. Therefore, there can be no
escaping our persecution nor do the Scriptures promise us such.
But where did the idea that God will save us from
persecution originate?
It is important that we examine the basis of
the doctrine of Secret Rapture for this Secret Rapture doctrine was unknown
before the 19th century and did not become a pillar doctrine within
evangelicals until the first half of the 20th century. Allow me to clarify that
the Second Coming written about in 1st Corinthians 15:51-52 & 2nd
Thessalonians 4:16-17) is Biblical. However, I need to address the false
doctrine of an unscriptural Pre-Tribulation Secret Rapture.
The Mysterious Origin of Secret Rapture
and the Jesuit Order of Counter-Reformation
In 1590, Francisco Ribera, a Roman Catholic
Jesuit, taught Futurism, the idea that most of Revelation was about the future
rather than about the Catholic Church. He taught that the antichrist is a single
individual who is to come in the distant future. Most protestant reformers like
Martin Luther, John Huss, John Wycliffe, John Calvin, and the translators of
the King James Bible firmly believed that the Pope was the antichrist since the
anti-Christ was prophesied to be a false Christ to a fallen apostate church.
This is why the Papacy claims to have the power to absolve sin, something which
Christ alone has done by virtue of the finished work of the Cross.
What are the keys of papacy?
The silver key symbolises the power to bind and
loose on Earth, and the gold key the power to bind and loose in Heaven. The
primary emblem of the papacy is these two keys beneath a triregnum also known
as the papal tiara. The Jesuit order was created as part of the Counter-Reformation
movement which the Catholic Church undertook at the Council of Trent in 1545.
Jesuit Francisco Ribera was tasked with countering the current popular belief
that the Papacy is the office of the Antichrist. The Jesuit Francisco Ribera
created Futurism to place the antichrist into the distant future to safeguard
the image of the Papacy. Manuel Lacunza, a Jesuit Priest invented the Rapture.
Manuel Lacunza (1731–1801), was a Jesuit priest (under the Jewish pseudonym
Juan Josafat Ben Ezra), wrote an apocalyptic work entitled "La venida del
Mesías en gloria y majestad" or “The
Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty”. The book appeared first in 1811
and in 1827, it was translated into English by the Scottish minister Edward
Irving. In 1825, Irving accepted the One-Man Antichrist idea of Catholic Jesuit
priests Robert Bellarmine and Francisco Ribera. John
Nelson Darby (18 November 1800 – 29 April 1882) was an Anglo-Irish Bible
teacher, one of the influential figures among the original Plymouth Brethren
and the founder of the Exclusive Brethren. He is considered to be the father of
modern Dispensationalism and Futurism. Pre-tribulation rapture theology was
popularized extensively in the 1830s by John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth
Brethren, and further popularized in the United States in the early 20th
century by the wide circulation of the Scofield Reference Bible.
Since the Plymouth Brethren were Calvinists, this
false doctrine spread into the Baptist fellowships then on to the Pentecostals.
During the 1970s, belief in the rapture became popular in wider circles,
because of the books of Hal Lindsey, including “The Late Great Planet Earth”,
which has reportedly sold between 15 million and 35 million copies, and the
movie “A Thief in the Night”. In 1995, the doctrine of the pre-tribulation
rapture was further popularized by Tim LaHaye's “Left Behind” series of books, which
sold tens of millions of copies and was made into several movies and four
real-time strategy video games.
All of this false doctrine exists out of hoping
to escape our obligation to be a co-creator with God, and out of a desire to
escape filling up that which is lacking in Christ’s sufferings. From Colossians
1:24 New American Standard Bible “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake,
and in my flesh I am supplementing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions in
behalf of His body, which is the church.”
So, there you have it, no man knows the hour of
His coming, but we know this, we are commissioned to remain ever on dutiful watch
while employed in the business of co-creation. Christ holds the answer to the re-building
of a Godly generation. Today’s society is besotted with Neo-Marxist apostasy which
causes its adherents to tear down the very foundations of social order, civil
harmony, and the nuclear family. But our answer to this is found in Colossians
1:16-18 New American Standard Bible “16 for by Him all things were created,
both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or
dominions, or rulers, or authorities—all things have been created through Him
and for Him. 17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
18 He is also the head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the
firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in
everything.” Therefore Christ is returning for those who love His appearing and
who are ushering in His coming by remaining steadfast in ensuring His Kingdom
comes and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. From 2nd Timothy
4:8 New American Standard Bible “8 in the future there is reserved for me the
crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me
on that day; and not only to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
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