Monday, May 8, 2023

What happens when the fear of God is replaced with the fear of the MAN?

Beware of normative deconstruction. There's a reason things have worked the way they did in the past namely, because they worked! 

RE: WOKE and the loss of the fear of God

I read many posts from conservatives and Christians who criticize WOKEISM without understanding its origins. It goes all the way back to the 1930's and to the sociologists and psychologists from Frankfurt Germany who formed the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism. They did so since by the 1930’s despite the Great Depression it had become evident that the proletariat was not going to spontaneously revolt against the bourgeoisie. This led them to reinvent Marx’s and Engels’ original theory into one which pitted the intersectionally oppressed against society itself which they labelled as a patriarchal tyranny. This is the origin of the prevailing victim cult which has captured the West where guilt is assigned based upon immutable characteristics and innocence applied to those who can claim they are intersectionally oppressed. Obviously, this is a Satanic counterfeit which replaces the idea of original sin, the need for redemption in Christ and the value of our personal moral life.  Since the founders of the Frankfurt School were Jews, they were forced to flee Nazi Germany to North America where they subsequently taught Neo-Marxist Critical Theory in our Universities and helped to found the forerunner of the CIA, Wild Bill Donovan’s OSS. However, it is quite likely that those who are most under the sway of WOKEISM are unaware of the source of their ideological possession even though Critical Race and Queer Theory are pages torn out of Cultural Marxist doctrine. Let me be clear, it isn't sufficient to recognize the symptoms of an illness. In order to treat the illness, one must first understand how to combat the pathogen by studying the pathogen.

While it is true as Dr. David Starkey once famously asserted, "All bad ideas are French. It is an absolute principle of human existence.", it is also true that the Germans borrowed those ideas to hone them into totalitarian tyranny! At the heart and centre of this tyranny is replacing the fear of God with the fear of man in the form of illiberal authoritarian state control right down to what you will be permitted to think, say, where you can go, who you are allowed to associate with, and do business with. It will deliberately force you to abandon your perception of reality to replace the evidence of your own eyes with fantastical delusion.

WOKE is hiding under a guise of “liberalism”!

Nothing could be more indicative of the prevailing social idiocy than not understanding the difference between the liberty implicit in the name "Liberalism" from the "Dialectical Materialism" implicit to socialism. To the former the only limit to achievement is man's own creativity and entrepreneurial spirit and to the latter everything is limited by the fact socialism posits that life is a zero-sum enterprise necessitating controlled economies and controlled outcomes. Those two principles couldn't possibly be greater polar opposites. If the needs of the many outweigh the rights of even one individual, then tyranny will be the result.

But to violate and destroy all the rules which define normality is the very purpose of the Cultural Marxist Revolution. Remember how during COVID the authorities repeatedly used the phrase, "the new normal" only for us to discover later that what the authorities were forcing on us was neither normal nor did it effectively mitigate the pandemic? This wasn't a simple mistake or an oversight on their part rather it was an experiment in state sanctioned social manipulation and engineering. Our elected leaders had colluded with unelected multinational conglomerates and investment bankers who are intent on herding society down a very dark path not unlike what happened in Communist China under Mao during his Cultural Revolution. During lockdowns Trudeau’s policies were interrupting our supply chain which necessitated the Freedom Convoy protests. The truckers had recognized that the government was deliberately damaging the supply chain, as a result they felt they needed to warn us as concertedly as possible of the damage being wreaked upon us by Trudeau’s foolish mandates. For similar reasons during China’s Cultural Revolution Mao’s policies resulted in food being in desperate shortage as food production fell dramatically. The resulting famine caused the deaths of more than 30 million people, particularly in the more impoverished inland regions. This is why Trudeau's policies are targeting the most vulnerable and marginalized among us. It is no wonder then why Trudeau stated all those years ago that he admires Communist China's ability to turn things around on a dime especially now that we know that the CCP funded his Neo-Marxist deconstruction of our social order and economy! For the love of God Canada, wake up and turn away from your fascination with Neo-Marxism. We now know that the virus was artificially created. We have evidence that governments all throughout the Western World used COVID and Climate Catastrophizing as an excuse to generate fear and panic to fundamentally alter social order and the nature of our economies. We must demand that our elected representatives do the only two things that justifies democratic government of the people and by the people namely, to defend our borders by maintaining the sovereignty of each nation’s interests while enforcing the Rule of Law within each border! Our governments at present are doing the opposite since under their illiberal authoritarian rule Western society has grown ever more lawless while our venal and corrupt political leaders pander to a wicked globalist agenda that is proving itself to be just as dangerous to our freedoms as the CCP is to the Chinese people where it oppresses and murders its own citizens just to cling to power! Do we really want the same species of tyranny to govern the West? If you do not, then consider the following admonitions from the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon who knew how to judge and govern his people wisely:

Proverbs 3:7, “Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.”

Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Proverbs 10:27, “The fear of the Lord prolongs days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.”

For when we lose the fear of God that source of Divine wisdom to govern ourselves well will be replaced by the totalitarian fear of government dominated by the enemy of our souls. Satan is WOKE to what is written about in 1st Peter 5:8 which warns us to “Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times.” Since “That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.”, for as it is written in 1st John 5:19 — American Standard Version (ASV) 19 We know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in the evil one.

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